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Tetris Drool 8D

Tetris Drool 8D

Posted 05-14-2008 at 04:32 AM by Anoni
[color=lightslategray][size=1]A while back, Elie told me she was on a quest to drool over Tetris. Wut?! By that, she meant entering the :drool: emoticon into all her high score comments. XD Although I'm pretty sure most people don't actually look at the comments on the high score table, sans the first page which everyone sees after submitting a score. XD

Intrigued, I decided to help! I play Tetris a lot. XD Well, I did for a few days. *o* My dream was to have a whole page of :drool:. :'D So for each score over 26k (i.e. every 50g play), I'd add a :drool: into the comments. And yesterday, I found a whole page! Well, almost. XD Minus one person and Sho, who duly edited her comment. 8D

Here's a screenshot!


In other not-so-new news, I finally got my sash! Which completes my vday 07 set. *o* I never thought I'd be able to get the whole set. XD Much thanks to Sho for selling me the sash, and everyone else who's ever helped me or has wished me luck. ^^ <3333

I want to spend my gold on commons but I don't know what to buy! And there's a major lack of commons-sellers in the exchange. D; Everyone's selling Halloween commons and I have those already. XDD I wish the 50% store would open.. not only because things are cheaper but also because it plays a huge role in me deciding what I want. XDDD[/size][/color]
Comments 1
Total Comments 1
Old Comment Posted 05-14-2008 at 05:32 AM
ILU!!! and i still beat you by 1 point! lolol~
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