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To Whom It May Concern[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

I was given a journal, and I intend to use it, even if it's only for nonsense...[/SIZE]

Imperfect days

Imperfect days

Posted 05-30-2008 at 04:55 PM by Dearest
I wanted to make a blog entry about how my exam today went, and this salesdude I pass on my way back from school everyday, who's just odd, but then I came home to some unsettling news and it ruined my perfectly perfect day...
(Don't you ever wish you had just [I]one[/I] day that was all good? It sometimes looks like I'll have that, but that's mostly on the days that end up really shitty later on, like today...)


When I came home from school, two hours earlier than normal due to my exam and was happy 'cause I didn't mess up, and thought nothing could ruin my day, mum tells me that my grandfather has cancer. In his stomach, and everything else in that area. He's lucky if he makes it to his 80th birthday in late August.

I cried a bit.

We're going to see him tomorrow. He's home and everything, up and about as well, but he's dying. My uncle is taking him to the hospital so they can check how spread it is, and see if there's anything they can do, but for now we just have to wait and spend time with him and such...

I was planning to go to the cinema tomorrow as well, but had to cancel... I just don't see how I could be out having fun...

I hate sad things...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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