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[CENTER][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#2376E1][B]On the mountain peak, you come across a journal lyinging in the frozen snow. The journal does not contain an information page with the name of the author or their contact information. Although you do not wish intrude upon someone else's privacy, curiosity gets the better on you and you begin to read the journal. You reason with yourself it was best to do so, so you might come upon the location of its author so you may return it to its rightful place....[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
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Today is a good day <3

Posted 07-24-2009 at 03:34 AM by Winterwolfgoddess (||Wintery Wonder Land|| Personal Blog Edition)

Why hello blog I have ignored for so long!

I would just like to say today is a good day for me on Menewsha. The new increase of new users is great and I am happy to see the activity. It has been a while. It has been a while since I have met new users who I have chatted with for a while, rather than just a few posts. I have also met some people I recognized from other sites but never really talked to until now.

I honestly think I posted more today than i have in a while and it feels good and exciting. I hope the increase in users and activity stays.

We also got new mods today which is also good news. Though i am sad some of the older mods have left their positions. Oh well. ^^ Alls well is ends well.

Miss You Guys <3
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Views 1185 Comments 0 Winterwolfgoddess is offline

Oh How I hate thee, Chili's

Posted 07-12-2008 at 09:46 PM by Winterwolfgoddess (||Wintery Wonder Land|| Personal Blog Edition)

[CENTER][COLOR="Red"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]Once a week, typically on a Saturday, my family goes out to eat at a restraunt. Any other day of the week, we cook ourselves. This week my mom was craving a good hamburger. She says the Chili's has the best hamburgers in down.

Everyone in my household knows I hate their food. I have tried 4 different dishes, one for each time we went their, and all were repulsive. Well, the except for the tilipia I had on the last visit. It's only problem is what it was over spiced.

This go around, I tried the chicken taco. I hate really spicy food, so I asked for them to make it with the pico de gallo to be on the safe side this time. However, the description said NOTHING about sauce being on it. I never except a restraunts sauce on food. I rather it be on the side so I can try it. I am not a big sauce person. Hell, when we have spaghetti, I put literally about half a teaspoon of sauce on it.

So thusly, when I recieved my order I was disgusted. My dad asked me to give it a chance, so after glaring at him, I took a bite. I thought I would gag. It was disgusting and the chicken had a lot of fat. -_- I hate fat.

My sister liked it however, so we brought it home and I was stuck munching off the french fries on my mom's and her plate. There was much left.

In conclusion, I am sitting her hungery since the only thing I have had to eat all day was I bite of that chicken taco, about a handful of fries, and a half a donut this morning.

I am so making onion soup tonight. xD I think that is going to be my new Saturday evening dinner plan since the last few restraunts we have went to I do NOT like. I will just start cooking my own dinner. xD [/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
Miss You Guys <3
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Views 492 Comments 0 Winterwolfgoddess is offline

Where has the spark gone?

Posted 06-27-2008 at 11:07 PM by Winterwolfgoddess (||Wintery Wonder Land|| Personal Blog Edition)

The thing that sparked my interest is now dwindling as I sit here on Menewsha, in boredom. I find myself more and more losing interest in the site as the days and weeks go by. And the more I sit her, the more I think of what else I can be doing. I have even resorted to attempting to cook.( And I apparently cook better than I thought. o.o;; )

What else is there?I have played the games, met new people, completed all quests strictly for myself and now, what else am I to do? Continue to make avatars? Well, I joined Project Mene for that, to give me something to do and spark ideas for new avatars.

The point is, what else is to come, and how long is it before it comes? We hear pieces of this or that, but no official announcements. And as far as announcements go, very few. I know that the staff are busy working on updating current shop items and such, and Ken is working on recoding the games or something like that, but what else? What is there for us to look forward to and anticipate to come. I mean, it is sad that I am resorting to lurking some staff members posts to find out hints on what is going on. It would be nice to get some straight answers instead of ones that are shady. I miss when we got announcements on almost a weekly basis, since I felt informed then, but now it seems all quiet now.

I would just like a reason to continue to have interest on this site that I love so much, so I will have some spark on interest to keep me entertained and unlurking.

I am just kind or bored and depressed lately I guess....
Miss You Guys <3
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