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[center][b][color=#754c78]Chexala's Commonplace Book[/color][/b]
Being a record of my thoughts, dreams, observations,
memories, and occasions during my life on Menewsha Island.[/center]
Welcome back Menewsha!

Welcome back Menewsha!

Posted 04-25-2008 at 10:14 PM by Chexala
Updated 05-08-2008 at 03:08 AM by Chexala
Whoo, I'm so glad to have Menewsha back up and running, and the update is fantastic! The new layout will take some getting used to, but I'm excited about all the new features. Here are some of my thoughts on them.

[b]Avatars and Inventories:[/b]
I've been wishing I could rearrange my inventory for quite some time now, so I'm very pleased with that. I haven't yet been able to get anything into my drawers, but I'm sure that will be worked out. I'm excited to see that avatar customization is on the rise, and I'm super stoked about the new range of skins tones and eye colors. Oh, and the Atlantis ears were a cool idea.

Overall, I find the layout to be rather clunky looking, but hey! they're customizable and show lots of cool information! There are so many cool additions, and I appreciate them all. Maybe if we ask rally nicely, in about a month or so, the admins might let us have custom CSS.

Wow, did they ever get an update. Ratings, high scores, favorites, competitions, new games! While I'm always glad to see new games, I'm very concerned about where the old games went. They're still evident in the games banner, which seems to indicate that they will return, but I wonder, are they being updated, or are they just not added back in yet? Anyway, I miss fishing. Overall, I think Tetris and Asteroids are the best of the new games.

Damn, but I'm glad to have them back. I'm not a regular blogger, so I didn't blog while they were down, but I missed them. I like having somewhere out of the forums to post miscellaneous stuff, like art, random events in my life, and the adventures of my avatar. I like how shiny and colorful the front pages is, and all the new high-techery going on.

I like the new look of the shops, and the shopping cart feature. Some of the stores are listing items in the same order as always, while some are listing items by price. I wonder if that will be a wholesale rearrangement or now. I'm excited that we'll get to see the shopkeepers again though!

[b]Social Groups:[/b]
An interesting idea, but it remains to be seen how it will turn out. They're particularly expansive, so it will be interesting to see what people do with them They could just turn into glorified cliques and hangouts, or they could be something really cool.

The home page looks a little lost, but getting there. I'm confused by the arrangement, what with the big blank space, and no sense of columns or alignment. I guess time will tell what happens there. The NPC art is absolutely lovely though.
The more compact forum home page is nice, and I like that it shows how many people are in each place. I'm not crazy about the new thread lists—there are too many icons on the side—but it's jut a matter of time before I get used to them and don't notice anymore.

Overall, I'm quite pleased. It will of course take some time to get all the kinks worked out and all the details updated and fit in, but that is to be expected. I look forward to it all. ^__^
Comments 1
Total Comments 1
Old Comment Posted 04-28-2008 at 01:12 PM
[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Yes, I'm not the only one who's happy to not just [i]have[/i] blogs but to have them [i]back[/i].

I really liked the "Journals". =3
I think I posted in my journal frequently, but I'm not entirely sure. I can't even visualize them anymore! When were they taken down?[/COLOR][/FONT]
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