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Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 01:31 AM

I had been upstairs for an hour and a half, and Terra's still not asleep. Cole came and switched places with me, saying something like, "Do you want to swap so you can make the Mexican caviar?" Mind you, I had fallen asleep three or four different times. If he seriously just asked that because he wants to eat it, I'm going to slap him. If it was a case of that, he could have made the damned thing himself.

We shall see.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 01:51 AM

I sure hope Ellie falls asleep with no arguments :o she's been bouncing off the walls o.O I am trying to go through things and put stuff up (or update) craigslist which I can tell is irritating Dillon but oh well I need some stuff GONE! I have entirely too much JUNK still.

I don't have Jayden tomorrow so I am hoping the day will be productive! I need to call my friend and tell her I don't need her after all :) I can handle Ellie at a normal appt. But not the combo with the glucose test as well as blood draws.

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 02:15 AM

Yay! Tomorrow should be an easier day then! :)

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 02:51 AM

should be... Hopefully toddler of terror agrees LOL.

I am slacking gosh I need to MOVE! Plus sitting here flitting the internet I started biting my nails for no apparent reason. *shakes head* I am actually at a loss as to what to do next.

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 03:20 AM

You're always on the go. I hope this is hardcore nesting! When Liam comes you'll go bonkers otherwise. I can see myself being the same way though, trying to get the place free of clutter (or the best I could get it) combined with getting the kids' new rooms together. I'd be feeling a constant tug that time was running out.

I had another moment of "argh, I hate renting" tonight. The neighbor was loud again with his TV, enough that we knew what movie he was watching. I guarantee sometimes he's driven bonkers by Terra's fits and the roughhousing in general, but yikes. I wish we had more options, but we don't. If I get the new job (and even if I don't), I'll go to the bank in time to see what options we have for a home loan, if anything. I could at least get a ballpark figure we need to trim the student loan debt down to before approaching a home loan. I'm going to wait until February, when my loans come back into repayment. It's pointless doing it now, seeing as I've no idea what we'll be paying. :P

I'm really crossing my fingers that we can get something by 2015 or 2016. I think we'll both be ready to bust out of here come then. Cole's content for the time being. I'm not clawing at the walls, but just ready. Deep down I'll be honest--I want a house so I can truly contemplate baby #2. ;) It's just not doable here, and it won't be. Probably why Cole's so content!

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 02:08 PM

Oof. I'm with you. I hate driving on snow! I made it to work though. I'm coffee'd up and no closer to being productive than I was before. D:<

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 02:48 PM

I did nothing last night. I could not get myself over the slump of apathy. Then my sister stayed and talked politics until 10 and Dillon and I were up talking just about everything until 11:30 or 12 o.O I think it is more then nesting though, this stuff has been bugging me since I was pregnant with Sean. I wanted desperately to minimize. I don't like having so much stuff it makes me crazy, and I am feeling a time crunch for sure. I am 28 weeks today officially in my third trimester and both Liam and I are measuring big... I've never measured ahead of my dates so it scares me to think he may be here in February rather then early March. It isn't helped by the constant repeat of the normal chores either. I pick up toys Ellie and Jayden scatter them Dillon does dishes (he's been slacking a lot on them lately) and we have mass loads again the next day for no explained reason.

I am only allowing myself one cup of coffee this morning which is going to be REALLY rough. I have the glucose test and between the coffee creamer and the toast I had with my eggs won't effect it too much. I figure I'll see how I feel after my appointment and the I will see if I should drink more.

Ellie slept terrible or rather she slept fine but made it impossible for me to sleep. She was grinding her head into my back and side most of the night and when I finally gave up and laid curled at the foot of the bed I had major hip pains :/ so coffee is more then likely a must today..... Ugh...

I need to call my student loan people today /sigh my pregnancy brain forgot to file the deferment paperwork that was due the first of the month.

