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Jasper Blodmane

Posted 06-26-2014 at 03:46 PM by blueblackrose


[COLOR=slateblue][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=5][B]Jasper Blodmane[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]

I am a[COLOR=slateblue] Werewolf, Vampire Hunter[/COLOR].

[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] People call me Jasper. [/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] I am 26 years old. [/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] I am male. [/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] I prefer females[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] I can turn into a wolf. [/SIZE]


[B][SIZE=4]‡ My story;[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1]
From the time he was young Jasper knew that there was something different about his family. One or both of his parents would be gone for periods of time and he would be stuck with his grandmother. The old woman would tell him stories about werewolves, vampires and the humans that hunted supernatural creatures. Little did he know then that his grandmother was passing on the history of his family, at least the human side of it. It wasn’t until he was nine that he learned the truth about what his parents were. One night while his father was gone a gang of vampires attacked his home. In that one night his world would change. He learned that both his grandmother and his mother were vampire hunters and what was more shocking is that he was a werewolf. The battle that took place was long and bloody, but in the end Jasper lost his mother and grandmother to the wretched vampires. In his rage he transformed for the first time and managed to fend off the last of the vampires. On that night he swore he would have vengeance and that as long as he lived no vampire would be safe from wrath.

When his father returned to what remained of their home he wasn’t sure what to expect and was relieved to find that at least his son was still alive. Hearing the boy’s story of what happened he took it upon himself to start training him in the arts of hunting and killing vampires. Jasper was eager to learn the skills he needed. He became very skilled in the martial arts, swordsmanship and marksmanship. By the time he was twenty he had become a talented tracker and hunter.

Now that Jasper is 26 he has grown eager to find the last of the vampires that took away his mother, grandmother and home. All that remains is two, a male and female. From what he can remember of what happened that night they were the ones that lead the attack and seemed to be companions. Nothing will stop him from his goal. Even after he finishes his mission he will continue hunting to rid the world of the vampire abominations.[/SIZE]
Take my darkest fears and play them like a lullaby, like a reason why.
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Aki - Darius Xavier Fionn

Posted 06-17-2014 at 04:05 PM by blueblackrose
Updated 06-18-2014 at 03:00 AM by blueblackrose

I don't really understand why this is necessary. All you need to really know is that I'm Darius aka Aki and that I'm saving your asses right now by risking my own. But Sycom, Vex and Shiro feel it would be better to give you guys some information about myself since I was informed about you all before your arrival here and I already know a few of you. So for their sakes I will be nicer than I already am being by letting you stay here.[INDENT]IDENTIFICATION CARD FOR AGENT AKI
[B]Threat Level:[/B] 13
[B]Name:[/B] Daruis Xavier Fionn
[B]Code Name:[/B] Aki
[B]Alliance:[/B] Anti-government/SFA
[B]Position:[/B] Runs The Star of Hope Foundation and is part of the underground.
[B]Age:[/B] 31
[B]Sex:[/B] Male
[B]Orientation:[/B] Straight
[B]Relationship Status:[/B] Single
[B]Height:[/B] 6' 1"
[B]Weight:[/B] 193
[B]Body Type:[/B] Slightly on the athletic side
[B]Hair:[/B] Blonde
[B]Eyes:[/B] Green
[B]Other:[/B] I wear glasses. Don't they make me look smexy?[/INDENT][B]PERSONALITY
[/B]Really is this necessary? I mean you'll find out soon enough right? Well what ever, here you are.[INDENT]ATTITUDE TEST INFORMATION ON FILE FOR AGENT
For the most part I'm a people person. One thing I can't stand are people who use others for their own gain like the government and SFA do. I have no sympathy for them. As you will find out I am pretty nice, kind and respectful. I believe that everyone should be treated like you want to be treated. So unless you do something to piss me off I will treat you kindly. Flaws? Like I have any of those, but I guess if you really must know. I'm the kind of person who puts others before myself. I will go out of my way to help someone in need. Their past whatever it is means nothing to me. All that matters is the person at that present moment. If I can help them I'm going to do it. I guess you could say that I'm self-sacrificing, but then again I'm not either because I have my own objectives as well. Though I would never use someone without their knowledge to get what I want.

