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XForever_EnchantedX is offline
Old 08-10-2009, 05:19 PM


•A ew ψorld?:: A §econd hance?

Profile Thread

This story, like many others, begins in a far-away world much like our own. The name of this world is Erishor.

Erishor was created long before Earth was; Millions of years before. The world began as many do, filled with magic and innocence. It was a world of unfathomable purity that most of us can only dream of. It was filled with all the creatures and beasts of myth, as well as many that are unknown to us. It also harbored a race nearly exactly like humans; the only differences being small things such as a larger variety of eye color, a heightened sense of hearing, or other things of the like. These man-like creatures were called the Sindarin. Still, these creatures were not so lucky as us. As they grew in number, the magic of their world dwindled until it no longer existed. They became like us: Power hungry and full of hate. They created weapons much like our own, and eventually...they used them. Their people were not strong enough to resist the pull of a true world war, where every territory fought only for itself. The other beasts and creatures of Erishor fled to the skies, those who could not finding their own ways of escape. The world was empty, except for the now evil Sindarin.

At this point, the war was too much, and each of the Territories decided. It was their ultimate weapon, or their own defeat. But little did they know...

These weapons were so powerful, that just one was enough to destroy a great portion of their world. But all of them set off within only months of each other? Erishor was obliterated. All that still remained was either burned, shredded, or killed, and only few survived.

Those who did fled to the bowels of their planet. They dug deep, where the toxins they had created could not reach and where they could rebuild their race and start anew. But to rebuild a race from only a few hundreds would take thousands upon thousands of years. And in that time...a new life was coming forth, to reclaim what had once been free.

Unknown to the Sindarin, the world above them was staring over. Plants sprouted from the ashes, and the creatures that had survived came forth from hiding. Slowly, the world began to thrive once more.

The creatures and beasts of myth returned, seeing that Erishor once again belonged to the innocent. They nurtured their new, reborn world. They helped the plants that now grew and swam in the hope that came with them. They created their own governing system as well: To be sure that nothing like that awful war would ever come to be again. There was one dragon to protect each realm, and armies of creatures to enforce the peace that reigned. Everything was perfect...or so it seemed...

Unknown to their ever watchful eyes, the world below them was thriving again as well. At this point, the Sindarin had forgotten about the world above them. It was myth, folklore...a whisper of a memory of a dream. They had found the technology to live below in a relatively happy manor with the truth hidden right in front of their eyes.

Only five books remained from the life that had once been. Five records, scattered throughout the thousands of libraries in the millions of tunnels that had become the new world. And those books are where this story ends, and our journey begins.

Last edited by XForever_EnchantedX; 08-10-2009 at 06:11 PM..

XForever_EnchantedX is offline
Old 08-10-2009, 05:26 PM


Clearing The Mist

Ok, so this post is where most of the reading will be done, including a little clearing up, some info about where we are and what's going on in the thread, and also the rules. The rules will be in paragraph format, will seem more like instructions, and will be sort-of blended with the info...mainly because it's easier for me to think that way and it's also much less vague, so there won't be as much to interpret as far as the rule breaking goes.

Anyway, to start off. We'll be starting as the Sindarin, underground, without any knowledge of the world above. There will be five people who find the books. What those five people then do with those books and the knowledge that will come with them is entirely up to the person playing that character. You may bring people with you to the 'Aboveland' as it will soon be called ((So, I will accept other Sindarin as friends, allies, enemies, or even people who are curious and simply want to follow)), or you may choose to go alone, or you may even choose to ignore the books and have your character go on with his or her normal life...but that wouldn't be very fun now would it? Only after the books have been found and our first 'Sindran' has gone above land will I be accepting other Creatures, Races, and/or 'Abovelanders'. Once that happens, the thread will really kick off.

The main objective in my mind for the plot of this thread is a major choice. The Sindarin who travel to the Aboveland will eventually come across a fork in the road: The choice between leaving the land in peace the way it is, or starting their own world all over again and risking the same fate of the same apocalyptic war. So, no matter what you do, you must keep that goal in mind. What happens when we reach that goal? I don't know...but I'm sure it will be interesting.

