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Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 12:41 PM

My kids woke up with entirely too much energy. We seriously need to figure out how to harness a young child's AM energy cause holy cow!

I am glad it sounds like your scout dens are way more put together then ours. Scout Sunday is something that you are suppose to do either with the sponsor church which usually is your church not with our den though most if not all the kids do not attend church at our sponsor church except on scout Sunday. Mike's really does enjoy boy scouts though. Aaron is a first grader or second grader? I can't remember. If he's in second but hasn't started yet he may be able to get his tiger cub still if not he won't ever be able to but the boys don't care. Michael's brother Cameron was suppose to start at our den which ticked me off and he was already in second grade so he won't ever have the chance to be a tiger cub scout.. kind of like how I was never a daisy scout, boys get a patch that they wear on all their cub scout uniforms (elementary school) for each "grade" level they completed. Though I don't know if WEBLOS actually wears them since uniform changes for them in 5th grade o.O man none of that really makes any difference o.O why did I ramble on about it!

The boys are almost off to the bus today, they better not come home with bad reports they are off the walls!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 08-08-2013, 03:16 PM

Aarons going into 2nd grade, and I don't give a poop about the Tiger cub patch/badge/whatever because of the policies that prevented me from putting him in the scouts at that point. (: He'll understand when I talk to him about it when he's older. But thinking on it now, the inclusion of gay scouts (because I don't know the sexual orientation of my son at the moment) is the main concern that I have. I wouldn't want him to spend 12-18 years in an organization and get through with his eagle badge just to be denied it for who he loves, ya know?

the one and only

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Old 08-08-2013, 03:36 PM

Hubby has a day off!! So that means Mary is beating him up instead of me. and is actually taking a nap since she'll only nap on him or her Uncle >.> (or grandpa)
why does she only nap on men.... Gah

So i get to try to actually get some cleaning and organizing done i've needed to do.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 03:53 PM

That is one of the things I said Mellie. Mike's shows great interest in girls, much to my dismay, but I'd feel the same if he showed interest in boys lol. Overprotective mama lol! So much work and dedication is needed for the Eagle Scout to be obtained and you don't need to be a tiger scout to become one. It does please me some though that Mike's brother won't ever get that and Sean AND Michael will :) his dad is such a loser, even if her were to put him in scouts soon I doubt he would spend the time needed to get through the wolf badge. Stupid asshat. Don't ask I am slightly bitter towards him lately. :/

Omg something smells horribly of ammonia. Like a cat box or when Ellie's diapers need to be stripped. It's making me sick. Ellie's diapers are some of it I think but I am smelling it everywhere. Even with a fresh clean diaper Ellie smells like it, the couch smells like it, my bedroom her bedroom. The kitchen. The cat box was cleaned yesterday so I know it isn't her. It's so gross.... Ellie is being clingy too so finding and cleaning the problem is not terribly easy. It's the one nasty smell I can't stand, pregnant or not.. bleck :/

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 08-09-2013, 09:04 AM

My house has had that issue lately, we moved the litter box from the entry way of the door we never use to the kids bathroom...and the kids have found out that the litter clumps so of course OMG we have to put water into it and make it clump! Bad decision mamma. I cleaned the whole thing out and it's smelling a little better, but I need to get more litter now and some more deodorant for that litter...because I hate the way litter smells period. No win. I can't stand the smell either though. Pregnant or not. Hopefully it clears up for you soon be it from stripping diapers or whatever. I wouldn't wish that...aroma? on anyone!

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Chi is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 10:00 AM

I think that's the reason we're not getting a kitty yet. Terra is begging for a pet (:s) and I get sick with "trapped in" scents. Come winter this two bedroom is going to be problematic enough with a regular trash bin, let alone something smelly. That makes me sound like I hate animals, and I don't. I just want to wait for a house. I'd have no problems if we got something small right now, but bigger isn't yet doable.

Mm, morning coffee = godsend.