[B]Weapons/Purium:[/B] Pair of twin handguns. Also has a stock pile of various weapons in cause of emergency or rebellion.
[B]Abilities/Powers:[/B] None
[B]Skills Lacking:[/B] Sometimes I care way too much about other people. My hand to hand skills aren't the greatest. I'm the person you come to for a place to hide out or to seek help not the one you come to ask to fight along your side. Though if it came down to having to fight I would gladly fight by your side if you're fighting for the right reason.[/INDENT][B]HISTORY
[/B] Seriously guys? Do I really need to go into all of this as well? *holds hands up* Ok fine...geez I still don't think this is really needed, but since you're not going to give me a choice.

So as I stated before Sycom, Vex and Shiro are forcing me to fill this thing out and that I already know a few of you. I'll answer your questions here, but not right at this moment. First I'll answer the question you're all wanting to know the answer to first. Why am I helping you? This all has to do with my life history.

Growing up things were great for me and my younger sister, Helena. Our parents were the most caring, kind and gentle people anyone could have ever wanted to know. This place that we are in right now was built by my great great grandfather. He believed that everyone needed help when they fell into hard times. So alongside his wife whom my sister is named after they started The Star of Hope Foundation. It started out in a much smaller building with only a couple rooms and a soup kitchen. Anyway my parents had the same beliefs as my great great grandfather. So they continued the running the foundation and enlarging it. Things were going well even though that the foundation's views and that of the government didn't see eye to eye. Of course it wasn't until after the SFA started that I came to realize what my parents were really involved in using the foundation as a cover.

Like my parents I didn't agree with the whole threat level system. One night a few months after the SFA was established my parents went missing without a trace. No one seems to know what really happened to them. At that time I pieced together what clues I had. All I was really able to determine was that the government wanted them gone. At the time I was fifteen. I took over where my parents left off. Using the money they had saved and what money the foundation I had I expanded the shelter, adding secret areas for those on the run due to the threat level system. Not all people are truly criminals, but victims of circumstance. If things were like they were before many of those that were labeled criminals would have had their charges removed or lessened due to things that happened beyond their control. Anyway as I grew older I made connects with the underground through some my parents had already established. Helena has supported me through this and helps me out, but mostly focuses on the needs of those who aren't on the run or part of the anti-government movement.

So anyway like I was saying I took over when I was fifteen. I met the first person I know in your group when I was 21 and that person would be Kit, you all know her as Vex. That day seemed like fate. I was out gathering supplies when she ran into me, knocking the things I was carrying out of my hands. At the time I would never have guessed that she was a murderer. She seemed to be a little on edge and stressed so I offered to let her come to the shelter with me. This was probably a few days after she killed those four boys. At the time she seemed so fragile, yet there was something about her that made her seem strong. Maybe I'm just a sucker for good looking woman and wasn't seeing things clearly. Anyway took some prying to find out what she had done and why she was looking for a place to hide. Once I learned most of the truth I couldn't just turn her out and let those dogs of the SFA have her so I gave her a job and let her stay here where it was safe. That only lasted for about a year. When she overheard me talking with an informant about some things and learned that the SFA was closing in on her she left, only leaving behind a note to say goodbye and thank you. It really touched and angered both Helena and me that she wanted to face the responsibility of what she did, but in doing so she was going to end up living life in a cage. Sorry if I'm embarrassing you or making you mad by sharing all of this Kit. Forgive me?

I suppose I met Shiro and Reino about the same time. Really I don't want to get into all of that though. The whole way that Shiro and I met was an accident and a mess to say the least. As for Reino he needed a safe place to stay just like Vex had. So I allowed him to stay here as long as he needed to.

