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Gemini 02-22-2013 04:40 AM

favorite smells?
Kind of an odd question I suppose,but I'm curious.I have a few favorites.Personally,my very favorite smells are:
New books
Old books
Sun warmed hay
Saltwater taffy
Apple orchards
just to name a few ^-^ So,do you have any favorite smells?
And am I strange that I love to open up a book and take a deep sniff as I fan the pages...?

Risque 02-22-2013 05:02 AM

Japanese stationary. It all smells so fresh~! I dunno what it is that makes those smells either.

And I'm with you on the old book smell. It smells kinda sweet. [shock]

Kole_Locke 02-22-2013 05:09 AM

Actually I like the smell of two new things.... a new pair of shoes... and a new interior for a brand new car... just absolutely wonderful smells... and because their brand new which always seems to put one in a better mood if its yours and paid off lolo

wagon 02-22-2013 05:09 AM

Magazines, new car smell, new video games ^^"

Old books smell good too, unless it's a really musty one that hasn't been taken care of very well :O

Gemini 02-22-2013 05:28 AM

Risque: I'm glad I'm not the only one! Maybe it's just book lovers?
Kole_Locke: I like the smell of the shoe isle,though I never really thought of it.New cars are cool,too ^-^
wagon: New video games are awesome,but I've never smelled them.I love new magazines,though! I agree about old musty books,that smell isn't very pleasant ^-^*

Risque 02-22-2013 06:55 AM

Haha, possibly. It comes with appreciating the fine brown color of a well aged book~ hehe.
Oh on a semi related note, never put your nose near a children's book, those can get quite nasty. XD

Gemini 02-22-2013 07:29 AM

oh,I know! I have four younger siblings,and their kids books are...yikes!

Bearzy 02-22-2013 07:56 PM

Fresh bread, for sure. And coffee beans. I just love the smell. Can't stand the taste of coffee though.

Gemini 02-23-2013 01:56 AM

Coffee beans are a great smell.Did you know that if you've got a smell stuck in your nose,or if your senses are overloaded with certain smells,a whiff of coffee beans clears it right up? It's pretty cool.

Cinderhaze 02-23-2013 06:55 AM

I'd have to say my favorite smells are mostly outdoor ones. I have quite a few that I like but if I had to narrow it to just a couple...

Pine Trees
Campfires (or woodstoves)
Old Books
Cut Lawns
Most baked goods
and cooking spices (particularly Italian and Asian)

sailor star rainbow 02-23-2013 08:06 AM

Baby powder
New books
Freshly bake cinnamon roll's out of the oven
Smell of a new rare sailor moon items
The smell of newly opened bag of beef jerky
Opened box of Pocky
The smell of flowers
The smell of my grand papa's cooking are my mom's cooking
Smell of my cherry blossom shampoo and body wash

Kole_Locke 02-24-2013 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Gemini (Post 1771662095)
Risque: I'm glad I'm not the only one! Maybe it's just book lovers?
Kole_Locke: I like the smell of the shoe isle,though I never really thought of it.New cars are cool,too ^-^
wagon: New video games are awesome,but I've never smelled them.I love new magazines,though! I agree about old musty books,that smell isn't very pleasant ^-^*

New shoes are nice! I haven't bought a new pair in months.. its getting close to that time lol.
Next time you go to a car dealership sit in a car it's so nice to smell lol

Draciolus 02-24-2013 02:57 AM

Well, lets see if I can remember all my favorite smells...some of which the things I'm going to list I am allergic to if I eat them(mostly just the sea foods)

Garlic cooking
Onions, raw/cooking/caramelized
Salmon cooking
New Leather product(wallet/jacket/etc)
Beef cooking
BBQ sauce cooking
I guess you could say pretty much all foods cooking....
The mountains when going for a hike/walk
New book
Wine(mostly reds)
Freshly washed laundry

Oddly, that's all I can think of at the moment...I'm sure there is more, but the mixture of being tired, and being slightly buzzed off wine might be messing with me.

Gemini 02-24-2013 04:31 AM

Ah,I forgot to put wood smoke on my list! And pine trees.Some of my favorites,right there.I'm reading all of these and seeing ones I like,and ones I'd like to try.Like Pocky,I love Pocky.Cherry blossom shampoo,I've never smelled,but it sounds awesome!

Draciolus 02-24-2013 04:41 AM

There we go...Woodsmoke, and pine trees....two that I forgot to put on my list. xD

Gemini 02-24-2013 05:08 AM

I love the smell of a real pine wreath at Christmas time.So awesome!

jupiter 02-24-2013 09:37 AM

I like the smell of fresh things like fruits and vegetables just dug out of the ground. Of...impressionable young men and their awful cologne, of sweet blossoms, savory cooking, and coffee.

Cardinal Biggles 02-24-2013 10:47 AM

Cedar Shingles. I'll lose my bearings for a moment when I encounter them and involuntarily luxuriate in it.

Kyuru 02-24-2013 11:28 AM

I like a lot of smells.
Old Books
Fresh Nori
New dolls
I like smelling things and it might be a problem. I smell everything, even if I know it's going to stink.

Mikio 02-24-2013 02:02 PM


Q U E E N 02-24-2013 07:18 PM

Old books...

AND FOOD. [drool]

sailor star rainbow 02-25-2013 01:17 AM

I forgot to add BBQ and fresh smell of clean soap

Gemini 02-25-2013 03:49 AM

Kyuru: I'm the same way! I love to just...smell things! I always find myself sniffing like a dog at some passing scent,trying to figure out what it is.

Draciolus 02-25-2013 04:06 AM

It's hard not to sniff like a dog when you work in a kitchen and are trying to figure out what smells wrong...usually it's bread someone left in the oven. Or the perfume of a server masking the food that it cooking under your nose at that moment.

Gemini 02-25-2013 04:30 AM

lol I know what you mean! When I was working at Burger King (ugh) I was always the first to notice if something was burning,or if there was something wrong,because I could smell it.I smelled it when there was a gas leak once,and I caught the scent of something burning in the broiler-which prevented a potentially dangerous fire.

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