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End of Semester

End of Semester

Posted 04-29-2008 at 11:35 PM by Chi
I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I decided to take twenty-one credits this semester. I don't know what I'm thinking taking summer courses. I just want [B]out[/B] of college. I know that I'll eventually want to pursue graduate school to get my dream job, but once I graduate I think I'm getting away from the schooling scene for a good five years before I debate tackling it again.

I really wish I weren't the type of person to procrastinate the things I'm very poor at doing. Like Statistics. I can safely say I have As in all of my other courses this semester, but I stopped doing my Statistics homework back in February because I failed an exam. I just began picking up the slack on the ten remaining tests I need to complete by May 7th. I've done two so far, both of which I've passed. I'm just crossing my fingers. I'm just hoping for a D at this point, really. Glad this silly class really has nothing to do with my actual major. I don't know why I'm so brain dead with Stats. :gonk:
Comments 6
Total Comments 6
Old Comment Posted 04-30-2008 at 01:11 AM
I feel you on the wanting out of college bit. Being in schools/classes for 18+ years wears you down. Don't die from the overload! That [B][I]is[/I][/B] a lot of credit hours. >_<
  Omi is offline
Old Comment Posted 04-30-2008 at 01:52 AM
Thanks Omi. :hug: We'll both get through it.

How many years do you have left? I have two if I take it easy. One if I go nuts.
  Chi is offline
Old Comment Posted 04-30-2008 at 02:05 AM
I'm about the same. One year if I go crazy and don't want my minor or two-three if I take it easy and take the minor. At this point, I'm about to just screw the minor and get *done* with it. x___X

Thinking about taking another huge courseload next time or edging back a little? Or will you decide that after a small break? :3
  Omi is offline
Old Comment Posted 04-30-2008 at 04:01 PM
I'm not sure. I have one week left before I have two days off. Then I go back for a May term class (one week, 9am-5pm Monday through Friday) that counts as a full 3cr hour load. After that I have one more week off before summer session begins.

The summer session is split into two sections. One going from the end of May 'till the beginning of July, then the beginning of July 'till the end of August. It's the second session I'm debating on dumping. I'd like some sunshine and fun, but we'll see. XD; I need to check on some things first (financial aid mostly).

Do you get the summer off, or are you taking courses as well?
  Chi is offline
Old Comment Posted 04-30-2008 at 11:38 PM
I'm going to take summer courses-- or at least, that's the plan. >_< We have similar summer courses- 2 small, month long sessions at the beginning and end of the summer and a 3rd long one that lasts from May to August.

I think I'm really for a little break though, so I do the same as you and take only one small semester. :3
  Omi is offline
Old Comment Posted 05-01-2008 at 07:35 PM
Unfortunately I just dug myself into a nice grave. Circumstances came up and I'm going back to WORK on top of schooling.

I'll be taking the first Summer session, dropping the second, and working the whole time through.

After this Fall semester, I swear I'm going part-time. At least for a little while. XD;; Good luck to us both, right?
  Chi is offline