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Posted 09-13-2010 at 04:30 AM by Skullushka

[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]resigning all my testing to this blog post...

first post:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[B][COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Table Of Contents[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B]

[SIZE="2"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][B]Introduction
Do's and Don'ts
Samples and Prices
Pick Up[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Introduction[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/FONT]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]
[SIZE="2"]Hello. I'm Skully. This is about the second time I've tried opening an event art shop... I've been entertaining myself with the idea of having a successful shop/hangout ever since I joined Menewsha. Hopefully it'll work this time around.[/SIZE][/FONT]

second post:

[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][B][CENTER]Rules[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"]1. Follow Menewsha's [URL=""]terms of service.[/URL]
2. I don't care what you do with my art. Just don't claim it as your own.
3. I'd prefer it if you stayed and chatted with me rather than leaving, but I won't take it personally if you post and leave.[/SIZE]


[SIZE="2"]Original characters with a picture/any kind of reference.
Original characters with a detailed physical description if you don't have a drawn reference of them.
Avatars from other sites.
Repeat customers/multiple orders.[/SIZE]


[SIZE="2"]Original characters with a poor description and no reference. I may end up botching your character completely.
Anything over PG-13. I don't know how I could do that with just a bust, but if you figure out how, ask someone else.
Furries. I just don't know how to draw animals; however, simple things like ears are fine.
Anything beyond a bust unless you feel like bribing me.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

Third post:

[FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"][CENTER][B]Samples and Prices[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE]

[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]Line Art[/B][/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"][B]One Color[/B][/SIZE]


150 gold[/CENTER]


[B][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="5"]DRAW ME, SKULLY![/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/B]
[B]COLORS:[/B] [Just lineart? If more: One, flat, or shaded?]
[B]Anything else I should know?[/B][/CODE]


[B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Pick Up:[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

[SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]None yet.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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And yet another character...

Posted 04-26-2010 at 03:34 PM by Skullushka
Updated 10-12-2010 at 06:29 PM by Skullushka (constantly edited...)

[COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Georgia"]Ah, and now we're getting into characters I made when I was 12... They're from an old story I wrote... Apocalypse type setting in the future... 2500s... Yeah, I was silly. Yes, it was a steampunk kind of future.

[B]My references of him:[/B]
[B]Age:[/B] 3,000
[B]Nationality:[/B] ..... Hellion? He spent a lot of time in England, but he travels so much that he has no real origin.
[B]Species:[/B] 80% shadow demon, 20% ice demon
[B]Sexuality:[/B] Asexual.
[B]Religion:[/B] ... Pfft.
[B]Appearance:[/B] Tall (6'4''), thin but muscular (200), has very soft and feminine features. His hair's thick and luxurious, black with neon blue streaks as if dyed poorly, and falling around his waist. He's as pale as demonically possible. He has dark red eyes. His clothes vary. At times, he favors a black suit with blue pinstripes, other times he wears latex gloves and a long black cloak over a black buttoned up shirt, black pants, and boots. He has a deep voice with an accent that's impossible to trace. Sometimes he uses archaic English. Other times, he mutters in German, but that's more than likely from Kain's minor influence.
[B]Personality:[/B] harsh, quiet, serious, cruel, depressing, scientific, cold. He considers himself a scientist over being a dictator. He views everything scientifically, and, as a result, he doesn't grow attached to anyone.
[B]Anything else of interest?[/B] He's technically never killed anyone with his bare hands. He's always had a pawn do it for him. He prefers to use mind games and torture rather than killing. He would be impossible to track if anyone ever tried investigating the people he's tortured because he leaves behind no fingerprints or a trace of himself.
[B]Quotes:[/B] "I don't care whether you live or die... Just don't disrupt my thought process."
"I believe you may have a point, but I don't care for it..."
"Now, what will you give me for freeing you? I'd like some compensation for my efforts."
"You delude yourself..."[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Part three of the characters in a project I'm doing...

Posted 04-16-2010 at 03:34 PM by Skullushka
Updated 04-28-2010 at 03:29 PM by Skullushka (Will be constantly edited...)

