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Oh my god!

Oh my god!

Posted 07-16-2008 at 12:42 AM by Amo_Angelus
Ok so I swear today has to be the most eventful one at work I've ever had. I can't go into too much details, but rest assured I think I need a brandy!

So this morning I catch a robber on the security cameras doing over one of the sites we monitor. So I ring the police who find him on the site next door. Well they go and look through both sites camera logs...and then arrest pretty much everyone from the second site at around noon! So that was an amusing start to the day. Especially given that they didn't catch the intruder.

So then night falls and I'm watching the cams again and you'll never guess what! Two guys in balaclavas only walk into one of the homes that we monitor...with a bloody shotgun! The guys wife and kids are inside too everyone ready for bed (The girls 9ish and there's a tot). Well the guy got away with a shot foot and is in hospital but again the intruders got away.

So Im sat here watching a CSI Episode unfold on cameras because I can't not watch. I tell you! My day at work...does anyone have a drink for me? A nice STRONG one?
Comments 2
Total Comments 2
Old Comment Posted 07-16-2008 at 12:52 AM
Oh my God! I would have been in tears trying to make that call. That's horrible. -slides you some tequila-

-runs back to the thread to talk to you there as well -
  Estrella is offline
Old Comment Posted 07-16-2008 at 12:56 AM
No tears, I'm really stunned though and need a still drink *drinks* I'm just glad that everyone else is ok and shot in the foot is much better than in the face. It's even more traumatic as Gun crime is very rare here as we've got strict gun control laws.
  Amo_Angelus is offline