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 05:02 PM

Oooh, student loan mess is the worst. I'm sure you'll be fine though. I think it takes 30 days for them to "act" and or state it's defaulted? I don't know how it works if you're currently deferred and then forget a deadline. I'm sure it'll be fine either way. I need to figure out when I'm supposed to call them, but I know it's no earlier than the end of January, and I'd like to wait to see if I can find stability in terms of my side of work, be it the new job or planting my roots here.

28 weeks... I dunno where the time is going. So anywhere between three months and three and a half? Crikey!

I hope the glucose test goes well. I imagine the bulk of the frustration there is just the wait period?

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 06:33 PM

I am not too worried about the student loans... I've had them come out of deferment and completely space them for several months. DX bad jazzy. But I obviously don't want that to happen again. Mine were in forbearance not deferment I need to apply for the deferment and to do that I have to prove we are poor via a letter I guess from the Departement of Social Service saying we receive government aid. Which always makes me self conscious... o.o

Yup today marks the start of my third trimester. So approximately 3 ish months left. I am apparently measuring big in a slightly concerning way according to my appointment today and she wants to keep an eye on it =.= I've never measured big before it is weird but it's been consistent for the last few months that I've measure larger then my dates indicate.

The glucose test wasn't bad it didn't taste as bad as I remember though I am still feeling the effects of the excess sugar. So coffee and protein it is!

Ellie has been back and forth between this silly little Angel toddler to overly curious but still well behaved it is such a relief I think it was because I got to spend more time with her this morning then I normally do in the rush of things! It made me all fluttery!

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 07:08 PM

Slightly big as in gestational diabetes concern? Or something else??

Has your BP remained consistent throughout checkups?

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 08:50 PM

My bp is fine she checks it regularly because spikes and falls can indicate problems with my thyroid. She's been super awesome about keeping my thyroid where it should be. I don't thing it is gestational diabetes either maybe just Liam is bigger age wise or even perhaps just a bigger baby in general. I think this pregnancy size wise is on par with Sean's who was my smallest baby so far. I don't seem to have too much trouble with things other then shoes sometimes I can bend and stoop just fine. Where I had more trouble with Ellie and Mikes by this time. I am not sure but she sounded concerned about where my uterus was.

I had to "sleep" off the effects of the sugar drink though I don't think I actually slept just dozed in and out honestly. It was nice to rest though now I have to get on top of stuff!

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 10:14 PM

If you feel you're okay, I bet you're okay. That's all that matters, right?

I'm home from work. Well, I got home about an hour ago actually. I made dinner, and in a minute I need to get the baby into the tub. Then dishes. Then cleaning the guinea pigs' cage. And I really should do a load of laundry. Meh.

Work was pretty gosh darn horrible. I feel like I'm having more bad days than good. Maybe this job interview will pan out. Dx

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 12:07 AM

That is what I am trying to think anyhow. So far she hasn't acted concerned when she measures and says "oh your a little big." This time she measured 3 times and was says "How many weeks are you again, oh wow you're measuring a bit big we'll have to keep an eye on that." I feel fine though absolutely no big concerns that aren't already being addressed by keeping my thyroid monitored.

I have a little energy and I need to apply it somewhere just not sure where! All my kids are being angelic today! I am almost ready to start looking for pods lol.

I feel the same way a lot Chi :( it's never a good feeling! Do something fun tonight try to stay positive <3

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 12:25 AM

I feel okay mood-wise. I'm trying my best NOT to bring it home with me. I don't want Terra seeing me that upset all the time. We had a good evening together overall, but I accomplished nothing beyond cooking, dishes, and tubbing her. It's 7:30 so I guess I COULD do laundry, but it's bedding so the dryer won't get it the first go. Ugh. Tomorrow's another day. Tonight I'll look for jobs and see if anything's out there. I'm annoyed that I didn't even get a rejection letter from the DHHS job. My friend says she thinks there's a hiring freeze until January 1st. I'm hoping that's the case.

I'm definitely going through with the interview on Monday for the clinician job, and hoping for the best!

I'm glad the kiddos were well behaved today. It makes for an easier time all around! :)

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 12:51 AM

They ALL ate dinner too! It was amazing!

Good Luck and keep your head up! Something will come! Hopefully sooner rather then later!

