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Watch what you say, please! Private Entry

Posted 03-24-2011 at 01:41 AM by monstahh`
Updated 03-25-2011 at 10:13 PM by monstahh`

[hide]I've been holding my tongue on this for a long time because I don't want to get bitched at about it... (so I'm posting it in my blog instead.)

But for fucks sake, the staff sometimes needs to watch what they say!

[QUOTE]The stuff you guys are complaining about makes [B]me wonder if you're all on crack.[/B][/QUOTE]

Is that really the best way for a staff member to convey a feeling or a thought?
Keep in mind that some of menewsha's users aren't even 18 (or older) and that staff has a higher authority over the rest of the users and in my opinion, that means their actions should be held to a higher standard.

Now, I'm not saying they should have to bite their tongue...But, I really don't like being spoken to in such a manner--and frankly it's not the first time a staff member has spoken to me or someone else in such a way, and it leaves me feeling really unhappy and unwelcome here (ironic if you know what the rest of the post was).


Usually I don't get really upset about these things...but...I just. This is too far. I'm so tired of being spoken to by staff like that.
My biological father has drug problems, and I just don't like the implication or the suggestion that I am a drug user...That is hateful and hurtful and horrible.[/hide]
faerie graveyard
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Character for Outer City

Posted 03-20-2011 at 06:58 PM by monstahh`
Updated 03-23-2011 at 08:48 PM by monstahh`

[B]Character Skeleton[/B]

1. Character Name - Kestrel Lass
2. Your (Mene) Name - Monstahh`
3. Character Concept - Telepathic/kinetic Witch
4. Age - 21
5. Age(apparent) - N/A (no real difference, perhaps a little younger)
6. Gender - Female
7. Height - 5'5'' (feet/inches)
8. Body Type - Hourglass...Large bust, wide hips. Strong legs and broad shoulders.
9. Hair Color - Chocolate brown with darker and lighter highlights.
10. Eye Color - Blue with purple rims and dark grey flecks.
11. Distinguishing physical characteristics - Small mole on her right cheek, almost fang-like canine teeth (sharper and bigger than a normal person's)
12. Style/Fashion - Vintage casual/elegant
13. Abilities/Powers -[LIST][*]Telepathy -Automatic with her cat familiar, needs to be focused and in close range with anyone/thing else.[*]Telekinesis - Ability to move light to mid-weight (approximately twice her weight) with her mind.[*]Time stop - Has the ability to pause time for a few seconds --instinctive-- she can't control it consciously.[*]Spells - General wide variety of 'spells' however most need preparation and are not "instant." Many are also very temporary. (ex; healing wounds, underwater breathing, night vision)[/LIST]14. Alignment - Chaotic Neutral
15. Occupation - Part time bartender & part time manager at a vintage store.
16. Residence type - Local (studio apartment a few blocks from the campus)
17. Strengths/Areas of Expertise - Briefly studied psychology and natural/alternative/herbal medicine/remedies
18. Weaknesses/Flaws -[LIST][*]Intense fear of heights--won't even look out a window past the 5th floor.[*]Dyslexia[/LIST]19. Cycle - Diurnal...prefers to wake up late, and go to bed later, but occasionally stays up all night.
20. Quirk(s) - She touches her face a lot and has trouble making eye contact with strangers or people she doesn't know well.

[B]Character Picture[/B]

[B]Character Bio[/B]

Kestrel has lived a fairly simple life. Her parents are your typical suburban mom and dad, not really taking an active interest in her or her siblings' (two brothers, one older one younger) lives, but also not really ignoring them either. She had a nice upbringing, a small house with a small front yard.

As a child she discovered a gentle power within her--telekinesis. At first she was afraid, stunned, shocked even...but she grew to be both fascinated and ashamed--she'd tried to show her older brother her powers..and he accused her of being crazy, and just trying to mess with his head. After that, she began to hide it and practice only when she was alone with no chance of being caught--her powers were never very strong, but she was still nervous and afraid.

She fought with her brothers often, they were always trying to find new ways to torment her. One time they had dragged her to the roof of their high school while she was blindfolded (claiming they had a surprise for her)...Stood her on the edge, pulled the blindfold off, and threatened to push her over the side. Ever since then heights have made her ill...It brings up memories of the abuse they put her through, and of looking over that edge, down to the gravel basketball court, where she'd gotten teased and bullied.

She was glad to move out when she did. She started going to college for psychology at the Armitage University. She specifically chose it for the "metaphysics" and herbalism classes--they were unorthodox, but she was fascinated and captivated. She hoped she might not be alone there. She hoped she would find some who she could share her gifts with.

