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Scribbled Lore
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Role-play / Stories


Posted 08-01-2011 at 05:53 AM by Scribbled Lore (S.L.'s Notes)
Updated 08-02-2011 at 04:25 PM by Scribbled Lore

[B]Player[/B]: Scribbled Lore
[B]Name[/B]: Cordelia "Cordy" Williams
[B]Species[/B]: Bastet
[B]Breed[/B]: Homid
[B]Pryois[/B]: Twilight
[B]Tribe[/B]: Pumonca

[B]Personality[/B]: Cordy is a loner through and through and this is reflected in her reserved nature that isn't easily won over by the antics of the general populace. She prefers to spend her time contemplating the mysteries of nature while in nature itself and is decidedly steadfast in her beliefs.

[B]Appearance[/B]: Standing at just 5'3" and a whopping 105 pounds soaking wet, Cordy is, to say the least, small and underwhelming. Her auburn hair often catches the sunlight in a pleasing manner and her lustrous ochre eyes can be disarming.

[B]History[/B]: Long before she knew what the phrase "tree-hugging hippie" meant, Cordy was fighting for animal rights and doing her best to protect the environment. Since becoming aware of her nature as a were, the fight for nature has only become more important to her but now she seeks to educate and inform as much as she does to reform government and corporate policy.

[b]Talents[/b]: Alertness, Athletics, Brawl, Dodge, Primal Urge
[b]Skills[/b]: Animal-ken, Melee, Repair, Stealth
[b]Knowledges[/b]: Computer, Enigmas, Medicine, Occult

[b]Character perks[/b]

Gifts: Banish Sickness, Dowsing, Lick Wounds, Pathfinder's Pride, Sense Unmaker's Hand
Weapons: Knife
Items: [URL=""]Survival pack[/URL], bedroll, spare change of clothing, utility hatchet, jacket,



Strength:[X] [] [] [] []
Dexterity:[X] [X] [X] [] []
Stamina:[X] [X] [] [] []


Charisma:[X] [X] [] [] []
Manipulation:[X] [] [] [] []
Appearance:[X] [X] [] [] []


Perception:[X] [X] [X] [] []
Intelligence:[X] [X] [] [] []
Wits:[X] [X] [X] [] []



Alertness:[X] [] [] [] []
Athletics:[X] [] [] [] []
Brawl:[X] [X] [] [] []
Dodge:[X] [X] [] [] []
Primal-Urge:[X] [] [] [] []
Streetwise:[] [] [] [] []


Animal-Ken:[X] [X] [] [] []
Firearms:[] [] [] [] []
Melee:[X] [] [] [] []
Performance:[] [] [] [] []
Repair:[X] [] [] [] []
Stealth:[X] [] [] [] []


Computer:[X] [X] [] [] []
Enigmas:[X] [X] [] [] []
Medicine:[X] [X] [] [] []
Occult:[X] [X] [X] [] []
Views 589 Comments 0 Scribbled Lore is offline


Posted 03-20-2011 at 06:50 PM by Scribbled Lore (S.L.'s Notes)

[B]Abbadon x Grace[/B]

Cardea has been gone for several weeks and Grace is lonely but her sole companion, Abbadon, isn't interested in company.

[B]William x Grace[/B]

Grace makes a trip to the Archives one summer evening while Cardea is out of town and Abbadon is in a foul mood.

[b]Cardea x Grace[/b]

[strike]An introduction of sorts; Kindred meets mortal in a daring rescue.[/strike]


[B]William x Cardea[/B]

William and Cardea idly pass the time away in the Library while Abbadon is in town hunting. A conversation ensues.

[b]Abbadon x Cardea[/b]

[strike]On a whim a trip is made into town for a new member of the family - a kitten.[/strike]


[b]William x Abbadon[/b]


[b]As a Whole[/b]

A mysterious figure from the past, and the Sabbat, makes his presence known after he kidnaps Grace and holds her for ransom. Can Cardea rescue her mortal lover? Will Abbadon and William band together to aid the Elder?