[B]My references of him:[/B]
[B]Outfits:[/B] [URL=""]work outfit[/URL] [URL=""]1[/URL] [URL=""]2[/URL] [URL=""]3[/URL]
[B]Age:[/B] 28, born September 13
[B]Nationality:[/B] Norwegian-Swedish
[B]Species:[/B] human, but aliens raised him.
[B]Sexuality:[/B] bi
[B]Religion:[/B] None.
[B]Appearance:[/B] Tall but slouches so much that he's shorter than Hilde (6'2 1/2'', 5'11'' when he slouches), lean but muscular (180), yet somewhat feminine looking. His hair goes down around mid-back and is a pale blond. He keeps it in a braid whenever he's working, and when he's not, he keeps it down. He's almost as pale as Hilde. He has dark blue eyes. He always dresses in suits or in very fashionable clothing. Despite being fluent in English, he lacks an accent when he speaks it. His voice is very deep, but it's also very soft and similar to a purr.
[B]Personality:[/B] Cheerful, optimistic to the point of hopelessness, rash, flamboyant, nosy, promiscuous, talkative, passionate, lazy. While he knows may people, he doesn't allow them to be too close to him. He dated five people at once not because he was needy but because he wanted to hurt someone just as much as one of his exes hurt him. He puts forth a friendly facade to hide his loneliness and fear of getting hurt if he becomes too close to someone. He can be overprotective if he allows himself to grow close to someone. He's fairly lazy unless motivated well enough. He's just as productive as Hilde when he tries, and that aggravates Hilde more than he realizes. He's actually fluent in six alien languages as well as Swedish, German, and English.
[B]Job:[/B] Using his knowledge of how alien weapons work, he draws the majority blueprints for the weapons Hilde makes. He's also a hell of a shot. He's even better than Hilde. He serves occasionally as a sniper.
[B]Anything else of interest?[/B] He thinks clearer than Hilde does during high pressure situations.
[B]Background:[/B] As far as he remembers, he's an only child. He doesn't know his biological parents. Aliens 'adopted' him when he was three. They'd planned on giving him back to his parents, but they couldn't find them and decided to keep him. They raised him as if he weren't adopted. As they were a trading race, Kori had to learn six alien languages. They remained neutral even through a civil war. Finally, one of the sides grew tired of them and decided to annihilate them. He barely escaped in time. He was twenty-one at the time. Afterwords, he drifted in space for a few months until someone called "The Doctor" found him. For four years, he spent his time as The Doctor's companion. He taught Kori English. During this time, he learned of the aliens that killed his 'family', and he drew fairly close to the Doctor; however, they seemed to grow too close, and the Doctor abandoned him in the Welsh countryside when he was twenty-five. Hilde found him lying on the road muttering to himself about how he wanted to be dead. He thought he was nothing without the Doctor, but he bottled all his loneliness when asking Hilde what year it was.
[B]Quotes:[/B] "Mm, come now, Hilde. It's not that bad."
"Gladly, sir!"
"I think it would be best if I were in the back. I'm no good in close combat."
"Ooh, hey there, gorgeous~"
"Th-That's... Oh, wow...~"
"Of course I'm listening!"
"Oh, I didn't realize... All the good ones really [i]are[/i] taken..."
"No, no, I'm not disappointed."
"Don't be so grim!"
"Oh, I know you don't, doll."[/COLOR]
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Part two of the characters in a project I'm doing...

Posted 04-15-2010 at 04:45 PM by Skullushka
Updated 04-25-2010 at 05:37 PM by Skullushka (Constantly updated.)

