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Posted 02-22-2010 at 06:32 AM by Shadami
Updated 05-03-2010 at 03:56 AM by Shadami

[URL=""]as the magic fades[/URL]
Name: Kotori
Race: half-elven
Gender: male
Age: 19
Appearance:[IMG][/IMG] dark brown hair though
Inside your travel pack: silver chain with a cross, a blanket, a smaller pouch of spell components, and a flask of elven wine.
Personality: very upfront in your face, doesn't like people telling him what to do. Keeps to himself and prefers to be one with nature. He has mastered many bird calls and when he is violent and about to kill he lets out the death cry of the screech owl. The owl that is rumored to call out, and if you hear it you will die. This tiny fact reveals his superstitious nature, and may explain why he keeps to himself so often.
Bio: Thrown out of the elven village he was born in as an infant...and outcast he learned to live in the wild. He trusts hardly anyone as he is a halfer, someone born of two races, one who is never liked. he hates the elven community for throwing him out, but he also hates his other heritage, humans, for being cruel and taking away the magic. He became weaker when the magic went away but his survival skills held some of them there. he can do small healing spells using components from the woods. But he was never taught any magic, so what he does know he seldom uses. He relies mainly on the spirit of the woods that he can still feel, that calls out to him, that teaches him what is good and what is harmful. He learned to listen when he had to live there. Now at the age of 19 he is still living his nomadic life, but he has no idea what can be waiting for him as groups of adventurers are on there way out to find the magic that he still has a connection to.
Weapon: a bow and arrow, and a dagger

Name: Akiko
Race: Elven
Gender: female
Age: 21 (actual is about 50)
Inside your travel pack: an insignia of the church, small purse of coins
Personality: Very happy and friendly. She can be seductive at times.
Bio: Akiko grew up a dancer and enjoys it to no end, but she grew up in a bad town where drunks were trying to get her all the time, or a robber would be waiting in an alley ready to slit your throat. So she learned to use daggers, whips, and learned to aim to throw random things very well. When the magic fell she really wasn't effected at all but the priest in her town was, for some reason unknown to her he rushed in on her one night and threw a cloak at her and lead her out of town telling her she needed to move, and do it fast. Now she's heading out to search for a lost magic that she didn't know was there.
Weapon: Proficient in whips, bladed fans, and daggers. Can use a sword but is not the best in the world, its more for show for her dancing but she does know its weight and so can use it.

[URL=""]late night roleplay[/URL]
Name: Kiomoni Lillianna Skywalker
Age: 100
Race: death pixie
Appearance: [IMG][/IMG]
Personality: childish and curious of everything, and disliking of her job as a death pixie, she would have preferd to have been born a wood pixie. She is happy and giddy all the time, complete opposite of her race's typical behaviour.
Bio: Kiomoni has always adored plants and animals of the forest, so whenever she is sent out to take the soul of a creature she usually takes three times or even more than any of the other kids. She stopped and watched everything around her, life fascinates her. At a hundred she is still a child, but she is not maturing as fast as anyone else and the elders of her family are beginning to get worried. They believe that they may need to take her scythe away or at least take away its powers and outcast her. Her recent discovery is the larva of a dragon in a hole in a tree. She had no idea what it was and brought it back to her home. There the elders argued for hours as dragons should have been gone from the world.
Extra: - adores fruit

Name: Aliyana rahmat
Age: 75
Race: Water angel
Appearance: [IMG][/IMG]
Personality: Beautiful and graceful as her appearance. She is quiet and has almost a musical calm about her that can touch anyone around her. It is a magical gift of angels that infects people, but it has affected her as well.
Bio: Raised as she should have been by her family she was gifted with the spirit of mercy, water, and the small powers that some angels possess. She isn't as wise as many people but she is charismatic and enjoys attention though many times she will complain because she doesn't realize that she loves it. Her softness has earned her the title of mistress of water even at the young age of 75 barely becoming a woman. Currently she lived in the forest switching between the form of a mermaid in the lake, and the human look she had when she walked on land, though her ears were slightly pointed enough to reveal she was no true human. Her job is to watch the water in the forest, to keep the balance, and to call on rain when needed.
Extra: -she is the age to marry
- her father is an elder

[URL=""]operation salvation[/URL]
My name is Shadami,
but my code name is Adonia Rivera.
I am a 21 year old female.
You want to know my story? Fine, I’ll tell you. I was raised as a bodyguard and I learned martial arts because you can't always just use a weapon. I always had to think fast, be on my toes so to speak. I think I've done a pretty good job. I'm still here aren't I? Why am i looking for a new job after being a bodyguard? My previous employer died from a heart attack. Nothing that was my fault of course, they just had a bad heart. I'm looking for a new place to start and this seemed like a pretty decent place to go, after all martial arts is my specialty and they can't be hurt by modern weapons, that makes it just all that more fun.
You shouldn’t always believe what you hear, but sometimes you can. Me? I'm pretty laidback, i love tigers and got a tattoo of one on my shoulder. I figure that most people see me as cocky or headstrong, I just say what I think. It's no big deal really.
Before I forget, you should know my job. I am a protector
and I am looking for a new employer to protect.

[URL=""]all is fair in love and war[/URL]
Name- Eyra Ridvan

Age- 20

Gender- female

Race- half human, half nymph

Master/ Slave- none yet

Powers- can help plants grow

Detailed Description or Picture- [IMG][/IMG]

Bio- Eyra grew up poor, her family sold her into slavery and she has known nothing but slavery her entire life so she is loyal to no end. She hates being treated poorly but she doesn't believe that there is any other way to live. She is partially blind and the world is dark unless it is within 5 feet in front of her. She lost her sight when she was in a burning building and got knocked down at the age of three. Now she has been taken to a place to be re-sold because her previous master wants a new slave that can see.

Personality- Despite her difficult life she smiles alot and is happy to help when people are in need. She never gets angry she just gets sad, especially when she is treated poorly.

Social Class- slave

[URL=""]fairy stone magic[/URL]
Name: Ryoma tatsuyoshi
Age: 21
Sex: female
Bio: Growing up in a family that believed in magic, the underworld, angels, ghosts, dragons, whatever you could think of that people had imagined up over time... well you tended to start believing in them. Ryoma was no exception and she studied what she could find every chance she got, extending her knowledge about the magical word. One day she stumbled upon magic fairy stones in Virginia, not to far away from her home. She set out to investigate not having any idea where it would take her into a strange new world.
Fairy Stone Type: Maltese
Power: technopathy
the one and only
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