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Ken Iovino
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Blog Bug Fixes 4/27

Posted 04-28-2008 at 03:12 AM by Ken Iovino

I just updated the blogs and it contains a number of bug fixes since we first went live.

[B]Some of the bugs fixed include:[/B][LIST][*]Trackbacks not working[*]Comments not working[*]Search not working[*]Blog subscriptions not working[*]Clicking the number next to Total Blogs under Blog Statistics takes you to the wrong page.[*]Imagetags with parameters in blog description won't work[/LIST]
If you come across any bugs or weirdness, please let us know by posting the issue in the [URL=""]bug tracker[/URL].

Also, in case others didn't see. Most of your old bookmarked menewsha links should work now. You can [URL=""]read more about it here[/URL].
Views 764 Comments 1 Ken Iovino is offline

Important Older Links Are Now Working

Posted 04-27-2008 at 04:02 AM by Ken Iovino

Hey everyone, I just wanted to share a quick update with you.

Some older links that you might have bookmarked are now working again. These links include, threads, post, forums and profiles.

For Example: If I were to click an old link to my profile. [url][/url]

It should redirect you to my new profile link. Same goes for post, threads and forums. Those are the only major ones I can think about now, but if you know of any other ones that would be useful, please let me know and I will see what I can do. :)

Views 584 Comments 0 Ken Iovino is offline

The Hardest Part Is Over

Posted 04-26-2008 at 01:30 AM by Ken Iovino

So the port has finally come to an end. It was pretty hectic behind the scenes, anything that couldn't have gone wrong did. When I started the port, it took down all of our servers for about 30 mins because it was porting to much at once. After the server was rebooted, I had to turn the port cycle down by 50%, which caused the port to take much much longer then any previous test ports I preformed before.

I ended up staying awake working on Menewsha the ENTIRE time it was down, over 40 hours I was planted on this seat in front of the computer with no sleep. I'm just really happy that part is over now that I have some sleep. I want to personally thank everyone for putting up with the longest downtime ever and dealing with all these current bugs.

Many bugs are floating around the site as you have already noticed. Just hang in there as I'm hard at work trying to fix everything. It will be a couple more weeks before the site is 100% operable and all the main features are turned on. Once all the current features are working correctly, I will be working on your suggested features, like previewing items before buying them, gold earnings for blog post/comments and many many more.

In the mean time, please post all the bugs you find in the [URL=""]Menewsha Bug Tracker[/URL]. That is where I will be going to check bugs and task.

Thanks everyone and if you would like, you can [URL=""]subscribe to my blog[/URL] for future updates. :)

- Ken
Views 1420 Comments 9 Ken Iovino is offline