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[I][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Random thoughts of mine--sometimes collected, sometimes not so much. It all works out; I try to keep it categorized.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I]
Fanfictions These discuss my fanfictions, as I'd like to do that. You can check if you're really interested, I suppose.

Story discussion + Rambling All.

Posted 09-09-2009 at 02:31 AM by Wordstreamer (When did we get a Pajama Event?)

This isn't a fanfiction as such--but it is inspired by songs (although I intend for it not to become a traditional songfic, or at least what I've seen most often as "songfic").

Ever since I first heard Grand Theft Autumn by Fall Out Boy, I've wanted to do a story around it. Headfirst Into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet fits into that same little niche--I want to do a story, probably based around those two. And I have no idea what, or how it will go. Ugh. I'll probably just start writing at some point and see where it flows to. It's just a bit frustrating that I have something blocked up--not like the normal writer's block that I experience, but more like a river that's dammed, because it's trying to get out but it won't.

Is that what writer's block is usually like for people?


Also, school. It's much more intense than it was last semester--which makes sense, because I currently have five classes, three of which are art classes which require a lot of outside work, I have two jobs, and another class that will start in a month and a half. I'm just hoping that I can hold up under all of it. I really might take a vacation in winter if I can--I never do over the summer, and it bit me in the ass freshman year and the first half of last year.

I realize it sounds bad--but I hadn't had a break, any sort of vacation, since my sophomore year of high school. My mother insisted that despite the fact that I was taking piano lessons, dancing in various locations, and doing band camp, I needed to take summer classes so that I wouldn't be "doing nothing". Senior year didn't have band camp, but did have college preparation. And piano. And dance. And summer classes. By freshman year, I really wanted a break--and I didn't get one; there was also a lot of stress (my father's parents both died over the last two years, my senior year was INCREDIBLY stressful, and both my cat and my boyfriend's cat died). And then I worked while still trying to force myself to pretend to be happy happy cheery cheery (because the school here is big on that), have time to myself, and do things that I didn't care about on a schedule that didn't work with professors who I didn't like. (I did like some of them. Part of my schedule was good. But overall, it was a mess.)

Then I did something last year that could have turned out phenomenally bad, but didn't.

I realize that there's the "When you get out into the real world, you don't get vacation!"

But you do. You can take vacation days, sick days, etc. Some jobs will even pay you for the vacation days, depending on how long you've been there, etc. Not ALL jobs, no. And how crazy stressed do people get when they don't have some down time once in a while?

Anyway. This turned into a ramble, and it wasn't meant to. But it was something that I was thinking about, and now it's out, so I suppose that much is good.
Nifty Fairy of the North
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Dark Queen

Posted 03-18-2009 at 07:56 PM by Wordstreamer (When did we get a Pajama Event?)

[I][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Gah! I suck at titles. "Dark Queen"? I mean, really.

I don't know how long this would be--longer than a one-shot, shorter than my other endeavours--but the idea here is that Harry suddenly gets a crush on Ginny. Yees. BUT. Given the description, it sounds like it could be something more sinister than that. :O Harry's a Horcrux and Voldemort's used him (lightly) in the past. ....... *shudder* That came out differently than I meant it. But, yeah. Voldemort has also used Ginny in the past. What if a part of his soul became embedded in Ginny (as he was taking away her life to solidify during second year) and they're responding to each other? o.O Or something like that. It's an idea that I just had a minute or two ago, so I'm not at all clear on how it would work. Or if I'll be able to fix the title. Or what Ginny's feelings on this are. (I think that she'd come up firmly against it. But I'm not positive.) Or how this would end. Just getting it out there while I'm thinking of it.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I]
Nifty Fairy of the North
Posted in Fanfictions
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Posted 03-18-2009 at 07:52 PM by Wordstreamer (When did we get a Pajama Event?)

[I][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]I can't tell you how often I've seen that while searching through fanfictions, trying to find something to read. Slytherin!Harry. Dark!Harry. Etc, etc. But I have decided--nearly decided--to write a fanfiction based around the idea that the Sorting Hat didn't want to listen to an eleven year old. So little Harry winds up in Slytherin and he goes through his seven years at Hogwarts.... With some changes. ;) I don't know how that'd go, but I'm interested. Most of the stories that I've seen feature an already-established Slytherin Harry, or one who suddenly says "You know what? I wanna be evil. EVILEVILEVIL." Which doesn't make much sense to me. The established one can, but... Yeah. :sweat: There would probably be a Draco/Harry pairing in here in the end, too. Just because I'm predictable like that. If it's not working, I won't be forcing it.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I]
Nifty Fairy of the North
Posted in Fanfictions
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The Real/True Harry Potter

Posted 03-18-2009 at 07:48 PM by Wordstreamer (When did we get a Pajama Event?)
Updated 03-18-2009 at 07:53 PM by Wordstreamer

[I][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Gah. It makes me think of people who are rather thin standing up. But it's fitting.

