Thread: Part time Mom?
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A modern-day Jumi
AmyHeartXVIII is offline
Old 07-31-2011, 04:59 PM

I'm not sure if this should go here or in life issues. I was reading a favorite comic of mine "For Better or Worse". And in the strip, one of the characters was a new mom. But she was going stir crazy in the house- wanted to get back to her career. But she also didn't want to put her daughter in day car, she thought people would call her a part-time mom. The strip ended with her mother-in-law saying there was no such thing.

The stay-at-home Mom and the working Mom, which one is the right one? My mom stayed at home my two little sisters and I until the youngest was in elementary school. She worked part time and made sure she got off in time to pick us up from school. Then when middle school came along, she started working full time again.

This issue has been much disputed over- people on both sides looking down their noses at the other a lot of times. With childcare being widely available, but also an absent parent having a negative impression on kids, which decision is the right one? I thought this to be quite an interesting subject to bring to the Menewsha discussion table.

Should Mom stay at home with the little ones or hire a nanny so she can bring more bacon home?