Shortly after starting there a few stray cats started following her around. She'd always loved cats, and they always loved her, but she thought it was strange...but soon enough she started bringing them treats and canned tuna and even sooner after one of them began to speak to her...At first she thought she was crazy, but she soon realized that it wasn't her, or the cat, but the bond they had forged in this place of mystery and weirdness.

Sadly, she dropped out 2 years into her studies because of a severe bout of depression brought on by the death of her younger brother, and the divorce of her parents shortly following...She wasn't very close to them, and at times hated them, but they were family, and it was hard to watch them fall apart.

She moved off the campus, taking more hours at both her part time jobs, and got a nice small place with the 'talking cat' she'd adopted and had affectionately started calling Irish name, meaning "dark" after his dark eyes and darker coat. Not that he was a "black cat" though... his belly was white and grey.

Kestrel wanted to go back to school, and soon enough she hoped she would...She wanted to finish her education in psychology with her minors in herbalism and general Metaphysics.
faerie graveyard
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wtf? Private Entry

Posted 02-27-2011 at 02:04 AM by monstahh`

[QUOTE]I do talk in circles sometimes. Actually, quite often.

Yes, because sex leads to babies I think it is (or perhaps more correctly, SHOULD be) a privilege, rather than a right. It's not as if humans as a rule will suffer any illness from not having sex (like how guys will mention 'blue balls'), besides a decreased birth rate.[/QUOTE]

So you disagree with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

[QUOTE]Article 12.

* No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy,[B] family, [/B]home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 16.

* (1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry [B]and to found a family[/B]. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
* (2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
* (3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

I know that mental health and intelligence are not included in the declaration, but, I'm just in a bit of shock that you believe that[B] no one [/B]has a right to a family.
The problem with tests, is that some people will never do as well as others, even if they're great people, and great parents, some people just get nervous and fuck up, and what would/could [I]possibly[/I] be a standard and fair test for "having the right to a family"?
Not all children are the same, not all parents treat each child the same because not all parents and children have ALL of the same needs...should all parents be trained in having mentally ill children, even if they don't have mental illness, and their chances of having a child with mental illness, are extremely low...simply because some parents will have children who are mentally ill...and if they can't take care of these mentally ill children, does that mean they can't have kids at all? A lot of first time parents "get better" at it as time goes on, because they learn things that work, and things that don't work. Even with parenting classes, there is probably going to be something that the parent is going to have trouble with, and might fuck up.
Are people not allowed to make mistakes?
I mean, that all seems pretty [I]arbitrary[/I] to me.
No one is ever ready for parenthood. You can read ALL the parenting books in the world, and know how to do EVERYTHING right...But within the first week of having a kid lose your shit because you can't sleep because the baby is up all night screaming and there's NOTHING you can do about it, because there's no reason for this baby to be crying, it's just a fussy kid!
Should they have their kids taken away from them? And what happens to anyone who has a child already who doesn't pass the test? Do they go into the foster care system, which is already flooded enough as is, and the background tests and screenings aren't enough to catch people who are going to abuse the kids they are supposed to take care of?

So, what happens if people get pregnant, and they don't have their "children license"? Do that have a forced abortion paid for by the government, or do they have to pay for it themselves, or if they can't afford it should they just kick them down the stairs and hope she miscarries?

Also, men actually [I]do[/I] need to ejaculate. Not only is sex good for you, but research suggests [URL=""]that ejaculation can decrease prostate cancer risk![/URL]

Also, all mammals reproduce through sex. Should we not allow animals to have sex either because they're stupid or can't take care of their kids or because they can't pass a test? I mean hamsters often will EAT their young. Does that mean they can't reproduce either? I mean, eating your own baby takes a certain kind of fucked up. They [I]must[/I] be bad parents.

This also begs the question, but should mentally retarded people go through mandatory sterilization? Or people who are abused as kids, have mandatory sterilization too? Because if you're abused when you're young, you're more likely to abuse your own children. I mean, it's all about prevention, right?

I think that any test that would be put in place to determine if you are going to be a good parent is going to be very arbitrary and inaccurate and unfair.
faerie graveyard
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puntin' Private Entry

Posted 02-07-2011 at 09:37 PM by monstahh`
Updated 02-07-2011 at 09:59 PM by monstahh`

This is just to keep a record for my amusement, it is set to PRIVATE and not meant to inspire more drama, as it is OVER.

[QUOTE=sarofset;1769073711]I've never actually seen you put up evidence for an argument either. Ever. And since the only time we argued before was on a subjective topic, you can't complain. You've never been anything but rude to me, even in this case, when I admitted That What I said was wrong.

Also if you don't persist a little, you look like a roving useless troll. In this case, I wanted to see what all of the opposing arguments would be to a statement which I've seen arguments for all over the place. I've never been sure what all of the argument were on either side, and wanted to give it a check. okay.