My basic thought process was: How realistic is the series? No, no; I'm not talking about the magic and everything. I know how realistic THAT is. But I'm wondering how realistic it is that Voldemort and the Death Eaters do some things, but don't do others. *nudges* I'm pretty sure that you get what I mean. I also find it pretty unrealistic that so few people died. I know! A lot of people DID die. A lot of main characters--or at least serious supporting cast--died. But none of the core group died. Only one Weasley died. (I'll agree that one is too many--and I really liked Fred--but one out of the nine that were fairly central to the entire plot?) The Ministry didn't go after the Weasleys sooner? There were other things, too.

(There's also a theory that I've read where Harry's relationship with Ginny doesn't make much sense, and I'll admit that I agree. Throughout the entire fifth book, I rather thought that Harry and Luna were going to get together--and I thought that was sort of sweet--and then all of a sudden, BAM! Mad raging hormone-beast that lives in his body has a craaazy crush on Ginny. Kind of sudden. I've heard of sudden crushes like that, but they usually don't come up between people who've known each other for a few years. Really, and feel free to be angry at me for this, I get the impression that Harry wasn't interested in her until Dean was. Which sort of implies forbidden fruit, and that he's not so much interested in her for her as for the fact that all of a sudden, she didn't want him. Not saying it was intentional, just that it's how it seems.)

I understand that it was a children's book, and that probably had a lot to do with it--but yeah. This essentially poses the idea that it was lightly edited for children. Hermione was the real author; she's been living in the Muggle world for quite a while. This is intentionally a Harry/Draco fiction; all will be explained. I'm putting it on hold for a day or so--just long enough for me to be able to find my copies of the books, because I really need them. (Events, after all, follow them fairly closely even if certain details have changed.)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I]
Nifty Fairy of the North
Posted in Fanfictions
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Harry Potter and the Secret of Slytherin

Posted 03-18-2009 at 07:38 PM by Wordstreamer (When did we get a Pajama Event?)

[I][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]I wrote a lot of Buffy/Angel fanfic a few years ago... Le sigh. Anyway. I've been reading a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction--a lot of it's horrible, but some of it's really great--and I've been trying my hand at writing my own. SPOILERS FOLLOW. (Not only my stories, but the actual series.)

[B]-Harry Potter and the Secret of Slytherin.[/B] It's post-Epilogue in DH. There are so few of those that I decided to try my hand. (I also had the first chapter or so coming out like ooze over winter break, so I decided to see if I could coax anything more.) After Voldemort's defeat, Slytherin was dropped into a pit of DOOOOM. Not quite. But Slytherin definitely became far less popular than they were at the time, and that's saying something. The rest of the Wizarding World hates Slytherins--and worships Harry Potter--beyond reason.

Harry's eldest son, James, was sorted into Gryffindor. His other son, Albus, was sorted into Slytherin. He's currently busy getting into mischief with Scorpius Malfoy, which leads me to....

Malfoy. Erm. I've discovered that I rather like the Draco/Harry pairing. It makes sense to me, and it's so often interesting. So I thought that I'd try to make this into a Harry/Draco story--no word yet on how that's going, but I think it's actually going to happen naturally. :O Very pleasing, if you're me.

(Here come teh spoilers for MY story.)

Draco and Harry are going to, at some point, discuss the growing paranoia of the Wizarding World. It IS mystical in nature. And although the story has mainly focused on Harry's/Draco's perspectives, I intend to try to include that of their children eventually. That's a bit more difficult, given that I'm flying blind... But I'll be okay! Honest! :sarcasm: And the real reasons behind it.... Well. That would be too much in spoilers ;) I haven't really decided on the ending yet--I've thought of something truly dark, but there's a lighter version, too. It would still be kind of dark, but it would be interesting. Probably more interesting. I've also got the first idea that I had, which... It could be boring, it could be entertaining. I'll figure it out.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I]
Nifty Fairy of the North
Posted in Fanfictions
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