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Old 05-23-2007, 10:21 PM

From what I've found of ALL children, whether they're normally very well behaved or not(especially at the toddler phase), those excitable days are about impossible to avoid. It's just one of those ways children "test their limits", and try to get a feel for the world and people around them. Not to mention being cooped up in a car for most of the day will make ANYONE a little stir-crazy, lol.

As for the woman's comment babe, don't let it bother you. Some people are just azzhats like that. *Hugs* Just take a few deep breaths, give the kid some toys and a movie, and relax while she gets the rest of her energy out. :)

Aliena is offline
Old 05-24-2007, 02:25 AM

Thanks. *hugs* Yeah, we had a really nice rest of the day and she was fun and playful and just nice to be around. Of course, I thought of tons of come-backs I could have made to the lady hours later, but I think ignoring that type of snarkiness is the best thing to do.

At any rate, this day has given me a new outlook on parents who have feisty kids in public! It's not always their fault! lol

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 05-24-2007, 07:54 AM

Originally Posted by Aliena
OK, I have to rant. I've had the worst morning and on top of that, my daughter decided that she'd be rowdy today! So we're out getting our errands done and she just wants to run around and touch things and me redirecting her, telling her not to get into stuff, etc., seemed to go in one ear and out the other. She's normally a good kid - just got really excitable today or something! So we're in a check-out line and I'm paying for my stuff and holding onto her tight and she's struggling, trying to get down. But I know that if I let her down, she'll get into something again!

So anyhow, I hear the woman behind me say to her, "I could hold you. If I did, your mommy wouldn't look so bad."


I wanted to turn around and say, "Excuse me? What did you say?" Instead, I just ignored her. I thought that was horribly ugly of her to say and indeed, it ended up making me cry once I got back to the car, simply because the morning had been such a bad one.

My daughter wasn't being a bad girl. She wasn't throwing tantrums or screaming or anything like that. She was just being extra curious this morning, for some reason. Probably because we had so many errands to run and she was stuck in a car for most of the morning, zipping from place to place. I think she just wanted to have fun and stretch her legs.

At any rate, I'm trying not to let the morning and that woman's comment ruin my entire day. She's napping right now, so whew! But yes - toddlers can certainly be a handful, as I'm only now starting to find out!

And now i'm going to go drown my sorrows in a little bowl of ice cream!

With syrup!
ouch. i hate it when things like that happen. as if you dont already feel akward enough fighting with your child trying to make them behave other people have to make comments about it and make you feel even worse. its horrible. as if they didnt ever have problems when they were rearing children.
what i hate most is how their comments affect you as a parent. like youre not good enough. T.T
children are handfulls to everyone. the only sure fire way to not look like a bad parent while shopping is to leave them with someone so you can go by yourself. but... to the person you left them with you look bad. ugh. children. XD my toddler is always really curious. she wants to touch everything. its hard keeping her under control. specially if its getting close to nap time.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 05-24-2007, 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by WitheredInnocence
From what I've found of ALL children, whether they're normally very well behaved or not(especially at the toddler phase), those excitable days are about impossible to avoid. It's just one of those ways children "test their limits", and try to get a feel for the world and people around them. Not to mention being cooped up in a car for most of the day will make ANYONE a little stir-crazy, lol.

As for the woman's comment babe, don't let it bother you. Some people are just azzhats like that. *Hugs* Just take a few deep breaths, give the kid some toys and a movie, and relax while she gets the rest of her energy out. :)
the people around them have to be supportive of the parent though. i hate it when the grandparents go against my will purposly. like i tell them no candy before nap time adn yet there she is with chocolate and its almost noon (naptime) or that she doesnt get picked up until she asks. were trying to get her to talk not just motion to what she wants. but they give in and it just irks me so much. D:< ok my venting is over.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 05-24-2007, 08:00 AM

Originally Posted by Aliena
Thanks. *hugs* Yeah, we had a really nice rest of the day and she was fun and playful and just nice to be around. Of course, I thought of tons of come-backs I could have made to the lady hours later, but I think ignoring that type of snarkiness is the best thing to do.

At any rate, this day has given me a new outlook on parents who have feisty kids in public! It's not always their fault! lol
i dont think its ever really the parents fault. XP some days kids are just crazier. and a parent has to go out and get stuff once in a while. and some days it cant be put off. and so going out is inevitable. even with a crazy kid. my daughter goes bananas and throws fits wanting balloons. ive just started ignoring her requests as she screams them at me while sitting in the cart. i didnt make her like the blasted things. i never bought them for her. that was all her grandma. and now because of that i have to deal with fits in the grocery store. its so unfair. T.T

Aliena is offline
Old 05-24-2007, 01:23 PM

And I don't think it's a good idea to always take the easy way out and leave them at home. I mean, if I'm in a hurry and my husband's home, I won't take her and I'll just go. But I personally love going out with her. I think it's good for her to see different things and I'm trying to teach her about what's out there in the world.

