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Unexpected day.

Unexpected day.

Posted 06-26-2009 at 08:18 AM by Aero
Hey, Menewshans. This is my second blog, probably truly my first since the other was just a random blurt.

Well, I recently found out that I got hacked by two people on different dates, however I guess they didn't take anything.

It started with me, asking if I could get an assist with my items. Since the new organizing inventory started to work, I started rearranging my inventory, since that was one of the few reasons I liked the upgrade to this new Menewsha. I found out I was missing a few items, and a staff member messaged me saying that I never traded it away...Well that just means I couldn't have had it (even though I swore I had it)... Well, along with the message, the staff member also notified me that two people had gotten ahold of my account and signed in. Two people that are fairly popular on Menewsha, two people who I would not expect would hack me. I'm not labeling any names yet, since it all happened today and I'm hoping things will settle down so I can find out what the result of things are going to be.

I changed my passwords, and finished rearranging my inventory, and I guess I'm missing two other items...those items, I'm not so sure I had. So I'll work for those, and the'll take me awhile, but hopefully they reappear soon, or I get lucky and someone gives the items that I never named to me. o.O;

If you made it this far, thanks for reading. Some random issues of another oldbie's life...
Comments 4
Total Comments 4
Old Comment Posted 06-27-2009 at 01:07 AM
waaah~ whaat? that sounds mean >.<
which items do you think you are missing?
maybe i can try to help if i have extras.. <3
  Julianna is offline
Old Comment Posted 06-27-2009 at 09:12 AM
Hi Aero. xD
That's kind of weird, that they would hack you and not take anything. o__o You must have some rather mean friends.
  Fabby is offline
Old Comment Posted 06-27-2009 at 08:09 PM
Jules; Nah, it's okay. XD It might just be my imagination taking flight. o3o UFOO xD

fabby; I haven't seen you in awhile. o.o They weren't my friends, though. I remember them, just hardly, if at all, talked to them. o3o
  Ambu is offline
Old Comment Posted 06-27-2009 at 11:55 PM
unfo's mulee? xD ahaha! <3
UFO <3 okie dokie then ^^ ~
this has happened to me before..
i was very sure i had these items,
but i guess not? D: very myterious!
  Julianna is offline