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Melody 05-22-2007 05:21 PM

To Understand A Parents Love...
A place for parents

where any parent is free to come and gripe about their babies sleeping habits, their toddlers tantrums, their childs behavioral issues in school, their tweens identity crisis, and their teens emo-ness, and everything in between.
also or mothers and fathers to be to talk with parents who have been there and find out what they're in store for.

because as parents we have to stick together and some days you just need to vent. or brag about your childs accomplishments. after all isnt that what being a parent is all about?


to understand a parents love you must first raise children of your own

Melody 05-22-2007 06:17 PM

A little about Melody:
I'm a Kindergarten classroom volunteer.
I am a cashier at the Exchange.
I am a Military wifey.
I have 3 children, two girls(7, 5), one boy (5).
Two of those children are twins.
I gave birth for friends on October 8, 2010 to a little boy.
I had a miscarriage 1/2012 while pregnant for the same couple.

I enjoy cooking.
I enjoy making food cute. (Bento anyone?)
I enjoy reading.
I have 2 pets: cats.
I have an Associates Degree

I am: Freaking Awesome. :D


You are more than welcome to give/seek parenting advice from this thread. HOWEVER it is important to take any medical concerns to your pediatrician. Though other parents may be going through similar things with their children all children are indeed different. We are not responsible for complications caused by following the advice of anyone in the thread instead of seeking professional assistance.

Melody 05-22-2007 06:18 PM



Past Winners:

>.> That would require past contests.

Melody 05-22-2007 06:19 PM

Reserved for Future Use

WitheredInnocence 05-22-2007 06:28 PM

If it weren't for the fact that I've already had one sonogram, I'd think I was carrying twins... my belly is freakin huge >.< If it gets any bigger, I'll need a push cart to carry it around on.

Aliena 05-22-2007 06:45 PM

Melody, what a great hangout! I'm in another thread where there are several parents, but it's nice to have one geared specifically for them. As for me, I have a little girl - she's about 19 1/2 months old and is my whole life. I always feel so old sometimes mentioning, "Gotta go - baby just got up from her nap" or "Today I just spent time with the baby," but I've run into several parents here on Mene!

We'll eventually try for kid#2, but I think maybe when Lauren's closer to 3 or 4. Though with the way time's been zooming by, that'll be here before I know it!

Withered - congratulations on your upcoming birth! It's funny, I was always tiny when I was pregnant until like the last month. But everyone always assumed I was two less months along than I really was. My little one was a tiny thing when she came out too, even at full term. She was only 6 1/2 pounds.

WitheredInnocence 05-22-2007 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Aliena
Withered - congratulations on your upcoming birth! It's funny, I was always tiny when I was pregnant until like the last month. But everyone always assumed I was two less months along than I really was. My little one was a tiny thing when she came out too, even at full term. She was only 6 1/2 pounds.

Thanks so much :) Your little one sounds like a doll. I was pretty tiny and 'hid' my pregnancy pretty well until about half way through my second trimester... about a month and a half ago, my stomach just kind of exploded. o.o

Aliena 05-22-2007 06:56 PM

Yeah, she is a little doll! White blond curls, fair skin, big blue eyes, a tiny little rosebud mouth. Of course, I might be biased, but she's frickin' adorable! lol

Are you enjoying being pregnant? I know a lot of women hate it. I loved it, though. There's a very pregnant woman at my church (she's due in less than 3 weeks) and everytime I see her, I'm all like, *sigh* because I kind of miss it! The best part is feeling the kicks, I think.

WitheredInnocence 05-22-2007 07:06 PM

It really all depends on my mood at the time, I suppose. I like it when I'm having a bad day and the baby decides to start moving around and kicking... its comforting. But other than that, a huge part of me is miserable most times. Aches and pains, especially in my lower back(as if my chest didn't cause enough problems), the lack of caffeine in my diet, etc... Constantly watching what I eat.

There are some parts that are a lot of fun... others that just plain suck :p

Melody 05-22-2007 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Aliena
Melody, what a great hangout! I'm in another thread where there are several parents, but it's nice to have one geared specifically for them. As for me, I have a little girl - she's about 19 1/2 months old and is my whole life. I always feel so old sometimes mentioning, "Gotta go - baby just got up from her nap" or "Today I just spent time with the baby," but I've run into several parents here on Mene!

We'll eventually try for kid#2, but I think maybe when Lauren's closer to 3 or 4. Though with the way time's been zooming by, that'll be here before I know it!

Withered - congratulations on your upcoming birth! It's funny, I was always tiny when I was pregnant until like the last month. But everyone always assumed I was two less months along than I really was. My little one was a tiny thing when she came out too, even at full term. She was only 6 1/2 pounds.

lol. when my husband and i decided to go for kid number two we unexpectedly got kid number 3 as well XD and our daughter was almost 2 when they were born. she was so jealous. i have a friend whos expecting number 2 on halloween and her daughter is 3 and cant wait for a little brother or sister. so i think 3/4 is a good age to get a sibling. (:
my first daughter was 6 pounds 7 ounces, my twins were 6 pounds 11 ounces and 6 pounds 5 ounces all were over 20 inches long @.@ while pregnant with my first daughter i gained about 30 pounds with the twins it was close to 70. i was so big omg. XD people thought i was expecting any day now when i was only 5 months along with the twins tha tis. with my first daughter i didnt show at all. until she was born. lol.


