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Oh My, A Blog!

Oh My, A Blog!

Posted 04-17-2009 at 05:31 PM by smolder
I've been on Mene for over a year and haven't ever really noticed this.

Huh. I am an entirely unobservent person.

So, what to talk about. Hmmmmm.

Well! I saw Monsters vs. Aliens yesterday, that was pretty fun. It was an alright movie with some utterly hillarious parts. But, it was largely horribly cliched. It felt more like a parody of a movie than an actual movie........if that makes any sense.

I did adore Bob and Dr. Cockroach though. Seth Rogan and Hugh Laurie did an amazing job and I would love to have seen the actors acting out those scenes and saying those lines. Oooh, and Stephen Colbert as the president was pretty cool as well.

Well, I suppose thats enough of a tangent for my first entry. I wonder if anyone will actually read this.
Comments 3
Total Comments 3
Old Comment Posted 09-19-2009 at 07:54 PM
[B]lol, i was just looking through
the blogs and found this... bob
is my favorite! i love how he wiggled
his jello girlfriend xD[/B]
  Pixelated wishes is offline
Old Comment Posted 09-19-2009 at 08:35 PM
Well thats amazin
Old Comment Posted 07-19-2010 at 10:10 PM
Talk about a delayed reaction, yet again.

Its what, over a year later that I notice that there were two people who commented on this entry.

Thanks for that. Reading it and taking the time to actually post a comment.

*awkward tackle hug*

*gets off you, helps you up, brushes you off, gives you a cookie*
  smolder is offline