I think I may have found my perfect "fill in" job. I don't know though. My aunt is having surgery on her knee soon and will need a lengthy recovery period, so she'll need someone to fill in for her at my family business. In addition my grandmother seems ill (ill-ill), so I'll be there more anyway. Kinda having guilt pangs about the constant "go go go", but at least graduation is pretty darn soon.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 01:09 PM

Yay for a fill in job! Hope grandma feels better soon :(

I am with you on the morning coffee thing today Ellie has been such a restless sleeper at night. What is weird is that the past 2 or 3 nights maybe even more, she's not been waking to nurse she's just been a kick box champion on the universe. She kicks and rolls and punches us all night! I have to keep an eye on myself today, I've been suspecting that drinking coffee in the morning makes for an upset stomach the rest of the day. But I also noticed those are also days are days I drink little to no water o.O so I am going to try to monitor both at once which isn't very scientific lol...

Maybe a small fish tank? I've kind of wanted fish again just a tiny tank I like how relaxing fish can be but not how much work a big tank can be. Dillon likes er.... Chinese fighting fish... Betas. Maybe we could get a self containing fish system with a live plant on top and a fish at the bottom. It's own little eco system.

Dillon came home on his lunch and steamed an area I suspected Mirri to be peeing in (she only peed on the floor when her box is not cleaned regularly), refilled Mirri's cat box with new litter, he said he was going to clean out dirty diapers but I don't think he did, there are only 2 I think and a couple other things. It helped the smells a lot! It is Michael's job to do cat box since he's old enough for regular chores but he's a slacked. I made Mikes do the litter day before yesterday but I guess he had cleaned out so much of the clumped litter there was literally only a fraction left in the box for her to use all day yesterday:O I stripped our bed which seemed to smell (Ellie had a diaper on day before yesterday that smelled awful and it made her smell all day and I think the smell got on the bed too eww. It smells like dirt now in the house. I think this is from the rain. We had sooo much water in the house the other afternoon it wasn't even funny. The window guys better come fix the 3 year old window and I am hoping to get on the ladder and see what is up with the window over the back door. The other leaks were just the amount of rain and the fact that we have swamp coolers in the Windows.

I am going to try to spend the day cleaning diapers today and trying to catch up on laundry stripping diapers always puts me really behind on laundry. I have on set I started stripping but had to stop to clean boys uniforms for school then I threw the other load into the wash after a couple normal wash loads to rinse some of the smells out as it was some of the smells I was smelling yesterday I think. I'll run their wash cycles then pull them to finish stripping the first set then I'll strip the second set o.O; going to be a lot of laundry doing today.

Last edited by Jaz; 08-09-2013 at 01:15 PM..

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 08:18 PM

I'm beyond glad it's Friday, even if I have a butt ton of stuff to do. We're taking the credit card and getting pizza tonight; screw it. I'm glad a chain opened up here that has gluten-free crust.

I need to do laundry again. It never ends, but it sounds like you guys know how that goes. Were you able to get the icky smell out?

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 10:44 PM

The smells are gone for the most part I smell the litter box again when I come upstairs, it needs to be cleaned daily, OR ELSE!!! LOL.

The reason diapers get the ammonia smell is because of extra laundry soap that stays in the fabric, plus we have really hard water so the hard water and minerals deposit into the diapers as well. So that is where the stripping process comes into play. I strip diapers once a month, but it's been like 4 months since I've had ALL the diapers in one place to get them all stripped usually I can only get 1 MAYBE 2 loads stripped before needing to get them back into use. So some of these diapers had waited a REALLY long time to get stripped but I don't use all of these diapers regularly, so it wasn't a problem until laundry started to fall behind O_o;; Laundry is never ending here. I get sooooo excited if I find the bottom of the laundry basket. SO VERY EXCITED. But the next day I have 3 loads again, and a load of diapers. :'( Ellie's in disposables at the moment to give me leeway with the diapers.