Originally Posted by WitheredInnocence
It really all depends on my mood at the time, I suppose. I like it when I'm having a bad day and the baby decides to start moving around and kicking... its comforting. But other than that, a huge part of me is miserable most times. Aches and pains, especially in my lower back(as if my chest didn't cause enough problems), the lack of caffeine in my diet, etc... Constantly watching what I eat.

There are some parts that are a lot of fun... others that just plain suck :p

<3 its different with every pregnancy too. with my eldest i was sick just about every day. if i got intoa car i would throw up after maybe 15 minutes of driving. sometimes less. i hated being pregnant so much then. i was so scared to have another baby. but when i was pregnant with the twins i had no problems with them at all. i was quite the happy pregnant lady. even though sleeping was impossible. lol.
once the baby is out everything will go back to normal though. so it gets better. except for the lack of sleep. i dont think that ends until theyre all sleeping through the night. (at least 6 months after birth @.@)

WitheredInnocence 05-22-2007 07:30 PM

lol Well for me, the sickness thing ended the first trimester, and I hardly ever threw up. I'd just get so nauseous I was PRAYING I'd throw up, just to make the sensation stop, lol. I mostly had the splitting headaches into the beginning of my second trimester. Since then it's just been the constant trips to the hospital because my lab reports come up with low iron counts and the like(hooray for being anemic, and then getting pregnant and it becoming worse~.~) and the having a job that has me on my feet so often.

Oh yeah... and having the most active child EVER. I went to the doctor for a checkup today and the nurse spent almost five minutes chasing the baby around with the microphone trying to get a count of the heartbeat. It was funny, though kinda messy... the jelly was all over my belly by the time she finally managed it. XD The peanut does that when I'm trying to sleep too... Lay down, get comfy... baby moves... get comfy... baby moves...lather, rinse, repeat. :p

Melody 05-22-2007 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by WitheredInnocence
lol Well for me, the sickness thing ended the first trimester, and I hardly ever threw up. I'd just get so nauseous I was PRAYING I'd throw up, just to make the sensation stop, lol. I mostly had the splitting headaches into the beginning of my second trimester. Since then it's just been the constant trips to the hospital because my lab reports come up with low iron counts and the like(hooray for being anemic, and then getting pregnant and it becoming worse~.~) and the having a job that has me on my feet so often.

Oh yeah... and having the most active child EVER. I went to the doctor for a checkup today and the nurse spent almost five minutes chasing the baby around with the microphone trying to get a count of the heartbeat. It was funny, though kinda messy... the jelly was all over my belly by the time she finally managed it. XD The peanut does that when I'm trying to sleep too... Lay down, get comfy... baby moves... get comfy... baby moves...lather, rinse, repeat. :p

lol. exactly XD
since youre anemic are you a high risk pregnancy? curiosity.
my kids were always active too. it drove me crazy.
my mom always had low iron too. there was a certain diet she had to follow to make sure her iron was up high enough as well as taking prenatal vitamins while pregnant. haha those things were horrible XD

WitheredInnocence 05-22-2007 07:39 PM

I'm high risk, yes, but not because of the anemia. Simple family history qualified me for that. My mother had something like 9 miscarriages after I was born, and I've already had three. Just grateful the peanut managed to hold on and is going to be OK. :) I'm on iron pills, usually try to keep a certain amount of high iron foods in my daily diet, and I take my vitamins. Honestly though, the worst part about the prenatals for me is the size. They're like horse pills! XD But they don't taste too bad, so its OK.

Melody 05-22-2007 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by WitheredInnocence
I'm high risk, yes, but not because of the anemia. Simple family history qualified me for that. My mother had something like 9 miscarriages after I was born, and I've already had three. Just grateful the peanut managed to hold on and is going to be OK. :) I'm on iron pills, usually try to keep a certain amount of high iron foods in my daily diet, and I take my vitamins. Honestly though, the worst part about the prenatals for me is the size. They're like horse pills! XD But they don't taste too bad, so its OK.

i had a problem taking them as well because they were so big. they would get lodged in my throat make make me gag. which while i was pregnant also meant that i would throw up. it was horrible.
at least this one managed to hold on. thats so awesome. <33 are you hoping for a certain gender?

WitheredInnocence 05-22-2007 07:48 PM

I was hoping for a girl originally, because I played a huge part in raising my two younger sisters, so I know how to handle girls better... but I've been pretty sure since about month two that it's going to be a boy. Just my luck, eh? lol. Nah, I'm actually getting used to the idea of it being a little boy... Boys are fun, if my brother is any hint(he's only 5, but he's a riot when he's not wreaking havoc, lol).

