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Broken Spirit
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Allison Kantel and Cody Alvari are all that stands between the Brethren (an evil group of scientists) and their 'holy grail', the Sacred Generator (with which the Brethren intends to remake the world in their image and undo the work of the Creator)....

Untitled Poem 1

Posted 05-10-2009 at 09:29 PM by Broken Spirit (Heart's Own)
Tags poem

[color=dimgray][i]A reposting of a [url=]poem[/url] I posted to the blog on my main account. Posting it here to remind myself that it exists, and also to play a little bit with the BBCode to make it pretty.[/i][/color]

[color=black]Two teens in an ice-cold forest,
Taken away from the world they knew by cruel fate.
Helpless in the face of the very evil they must defeat,
Despair clouds their hearts with a hopeless fear,
As they remembered how they came to be in the forests of Atamante.

Allison Kantel, daughter of gomari fighters,
Time can not hide from the all-seeing eyes of her soul.
Entangled in the weaving of this epic
By her love for a boy,
Her heart belongs completely to him.
She loves him with a love so strong,
Nothing can break their bond.

Cody Alvari, son of a long dead king,
Sought by the Brethren in their desire to create their Utopia.
The power of Alistair's ancient royality runs untapped within him,
A power that was given to his ancestors by the Creator to protect the Sacred Generator.

Esterell and Bentharin, two immortals in the guise of aged humans,
Defied the Brethren's power by living in the city of Manah,
As they kept watch over the two mortals destined to restore balance to the world
In their quest to find the Sacred Generator
And keep it out of the hands of the Brethren.

A sacred relic said to have been used by the Creator in the creation of the world,
With the key, anyone can use it to recreate the world in their image.
Both key and relic were lost to lesser beings when the Brethren came to power,
Taken to a safe, secret place by a powerful Immortal.

Deep in the heart of an ancient glacier,
The mysterious Obani dwells,
Waiting for the true rulers of Alistair to come
And claim their places in the pages of history...[/color]
Green and Proud of it!
Posted in Author's Notes
Views 335 Comments 0 Broken Spirit is offline

Cody Alvari

Posted 05-10-2009 at 07:28 PM by Broken Spirit (Heart's Own)

[b]Name:[/b] Cody Alvari
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 18 years old
[b]Race:[/b] Human/Gomari
[b]Family:[/b] Simon IV Alvari, father; Titania Alvari, mother; [url=]Allison Kantel[/url], girlfriend; ? ?, foster father; ? ? foster mother;
Green and Proud of it!
Posted in Characters
Views 302 Comments 0 Broken Spirit is offline

Allison Kantel

Posted 05-10-2009 at 07:20 PM by Broken Spirit (Heart's Own)
Updated 05-10-2009 at 07:28 PM by Broken Spirit

[b]Name:[/b] Allison "Ally" Kantel
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Age:[/b] 19 years old
[b]Race:[/b] Gomari
[b]Family:[/b] ? Kantel, mother; ? Kantel, father; [url=]Cody Alvari[/url], boyfriend; Rosalie, Humani; Titania Alvari, second cousin many times removed;
Green and Proud of it!
Posted in Characters
Views 267 Comments 0 Broken Spirit is offline

Empty Character Profile

Posted 05-10-2009 at 07:16 PM by Broken Spirit (Heart's Own)
Updated 05-10-2009 at 07:21 PM by Broken Spirit

[i]I'll fill one of these out for each character eventually. Feel free to comment on this entry if you think I should add something more to the profile form.[/i]

Green and Proud of it!
Posted in Characters
Views 320 Comments 0 Broken Spirit is offline