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Background Info: Zephyr

Background Info: Zephyr

Posted 07-28-2010 at 03:33 AM by Hadsvich
Updated 12-15-2011 at 07:38 PM by Hadsvich

[FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Zephyr was born the second son of a dragon king in the Kingdom of Entire. His father is a dragon who can take human shape. His mother was human. His elder brother is a human who can take dragon form.

At the age of thirteen, he felt bothered by the way his family treated him like a child even though he seemed older than his age. He would escape from the palace and wander the city of Blaze at night every so often. One such night he had found his way into a tavern. No one noticed how old he was. The entertainer lifted his spirits and distracted him enough for him not to notice the stranger next to him pour something strange in his drink. Once the entertainment was done, he finished the rest of his drink and started to head out. Not three steps from the tavern entrance, he began to feel extremely drowsy and quickly passed out. He woke up as the stranger from before finished sawing off half of his right horn. He was able to escape from his bindings and fled back home to the palace. His parents would have punished him once they had found out what had happened but they felt losing part of his horn was punishment enough. And that is how Zephyr the half dragon lost half of his right horn.

Once he came of age, his father realized that he might be a threat to his elder brother, the heir to be. His mother, as well as his brother, defended him and tried to convince his father that Zephyr would never do such a thing. But nothing would change the king's mind, for his own brother had tried to take the throne from him. So, secretly, he planned a way to get rid of his second son.

Before his father could do any harm to him, Zephyr ran off, believing his father would never be convinced. His father had never been proud of him after all. Quickly, he escaped and fled to a massive forest nearby. There, he met a satyr who he easily befriended and then decided that he would travel wherever this satyr decided to go since he had nothing better to do.[/B][/FONT]
Comments 1
Total Comments 1
Old Comment Posted 11-20-2013 at 01:52 AM
I love the story of how he lost half of his right horn! XD
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