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War & Peace & Kickball

War & Peace & Kickball

Posted 09-12-2008 at 07:32 PM by Knerd
Updated 09-12-2008 at 10:28 PM by Knerd
[FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I am a good kickball player.
The entire story is based around this idea, so allow me to reiterate:
[b]I am a good kickball player.[/b]

So when my crew team decided to sign up for a charity kickball tournament, I thought to myself "Sure, this'll be great!"

I got all pumped up. I convinced all the other girls to sign up and wear our uniforms and even bring signs so that we could cheer on the boy's crew team. It was going to be a fun night of teambuilding and getting to know each other, while kicking ass at the same time.

There weren't a lot of teams signed up - 6 total.
Some of my team was getting nervous because we were all girls and it can be a little intimidating go up against a team of all guys. But I looked at the list and saw that there was another all-girls team playing in the tournament.

You'd think that the umpires would put our two teams against each other on the first round, right?

We went up against the [b]ROTC[/b] team!

For those of you who don't know, that's the Army Reserves.
It's the six foot 7 muscled troop of he-men who could snap me in half with their forefingers.

The game was a complete loss right from the start: They knocked us down when running the bases, pitched the balls so hard that it would actually hurt to kick them, and generally just dominated the field. And there was really nothing we could do about it. The game ended in a score of 0-15.

Oh well, no shame in losing against he-men.
At least I got a free "Domination" t-shirt:

Comments 2
Total Comments 2
Old Comment Posted 01-02-2009 at 04:50 PM
That's just unfair D<
But you look snazzy in that.
  Pearl is offline
Old Comment Posted 01-02-2009 at 10:12 PM
... *snorts* XD; Ogawd. As bad as I feel for you, I still wish I was there to see it.
  Dystopia is offline