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The Queer Engineer
2600 is offline
Old 12-01-2014, 11:07 PM

Thanks Ali. I don't want a plane to crash on you so please let that not happen. Unless you really want I to... But Ali would be... A plane-cake. I would ping all my friends to this thread, but I think that they are all already here. I think I only have like four or five fiends on here 0-0
what talent would you have if you could have any you wished for? (like playing the violin or being a dancer or being able to paint a masterpiece)
I would wish for the talent of magic. Seriously magicians can be so cool. A Lot of the. Have annoying personalities, but someday a I just wish I could drop a smoke bomb and end up a million miles on another direction. Insane magic tricks. The best kind of talent hehe.
Have you ever tried to grow a garden if so what prompted you to?