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Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 03-29-2012, 08:32 PM

Same, Keyori! xD

Jaz, I snuck the smallest bits of baby cereal to Terra, and she didn't spit it out. Her mouth mechanics were right on spot, and she was four months. A friend made me reconsider making it to six months (gently), and I did. It's hard to know exactly what's "right", you know? The thing that made me hold out was the intestinal lining becoming stronger by six months. Some "experts" say introducing foods too early cause the food allergies, which all moms are told, but now some rising "experts" are suggesting waiting too long also causes food troubles. It's annoying not knowing. Where food issues are very common for me and my family, I held off until six months. If I didn't have the family history? I can't say for sure when I'd have started solids up for her, you know?

It's been a while since I looked for "all the signs your child should have before beginning solids", but I remember the one and only one for Terra being that she couldn't sit up on her own at four months.

Go with your gut, in the end. It is definitely worth saying that even if she didn't get meals, I did let her suck on apples and such for fun. She loved the subtle flavors she got, and she didn't "eat" more than a teaspoon of apple juice in the end. She was so excited to start real foods. Still is, really. That's one of the things I love most about her. Unless it's broccoli or spinach, she's up for anything.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 03-29-2012, 09:20 PM

Kura was exclusively breastfed for 9 months. Her first taste of food she was super excited and wanted more more more more more! It was cute. I hated waiting the two weeks? between new things to watch for allergies. But she hasn't had any.

Stalked by BellyButton
Keyori is offline
Old 03-29-2012, 09:54 PM

Do you have a lot of allergies in your family?

I don't know what I would do if I had children with allergies that I don't have. I am already too picky... I can hardly feed myself as it is!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 03-29-2012, 10:19 PM

I have medicinal allergies. Hubby doesn't and none of the kids have had any- even to things that I have very strong reactions to even if it touches my skin.
I'd imagine it's not too bad, I don't eat birds and so they're never served at our house (though we did purchase smoked sausage that had turkey in it on accident once, and the kids ate that just fine, I didn't eat it) Melody my obnoxious observant daughter noticed that I wasn't eating it and belted out a chorus of "try it you'll like it, try it you'll like it" that annoyed me to no end and then made sure to loudly mention how tasty it was and how much she liked it and how she wants to have it EVERY DAY. They also do this while watching shows that I say are inappropriate for them or annoy the heck out of me. Dora the explorer and sponge bob to name a couple- so when they get the chance to watch them at a friends house she has to tell me how awesome it was etc and then decide that everything in her life needs to be Dora themed. :roll: ...where was I going with this? Oh yeah, allergies, you cook to accommodate people, it would be like if you disliked fish, but loved shrimp chances are when hubby made you dinner it wouldn't be fish it would be shrimp etc.

ktbee is offline
Old 03-29-2012, 11:03 PM

Mel: Haha, right?? They *finally* finished the construction around the downtown Riverside area. It only took, what, 10 years? :P The reason the bus was slow to Tyler was because it was the #1 bus which had a lot of stops. I took the #16 bus bus to Moreno, which had fewer stops.

Jaz: I hope you get to rest, soon!! :(

Chi: Good luck on your test!

Actually, I sleep really well. My problem is that I sleep too much, from stress.. Of course, that gets me more stressed, haha.. Vicious cycle. ><

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 03-30-2012, 01:34 AM

Like Mellie, I tend to have stronger reactions to medicines. I will swell if exposed to too many chemicals over time. I finally caved and went on two types of allergy medications because my throat/chest constriction was too much to deal with. After it got scary, I took the pills. I should have after Terra was born, as I seemed to react to everything after giving birth. I refused the pills at the time due to the risk of my (already low supply of) breast milk drying up. Now that she's 18 months, I took the risk. So far everything's fine there. She's unwilling to give it up, so there you go.

With foods, it's more so intolerance issues. While pregnant I was super strict with dairy (something I used to have MASSIVE issues with) and gluten (something I still have massive issues with). I was strict from about month 4-5 of pregnancy up until Terra was 9 months, then I got frustrated. I was having allergic reactions to something unknown, and after lots of testing came up inconclusive, I got pissy and ate whatever. I mean hell, if I was going to have my throat close off and my hands/face swell to twice their size no matter what I did, I might as well eat a slice of pizza or have a loaf of crusty bread, hey?

Er, no. Long term caused a lot of anxiety and absolute exhaustion, and then my iron and B12 went low. So I'm going on month 4 of strict gluten-free and I finally feel normal again. Luckily since trying dairy after Month 4-5 of pregnancy 'till postpartum 9 months, I've been fine. They do say if you give the body time to heal, you can often have things you once couldn't. Being able to have milk makes being gluten-free much, much easier.