Let's see from the time Reino left and the time I met Shiro. Shiro and I have been keeping in contact, helping each other. I've been working as usual and well here you stand in my secret hideaway for criminals and those against the government. I'm really taking a risk here in helping you guys out so you better succeed.
Take my darkest fears and play them like a lullaby, like a reason why.
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Views 354 Comments 0 blueblackrose is offline

Bounty Hunter - Lonan Xavier Corbin

Posted 05-22-2014 at 02:18 PM by blueblackrose
Updated 06-02-2014 at 05:48 AM by blueblackrose

[CENTER][IMG][/IMG][/CENTER][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Crimson][SIZE=4][COLOR=Black]▬▬▬▬▬ [/COLOR][FONT=Book Antiqua] Lonan Xavier Corbin [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Crimson][SIZE=4]Profile is too long for a blog post if you wish to see it then you may view it [URL=""]here[/URL].[/SIZE]
Take my darkest fears and play them like a lullaby, like a reason why.
Posted in Uncategorized
Views 385 Comments 0 blueblackrose is offline

Anthro Hunter - Fiaria Anise Silverfang

Posted 05-22-2014 at 01:36 PM by blueblackrose
Updated 06-10-2014 at 05:31 AM by blueblackrose


[COLOR=Black]▬▬▬▬▬ [/COLOR][FONT=Book Antiqua] Fiaria Anise Silverfang[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][CENTER] The profile is too large for a single blog post so if you wish to view Fiaria's profile then you may do so[URL=""] here[/URL].
Take my darkest fears and play them like a lullaby, like a reason why.
Posted in Uncategorized
Views 340 Comments 0 blueblackrose is offline

Aiden Nathanial Rhodes & Dr. Jonathan Rhodes

Posted 04-15-2014 at 04:25 PM by blueblackrose
Updated 05-27-2015 at 04:57 PM by blueblackrose

[COLOR=teal][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=5][B]Aiden Nathanial Rhodes[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]

I will be able to [COLOR=teal] create and destroy things on a whim. You see everything is made up of nothing more than simple bits and pieces of elements. I can rearrange those bits and pieces of elements to create and destroy. It's cool and all, but everything has a price. Sometimes that price can be rather high.[/COLOR].[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Nicknames: Nate, Jake[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Physical description: I'm a rather odd fellow or so I'm told. I stand 6' 1" and weight 168 lbs. My hair is a little on the long side and is a lovely amethyst color. Oh my eyes? Aren't they awesome? The right one is azure and the left one is gold, the exact opposite of my twin brother's eyes. I have pale skin like my mother, but it's not ivory like hers was. I also have a star shaped birthmark on right side just below the rib cage. Oh I also have a [URL=""]heart tattoo[/URL] the word Mother underneath it on my upper left arm and a steampunk style half open pocket watch tattoo with the date my brother died.[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Age: 21[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Sex: Male[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Sexual orientation: Heterosexual[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Hobbies: Reading, writing, playing with fire, creating and destroying things[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Likes: Art, being alone, sleep and sweets[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Dislikes: Loud noises, needles, my father, doctors[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] My character's problem is: Multiple Personalities Disorder[/SIZE]
[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][B][SIZE=4]‡ My story;[/SIZE][/B]
[SIZE=1] Why are you bothering me with such nonsense? Isn't all this stuff in my file? This is for my file, hahaha. I'm sure my father will just sensor anything he doesn't approve of even if I write it here. Okay fine I'll share my story of how I got to this point, but if anything ends up missing from my file don't come pestering me about it. Just go see the man that made me what I am.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1] I was a twin, but my twin brother Jacob left me just like our mother had left us. Our mother passed away when we were three. She had been sick for a while. At the time I didn't know what the cause was, but I learned the hard way afterwards. The man that our mother loved, the man that was supposed to be our father, the man that was supposed to protect us. That man, Dr. Jonathan Rhodes, he slowly killed the woman he supposable loved by experimenting on her. Being left with just his two sons he decided that they would have to do to continue his work. It's amazing how he was able to keep it secret and secretly move my brother and me into LTB. We became prisoners without even realizing it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1] My father experimented on us day after day. While I handled things well Jacob wasn't as fortunate. He often was sick or left weak after going through an experiment. Jacob left me when we were eight. During an experiment that our father performed. My twin and I were like two sides of a coin. We knew each other inside and out. We didn't have to speak to know what the other was thinking or feeling. Maybe that's why I have both mine and his abilities. Anyway that day really changed me. The anger and hate I already felt towards my father intensified. I don't know how true it is, but I've been told that I developed other personalities after my dear twin brother's death. I really don't believe them, it's probably just another excuse that that man came up with to keep me in this place under his close supervision.[/SIZE]