Another point. Generally speaking the first person to resort to calling the other names is the actual "idiot."[/QUOTE]

Don't you fucking even. :lol: I provided many sources, in fact, I provide sources a lot, certainly a lot more than you.

[URL=""]Source[/URL] [URL=""][I]Primary[/I] Source[/URL] [URL=""]Personal Observation Source aka looking at Target's website[/URL] [URL=""]Source[/URL]

You have also attacked me/others previously in other threads, and I have held my tongue. But I'm tired of you being rude.

[URL=""]Source (Implying that I was "Dumb" and wasn't backing up my arguments.)[/URL] [URL=""]Rude[/URL]
[url=""]Source, also one of your "nonsources"[/URL]
[URL=""]Denying someone of their scientific evidence because they're just "Throwing papers at you."[/URL]

Not to mention countless times that you have told people that because they don't have a degree in anthropology, that whatever they say is useless. :|
My boyfriend has a degree in anthropology, and reads over most of my posts before I post them. He agrees usually with most of what I say, and if he doesn't he's usually very vocal about it.

There is nothing wrong with playing Devil's Advocate to see what people truly think about things, or what their first reaction to something is.
If I was trying to make someone pissed off, that would be trolling, however, I'm not, and I make sure to mention in those post that I'm simply playing the Devil's Advocate. Oh, and Devil's Advocate or not, I don't deny facts when presented to me.

also, you didn't "admit that [you] were wrong," you simply just said, "O LULZ, I WAS JUST ARGUING STUPIDLY ON PURPOSE.

[QUOTE=Sarofset]It really was. I find the best way to get your point across is, to argue against it in an unintelligent manner, and wait for someone who is more industrious than yourself to argue against it. [/QUOTE]


Stop being such a flaming &*$% to me. I didn't do anything to you. I'm sorry your life sucks right now, but quit taking it out on me. You're immature and I'm tired of it. An ADULT would maybe try to make friends with me, but you just troll my threads, and then insult me outright on others. It's offensive. I have bigger things to deal with right now than some annoying little girl with a grandiose self image, who seems to think she's never ever wrong.

I'm dealing with too much right now to have to worry every time I post, whether you are gonna attack me. My girlfriend's grandfather just died, One of my professors treats me like a four year old, my mother hasn't had a job in over a year, and I can't find one for the life of me. On top of all of that I have a paper due for said class, which I'm dreading because I have yet to write a paper in college, and let's face it it's really intimidating.

Please, just be nice okay. I'm worn out mentally, and emotionally, and just can't take it.




[QUOTE=sarofset;1769073442]It really was. :) I find the best way to get your point across is, to argue against it in an unintelligent manner, and wait for someone who is more industrious than yourself to argue against it. :) [/QUOTE]

So making yourself [I]repeatedly[/I] look like an idiot, is on purpose?
Wow, news to me. :lol:

You're not doing yourself any favors, and either put in the work, or don't bother.
There's a difference from playing "Devil's Advocate" and just acting dumb, I'm sorry but I don't believe you.
You've done this before, dragged your heels into the mud when presented with obvious fact and sources, and you NEVER supply any of your own unless bitched at, and then it's usually some shitsource, not anything solid or remotely scientific (or not even scientific, but a primary source, or secondary...or any, really at all!).
And now I think you're just trying to save face, and frankly, it just makes me find anything you say, irrelevant, forever and always.

Edit: Now, I can understand playing Devil's advocate and being "realistic" about it (and basically taking arguments right from "the horse's mouth" so to speak, but I will still attempt to back them up with sources when asked). I do that from time to time, but I DO NOT persist with it for more than one post. It it usually to test and gauge the reactions. And I never do it in a "serious" or even "semi-serious" debate forum, because, well, I'll look like a fool.
faerie graveyard
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hair colours

Posted 01-06-2011 at 08:46 PM by monstahh`
Updated 03-19-2011 at 12:47 AM by monstahh`


[COLOR="#e17fa7"]#e17fa7[/COLOR] + ??

[COLOR="#470026"]#470026[/COLOR] + [COLOR="#ff85b7"]#ff85b7[/COLOR]

[COLOR="#b079b9"]#b079b9[/COLOR] + white

[COLOR="#2b0840"]#2b0840[/COLOR] and [COLOR="#c5b1c9"]#c5b1c9[/COLOR]



black + [COLOR="#e7327a"]#e7327a[/COLOR]

black + #fe5048

#007a65 + white

#7a0012 + #ffa3a3

black + #ad011b




black + #74016f

#750024 + #ff5c95

#750004 + #e60088

#220202 + #a80051

black + #2f1c35

Athena Moonlight: #351376 + #b084dc

Sea Green: #13762a + #8cdc84

Mid Teal: #137673 + #84dcc6
faerie graveyard
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