Yeah, I think what made me the most irritated is that on the way home, after that woman's comment, I sat there thinking about everything I had done wrong as a parent. Darnit, I'm a good Mom! I'm not a perfect one, by any means, but I am good at this job, I swear! And my little girl's a wonderful kid. And feisty & curious is a good thing - it shows her little brain's working well! lol

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Old 05-24-2007, 03:34 PM

It's impossible to be a "perfect" parent. I learned that when I practically raised my three younger siblings. I pretty much had to learn to live MY life as a kid AND my mother's as a mom in taking care of them. They're a pain in the arse sometimes, but you love them anyway. And when people get pissy and try to act like you're not good enough, it hurts more because you really are trying. Sometimes kids just decide to be extra difficult... like just about every other human being in the world out there. :)

You guys make me so jealous though... lol. I want to be able to take my baby out shopping and have all the comments in the world, be they good or bad, lol. At least this time I'll actually be able to say 'yes, he/she is mine' and not 'oh no, this is my little brother/sister' x.x Call it vanity, but part of me wants to be able to show it off. x.x

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 05-24-2007, 07:36 PM

Originally Posted by Aliena
And I don't think it's a good idea to always take the easy way out and leave them at home. I mean, if I'm in a hurry and my husband's home, I won't take her and I'll just go. But I personally love going out with her. I think it's good for her to see different things and I'm trying to teach her about what's out there in the world.

Yeah, I think what made me the most irritated is that on the way home, after that woman's comment, I sat there thinking about everything I had done wrong as a parent. Darnit, I'm a good Mom! I'm not a perfect one, by any means, but I am good at this job, I swear! And my little girl's a wonderful kid. And feisty & curious is a good thing - it shows her little brain's working well! lol
i love going out with my toddler too. its fun. and she makes the silliest comments. besides, i talk to myself alot when im shopping and so if shes there i look like im talking to her, instead of like im crazy. lol.
ive started to just brush off peoples comments too. because they dont know my kid, they dont know how she acts normally and im probably never going to see them again. adn if i do chances are she will be back to her normal behavior. <3
the very fact that you do like taking your daughter out with you makes me see you as a better mother. i used to babysit for some mothers while they worked and would be constantly getting called to see if i could watch their kids late so they could go out drinking with their friends, or go get their nails done, or get groceries. and its just like wtf? id like some time with just my family as well. take your kid with you to get yor nails done or get groceries and you have a kid now, you shouldnt be going off and getting drunk with your friends XP grow up. blah. ive had a lot of bad experiences with bad mothers.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 05-24-2007, 07:38 PM

Originally Posted by WitheredInnocence
It's impossible to be a "perfect" parent. I learned that when I practically raised my three younger siblings. I pretty much had to learn to live MY life as a kid AND my mother's as a mom in taking care of them. They're a pain in the arse sometimes, but you love them anyway. And when people get pissy and try to act like you're not good enough, it hurts more because you really are trying. Sometimes kids just decide to be extra difficult... like just about every other human being in the world out there. :)

You guys make me so jealous though... lol. I want to be able to take my baby out shopping and have all the comments in the world, be they good or bad, lol. At least this time I'll actually be able to say 'yes, he/she is mine' and not 'oh no, this is my little brother/sister' x.x Call it vanity, but part of me wants to be able to show it off. x.x
XD thats part of the reason i love going out with my brood. theyre adorable! and i love the positive omg your kids are so cute reaction.
<3 youre gonna be a good mommy XD

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 05-25-2007, 03:35 PM

my toddler was driving me crazy yesterday. she had to go to a dental appointment. and didnt sleep well the night before. (oh lets say she was up until 2 am!) she was awesome at the dentists but didnt want to nap after the 20 minute nap she had on the drive home. so i didnt force it. she was still being pretty good. then came 7:30 when my dad showed up. (my parents are divorced, he was signing quickloan papers or something so hes now been paid off and the house is my moms! weee! lol.) but anyway we put on some veggietales and she fell asleep on me. and is still sleeping. its now 8:30. thats over 12 hours. shes going to be in such an awesome mood from getting sleep today i cant wait to play with her.

and since shes sleeping on the couch instead of with me all of her rolling around and kicking never woke me up!

today is going to be a good day <33

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Old 05-25-2007, 04:30 PM

Fweeeee for good days! Today should be a good day for me as well... I got almost nothing important to do. A few loads of laundry so I can be sure I have clean undies, and straighten up the room which will take all of half an hour and can be done while I'm on here. :D I left myself sleep in until about half an hour ago... that would be noon my time, lol. Was ultra sleepy for some reason, even though I went to bed about an hour or two earlier than I usually do.

