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Posted 06-11-2008 at 11:08 AM by Donna
I'm so hyper right now. xD
Freaking I love my new look...I almost don't want to go back now. :[
[My shift key is dying! >O]
But yeah, just finished up my intro for nina's real world movie and it's almost four in the morning. xD I don't think I'm going to end up sleeping tonight because I'm going to be up in five hours getting ready since I have to be at nina's house at 10. Hahaha I'm going to pass out to sleep when I get home. At least I'll be back on track sleep wise since I've been staying up way too late lately.
Work was boring, but at least dan was there so it was kinda fun. It would have been torture with lisa and Nikolay there tonight. @x@;
Ma's creeped out by the new looks. Dad's kind of mehish between nuetral and freaked. Mig is down for whatever. I think I'm going to cut my hair short because I've been wanting to for so long and now I get the motivation I need.
I'm not into the punk thing music-wise much, but I love the fashion. D: <3
Claire would kill me.

So after work, I went to my cousin's grad party, [I wish I had a chance to tell her about the film but I'll show her pics later on my myspace] because she's into that fashion and I'm sure would kill to see me like that. XD We went out away from the parents for a "ladies stroll" and let Laura and Trisha get high while they told me about what happened since she dropped from our hs. Pretty crazy adventures, I'll say. My cousin's awesome, and much more adventurous than I've ever been, but wanted to be. They asked me if I wanted to hit, but I told em nah. I promised myself a long time ago I wouldn't, and I intend to start keeping my promises. I'm really craving a cig though for some reason...I think I'll buy some tomorrow for the movie though. Even if not to smoke. But anyways, I don't care if people are into whatever, I'm not going to hate them. I wasn't bothered by the smoke, freaking I go to college, I've smelled every smoke there is i think. xD
I love cigar smoke for some odd reason...and some cigarette smells too.

Gosshhh freaking Nina, I'm so hyped. I think I need to do my daily sleep routine so I'll feel tired.
Laters yalls. :D

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Old Comment Posted 01-20-2010 at 03:00 AM
who is that in the picture??? :O
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