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... from the unfabulous life of Kirsch ♥
REHvolution Festival !

REHvolution Festival !

Posted 04-27-2008 at 10:04 AM by Kirsch
Updated 04-27-2008 at 10:07 AM by Kirsch
Yesterday, 26th April - The REHvolution Festival.
Though I am sure that nobody here will know it. Because it's rare to find someone knowing 'Wacken' and even rarer to find someone knowing 'Summerbreeze' (both are Metal festivals in germany) so how should anyone know the 'REHvolution' ?

Nah, its not like you've missed something greate. the 'REHvolution' is still small. It was the second time that is was hosted so it's still pretty young.
Hm, maybe I tell you the story of the 'REHvolution' instead of telling you how the event was, because that story is more intressting
(and I am sure, that you won't know the Bands so telling the event would still give you no idea of how it was like; but for all that want to know them [][/url])

So, to find out what 'REHvolution' is, you need to know 'Bambi' (but not the Disney-Bambi >_>)
Bambis birth was at the 'Summerbreeze' 2006. Well and how it happens on a Metal Festival, they drunk a lot of beer out of cans. And after that, they were drunk and had a lot of beercans. Know what they did ? Out of the Beercans they've builded a deer and called it Bambi. Isn't that funny?
What? You can't imagine what a Beercandeer looks like? Then open your Eyes now!

Well well, what happend next, you might want to know; I'll tell you!
Those 11 Metalheads which builed the deer, drunk as they were lifted the deer up as you see on the picture and walked over the campus. And the more they walked around, the more fans they got! They even made a band leave the Stage to lift Bambi up there!
Cool thing, isn't it?
What? You don't think they got fans? This video should prove you wrong *hehe*
[url=]Youtube - Bambi auf die Bühne[/url]
or maybe also this one
[url=]Youtube - Die Geburt von Bambi (Summer Breeze 2006)[/url]
Sure you won't understand what they say, useless you know german but even if you don't understand what they say, you will understand the feeling ;3 for sure!

So now you know 'Bambi', I could have told you even more about it but its so ahrd to write it all English ^^'
2007 Bambi got it's own event: The first REHvolution!
Know why it's called REHvolution? - Because 'Reh' is the german word for 'deer' x3
Now, 2008 there was the second 'REHvolution'; I've been there, and it was awesome ♥

[b][i]- Stay Eutectical![/i]
Comments 2
Total Comments 2
Old Comment Posted 04-27-2008 at 10:21 AM
[font=Papyrus]-steals first comment-

Now I've heard everything, a beercandeer... only drunk men would think of that!!

Glad it made a new event for you to attend however. I'm sure you must have had fun. :D
  Rusalka is offline
Old Comment Posted 05-02-2008 at 10:15 AM
[justify][font=georgia][color=#F08DA8][size=2][i]OMG, Bambi is awesome! :love:
Haha what a cool festival. : D[/i][/size][/color][/font][/justify]
  Caroline is offline