I am happy it is Friday as well we actually spent most of the day out instead of in. My best friend and her daughter visited and we took the 3 girls out to the mall where I picked up some wool yarn for dryer balls (lol more laundry stuff) and to let the kids run a muck at the play area in the mall. I also took Zeus to the groomer while we were on the North side cause he smelled gross. Now he smells fruity. lol.

We are going to my sister's for dinner and so I can use her printer because uhm, my windows 8 computer is "too good" for my Lexmark printer O_o;; it literally won't print things properly for me it's like what is this archaic nonsense! I tried uploading Sims 2 to this computer as well and it cause it to crash. Well it's what I blame it on anyhow.

Only a few more minutes until Jayden heads home for the weekend! I am sooooo ready to have the weekend start! Pizza sounds good... I ate McDonald's for breakfast, Subway for lunch,

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 08-10-2013, 02:31 PM

I hope everyone has an awesome weekend! It shouldn't be too bad here. Gotta grocery shop in a bit. Spaghetti sauce for tonight's dinner is done. I may make a cake, but most of the "prep work" is done. I can't imagine company will stay more than two hours (with any luck).

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 08-10-2013, 03:08 PM

I need to go to the natural grocers today. As well as a few other stores. Then hopefully clean up and relaxing for the rest of the weekend!

Have a nice weekend as well Chi :)

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 08-10-2013, 03:55 PM

I'm taking a break. No grocery shopping until a shower, and frankly I don't wanna yet. I just pureed my sauce (I cook it with veggies) and think my food processor is dying. I really want a Vitamix but I can NOT justify the cost. More so since I think we're getting a new (used) car within a week. The second car we have isn't worth fixing in terms of what it would need, which is frustrating since we just replaced its tires. >:O

I'm not gonna hold my breath, but if we get it I'll post pics!

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 08-10-2013, 11:22 PM

We spent most of the day out and frankly I'm bushed. We didn't get the groceries we needed :( but we got the other errands out of the way. I taught my best friend how to make laundry detergent today I am pretty, pleased she wanted to learn but I am so tired now, and I have 10 gallons of laundry detergent. One should be safe for sensitive skin and for cloth diapers :) the other can be used on regular clothes since we don't currently have a skin allergy problem with it.

I wonder if Dillon will want me to pick up groceries tonight... We need to get some cleaning done and I don't see being able to do grocery shopping before then. Hrm, it's always easier to shop alone bit I hate going by myself :( babble babble..

Dillon is bbq'in lol. I think salad and watermelon will be a nice compliment to the pork ribs :)

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 08-11-2013, 12:28 AM

I agree that it's easier to do it alone, but sometimes it's a fun journey to have company. Terra is usually a great grocery shopper. Usually. ;)

The dinner went well. Tomorrow should be a relaxing day. I don't have this Monday off as usual, but I need to get more client terminations done. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we're all in training. I'm stoked for it because I've heard nothing but great things about the speaker.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 08-11-2013, 01:18 AM

Dillon usually comes with me because the boys are terrible shoppers. Ellie is an ok shopper if she's not over tired, I rarely shop alone less the rarely even I think in the nearly 7 years we've been together I have done it twice? Maybe a couple more as I would use school time to shop when both boys were in school before Ellie came. I don't think I have the energy for it tonight anyhow. Might get some cleaning done instead but I want to relax once the kids goes down. I realized a bit too late that I had given all my "ready to use" detergent to my best friend this afternoon so I could show her the process to make it and I needed to make the bucket available to do so lol, but now I am on stand still for laundry because the detergent need to sit for 12 to 24 hours... o.O Guess I should have thought of that to begin with. Lol.

