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Rei Ann
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I've had it

I've had it

Posted 07-17-2010 at 03:33 AM by Rei Ann
[CENTER][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]With my so called friends, I am tired of trying to desperately try to make plans with friends, I'm stuck at home, bored out of my mind, with nothing to do, or anyone to talk to or hang with, yet, each time I try to set some plans up, I get shot down all the time. Like wtf? I was told by my so called bestie, that would I could drive more people would hang out with me. BullSh$t, because I finally can drive, and have my own damn care, and no one want to hang out with me. I bored, going insane, and sitting on my arse all day on the computer, or watching tv, doesn't help.

Sure, I could go out, and find my own fun, expect, I live in one of those small towns, where one only has fun hanging out with friends, since there is nothing else to do. Idk, but, you know it's annoying me, I just wanna hang out with friends.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
Comments 2
Total Comments 2
Old Comment Posted 07-17-2010 at 05:06 AM
=[ I'm totally with ya. My friends have completely ditched me this summer. And it's not exactly like they're going to get to see me much after the summer, considering I'm going to school 3 states away!

Soo..ya. Finding fun on your own is hard. The best I can do is hanging around Menewsha and bugging the hell out of my family. What's worse is that as all my plans to get a job, hang out with friends, see movies and such fall through, my overall motivation to do ANYTHING disappears.

I guess all I can say is, bear through it. It's hard, especially when there isn't much to do anyway...but the school year will pick up (assuming you're in school? idk XD) and then your friends will either start hangin' with you again or you'll make new friends and hang out with them.

>.> My personal belief is that if my friends are too busy to talk to me, even online, then they're not really worth wasting my time with. When they want to talk to me and hang out, they can call me. ....Not that I'm bitter or anything. ^_^"
  HappyStarr is offline
Old Comment Posted 12-11-2010 at 11:22 PM
awww. thats soo sad....they dont sound like real friends to me...they seem like those ones that come when they need you
  retro94 is offline