On a night lit by the glow of the full moon the quartet hold a picnic at the Estate but in the surrounding darkness of the forest there are eyes staring back. What ever could they be or want?

Abbadon sets his sights on carving an empire out of North America.

[b]Three of a Kind[/b]

Grace shares a meal with Stephen and Thomas one evening while Abbadon and Cardea are in town.
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Random Characters

Posted 08-01-2010 at 04:59 AM by Scribbled Lore (S.L.'s Notes)
Updated 09-28-2010 at 03:28 AM by Scribbled Lore

Possibly Eleanor: [url=][img][/img][/url]

Telema in Plate: [url=][img][/img][/url]

Telema in Casual: [url=][img][/img][/url]

Telema in Formal Dress: [url=][img][/img][/url]
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Cardea a.k.a. Winifred Torrington

Posted 05-31-2010 at 07:33 AM by Scribbled Lore (S.L.'s Notes)
Updated 10-02-2010 at 12:28 AM by Scribbled Lore

[B]Name[/B]: Cardea a.k.a. Winifred Torrington
[B]Age[/B]: n/a
[B]Gender[/B]: Female
[B]Race[/B]: Vampire
[B]Occupation[/B]: n/a

[B]Height[/B]: 5'3"
[B]Weight[/B]: 107 lbs
[B]Body[/B]: Curvy
[B]Hairstyle[/B]: Mid-back length and wavy blonde. Normally worn down and unadorned.
[B]Eye Color[/B]: [b][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Royal Blue[/COLOR][/b]
[B]Skin Color[/B]: [b][COLOR="LemonChiffon"]Pale[/COLOR][/b]
[B]Lip Color[/B]: [b][COLOR="Pink"]Pink[/COLOR][/b]

[B]Loves[/B]: To read vampire novels, cats and sushi.
[B]Likes[/B]: Long walks during the night, finding a great bargain.
[B]Hates[/B]: Being cheated, mac 'n cheese, dogs.


Happy - Thoughtful - Mischevious

[LIST][*]Sitting in an armchair infront of the fireplace in the library reading with a black cat on the arm of the chair[*]Taking a stroll at night in whatever setting - i.e. along the beach, down the sidewalk, in the park[*][/LIST]
[b]Before being Embraced:[/b]

Everyday [url=][img][/img][/url] Formal [url=][img][/img][/url]

[b]After being Embraced:[/b]

Outting - Long hair [url=][img][/img][/url] Outting - Short hair [url=][img][/img][/url]

Casual - Long hair [url=][img][/img][/url]


[URL=""][B]A Regency Portrait[/B][/URL] by Flocksy @ Gaia Online
[URL=""][B]Close up[/B][/URL] by Flocksy @ Gaia Online
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William Goodwin

Posted 05-31-2010 at 07:26 AM by Scribbled Lore (S.L.'s Notes)
Updated 07-28-2011 at 11:48 AM by Scribbled Lore

[B]Name[/B]: William Goodwin
[B]Age[/B]: n/a
[B]Gender[/B]: Male
[B]Race[/B]: Vampire
[B]Occupation[/B]: Archivist

[B]Height[/B]: 5'9"
[B]Weight[/B]: 165 lbs
[B]Body[/B]: Average
[B]Hairstyle[/B]: See avatars below for reference.
[B]Eye Color[/B]: [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][B]Sky Blue[/B][/COLOR]
[B]Skin Color[/B]: [COLOR="LemonChiffon"][B]Pale[/B][/COLOR]
[B]Lip Color[/B]: [COLOR="Pink"][B]Pink[/B][/COLOR]

[B]Loves[/B]: To read, rats, and learning new languages.
[B]Likes[/B]: Curry, scaring kids on Halloween, and dancing.
[B]Hates[/B]: Seeing his reflection without Mask of a Thousand Faces.


Content - Bored - Excited - Pouty - Thoughtful

[list][*]Reading a book in any location at night[/list]
[b]Before being Embraced:[/b]


[b]After being Embraced:[/b]

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