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Posted 07-12-2008 at 10:18 PM by zigbigadorlube
Updated 07-12-2008 at 10:23 PM by zigbigadorlube

[color=#2B547E]So it seems like I've sort of abandoned Menewsha lately... But really, I can't help but feel like it's sort of abandoned me... I was really active on here during the Phoenix Jubilee and one of my friends started and RP that kept me busy but ever since it died I haven't been doing much here. I still log on every day to see if any of my subscribed threads have any posts but the only one that ever does is the MAC which is always depressing to look at. I thought there was supposed to be a new update coming soon... T_T

So yeah. I know it's really my fault for not finding new threads on here to keep me busy but I guess I just don't really have the energy... I can't help but feel a bit ignored here most of the time. Everyone seems to have their groups of friends that they keep up with but I haven't really found many good friends on here yet. And the crappy dial-up that I have while I'm here at home doesn't seem to help...[/color]
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My Profile:

Posted 06-10-2008 at 10:08 PM by zigbigadorlube

[color=#2B547E]Yay! I finally got around to personalizing my profile!

It's not a pretty combination of navy, turquoise, and white. ^^; I haven't really seen any profiles yet that have really been customized at all so it makes me feel a bit proud.

I know know that some people do though... I saw a thread about it a while ago asking about how people liked to customize theirs. I didn't really get fancy at all with background pictures and the like though... That's a lot harder for me because I'm such a perfectionist and because I only have dial-up here at home and it would take me a million years to upload everything... ^^;

Maybe when I go back to college I can try it out... I usually like simple things though... So I could really see myself just keeping it this way. ^^;[/color]
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New Items:

Posted 06-07-2008 at 02:57 AM by zigbigadorlube

[color=#2B547E]So... I love the new item update! So many colors! O. o

I was really surprised when I went to look through the shops and it took like 2 or 3 pages to see them all! The only hard part now is deciding what to get... I don't really have a lot of gold so... Yeah... I first thought I'd get some of the Atlantis items since I'm completely in love with the aqua color but now I'm not so sure...

Lately I've been getting sick of my dream avis too so I deleted my wish list. I'm going to wait to recreate my quest thread until after the next MAC update. Caroline said that there should be an update sometime this month so I'm pretty excited. Now I'm just wondering how long it will take to download now that I'm back to the crappy dial-up for the summer... T_T[/color]
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The Pheonix Jubilee:

Posted 05-22-2008 at 05:39 PM by zigbigadorlube

[color=#2B547E]Whee! So the event is all over now... T_T Even so... It was so much fun! I absolutely love the idea of the buds... I got to get so many of the event commons that I wouldn't have been able to afford. I think I more than doubled my meager inventory in the past few days... Here's a list of the event commons I managed to grab:

Atlantica Kimono
Orchid Kimono
Mauve Dreams Kimono
Atlantica Wind Catcher
Orchid Traditional Lantern
Mauve Dreams Candle Lantern
Atlantica Kimono Shoes
Orchid Kimono Shoes
Mauve Dreams Kimono Shoes
Atlantica Sandles
Orchid Sandles
Mauve Dreams Sandles
Atlantica Spindle
Orchid Spindle
Mauve Dreams Spindle
Atlantica Paper Fan
Orchid Paper Fan
Mauve Dreams Paper Fan
Atlantica Fan
Orchid Fan
Mauve Dreams Fan
Purple Wokou Sash
Peach Wokou Sash
Wokou Wrist Wraps
Wokou Leg Wraps
Gold Fairy Tiara
Diamond Fairy Tiara
Snowy Festive Fish
Deep Blue Festive Fish
Atlantica Sparkler
Lily Hand Satchel

And for the first time I managed to pick up multiples of the event items:

Festive Wreath x2
Orchid Petals x3
Staff of Orchids x2
Orchid Hairpin x3
Engraved Oak Orchid Shield x3
Grenache Blade x3

Yeps. So I think I might have to try my hand at selling stuff for the first time... Though I think I'll probably wait a while. If the economy here is anything like Gaia then their value should only go up in time... Or so I hope. ^^; It would be cool to create another drawer in my inventory for stuff that I want to eventually sell but I really haven't managed to figure that one out yet... I might have to post something at the Information Desk to get some help with that. ^///^[/color]
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My Quest Page!

Posted 05-21-2008 at 04:10 AM by zigbigadorlube
Updated 05-21-2008 at 04:26 AM by zigbigadorlube

[color=#2B547E]Whee! I just made my very first (and only) quest thread! Bleh! It was so much work and it's still not even entirely finished... Still... I think it looks really nice. I'm really proud. ^^;

It's kind of funny really... I always looked at other quest threads and toyed with the idea of making my own but I never got around to it. The Phoenix Jubilee event got me thinking about it and then I finally just up and did it. Check it out:

[[URL="http://www.menewsha.com/forum/showthread.php?t=95307"]zigbigadorlube's Quest Page[/URL]][/color]
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