I'm not going anywhere or seeing anyone today... cause I don't feel like it. :D Just gonna hang out at home, relax, and spend a bunch of time feeling the peanut squirming and wiggling and kicking around in there cause... well... I'm not going to be doing a lot of moving to put it back to sleep. xD

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 05-26-2007, 05:05 AM

lol i want a day to myslef to do nothing!
i remember having those when i was pregnant. no work, no school, no random stuff to do around the house it was awesome. now... i dont have that kind of free time.
oddly enough i miss the feeling of a baby wiggling inside of me. XD

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Old 05-26-2007, 05:17 AM

I miss that feeling too!

And I miss those days! Especially now that we're trying to get our house ready to sell, there's so much to do!

I need to get my girl to the dentist. I got a list of names this past week - just need to call them first part of next so I can get her in.

Yeah, I get the "adorable" reaction quite a bit when we go out. I think it's because she's got her light blonde curls and big blue eyes. This pic was back on Valentine's Day and her hair's gotten considerably more...well..."more" since then. In fact, it looks quite a bit straighter here than it is now! But here's my little one! One of my favorite pics of her.

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Old 05-26-2007, 05:35 AM

Awww! Look at those cherubic cheeks! She's a sweetheart. :)

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 05-26-2007, 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by Aliena
I miss that feeling too!

And I miss those days! Especially now that we're trying to get our house ready to sell, there's so much to do!

I need to get my girl to the dentist. I got a list of names this past week - just need to call them first part of next so I can get her in.

Yeah, I get the "adorable" reaction quite a bit when we go out. I think it's because she's got her light blonde curls and big blue eyes. This pic was back on Valentine's Day and her hair's gotten considerably more...well..."more" since then. In fact, it looks quite a bit straighter here than it is now! But here's my little one! One of my favorite pics of her.

i took my daughter to the dentist a couple of days ago. still cavity free! i figure ill take the twins when they get teeth. XD all my kids are slow teethers it seems. oh well. its not really a bad thing.
i had light blonde curls when i was little too. omg i was adorable! lol. i wanted a kid with light blonde hair and curls. but it doesnt appear that i got it. oh well~
youre daughter is so friggan adorable! lol. tooo cute! and she lets you do things with her hair. im so jealous. mine wont. they both fight me on it. i want to put in bows and ribbons and cute little hair clips and pig tails... and and adn they just wont let me! [/hissy fit]

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 05-26-2007, 08:05 PM

im going to a birthday party for a friend today. dont know how long ill be there or how long the kiddos will allow me to stay. heck im not even sure HOW to get ther.e lol. i fail.
in any case i probably wont be too active in this thread today because i wont be here. it should be an adventure to be out with all of the kids attempting to have a social life... hahahah... my lastest social dates have all been play dates with my 2 year old.

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Old 05-27-2007, 04:55 AM

Thanks, guys! I think she's precious! I used to have white blonde curls and big blue eyes too (in fact, she looks like a mini-me), but now my hair's medium-brown, wavy (not curly) and my eyes are more grey-green, so I can see her going that route. My Dad's was the same way!

She is pretty good about letting me put clips and ponytails in, but they invariably get taken out during long car rides (I guess she gets bored and hair's fun to fiddle with). Luckily, I have a mirror that I keep watch on her with and as soon as the hand reaches up to the hair, all I have to do is reach back in the backseat and she immediately puts the hairclip in it, so I know she won't try to eat it and choke!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 05-27-2007, 01:57 PM

XD same thing happened to my hair as i got older. it was a really bright blonde when i was little and its slowly gotten darker XD

i wish i could put hair clips in her hair. she takes anything i attempt to put in out once my hands have moved away from it. sometimes it wont even last that long. lol.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 05-27-2007, 08:21 PM

any one else have trouble getting kids to nap on scheduale? like its one pm here. normally they nap at noon they each slept for maybe 10 minutes but their noon nap is normally a couple of hours. now both of my twins are up kicking and craying but i know that cry. its the tired cry. but ... they wont sleep. UGH. ive tried putting some lavender lotion on them to calm then down, no luck. i think ill just wait them out, but it makes me feel like a bad mom, and the crying drives me crazy!