Our Sundays are game night with friends, and as much as I'd like to say it'll be relaxing chances are I'll be stressing :/ why can't everyone have the strong aversion to using foreign toilets that I have??? Four adult men Three standers, 1 diabetic, they all pee like 15 times in a 4 hour period... I don't even pee that often and I'm pregnant! I can SEE urine back splash on my floor it's gross... I've been wanting to stop game night but on of the guys guilts me into starting back up... So does Dillon though, he acts like not getting to pay 4 games of magic a week is detrimental to his health.... I'm lucky if I can knit a row every 3 weeks unless the item is a gift for someone. I honestly just want more down time where I don't have to think about entertaining... /random

I work Wednesday and Thursday this week and Thursday is my breastfeeding groups annual celebration/potluck :)

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 08-11-2013, 01:24 AM

Entertaining is exhausting. For me it almost always means cleaning, cooking, dishes, clean-up after everyone goes... and like you say, it's tiring! If I wasn't getting something out of it (fun, relaxation, yaddayadda) I wouldn't do it. Can Dillon offer to clean up? The toilet mess sounds nasty! Can't people wipe up after themselves? Ew.

I think Cole may take Terra grocery shopping in the morning. He's trying to get her to sleep right now, and I think he'l end up going with her because she's in cling-mode tonight. I get to sleep in tomorrow, so I'm staying up until I completely crash. Right now I'm just watching TV and relaxing.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 08-11-2013, 02:58 AM

long bitchy post revamp....

Dillon does help with cleaning, it is fair to say that he does more of the cleaning then I do now-a-days, but when gaming is on Sunday night and often last until midnight to 2AM there is only so much he can do. To clean up after our game nights usually entails a large number of dishes (6 adults and 3 children), bathroom clean up, and assorted trash clean up, plus whatever the kids got to that we couldn't get away before visitors and/or what they got into while visitors were over. Aside from one guy, who is usually bone dead tired (he's a vet and tends to wake at like 3AM still) by the end of game, NO ONE offers any help with clean up. Usually I go to bed before it is even fully over, and Dillon can't be anything but tired when it ends. So I understand why clean up waits but it waits too long, because the following day is Monday and I have a difficult time recovering while being alone with the kids. I guess I'm just not the best cleaner. I think I have a touch of OCD because I do things VERY meticulously even if it means things take a week or more to finish. It's ridiculous... But I have yet to be successful in breaking my habits. It's why Dillon does most of the cleaning that I am most meticulous about, he does it enough like what I want that I can back off, BUT it takes him significantly longer now because he tries to match what I want done.. :O

That was significantly less whiny...

I am trying to take advantage of "off" days and do things I want to do, I'm also trying to keep an ear out on the rain as our windows and door are leaking water still /sigh... I am going to have some choice words for the company I bought the window from on Monday. They were suppose to be out on Thursday or Friday and never showed and I space cased Friday evening and we have had torrential downpours since Thursday V_V we have a lot of flooding problems now because of it. I am glad our town isn't doing too bad but other parts of Colorado, especially those affected by the wildfires these last two years are just flooding nonstop. :( I just don't want rain in my house... I am terrified everything is going to mold and rot now... :/ off topic of "off" time. I have a slight head ache which is making computer time kind of sad so I may go lay down next to Ellie and listen to more of the Harry Potter book and pray I don't pass out and wake up 3 chapters in lol. I have done that 3 times this book O_O maybe some Eureka instead though I imagine TV will have similar effects as computer/ kindle...

On the subject of clingy I have a funky question, did Terra ever have a point in her toddlerhood, that she wouldn't let you leave the bed once she was asleep? I think Ellie has done this a few times, I can't seem to recall accurately, but I don't remember the boys doing it past infancy. Once they were up and about they slept fairly well. The past week or so Ellie will be out cold, she was snoring tonight and if I get up, she will sit bolt up starts crying and saying strange things I can't interpret. Normally if she wakes or isn't fully asleep she say "milk" and "please" over and over, but not recently.

I need to check her for her last baby molars, as I haven't in a while. That could be the cause but it seems strange still. She is such a restless sleeper, even when she sleeps through the night, WE don't O_o;

Ewww heartburn just started, I think I am being told I NEED to lay down now!