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Clancy Noel Lumley
My references of him:[/B]
[B]Commissions: [/B]
[B]Outfits:[/B] [URL=""]work outfit[/URL] [URL=""]1[/URL] [URL=""]2[/URL] [URL=""]3[/URL] [URL=""]4[/URL]
[B]Age:[/B] 24, born March 26
[B]Nationality:[/B] Irish
[B]Species:[/B] human
[B]Sexuality:[/B] gay, but is quiet about it enough that some people think he's straight.
[B]Religion:[/B] His foster parents were Christian, but he's not that religious. After his step-brother died, he stopped going altogether and became mildly skeptical about it all; however, he's still highly superstitious, so much so that it's slightly comical.
[B]Appearance:[/B] Short for his age (5'8''), lanky but not anorexic (139), and slightly feminine. His hair's a vibrant orange, wavy, and ends around his shoulders. He usually tries keeping it back in a low ponytail when he's working. Being almost blind, he switches between contacts and his black thick-rimmed glasses depending on how early he wakes up in the day. His eyes are a mossy green. During the first few months of being at the rebuilt HUB, he can rarely sleep and regularly had dark circles under his eyes. He's freckled all over and has a normally pink skin tone. He will burn in the sun even if he's wearing a jacket. He typically dresses in fashionable attire that's not flamboyant as Kori's suits, but is still formal enough to be considered in style. He typically has impeccable taste. Other times, he wears retro shirts under half-buttoned up sweaters. His voice is deep, but his accent is an odd mix of a Welsh, Irish, and Scottish accent from the places he lived.
[B]Personality:[/B] Quiet, a bit of a prude, cynical, shy, unsure of himself, snappy, pessimistic, guarded, lonely. He's mildly frightened when faced with talking to new people. He tries making up for it by putting up a snarky facade. Underneath it, however, he's very compassionate and cares very much for the people around him. The few people who actually know him know that he's a softie who would just as soon as take a bullet for a friend as well as giving one. He's only slightly confident over his skills as a doctor. He's the youngest chief of surgery on record, and he still doubts himself despite none of his patients dying on him. He was his hospital's guardian angel.
[B]Job:[/B] Was the chief of surgery back at his hospital; now is Torchwood's on site surgeon/doctor.
[b]Background: [/B] Born in Malahide, Ireland. His father left when he was two, and his mother died of stomach cancer when he was five. His only memory of his mother is of her lying in bed and her grip loosening around his hand. The family that adopted him was Scottish and already had another child, Corroy, who was around five years older than him, but they'd wanted another, and they couldn't because the mother was too old. Regardless, they still loved him as if he were their own. Unfortunately, the schoolchildren didn't like him as well. He was picked on while growing up, but Corroy stopped most of it. He became the child who would sit in the back of the class not to sleep, but to avoid everyone else, since most of his class sat in the front. He didn't have a non-teacher friend until he became a doctor. He was infatuated with Corroy, but was too shy to say anything until it was too late. Cancer again took someone important from him, but the experience deeply motivated him to become a doctor. He became even more of a loner after Corroy died and focused solely on his studies. He graduated at fifteen and received a full scholarship. He graduated at nineteen and became his hospital's chief of surgery at twenty-two when the people in charge took note that almost all the patients in the surgeries he was in didn't die. He was particularly successful if the patient had cancer that needed to be removed. His first real friend was Nia, and only because she was so persistent about it. She helped him through a lot of his troubles and became his closet. He was recruited with Nia because of how well he cooperated with her and the compassion he showed a weevil. Jack had also noticed how he didn't freak out even for a second.
[B]Quotes:[/B] "You've got to be kidding me..."
"...I'm scared, Nia..."
"...Yes, sir..."
"I can't do much more than I am!"
"I hate being weak..."
"...Maybe if you taught me how to shoot someone?"
"... Fuck!"
"Fuck off!"
"... I mean it! I'm not interested!"
"I'm a doctor, damn it, not a fighter!"
"Oh, fuck, it's everywhere..."
"It's not a crush! I just mildly fancy his accent!"
"...I couldn't do a damn thing..."
"You're far too nice..."
"I don't care what the fuck it is! It's injured, and it needs my help!"[/COLOR]
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Part one of the characters in a project I'm doing...

Posted 04-14-2010 at 03:47 PM by Skullushka
Updated 04-28-2010 at 03:28 PM by Skullushka (Will be constantly updated.)

