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A simple blog, for now updated regularly, which is basically me talking about random inane things. <3

Please, feel free to read!
April 25, 2008

April 25, 2008

Posted 04-25-2008 at 08:44 PM by ReiyukaE
Today hasn't been particularly eventful, as usual. My fellow pixel addicts have dragged me around the interwebz - and I've happily followed. ^-^ It's quite nice to be around people older than me, though. I forgot how much I missed it.

Growing up I was always much more close to my uncles than to any of my actual cousins. Somehow talking to them was just so much easier than trying to understand their adolescent minds. Then, at 16, I got to know two wonderful men through the internet, one of 35, one of 36. Until this day they remain to be the most valuable men I have ever known, and shall ever know. Having had them in my life meant the world to me, and I'm blessed to have such grand friends.
And now, four years later, suddenly I became friends with two women, to parents, two true adults... and they're so fab. XD

I consider myself lucky when I think of the encounters I have made online. The four members of the Fellowship of the Shrubbery, my two protectors, and now my fellow P.A.ers.

Truly blessed.
Comments 1
Total Comments 1
Old Comment Posted 07-01-2010 at 12:58 AM
yeah randomness is cool but just sometimes annoying at least to me sometimes....
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