View Poll Results: Should I cut my hair?
Cut some of it off, but it would look good if you kept some of the length. 4 17.39%
Do something whacky with it, just for fun! 1 4.35%
BRO. NO! 4 17.39%
Why would you cut any of your beautiful hair? *sob* 4 17.39%
Dafuq bro? Why did you grow it long anyway? You look like a girl. 0 0%
Other (explain by posting a reply) 2 8.70%
Voters: 23. You may not vote on this poll

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McNugget is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 04:46 AM

So I woke up not too long ago, took a shower, and took quite a long while drying my hair... Well, it's still not completely dry because of how much of it there is. I haven't gotten it cut for a few years now, and I think I'll get a haircut this week.. Maybe.
I don't know. It is fun to have, but I think it's time for a change. Plus at work I have to tie it in the back anyway so I no longer see a point in having it this long..

What do you all think?

Fable is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 06:41 AM

Cut it off!
I recently chopped all my hair off, and while I miss having really long hair, it's easy to manage and kind of fun.
Styling it with moose or gel can prove to be difficult at times, but then again...It's amusing to give myself little devil horns and make my family members laugh.

And if you're not cool with just getting rid of it all, you could always trim a little and keep going until you find a length that you like. c: Maybe experiment with different colors too, if you feel you want a change but aren't sure on a different style.

Also you have fabulous hair, and I'm jealous
(My hair is a wavy tangled mess of "what the hell is going on" when it's long)

Whatever you decide to do, rock it like a fashionista. *hairflip*

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 11:50 AM

You have sooo much HAIR. Go for it, change is always fun.

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leasfy is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 12:07 PM

What kind of a hairstyle are you getting? :O

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 01:47 PM

Haha Gov. XD I like how you put this option there:
Dafuq bro? Why did you grow it long anyway? You look like a girl.
I think you should cut it all off! When was the last time you had super short hair, do you remember?

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 01:58 PM

No, Nugget! Noooo!

McNugget is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 05:21 PM

Fable - ha! Devil horns! That's so tempting! And I was thinking of having it near shoulder length and giving it some layers so I could still have some length but also would be able to style it.
Thanks for the compliment on my hair, but sometimes I find it being boring because it's straight. It would be cool to have naturally wavy or curly hair in my opinion

Bearzy - Yeah. I do have a lot of hair huh? Just think.. It used to be even longer at one point!

leasfy - I don't know what type of hairstyle I'm getting. I'm still debating about that.

Ikuto - You got to love me for my awesome poll options~ *smug* Hmmmm... Last time I had really short hair I was very young.. Like 7 or 8 years old I believe That was such a long time ago.

Vinyl - Give me a good reason not to!

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 08:21 PM

Because it's like killing a unicorn!

Mystic is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 08:40 PM

Agree with Cassie!

I love seeing your pretty long hair. It looks so soft and lovely.

However, short hair is much easier to deal with.

McNugget is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 09:36 PM

I hear short hair is nice because it won't accidentally choke me in my sleep like my current hair does

Mystic is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 09:38 PM

Ha, well there is that plus side to it. XD

Also it cuts down on shampoo and shower time, which is why I cut mine all off. XD

Vox is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 09:50 PM

I am with Mystic and Vinyl. You have really nice hair. Ha, mine is as least twice as long as yours, but I almost always wear it tied back because it gets in the way. I don't really take care of it either, so it doesn't look as nice as yours. So I'm actually thinking about getting mine cut too. I'm thinking maybe I'll get a buzzcut 'cause I've never had one and I'm curious. xD

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 10:51 PM

Originally Posted by McNugget View Post
I hear short hair is nice because it won't accidentally choke me in my sleep like my current hair does
This... happens to people?! I am so glad I have short hair.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 11:10 PM

That is a lot of long hair I say cut it plus short hair. is sometimes easier to take care of for some people.

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 11:30 PM

I think you look great with your long hair Nugget, especially since you take care of it so well, but with that said I think it'd be awesome if you chopped it all off. But if that is too much for you, starting with shoulder length or a little less would be great, too. :) But do what you want, Nug. :)

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 11:37 PM

I say keep it but if you cut it off, turn it into a video and let us watch XD

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 11:40 PM

Or if you want to go really extreme, do something like the Shave for a Cure, and raise money for charity with it.

MaxxR is offline
Old 04-23-2013, 01:30 AM

If you want to try something new than go for it. It's not like you're getting a tattoo; hair grows, so even if you end up hating it you can have your long hair back soon enough.

Vox is offline
Old 04-23-2013, 03:01 AM

My hair is so long that it sometimes chokes other people while I am asleep. My partner has complained of this more than once.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 04-23-2013, 06:04 AM

I know that feeling about choking on the other person's hair @_@

Mystic is offline
Old 04-23-2013, 06:07 AM

I just have that problem with my dog when she sleeps on my head. O.o;

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 04-23-2013, 07:00 AM

That.... sounds very unpleasant...

Popcorn Gun

Popcorn Gun is offline
Old 04-24-2013, 05:00 AM

Maybe try a pixie cut, or an asymmetric bob...but I'm pushing for the pixie cut.

McNugget is offline
Old 04-24-2013, 11:53 AM

Pixie cut?

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 04-24-2013, 05:45 PM

Why does everyone mention pixie cuts? Didn't llonka or someone get a pixie cut a little while back?

I think if you cut it you should look at the mene styles and see what looks good XD


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