Wow, long post. Sorry. >>;;

Stalked by BellyButton
Keyori is offline
Old 03-30-2012, 01:45 AM

Hubby and I don't have any allergies that we know of, other than urushiol (which is common for most people I think). And I don't even think hubby is allergic to it, but I'm TERRIBLY allergic, even if I inhale small amounts through pollen. >_<

My dad is allergic to acrylic, which is really weird. All he has to do is just wear cotton socks and wool or cotton sweaters. He didn't know this for like 20 years though so he had horrible rashes on his feet from acrylic socks. He's fine now though.

I have insensitivity towards caffeine, and although it won't really hurt me in any life-threatening way, it will definitely make me vomit in sufficient quantities. Like frozen coffee :C

(Energy drinks too, but I never started drinking them so I don't feel like I'm missing out. I've had sips and I think guarana tastes weird.)

Caffeinated sodas make my stomach upset if I have more than a few sips. So, a can of Mt. Dew or Dr. Pepper or cola will give me tummy aches. If I'm REALLY slow at consuming them, sometimes I can avoid the ache.

My mom says she has bad reactions to caffeine too, but her symptoms are TOTALLY different from mine. She just gets TERRIBLE migraines, and any amount will make her sick. She can't even have decaf coffee, tea, or white chocolate because they all contain a similar chemical that makes her react just as badly (I can't remember what it's called).

Last edited by Keyori; 03-30-2012 at 01:49 AM..

dana eleanor
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Old 03-30-2012, 02:24 AM

I feel bad for people who have food allergies. I don't have any food allergies, but I am sensitive to food coloring in cereals. I'm only allergic to one medication. It's an antibiotic called Kflex.

Stalked by BellyButton
Keyori is offline
Old 03-30-2012, 02:37 AM

I babysat for a child who was allergic to the red dye used in colas (red #4?)

It was kinda weird but I never fed them so it wasn't really an issue for me.

ktbee is offline
Old 03-30-2012, 03:45 AM

I don't have any food allergies, but my body is only okay with lactose, and doesn't tolerate pork. So weird.
I make up for lack of food allergies with allergies to grasses, trees, pollen, dust, fur, etc.. ><

Stalked by BellyButton
Keyori is offline
Old 03-30-2012, 03:54 AM

Ick, hay fever. Luckily most of my spring sneezing has been abated by the fact that there's no grass where I live now, except in very small quantities. xD

If I was allergic to animals, I'd go crazy. I need my furry babies to stay sane when hubby is gone!

ktbee is offline
Old 03-30-2012, 05:03 AM

Haha, the weird thing is, I never knew I was allergic to animals. I've never gotten a reaction (that I know of). I found out when I had an allergy panel done. The theory is that I have a perpetual allergic reaction, so I got used to not being able to breathe fully and such.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 03-30-2012, 06:51 AM

I have no pollen, food or animal allergies. >.> I'm allergic to ammoxicillian (the pink stuff for ear infections etc) and Benadryl- which is what you're supposed to take to prevent allergic reactions. :/ Ammox is pretty bad, like if I give the kids the medicine when they have an ear infection and it touches my skin I end up with hives. I found this out while giving some to my cat when she had a tooth infection. I was thinking eh as long as I don't take any I should be good! She spit some out on my hand/arm and I was swollen. It was gross. I've also washed dishes that the medicine cups went into before and ended up with hives. That stuff is poison to me! D:

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 03-30-2012, 11:53 AM

Ah yes... I'm sensitive to food dyes. Itchy throat/swelling, depending on how much consumed. It's a miracle I've managed to find foods that don't make us feel deprived as a family. :lol: It wasn't the case five years ago. But pretty much anything I can make a suitable substitute for. When I have friends for dinner, I don't bother telling them it's gluten-free. The lasagna I made a couple weeks ago is still raved about today. (And I thought it was mushy, but tasted yummy!)

That meeting at the Montessori school went well. We all rallied ideas together, and everyone left feeling inspired. Parents and owners alike are going to go within the community and see what our options are. A lot of parents weren't there. I would say... five? Six including the owners. So six children's parents out of over twenty. It doesn't surprise me, and it means that few will be around to help with the relocation. So long as we can get the kids a safe learning environment for the next school year, I don't care WHAT I have to do. It will be done. That simple.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 03-30-2012, 07:15 PM

Chi- I've noticed that a lot with PTA meetings as well. It seems that one in ten parents will show up to those things. :/ I don't understand why it's so difficult for parents, sure work is hard, yes it does take time out of your day, but go with your kids and show them that you think their education is important! I know it's not the same for really little ones, but the parents of the Head Start the twins were at last year were supposed to be making decisions about menus, curriculum, etc and I was one of 3 that showed up, it was every first friday at the same time. I don't...I just don't get why people aren't more invested in their childs upbringing- especially at a school that you're paying for!~ But I'm glad you left feeling inspired! I know you'll (and the others) be able to come up with something to make it work!

