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Why does the world hate me

Posted 03-18-2010 at 03:02 AM by Cora

Today I think is the very worst day of my life. I am surrounded by drunks who dont know how to shut up. I found out my husband is cheating on me with a man.....and to top it all off the weather is terrible one of the GOD DAMN DRUNKS broke my grandmothers favorite vinegar cruet. And some flake keeps attacking me on every game I play..........I hate this world......and all it has brought me today.
Pixel Pixie
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Views 1772 Comments 3 Cora is offline

The Story of Order

Posted 03-10-2010 at 05:23 AM by Cora

In the beginning the beings of the heavens created a universe, a place with creation. In charge of this creation they left the being born to the name Cami, else wise named Chaos.

For awhile this worked, Chaos was left in charge and the creations of the universe continued to made, by the hand of chaos. But she was unconventional....she was unruly and she was without boundaries to the point where the heavenly beings became angry and sad that there creation was running amok with no means of control.

It was then they created me, I was to bring order where chaos had been driven insane. I was to be her rules, her boundaries. And so it became a game of Cat and mouse.

She created the planets, and for them I created an order. Gravity was my invention, a means to keep the planets aligned. A means to keep the planets ordered.

She grew angry with me, and in turn created Life. I did not hate life, but life must not be allowed to run its course, must not be allowed to create unneeded chaos. In turn I created death, and destruction.

She used the death and destruction to destroy all but her followers. I was the protector of the innocents. It was and is a never ending battle, one to which neither could win. Chaos would seek to destroy order, not knowing chaos does not exist without order, nor order without chaos. We are enemies and dependents all in the same.

Hence is the balance of the universe.
Pixel Pixie
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Cora's First Blog- Real Life

Posted 03-10-2010 at 05:11 AM by Cora

I wonder how many people will actual read such things. I mean should I plot to destroy Chaos and all her wonders here or should I simply blog my life. Or perhaps both.

I suppose I could use this as my online journal and see what you guys think of my mundane life.

Today was a very boring day for me, my husband is away on a business trip that will keep him away for 2 whole weeks while I am stuck at home with my children. Sometimes I wish he would find a job that keeps him home more.....I try to show my love and support the best I can, but it grows hard when in a month of four weeks on average I see him 1-2 weeks....shouldn't a wife take up more then half your life?

The girls where with my mother today so I had the house to myself....well almost. My housekeeper was here for awhile but I dont count that too much. It was quiet and I was lonely. Spent the day binging on cheesecake and watching old movies....but really I just wanted some noise. I guess I am just hopeless.


Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling into at night. I miss you like hell.
- Edna St. Vincent Millay
Pixel Pixie
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