---------- Post added 08-10-2013 at 09:42 PM ----------

So much for laying down, my Aunt Debbie pulled me into kind of a debate on standardized testing... I love my aunt and, I love debating, well more like "opinionating" yup totally made that word up!

I wonder if I can convince Dillon he wants to give me a shoulder back and foot rub lol. I really am sleepy now!

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 08-11-2013, 11:06 AM

Is there a way you can tell Dillion that you're just not into gaming and the clean-up/late-night combo is too much, so it's time for him to go out and game with someone else willing to host it? You'd lose out on gaming, yeah. It sounds like the pros don't outweigh the cons at this time. If you tell him you don't care if he games, he can go out and stay out as late as he deems comfortable?

Terra did exactly what Ellie's doing. They seem to have very similar stories growing up! Some nights she still does it, but they're getting fewer and fewer. Just last night she wouldn't let Cole go. The difference is now that when she pitches a fit, when she sleeps she most often STAYS asleep. There was a time when she was Ellie's age that it wouldn't matter--I couldn't leave. She'd be dead asleep and wake immediately or wake 5-10 minutes after I left. Once she realized I was away from her she'd bellow. I remember a lot of frustration that I had to go to bed at 7:30-8:00pm every night.

It began to get better at 24 months. That was when I limited night feeding. I couldn't function come then juggling work, school, and practicum/interning. She LITERALLY woke 3-4 times a night to nurse until I limited it. She still slept with us, as I didn't want to leave her hanging. I made sure to snuggle her instead when she'd ask to nurse.

After she adjusted (with an occasional night of asking once in between) she began sleeping through, which then transitioned to sleeping 4-5 hours by herself and then joining us, to sleeping completely by herself. Right now she's gone back to sleeping with us (when Cole began working 50-60 hours it knocked her off balance), and working to get back into her own room.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 08-11-2013, 07:07 PM

I don't think Dillon wants to play either to be honest, he's feeling the pressure of only one day of "rest" (I.E. frantic cleaning) too I think. We are going to wrap up the game tonight, I suggested that our characters become disbanded to settle the idea that we are no longer a party working together and must go our separate ways I figure I am going to seek out solitary work anyway now that I've reached this point in her career. Or maybe just to disband temporarily as one of our players offered to DM for a while but I honestly need a break weekly is TOO often...

Well at least it sounds like what she is doing is fairly normal. I limited Ellie to only two nursings at night about a month ago because I was having a lot of trouble keeping up with her. Dillon cuddles her when she wakes over 2 times a night because she is very, er, persistant other wise. O_o; She gets between 4 and 6 nursings during the day now too. Which was working out fine until today when she decided that everytime I sat down she had to nurse and got REALLY upset if I told her "not now" :(

/sigh I got nominated for grocery shopping and I am putting it off, :o Ellie and I are going so Dillon can focus without baby under foot. Which is fine, Ellie likes shopping, I think she just likes getting out of the house. I asked her if she wanted to go bub bye with me and she trotted around gathering my stuff for me LOL

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Chi is offline
Old 08-11-2013, 07:43 PM

If he doesn't even want to, definitely don't. O_o

Have fun grocery shopping! Cole and Terra went this morning, which was an awesome help. I got to play a game for an hour and just relax. Terra had an early tub as she got into my new face wash. People often comment on our house and how "everything is in perfect place". It's like that because she'll literally destroy everything in her path. The face wash was left out on the steps by my husband, and sure enough. . .

