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Intoxicating Envy
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Fits all my categories

Posted 05-30-2008 at 04:01 AM by Intoxicating Envy
This all was posted on my Myspace.

[quote] An Update
So tomorrow is Friday, officially four more days.
Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Practice Graduation and Graduation.
I am tired and oddly melachonly, partly I guess because of Graduation.
As my status says I am very contemplative right now. I am thinking about
a few things...that will be shared in a preferred list blog. I might just put
a bunch of people on that but right now only one person is actually on
that list.

I know I am going to miss everyone that is leaving and the sad thing
is that something a friend said is true, chances are a few of us will not
remain in touch. When Kao does read my entry, I hope you know I meant
all of it and I would have written more but I couldn't think about anything.
I do love you as a friend would love a friend. You are a great friend and

Now I really do plan on trying my hardest to remain friends with all
the people I met this year but if it doesn't work out, at least I know
and they should know they have affected the outcome of the person
I become. I love who I am becoming...for the most part...and I will
probably love who I become even more!

I would post this on graduation but that wouldn't be too smart because
the things I am contemplating won't or shouldn't wait till then. Therefore
this blog would be way off! Hum. Well, I loved the Youtube Material
movie we made; it was super fun. The problem with signing yearbooks
though is that I don't have the "gift of one liners" nor the gift of writing
anything in a time that is assigned to me.

I love you all, gawh, I bet this sounds like I am going to die or something. xDD
Well, I don't plan on dying any time soon, though sometimes I probably
feel that embarrassed! Gawh, the room goes silent when I say stupid things...
Especially in Calculus for some odd reason. Well, I honestly can't think of
anything else for the open blog; onto my preferred list blog.


[quote]The Contemplation

So okay, my contemplations.

When I was friends with Jacky W. and even Kayla G., especially when
they were a lot nearer to my own physical body, I seemed to be a lot
more "gutsy". Well, I wish they both were here for me at the moment...
they would really help me figure out what I should do and then pretty much
I would do it without chickening out too badly.

Well, what is Envy to do; I am really stuck, here is the thing I still like him!
I meant to get over him months ago and it didn't happen and wth do
I do! A part of me screams "Tell him that you like him!" and the other part
screams "Don't, it will screw with any chance of a friendship!" well, which
part should I listen to. If I were to listen to the "Tell" one; how would I tell
the guy?

Yeah I do have his email but I feel like that is the Chicken shit thing to do
and I could lose respect from him because of it. Or I could tell him in person
but I swear I am way to scared about that... Whatever. Obviously, I will
have one or two people on my preferred list.[/quote]
Comments 1
Total Comments 1
Old Comment Posted 05-31-2008 at 04:20 PM
School ends Wednesday for me.
Seventh graders still have Thursday though.
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