[IMG][/IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 936x911.[CENTER][IMG][/IMG]
[FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=5][B]Dr. Jonathan Rhodes[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

I will be able to [COLOR=teal] [COLOR=Indigo]finally perfect my life's work. Also down the line I might even start to mellow out more and actually become more of a father. Who knows I might even start to think more about the wellbeing of the people who are test subjects then just getting the results that I want[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Indigo].[/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][LEFT][B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Nicknames: Dr. R and John[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Physical description: I'm 6' 4" and 181 lbs. with a light complexion. With age my hair has grown lighter in color and has become a lilac/silver color. My eyes are a pinkish red color and I wear glasses. I think that about describes me.[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Age: 49[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Sex: Male[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Sexual orientation: Heterosexual[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Hobbies: Experimenting, writing, research[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Likes: Science, mathematics, reading, perfecting his greatest experiment[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] Dislikes: Disobedient test subjects, not getting the results he wants, imperfection, misplaced items, failure[/SIZE]
[B][SIZE=3]‡[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] My character's problem is: Obsessive Compulsive and Perfectionist[/SIZE][/LEFT]
[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][B][SIZE=4]‡ My story;[/SIZE][/B]
[SIZE=1] Call me mad if you will. It wouldn't be the worst thing that I've been called. I know that my only son hates me and I'm not going to say he doesn't have a right to, but I think he needs more time to see things the way I do. Anyway I guess on to my story.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1] I was a young lad fresh out of college when I first began to work for LTB. It was in college that I had met Helena. She was such a beautiful woman and caring too. We both were granted jobs by LTB not long after finishing college. At the time it seemed like fate. Everything was going so well back then. About a year after we started our work here at LTB the two of us finally tied the knot. We were both so happy and naive back then. As time went by we dived deeper into our research and it didn't take long for that research to cause changes that we never noticed. Helena started to question what she was working on while I didn't. I could see the great possibilities and wanted to take things further.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1] Of course the higher ups didn't see eye to eye with me. They forced me to do my own research and experiments in secret. To avoid the possibility of them finding out I began to experiment on my dear Helena. Not long after I began experimenting on her she became pregnant with our two adorable twin boys, Aiden and Jacob. Helena was so happy about them. When they were born she could tell something was different and wasn't right. It was probably because of their heterochromia. The woman confronted me about things. I told her what I had planned. She wouldn't hear it. As long as she was alive she wouldn't allow me to us our children to continue my research. Maybe I should have listened when she first begged me to just stop it all. Being stubborn and the perfectionist that I am I wouldn't hear of it. Helena allowed me to continue my work using her as my test subject.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1] Shortly after our sons turned three an experiment I was performing on Helena went terribly wrong. I wasn't able to reverse the effects it had on her body and she died. At first I was at a loss, but soon looking at my two sons I knew what I needed to do. Secretly I began experimenting on them and made them official subjects here at LTB. Things went smoothly. Everything seemed to be going perfect. The boys were dealing well with the experiments and showing promising results. Then it happened Jacob's body rejected the new serum that I had created to enhance his abilities. The rejection was so violent. The boy died after suffering for two hours. Aiden wouldn’t ever admit it, but the loss of his twin brother changed him. It changed me as well. I became more determined. I wasn't going to make the same mistake, especially with only one subject left.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1] Aiden has proven to be a gem. He's adapted well to my experiments and is near perfection. I can't wait to see my life's work finally reached its peak. When that day comes it will be a glorious one indeed.[/SIZE]
Take my darkest fears and play them like a lullaby, like a reason why.
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