The Child Development Center on base is hiring. almost $11/hr for a 40 hour work week...I'm considering applying. It would essentially double our salary. The only thing is that they close at 5, where as the kids get out of school at almost I'd have 3 hours where I'd either need the kids with me, or pay someone to take care of them. I figure to call later and ask about that. I don't mind having them around as my little helpers at work, but I know the CDC is packed full right now so they can't take on extra kids...but if they had an extra person that might change things, and with the summer coming up I'd need them there the entire time I'm there...and you see where I'm going with this. But I can't be the only one that has kids that need supervision during non-school time so they'd make allowances right? haha. I'll call later, it seems like a good opportunity in any case!

Stalked by BellyButton
Keyori is offline
Old 03-30-2012, 07:16 PM

That sounds fantastic Mel! I hope that works out for you and you can get child care :)

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 03-30-2012, 10:40 PM

I thought I replied in here /sigh

re-allergies... My family is mostly allergy free... Mostly.... I am allergic to wool... Not sheep, not sheep skinned coats... Something in the processing from Sheep to yarn or fabric makes me swell O_o;;; It isn't horrible and to get it to go away I'll I have to do is wash the area really well.. Sean has reactions to shell fish or did when he was younger... We ate clam chowder and his little cheeks and throat turned red and blotchy.... Mikes had a bad reaction to amoxicillian but I don't think he is actually allergic... Dillon doesn't really have anything...

Re-baby food... I am going crazy trying to make a decision on the subject.... Mikes had rice cereal at 2 months old, Sean at 3 months... So I asked WIC... "Why" and their first answer almost angered me... They basically said "cause the American Association of Pediatrics SAID SO" when I reposed the question a registered dietitian answered me...
the food guidelines have been pushed back to six months because experts have found that early introduction of solids puts children at higher risk for developing food allergies. Also, by six months a child's digestive system is more developed to better digest the solids that you give them. Breastmilk contains all the nutrients that a child needs for development until solids are introduced at six months.
so basically the confirmed your prior notion chi... I bought some organic whole grain brown rice (feels rather... hippy) cause if I do decide to go ahead with baby food, I'll be making my own... and one bag of that should last her quite some time... Plus it isn't just empty calories like white rice is...

and finally re-parent participation... It is a common problem all the way through the school years so I've learned, but it is worst in the daycare/preschool ages from what I've read...There are a lot of factors to it... The first and foremost is a lot of parents simply don't care they just figure, it closes (or whatever the case) kid(s) goes elsewhere... the second being simply too busy... I missed droves of Michael's daycare/preschool fun things (like muffin's with mom on the Monday after mother's day) because I worked stupid shift work and always seemed to be stuck with closing or the late shift... the final is poor communication skills between provider and parent... I saw this one quite commonly... We'd stick a fund raiser in the kids cubbies and not say anything at all to the parent... I am a terrible parent when it comes to these type of things... I am not in the PTSO... I don't go to after school activities like math night or reading night :/ I do however go to open houses to get to know the teachers interacting with my kiddos and I walk up to the school rather then drive the kid pick-up-drive-through and talk to each of the kids teachers DAILY...

I bet you'd do awesome with that Mellie... What about hiring a teenage baby sitter?

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 03-31-2012, 12:05 AM

Jaz, you may want to double check on the rice thing. The dietary fiber in the bran (brown rice) counteracts the high glycemic count in white rice, which is why it's great for people watching their carbs and blood sugars. However, when it's ground down into flour, or in this case, rice cereal, I think it's nearly comparable to white rice cereal. Don't quote me on it. It's been a while since I read about it...

I think it's great that you're planning on making her food. I didn't with Terra, and wish I had. I probably will with #2, should that happen. I saw the thing you linked to on Babyhalfoff and thought it was awesome!

If you can hold out, you might want to for six months just in case. There is also the notion of baby led weaning, and that may be an option that makes you feel more comfortable. It's totally up to you guys in the end. With the baby led weaning, she might be able to start playing with foods, but not eat them. Or if she gets any, she consumes so little it's not a risk of overtaking her breast milk consumption.

