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Winter Wind
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[size=1][b]I just found the blog button on the nav, hahahaa.

Talk about lame.

So I'm going to start a blog.

What to write about?
I honestly have no clue.
x-x random musings. :]
And perhaps a story or two. ;DD [/b][/size]

Ignore. x3

Posted 03-31-2009 at 05:41 AM by Winter Wind (Random Musings)

Today, I found myself thinking about how I wish someone would stuff it, how I wanted to take a hose to wash off their makeup, how I wanted to shove them into a closet because their voice was getting on my nerves.
SORRY GUYS. D: I'm SUPERR busy atm, so I won't be on till forever. ;^;
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Hiatus from Mene, almost done.

Posted 08-23-2008 at 11:02 PM by Winter Wind (Random Musings)

[size=1][b]My hiatus from Mene is almost done!

What I learned was that through your will and self-discipline, you can actually get un-addicted to Mene.

I was crazyy about Mene before my hiatus, I had to go on every 15 minutes or so.

Now, my interest has become normal again, and soon, when I'm done with my projects, I'll be able to come back to Mene as a normal Menewshan. NOt some rabid one that is on 24/7.

I did miss tons of people, and my new change to being on Mene about 1-2 hours a day will limit my chatting, but at least my grades won't suffer. :'D

I'll be back next week, on September 1st. ;D <3

See you guys then. [/b][/size]
SORRY GUYS. D: I'm SUPERR busy atm, so I won't be on till forever. ;^;
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Views 3226 Comments 3 Winter Wind is offline

Superficial Aspects

Posted 07-30-2008 at 09:15 PM by Winter Wind (Random Musings)

[size=1][b]Not done brainstorming yet.

For the guy name: Dareios, Dakarai, Derek...I like D's, lol. Daryl, Deimos

"Pleased to meet you, I'm Elf Prince Deimos."
I think I like Deimos. o-o <3

The girl name: I love Sharon, but I need more names. *-* Sage? Sandra?
I asked my friends, two for Sage, one for Sandra.

I think I'm going to include some history between elf and human, how humans kept destroying their homes and forced them to run away. So...they hate humans, which by extension means they hate Sage.

Love triange, maybe...
I might make the elf prince from the forest fall in love with her too.

And...I have to kill someone off too.
So...perhaps I might kill one of her best friends.
...I think this is good, because then she'll feel very alone, and run to her Elf Prince for comfort, and she'll realize just how much she needs him. ;D

Oh, and she comes from a foster home, and doesn't know her parents. ;D

The guy will be 5'10, and the girl will be 5'5.

As for how to get to his kingdom, there's going to be a little portal disguised as a rock, and if you walk through it you'll be transported to his kingdom in the middle of the ocean. It'll be surrounded in a bubble though. xD With like...doors so they can swim and stuff.

His palace will be made from gold, silver, diamond, and orichalcum.

Ohhh, and she'll have a little dog named Mailman. xD

I'll update more later on the appearance and superficial aspects of the story. ;D
SORRY GUYS. D: I'm SUPERR busy atm, so I won't be on till forever. ;^;
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Elf Prince and I

Posted 07-30-2008 at 08:23 PM by Winter Wind (Random Musings)

[size=1][b]I'm really liking the plot of an 18 year old girl living on her own and trying to make her way, and she meets an elf prince who teaches her about love and happiness.

So basically, the protagonist is a girl.
She's a hardworking but clumsy girl trying to live on her own.
Her parents died in a car accident (wowww, so cliche).
She juggles about 2 jobs and goes to night school.
She loves daydreaming about finding romance, a happy and financially secure life, etc.
She's extremely nice, but has mood swings often.
Does not drink.
Also pretty sharp despite her clumsiness (in terms of thinking).
Her internal conflict will be whether or not to leave her friends in exchange for love.

The other protagonist later on in the story is the Elf Prince.
He's a sharp, witty elf.
Loves to crack lame jokes.
He's tired of the same routine everyday, and longs for some change in his royally dull life.
Can be reasonable, but likes taking risks.


Antagonist will be his kingdom and his father.
Kingdom obviously will oppose an elf x human relationship.
Father wants his successor to marry a proper Elf Lady of good standing.
His "fiancee" will be understanding to the Elf Prince's situation, and she's willing to support them (she lost her own human love because she was too scared to take a risk).

This is greatt.
I dunno who else would like interspecies romance, but I do. o-o <3

Elf and humann, how much better can you get? xD

And there'll be two Elf Kingdoms, one near the ocean and one of the forest. ;D
And maybe I'll make it so both of their princes fall in love with the girl. ;DDD

Uhm...she meets Elf Prince by accientally falling off a cliff (o-o), and he'll save her and take her to his kingdom.

So the little conflicts about this story will be:
Are you willing to sacrifice frienships for love?
Will you give up your kingdom and everything just to love someone?
Is the pressure and constant ridicule worth the love?

...yupp, that's all I can think of right now. x3

Oh, and the elf prince'll have dark hair. Short, dark hair. Silky. And he'll be a lean, tall person with piercing blue eyes. Slightly tanned skin.

She'll be a girl with dark brown silky hair up to her...say, 5 inches below the shoulder. Pretty short, he can rest his chin on her head. xD Rather pale, because she doesn't get out much (studying, working), and she'll have a pretty nice figure.

I have to put her friend in somehow.
And I need namesss.

Ohwell, next time. xD
SORRY GUYS. D: I'm SUPERR busy atm, so I won't be on till forever. ;^;
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Babble about Potential Stories

Posted 07-18-2008 at 12:04 AM by Winter Wind (Random Musings)
Updated 07-18-2008 at 12:18 AM by Winter Wind

[size=1][b]So...I'm thinking about writing a story.

It'll be something along the lines of a musical romance.

Or it'll be about an 18 year old meeting an elf prince.

I dunno. Both of those ideas attract me. Perhaps I'll write both? ;D

The setting'll be modern day, but both will include beaches. I prefer the setting sun and the gentle waves for a romantic setting.

Ending? I dunno if I would want to write a sad one or not. I might write something sad for the musical one, and a happy one for the elf prince.

I mean, after all, fantasy = happy thoughts. xD Well, in my world it does. o-o

After reading a "how to write romance", I realized that just figuring out what you're trying to tell your reader is the hardest part.

...and that completely eliminates my romance story. :]

So...I'll write the fantasy elf-prince one. :]
It'll have romance, but at least the plot isn't centered on romance. :'D

...actually, maybe it will.

I think I'll have the girl meet the elf-prince, but she has to let go of him sooner or later because of he's heir to his kingdom and her own pressing issues (maybe low funds, moving away, etc), and the story'll be about how far will someone go for love.

That sounds cool.
...and totally cliche.

I've been typing this entry and thinking about it for like an hour.

Time to finish. <3

Another idea.

Maybe a girl finds a photo of her thought-to-be-lost loved one, and goes off to search for him? :0

Or perhaps a girl returns to her old town because she had been kicked out/low on funds, and finds her childhood crush still there?

...I think the first one is better, 2nd is a bit cliche. xD;
SORRY GUYS. D: I'm SUPERR busy atm, so I won't be on till forever. ;^;
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