Melody 05-22-2007 07:58 PM

I wanted a girl for my first. Since i didnt know if i wanted another one. XD But as soon as i was pregnant for the second time i really wanted a little boy. all of their clothes was popping out to me in stores and i just wanted one. XDthough at the same time i wanted my daughter to have a little sister. i lucked out adn got both. haha.
boys are pretty awesome. my son is so mellow. omg hes the best baby ever. he only cries when his sister has been crying for too long. and he sleeps through the night and has been doing so since he was 4 months old @.@
i think the genders are equally awesome as babies. in any case i hope you get the girl >.> just because of dresses!

WitheredInnocence 05-22-2007 08:01 PM

lol The entire idea of having a girl scares me these days... I'm such a tomboy, and I can't stand the color pink. XD People have already been warned that if it is a girl, they will be summarily punished for buying pink, lol. Purple, yellow... I can deal with colors like that... but for the love of all that is good and right in this world... NO PINK XD

Melody 05-22-2007 08:04 PM

lol. i love little pink dresses!
but my daughters have blue eyes so i get them pretty greens, blues, whites, and reds. which make their eyes stand out or look brighter ^_^
though they do have quite a bit of pink because i love the color. but theyll start choosing their own favorites as time goes on. i wanted my frist daughter to be a princess adn love the disney princesses. but that didnt happen. she wants to wear blues and greens. *shrugs* its good that she has a personality though XD and perhaps your daughter if youre having a girl will be like that.

WitheredInnocence 05-22-2007 08:09 PM

lol Unfortunately, because the baby's father and I look nothing alike, I'm not sure what the baby will end up looking like. I'm short, curvy, with red hair and tricolored eyes ranging in the green, blue/green, and amber variations with pale skin and freckles. He, however, is tall, slender without being skinny, blonde hair that was white when he was a kid, and blue eyes. It'll be interested to see what the peanut comes out looking like, lol

Melody 05-22-2007 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by WitheredInnocence
lol Unfortunately, because the baby's father and I look nothing alike, I'm not sure what the baby will end up looking like. I'm short, curvy, with red hair and tricolored eyes ranging in the green, blue/green, and amber variations with pale skin and freckles. He, however, is tall, slender without being skinny, blonde hair that was white when he was a kid, and blue eyes. It'll be interested to see what the peanut comes out looking like, lol

strawberry blonde! *hopes* lol. i think thats the prettiest hair color ever. <3
im sure the baby will be beautiful. <3
i havent seen a baby yet that isnt. XD

WitheredInnocence 05-22-2007 08:20 PM

lol My hair was strawberry blond for a while... My hair has been an interesting adventure, over the years. Was pitch black when I was born... it all fell out, came back flame red... then lightened into sunshine blond, then as I got older, it decided it was going to start darkening and going back to red again XD I couldn't stand being strawberry though... the arguments people had over whether I was a redhead or a blond got really annoying really quick... so I got impatient and dyed it XD

My eyes were weird, too... were really really dark ocean blue when I was first born, then lightened to a sky blue, then went hazel for a few years where they shifted from one color to the next with my mood and my clothes for the day... and then finally just after high school they settled in so that the outside rimming is blue/green, then its forest green inside that, and theres an amber star burst around the pupils. Whenever I get angry, the star burst gets bigger and more vivid, with little flecks of amber showing up all through them.

Melody 05-22-2007 08:37 PM

you sound like you were always really pretty! XD
my first daughter was born with black hair and it lightened fast. now shes a brunette but with blonde highlights. its really cute!
my twins are both born blonde and its stayed about the same.

i cant wait til yours is born! lol. piccys. XD

WitheredInnocence 05-22-2007 08:41 PM

*blush* I wouldn't exactly call myself pretty, lol, but thank you. :) My baby sister and brother both have blonde hair with brown bits in it, but the brown is slowly fading to leave them mostly blond. My other sister, the second oldest of us, has really rich brown hair. She's also the only one out of the three of them who got her dad's olive complection. XD I'm excited about the peanut being born... If nothing else, I wanna see just how pretty my baby is going to be, lol. With a very Irish looking mother and a very German looking father, it ought to be interesting XD

And you should send me pics of your little ones! They all sound so cute. =^.^= Kawai!

Melody 05-22-2007 08:47 PM
shortly after they were born >.>

ill have to upload some of the others before i can post them though. XD
my son aaron. <3
my daughter melody
their daddy and my eldest sakura. when she was about 18 months i think. (:
her hair has gotten alot longer sence. but i dont want to resize pictures soo... im using the ones i had resized a while ago XD

haha [/shows off babies]

WitheredInnocence 05-22-2007 09:09 PM

Awww! They're adorable! The twins were so tiny when they were born! Gods, I could just sit and cuddle with them :D(heh... that didn't sound creepy at all... heh heh...) :p

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