I loved the principles of baby led weaning, but Terra had a gag reflex that scared the crap out of me, so I was nervous letting her gum on things. I think if I had been braver we'd have pulled it off. She's an adventurous eater, but some things I feel she might like more now if I had done better. Still, for her to eat most fruits, veg, and meats is a lot to feel happy for. :yes:

Mellie, that job opportunity sounds fantastic! Let us know what they say about taking the kiddos from 2pm onward. :O

And it is indeed disheartening when people will lament a situation about their kids but either won't take a stand or are "too busy". I had worked all week, and was dead tired, and I went because she's my daughter and she needs this school to be open as long as possible.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 03-31-2012, 12:37 AM


I have never heard of baby lead weaning... Aside from in reference to breastfeeding

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 03-31-2012, 12:31 PM

I'm not disputing that. What I mean is whether the benefits of whole brown rice grains (your article) remain once it's ground brown rice (cereal). What makes brown rice healthier is the thick skin/bran around it. It takes the body longer to digest it, thus slows blood sugar spikes. Plus, the thick skin makes for a nice fiber addition to the diet. If the cereal isn't super fine, it probably still has the benefits of the husk? I tried finding an article but failed.

It can be more difficult to digest because of the fiber, but I agree that white rice doesn't have much benefit!

Baby led weaning is too long to explain. There are tons of articles out there. My friend did it and loved it, but I didn't because I was too nervous. :P

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 03-31-2012, 01:51 PM

Ellie has a shallow pallet... She gags on my nipple if she takes it in properly :/ we are going to walmart today (they are giving away a free 5x7 picture with the Easter bunny and the keedos and it is waaaay better then paying 20 some bucks to see the one at the mall >_>...) I wonder if they still sell that mesh baby nommer thing that looks like a strawberry.... O_o; They sold it when Sean was a baby... So I'd imagine it is still around...

As far as the brown rice thing I do believe it brown rice is better for other reasons as well kind of white bread v. whole wheat bread.... white rice from what I read is mostly water and er I can't remember if it is starch or carbs... ><; err... are those the same things V_V I can't remember... Aaaaanyhoo... in my experience with making Sean's food in the past, baby food always turns out with more, er.. lumpy? thick? I don't know hard to explain, then store bought baby food... Though this is my first try at making the cereal... So I'm not sure how it will turn out... But it is ground down before being cooked (in fact from what I read, you don't ever cook it so it with holds all of it's nutrients) but I'm not sure about the slow digestion thing... I've never actually heard anything about that :P

OMG my daughter is the meanest baby EVER O__O; she's taken to biting... Not on occasion anymore... EVERY NURSING SESSION... Now the last two nursing sessions (both were in the middle of the night...) She'd bit down, and while she bites down she rips my nipple out of her clamped jaws... I know she is teething... But that is totally unnecessary little one... O_o

Last edited by Jaz; 03-31-2012 at 01:55 PM..

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 04-01-2012, 12:30 AM

How did the picture taking go? :3

I remember the biting. It didn't last too long with Terra. She'd bite, and I'd just remove her and sit her on the floor. Eventually she got it. Around the nine month mark it happened again (more teeth), and she'd cry when she'd bite me. I'd make a face and she'd take note, then cry. >>; Those ones were mistake ones.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 04-01-2012, 01:18 AM

I totally spaced looking for the baby nommer thing **headdesk**

Picture taking when ok... It was er... Quick... They didn't even try to get Ellie to smile... :/ She was nomming on her dress I do believe while she was getting her picture taken... I hope the boys were looking at the camera and not picking their nose or some off the wall thing like that...

I know it is only temporary... She's cried twice... The morning I found out I had mastitis she bit down on me and I yeoooowled... and then proceeded to cry... The yeowl scared her... And I felt terrible... The other time I disconnected her and kind of gave her a firm no... She cried, and latched back on and did fine... But it didn't last long... :/

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 04-01-2012, 01:52 AM

Just keep doing what you're doing, and it will pass. :yes: Doesn't make the wait time easier, though.

Terra won't go to bed, and I'm exhausted. :s

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 04-01-2012, 02:21 AM

I made my kids go down fora nap today. They were totally wound, it didn't help that they went to bed LATE last night because I fell asleep early. ^^;; Mommy was exhausted. I'd rented them two movies yesterday and apparently once the first finished they watched the second. *shrug* I think they've caught up and are back to being their monsterous selves. xD
Tomorrow we're going down to free swim time at the gym. They've got a kiddo side and a normal pool side, so hopefully that wears them out so they're easier on Scott for tomorrow!

Biting- I did what you and Chi did. Removed myself and told them no. I didn't really deal with it much though, they caught on quickly thank God!

I find dancing with babies makes them tired enough to go to bed.


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