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[CENTER][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#2376E1][B]On the mountain peak, you come across a journal lyinging in the frozen snow. The journal does not contain an information page with the name of the author or their contact information. Although you do not wish intrude upon someone else's privacy, curiosity gets the better on you and you begin to read the journal. You reason with yourself it was best to do so, so you might come upon the location of its author so you may return it to its rightful place....[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
My Life

Seriously... STOP DYING!!!!!

Posted 09-19-2008 at 03:40 AM by Winterwolfgoddess (||Wintery Wonder Land|| Personal Blog Edition)

New person to add to the list I had from a previous blog named "Is it the Year of Death or something?"

A couple of days ago, a family friend died so, for September:
Ronald S.- Age 47; died on September 14, 2008 in his sleep.

I grew up with his son and daughther, and have known him since I was three. So yeah...The year on death continues on....

On a lighter note, I will try to start being more active again. Lately it hasn't been because of school, but instead monopoly and star ocean. xD

o.o;; I also got a cell phone. My dad said I was asking my sister about it( and her plan) and since he got 2 free phones when he switched plans, he got me one. o.0;; It wasn't really that I wanted a phone, but I just about needed one, espicially because of the sucky transportation from tech to my highschool, particulary on test days. I need something to use to contact for a ride. XD
But Yeah....I hate talking on the phones and crap. That is probably the only reason why he put me on the plan: My phone conversations average is 25 secounds. xD I won't be running up a phone bill.
Miss You Guys <3
Posted in My Life, Random
Views 1169 Comments 0 Winterwolfgoddess is offline

Highschool Senior Year SUCKS

Posted 08-18-2008 at 10:56 PM by Winterwolfgoddess (||Wintery Wonder Land|| Personal Blog Edition)

Dear ARJ,[INDENT]Yes, our Class of 2009 may be the biggest and brightest one you have had to graduate in years. Yes, a bell curve is nonexistent in our GPAs as well as really low scores....BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SENIOR CLASS! You know we have been procrastinators all throughout our highschool journey, but making our senior year our hardest is just not right. We are risking our GPAs here... We cannot take the classes we want to, because they are "easy". Nope, you just place us in an Advanced Placement class without asking, making our schedule unchangable because of the classes we have to take. That is just wrong...

Sorry, just had to get that out.

Miss You Guys <3
Views 1837 Comments 1 Winterwolfgoddess is offline

Is it the Year of Death or something?

Posted 07-15-2008 at 09:16 AM by Winterwolfgoddess (||Wintery Wonder Land|| Personal Blog Edition)

[CENTER][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Purple"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]Over the last few months, there has either been a few deaths to family friends or relatives, or an anniversary(people I knew personally). Or a time limit set on someones life (today).

Lets make a list, Shall we?

Aunt Monica (dad's oldest sister)- 3 year anniversary of death. Cancer

Opa (dad's father)- 5 year anniversary of death. Heart attack. Retired Sergeant Major from the US Army. Retired from other things as well... My personal idol-like hero.
Mr. and Mrs. Stump (family friends)- Died within a week of each other. Old couple. I do not know cause of death precisely. (army)

Dave S. (Friend of family)- Died from heart problems
Cliff(friend of family)- Died from lung froms. Honary soldier who fought in the Vietnam War, where he recieved many medals, including 3 purple hearts.
Uncle Luie's mom(friend of family)- I do not know what from.
Barry (family friend)- Diabetes
Mrs. Bags(family friend)- cancer
Great Uncle Sam- I do not know cause of death either. He was also in the army.

Barry (family friend)- Cancer
Aunt Beth (Mom's older sister)- 1 year anniversary of death. Liver problems
Uncle Robert(mom's youngest sister's husband)- Found out he has a year to 2 years to live or something like that from some some heart-related fit.

Great Aunt Margarette- I do not know death

Noah(9 year old cousin at time of death, mother's side)- 2nd death, technically. Drowned at age 3. Revived after around 45min work. Comatose state 'til death, and essentially a vegetable the final year. 3 year anniversary of death coming up.

Other than that, there have been 3 other deaths unrecorded by me since I really do not know who they are, i never met them. They were old friends of my family.

There are other relatives as well. xD I do not know when they died and I do not remember ever meeting them either so yeah....

Basically, all these deaths, and anniversary of deaths, and an announcement of death are all kind of depressing....

However, how everyone is going lately, I wouldn't be surprised when we here of yet ANOTHER death.

Miss You Guys <3
Posted in My Life
Views 488 Comments 0 Winterwolfgoddess is offline

Nice to Know That...

Posted 07-08-2008 at 06:35 AM by Winterwolfgoddess (||Wintery Wonder Land|| Personal Blog Edition)

[CENTER][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Well, apparently my family sees me as a harsh individual who only shows the occasional sign of friendliness or something like that. This little conversation somehow led to this direction when I meerly stated that I did not think my Great Aunt liked me. Not that I minded too much since I do not takely lightly to hypocritical bitches who stur up old arguments and feeling in my family too much.

Anyways, it led to both my mom and dad telling me that I a always push people away and was pretty harsh to some people and had an attitude a lot of times and that I was not going to get a good job or lasting friendships if I continue to act the way I do. I simply replied I can fake it quite easily. My sister had to open her mouth and said I need to fake it all next school year.

Quite frankly, I am not a people person. And it doesn't matter how much I push people away since for some abnormal reason I still make friends at school that try to latch on to me and make me more sociable each year. It is awkward.

What my family, more importantly my parents, does not realize it is certain actions and incidents in my family that made me the way I am and why I have so many different personalities depending on what the situation calls for. I honestly do not think my family remembers that I saw and heard when I was little when it was my father himself who yelled for me to wake my grandmother to call the police. I do not think the realize that every time my mother does to the hospital that my mind reverts and replays that five year old experience in my head.

Which it makes it all the more amusing in a dark way that my mid older sister's recently ex-boyfriend said I was the only normal one of three sisters. Oh how little does he and my family know. :sarcasm:[/COLOR][/CENTER]
Miss You Guys <3
Posted in My Life
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