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Old 05-28-2007, 03:37 AM

Note: This is a completely pointless rant, you dont have to read it if you don't want to.

*flops into the thread and semi-dies*

OMG so tired x.x I've had the longest weekend ever. >.< Missed 8 hours off my paycheck yesterday because I was sick with some stomach bug... hooray for pregnancy making my immune system SUCK when it comes to anything that has to do with my stomach. *sigh* Then I went to work today... hottest day I've had there so far. Humidity here today was killer, and on top of that it was close to the 90s... The heat I can stand... its that going outside and feeling like you've wilted because of how thick the air is that sucks. And it makes me SO tired... which doesn't help, cause I didn't sleep well last night to begin with.

So I don't get a lunch break until two hours before we leave... and I have to scarf down my food in about 10 minutes because of how long it took to get it in the first place. Then I spent the last two hours of my day making tags and stickers for clearance items we aren't even supposed to carry anymore. ~.~

The regional manager is supposed to be there tomorrow(thank god I'm off!), so we had to clean too. Got out of there half an hour after close... which wasn't bad, considering all the work we had to do today. I go to the store, picked up The Pursuit of HappYness and fathers day cards(thinking the holiday was this Friday... dumb me). Get home, realize that I sitll had weeks before the holiday, AND that I accidentally grabbed the wide screen version of the movie instead of full screen. The store is half an hour away... I said "screw it, I'm not going back".

Watered the plants outside, ordered pizza... The guy got here and didn't have change for a 20 so he got a HUGE tip, AND they sent me the wrong damn pizza. OMG I was so upset... didn't get dinner until after 9. Put my movie in, watched it while I ate the pizza that finally got here(they sent me the right one), and now I'm finally getting the chance to kick back and relax.

It's been a bad weekend. x.x

Aliena is offline
Old 05-28-2007, 04:40 AM

Holy crap, you're not kidding! It does sound like an awful weekend! I'm so sorry you dealt with all that and I'm certainly glad it's over! I do remember getting sick more often while pregnant, as well as not dealing well with the heat. I was lucky in my job in that it was very independent - I'd drive to different schools to help the hearing impaired kids. And because I was working for the school district, I'd get off around 3. Well, by May when I had to go pick up everyone's hearing equipment, it was so hot and humid down here that it was very difficult on me! I ended up working through lunch, eating it while driving, so I could get off 30-45 minutes early so I wouldn't have to be in the heat anymore. Besides, getting in and out of the car isn't the most fun thing ever!

But anyhow - was the movie good at least? My husband's a widescreen nut. He's disappointed if it's not widescreen!

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Old 05-28-2007, 04:49 AM

Hi all! :) Thought I would stick my head in here and say hello since I am a mommy, but mine are older, girl 13 and a boy 8 in about two weeks.

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Old 05-28-2007, 04:59 AM

Heyyyy!! All mommies and daddies are welcome, regardless of the age of their kids! It's nice seeing another face in here!

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Old 05-28-2007, 07:05 AM

withered- *hugs*
its ok. the day is over now. so just sit back, relax, and feel the peanut wiggle. (: the immune system thing sucked so bad. i hated it. Normally I have an Awesome immune system i rarely get sick, but when i was pregnant it was like an every other week thing. it was horrible. and on top of morning sickness. i know where youre coming from with that. ugh. and its so much easier to get food poisioning, and other random things. my ob/gyn at one point was telling me to cook my lunch meat before putting it on my sandwich. wft? who cooks precooked meat for a sandwich?

blah to wide screen! its all about full. i get mad at myself for not checking sometimes and getting stuck with wide. even with wide screen tv's there the annoying black bars. why dont they just fill out the friggan screen on wide screen tv's? it annoys me so much. XP
as for the pursuit of Happyness. I love that movie so much. saw it in theatres and bought it the day it came out. sooooo gooood. imo. <3

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Old 05-28-2007, 07:06 AM

Originally Posted by jurupamae
Hi all! :) Thought I would stick my head in here and say hello since I am a mommy, but mine are older, girl 13 and a boy 8 in about two weeks.
hi! and welcome!
id say tell me theres a light at the end of the tunnel, but since im only 20 i know that there is. lol. it happens once your kids have kids. @.@
but youre more than welcome to come and talk with us whenever and just de-stress or reminiss about pregnancy/toddler times. stories are always fun to share. <33


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