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Real life Stuffs going on in real life.

Boy is it hot in England

Posted 05-12-2008 at 04:45 AM by Amo_Angelus (A world of Angel)
Updated 05-12-2008 at 04:53 AM by Amo_Angelus

[COLOR="crimson"]So the last few days it has been really hot over here. It's not bothered me too much as I work nights and my house stays cool anyway. Usually it cools down in the early hours of the morning, but tonight... Well it was so hot I was sweltering up until like 1ish when I eventually could close the window. But by half past 5 this morning I'd already broken out in a huge heat rash!

Go figure huh? It's either really cold or really hot. Still...If only I had a freezer at work I wouldn't complai, I'd just buy ice cream :P Oh well, you know, it's been forever since last I could wear mini skirts and tank tops comfortably. And I've been in minis all week. So it's not all bad :P

Top temprature today: 26 ºC /78.8 ºF[/COLOR]
Posted in Real life
Views 751 Comments 0 Amo_Angelus is offline

A very un nerving letter!

Posted 05-02-2008 at 02:19 AM by Amo_Angelus (A world of Angel)
Updated 05-02-2008 at 03:42 AM by Amo_Angelus

[COLOR="crimson"]So in an effort to push on with my life I took out a pen pal add in one of my cross stitching magazines, which was great, Make some new friends, push on with life. Well I'm still working my way through the numerous replies I got when a late one arrives today. Nice and fat, so I open it up and the sender stitched the first letter of my name in a card, really pretty and sweet. Well I instantly wanted to write I opened the letter...the address is a prison. No problem, it can't be anything bad if he's stitching and collecting magazines....Only he's been there since 2000...Wait...that's a pretty lengthy stretch, but this paragraph says he's "relaxing" in the prison, so it mustn't be too serious....And then my psychic voice chimes in..."But what if it's rape or murder?"

So I get to work and google the prison.
The maximum security prison.
The maximum security prison for sexual offenders.


A sexual offender has my home address!!!!!

*cowers in a corner with her attack bunny*

Just a little bit too close to home there and now I'm rather un-nerved. But I'm also furious! Why is this violent offender allowed to collect magazines, cross stitch, card-make and relax?![/COLOR]
Posted in Real life
Views 1295 Comments 14 Amo_Angelus is offline