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Hilde Aeschelmann[/B]
[B]My references of her:[/B]
[B]Commissions:[/B] [URL=""]by Miro[/URL] [URL=""]by OokamiD[/URL] [URL=""]by Lejic[/URL] [URL=""]by Taviren[/URL] [URL=""]by Strange_dreams_512[/URL] [URL=""]by TantomileCat[/URL]
[B]Outfits: [/B] [URL=""]work outfit[/URL] [URL=""]1[/URL] [URL=""]2[/URL]
[B]Age:[/B] 25, born January 8
[B]Nationality:[/B] German-Swedish
[B]Species:[/B] human
[B]Sexuality:[/B] lesbian
[B]Religion:[/B] Parents were Roman Catholic, she's a Nihilist
[B]Appearance:[/B] tall (6'1''), muscular but not bulky (178). Her natural hair color is blond, but she's been dyeing it black ever since she was 12. Her hair's short and touches the end of her ears. Occasionally she likes to streak one side red. She's naturally pale. She has pale blue eyes with silver freckles along the center. Her ears are pierced five times, eyebrows three times each, and has snake bites. Her back has a tattoo of black wings. Her left arm has a full sleeve, and she's working on the right. She has a scar across her chest from a fight with her most recent ex. She's tries to be very androgynous and hides her figure with suits, and at times, she even tapers down her breasts. She's fluent in English, and what accent she has is Welsh with a vague undertone of Central Austro-Bavarian. While her voice isn't feminine, it's also not masculine.
[B]Personality:[/B] Cold, calculating, observant, smart, slightly posh, snarky, quiet, yet easily angered, loyal, overprotective, passionate yet not. She's not a person to cross. She studied martial arts when she was 7 up until she was 18, fencing for five. She knows more about the human body than most doctors. This is because her parents wanted her to be a doctor for a long time, but she studied as hard as she could for herself, not them. She will and can dominate most people. As a result, it's difficult for someone to charm her. She lives off adrenaline and nicotine. She's second in command for her impeccable leadership capabilities.
[B]Job:[/B] Once a bartender, tattoo artist, and vocalist for her most recent ex's band. Now second in command for Torchwood and also the weapons specialist and tech person.
[B]Anything else of interest?[/B] Because she had so much time to herself, she taught herself a plethora of skills. She can speak five languages, German, English, Swedish, Norwegian, and Polish. She can also play most instruments.
[B]Background:[/B] She grew up in Munich, Germany. She moved to Wales when she was 18. She's the only child to a rich and powerful family. Her parents are dead, and she's left with their massive inheritance. She doesn't know her parents very well. They've always been off working and left her to know her nannies. Not thinking highly of the local schools, her parents decided to have her home schooled at their mansion and hire the best teachers they possibly could. Their lack of communication aided Hilde in becoming far more independent than any child her age should be. She's been self aware since she was 11, and she's dated since she was 12. Her first relationship was at twelve with one of her tutor's daughters. It lasted until her parents found out, but her parents only fired her teacher and didn't punish her for it. Her next relationship was with one of her professors who taught her while she was 13 until 17, whom she 'dated' for two years (Hilde initiated it, and her professor was only ten years older than her). She moved to live at her dorm for two years and didn't have much of a social life up until she met Kori. She had decided to take a drive through the country to cool down (she prefers the Welsh countryside to her home in the city) and found Kori lying on the road and clutching his head while muttering in a language Hilde still doesn't know. Despite how strange he was, he piqued her interest when he started talking animatedly to her about aliens and how he was looking for someone. She was amused that Kori would trust her so quickly, and she thought he was insane until he showed her some of the weapon specs he drew along with the partially made gun. It was over the course of a few weeks that Hilde found she could rebuild Kori's broken weapons and that she could use them far better than he could without much prior experience other than occasionally practicing archery. She quit college soon after that and accompanied Kori as he hunted down the aliens that murdered the aliens who'd 'adopted' him (will be further explained in Kori's background), finding it far more interesting than her previous lifestyle. Her and Kori hunted aliens for two years before Jack found and recruited them. By then, Hilde was a hell of a shot and had a few more scars than before she'd started. She took on part time jobs along with the alien hunting. She was a vocalist for her most recent ex's band for a while. They'd met during her part time job at the time at a tattoo parlor. It'd gone on for a year and a half before her ex suddenly dumped her. It had affected Hilde far more than she wanted to, and she didn't date anyone for a few months, up until Jack recruited her and she met Nia, a member of the team who was one of the two doctors. Currently, Nia's living in her ridiculously huge apartment, but they try to keep their relationship private, as Hilde has two modes: work and home.
[B]Quotes:[/B] "Kori, go do the world a favor and die...before I kill you myself..."
"That's 'sir' to you."
"Ugh, he's so weak..."
"Out of the way! Professional coming through!"
"Come on..."
"Something had better happen today..."
"...Not now, Nia..."
"If you aren't going to kill him, I will!"
"Look, I don't babble just to hear myself. Now, answer me, were you listening?"
"That was a warning shot. I don't miss twice, arschloch."[/COLOR]
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