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 01:08 AM

Thanks. (: I'm hoping for good news after Monday's interview. Something about the job makes me nervous, but I'll know more later. If there's a lot of DHHS involvement where I have a "professional opinion" I have to give that determines whether or not families stay together, I don't think I could stomach it. But! I won't know. That could be a very tiny part of it or something. I'll know more later.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 01:37 AM

That would be rough. I don't think I could do any kind of work like that. I have a really hard time being positive and I couldn't manage being around unhappy situations constantly. :( Hopefully it isn't like that and it can be something you enjoy <3

I have to share because I am proud of this purchase and I like the outfit. Boy clothes are so LAME! This is the outfit I got from the ARC the other day for Liam I spent a whole maybe $6 on it :)

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 01:45 AM

Oh my word. That is the cutest outfit ever!!

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Jaz is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 02:35 AM

I need a dresser for Liam or something. I thought about having him share with Sean but I'm not sure. I found out a few days ago that the cat has been sleeping in Liam's bed :/ CATS I SWEAR! but I had washed all of the newborn/ 0-3 stuffs and put it in a basket in his bed. Only to hear this. So I really do need to address this somehow. Starting with possibly rewashing his clothes and finding a place for them V_V and then probably going to have to put aluminum foil down in his bed to keep her out. You know what stinks! I bought her a nice fluffy kitty bed and she won't sleep in it OH NO! Maybe with a little taxes or something I can get her a cat tree. I bet she might like that... I wish it was one of those things you could "try before you buy" cause you never know with cats!

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 02:40 AM

Did she pee all over? :( Or is she just laying in it and getting kitty hair everywhere?

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Jaz is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 02:46 AM

Nope just laying in it claiming it with kitty hair. She reserves pissing on stuff for Ellie's room >:(

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 03:02 AM

I do think you nailed it earlier that it's a girl thing. x.x;;

I don't know what to do with my guinea pigs. Holy crap. I may have to separate them based on what I've read. The fighting is still going on, but it's less intense, so I think the whole "dominance" thing will be settled soon. I hope. It's really heartbreaking to watch.

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Jaz is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 03:22 AM

is it just a temporary separation? I don't know much about their intelligence but i wonder if separation might teach them to be nicer!

My animals are both spoiled brats. The dog less so then the cat but he's still spoiled pretty rotten. If he played with toys he would be showered with them but he doesn't. So really he just gets raw hides and people food occasionally. Mirri has no legitimate complaint. She is still spoiled rotten. More so now then before even I think. Cause now she has kitty snacks that Ellie ADORES feeding her. A little too much...

I started washing my bedding just now... It is 8:30 /fail so Ellie is up late cause our spare bedding had a rip in it :/ It really needed to be washed it was starting to smell like dirty diapers which is GROSS >.< I should have remembered I had started diapers. If I did I wouldn't have stripped the bedding at 6 ><;

---------- Post added 12-10-2013 at 11:05 PM ----------

11pm and we've got at LEAST an hour to go before the comforter is done. At least isn't a huge massively fluffy comforter it is actually quote thin so it shouldn't take more then 30 minutes to dry but it is still in the wash *yawns*

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 03:47 PM

Apparently if it gets to the point they rip out fur and cause bloodshed, they'll never get along. I don't get it! They were born and raised together, which makes this so bizarre. I'm going to try a few suggestions when I get home today--bathing them together, removing scent, and scrubbing the hell out of their cage and cage items.

Have a good day today! <3

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 05:51 PM

Are they causing those things? Good luck with them! I hope the get along better soon. I had a male and female hamster (they were suppose to both be female) at one point that had issues like this. The female would beat the tar out of the male :( so they were separated (probably for the best as baby hamsters would have resulted otherwise).

I have a midwife prescribed nap to take today lol. I feel like I need it. But I am having issues accepting that I SHOULD nap and not work. I even have Dillon home today. I asked him to stay so I could have the support in going to the midwife and so that I can have him when we talk to Michael's teacher. *Yawn*... nap... coffee... something...


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