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Jack MacGaven
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First week

Posted 02-26-2010 at 02:13 PM by Jack MacGaven (The Journal of a Traveler.)

[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Hello dear friends!

The first week of my journey was rather calm. I expect more trouble from now on, because right now I have no living soul to help me if I'm in trouble.

I've been in the forest for a few days now, And instead of taking the easy route, I decided to go off road.
I really got the hang of it again. It's been so long since I've been on my own without anyone around to talk to. I believe my last expedition was 400 years ago.
I must admit, I feel lonelier than ever at the moment.

Other than that I've been well for the past week. The weather wasn't too dreadful, only a bit of rain. Which caught me off guard.
I had forgotten how slippery the forest grounds can be after a good day of rain...
Let's just say that my clothes aren't their original colour anymore and a bit muddy brown greyish.

I bet you guys want to know what happened...So, I'll just put my shame aside.
It was already starting to get dark, while I was still trying to catch me some food. The hare in question lead me to some bushes, thinking to be smart I leaped after it, causing me to slide down a slope, face first...
I was glad that there were a few bushes that broke my fall...
However, there is a sunny side to it as well. I foud a rather interesting coin, that piqued my interest and curiousity. [IMGright]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x63/emo-ticon/coin.png[/IMGright]

I think that this is it for my adventure for now. I hope you all are well. And that there isn't much trouble.

Jack Edward MacGaven
The Menewshan Vampire[/FONT]
Vampire of Menewsha
Views 1451 Comments 5 Jack MacGaven is offline

Start of the journey

Posted 02-19-2010 at 09:24 AM by Jack MacGaven (The Journal of a Traveler.)
Updated 02-19-2010 at 12:38 PM by Jack MacGaven

Vampire of Menewsha
Views 1010 Comments 1 Jack MacGaven is offline