Before Terra we were horrible housekeepers. I gotta say... I like a clean house now. It's never spotless, but it's almost always without a pile of clutter. Before Terra? Ugh. It was always embarrassingly messy.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 08-11-2013, 10:46 PM

Our main rooms are generally fine. Dishes can get out of hand sometimes but the livingroom, kitchen, Ellie's bedroom hall bathroom etc are all fairly well kept. My living room is the best, I have actually successfully got it to its minimum aside from toys which I need to swap... It's the lesser used rooms or "our room" that get neglected. I keep the laundry room fairly organized too... Not always put away but organized. Right now it is behind to the max I have been working to get it together today but the shopping trip messed with my groove. Our room is always last on the list to get any attention and when it does I always seem to have to stop midway in midst of a project! It sucks. My office is my living nightmare. It is the "catch all" room. If it doesn't have a permanent home it lives on the floor up here. This is also my craft area and Dillon's art room it is HORRIBLE. Neither of us get to enjoy being up here unless we can tune out the mess in the room by keeping our nose in the computers... And we can't take Ellie up here so it often times gets ignored because we simply can't get the time span to clean it up... :(

When I moved out with Michael I had a rough time even keeping general maintenance things up. My first apartment was HELL! It was a studio and I had sooo much stuff! Junk nothing but JUNK!!! Then I moved into the tiny two bedroom apartment and got a lot better but not 100% then Sean came and I was back to square one :( When we moved here we made a point to try to keep the main living areas clear and clean. Even made a rule about no toys in the livingroom which worked well until Ellie came and we kind of had to have toys accessible :P Then Jayden and I brought out more, though they aren't the best toys to have in a living room so I need to decide what I do and don't want out. Between Dillon and I it was like putting two horders together... Ok that might be exaggerating, but we both had/have a LOT of JUNK. The difference between us is I am fairly open to the idea of donating and trashing a lot of my stuff and he is only KIND of getting there.

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 08-11-2013, 11:00 PM

If we would have had to move with all our stuff, I'd be singing a different tune. Most of our stuff is in storage at Mom's. This apartment is nice, but there isn't much storage in the closets. One closet has our toiletries and towels. Terra's has her clothes and some toys. Ours has our clothes and as much miscellaneous as we feel we can have. Storage under our bed, too. I can't wait to get a house. xD

Maybe if we play our cards right we can purchase land next year and begin building the year after.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 08-12-2013, 12:27 AM

I don't even have all of Dillon's stuff here :( that's the bad part! We have a huge house but it doesn't have any storage space really either :/ we have 3 rooms with closets and they are all tiny. Now I want to clean o.O and I have company *sob*

I hope you get a house soon. :) I think you will!

SpIdErS iN tHe BrAiN
MinakoAxule is offline
Old 08-12-2013, 12:53 AM

We have lack of storage at my parent's house. I don't even have a closet my step mom took mine over. My sister has so much stuff it's spread around the whole house she has a bin in my room, an over flowing pile in the master bed room, her room you can't walk through she has so much, the the living room is filled with her toys. The basement is filled with all my step mom's old stuff and piles of her dirty laundry that I can never seem to get through. Though I get yelled at if I have one thing of my stuff showing. I have a dresser I share with my dad's paper work and boxes under my bed. I only have a laundry basket full of cloths year round that's all the cloths I own and it stays in the laundry basket since I have to put all my things in my dresser which now is mostly filled with my dad's paper work.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 08-14-2013, 04:13 AM

It's 10:30PM and I am not quite sleepy dang passing out with Ellie at nap time!!! I want to do some cleaning but the lazy has hit me hard. SOOO HARD...

I have Jayden tomorrow so I won't have time to do extra, or possibly even normal clean up, depending on her and Ellie, and Dillon is going to be staying late to make up for lost hours. I wonder if Dillon will be up to do any cleaning or if he's just going to grumble at me....

On the subject of cleaning. I tried cleaning some toys in a mesh bag from the dollar store in our washer. I am PRETTY sure that it failed because I tried to put a transformer in it. O-o I just don't have enough time to clean all the toys anymore and more seem to magically appear so fast O_o but now my washer has a ton of tiny legos in the bottom of it I need to pull out before I can get back to laundry... /lame


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