But don't get me wrong here. You and your characters will have A LOT of freedom in this thread. I will not be an evil thread dictator here. You don't even have to ask me about side plots, whether they be big or small. Just go with it. We'll all adapt. Which brings me to my next point and the reason this will be a literate thread.

In this thread, all people WILL be able to control another person's character. Now, again, don't get me wrong. This won't happen often, and most times it will be me controlling characters to push the plot in the direction I need it to go if it gets too out of hand. Also, you won't be able to kill another person's character without their permission, and during battle all people must have the choice to dodge or be wounded/killed. So, I'm not allowing god-modding here. But I am allowing a little control. I know what's going through your heads right now...and please, let me explain. There will be times in this roleplay with blood-pumping, fast-paced action. And to keep that action fast-paced, we must allow some people to have a little freedom. Let me give you an example. This is an example of a time I would need to push the plot in the right direction, and no, this is not my real roleplaying 'skill' this will simply be used to give you a better idea.

The danger in the air was thick, and the young darkwolf could sense it. It sang to her body and forced her into action without a second though. She knew exactly what it was as well. A Morrock from the dark depths of The Forest of Mysts. It was one of the only creatures left from the dark of the creatures mutated from the toxins and bound to their evil. She stood now, her ears erect, her tail high. She was still for only a moment before bounding through the woods; not away, but toward the evil being. Her heart was racing, but only one thing would draw this creature from it's shadowy lair. Sindarin. And she knew they would be in trouble.

Finally the wind picked up, and she caught the scent. She flew towards it; her slender paws carrying her at blinding speeds until finally she broke the trees in front of the two-legs. "Follow me!" She shouted without warning. She didn't wait for a reply, but turned and fled toward her home in the crystal fields, where not even a Marrock would dare to go. She was certainly thankful to see that they were following, though...hopefully she could get them to safety.... on the agenda. Literacy. Something everyone hates, I know...but trust me. In a thread like this I am going to be pretty lenient. There are a few different meanings I hold true for literacy, though.
One: All writing must be in novel format, which hopefully all of you know.
Two: I expect all of you to be flexible, adaptable, and free thinking in your writing and in the writing of others. I want everyone in this thread to be able to make the mold as well as follow it. I want everyone to understand other people's ideas and go with them without a fuss as long as they are helpful toward either your plot, or the general plot of the thread. Leave things open to interpretation as well as open to change. It really does make things more interesting that way.
Three: Size does not necessarily matter to me as long as there is something intelligent, easy to follow and easy to respond to in your post, though I DO really really like long, interesting posts that are also fun to read as well as easy. Also, with me, the more detail there is the better.
And that's about it with the literacy, though if I ask you to change or fix something please just go along with it. The arguing is just so much worse...

I want everyone in this thread to be respected as well. I don't want anyone ripping apart another person's idea or roleplaying style or anything. If you have a problem, kindly let them know the problem and see if you can work something else out. If you don't like an idea, kind about letting them know, work off each other's ideas until you can come up with something you both like. Everyone has an equal part in my threads. Let's keep it that way.

If you would like a role as one of the five who find the books, then please PM me about it before you make your profile. I will ask you questions about what you'll give to the roleplay, your idea for the character, how often you're usually on and other related things. These are roles I'm going to be very picky about. So if I don't think you're fit...please don't be offended, and maybe make a profile for a different role? If not I'm sorry.

One rule that I would really like to stand out to all of you, is follow my profile setup please. It will be very simple and very basic. This thread is going to be something different for me. I want character development to be a part of the thread. I want people to start romance like you would in real life: Meet and get to know one another first. It's just so much more interesting that way...wouldn't you agree? So PLEASE just follow the setup I give you. I promise it won't be much.

Finally...just be respectful of Gaia's rules as well. We all know what they are...and if you don't then you should probably go read them or get off the site.

I think that's about it for now...but this is still in keep that in mind.

Last edited by XForever_EnchantedX; 08-10-2009 at 06:12 PM.. Reason: I wanted to change the font

XForever_EnchantedX is offline
Old 08-10-2009, 05:34 PM


Some Extra Info

Next, we have a few little blurbs that are just information about the thread and some of the characters that are open for profiles, though I expect this thread to be made up of a lot of side characters as well. In fact it would be a lot better that way.

The Sindarin who find the five books are going to be normal people living normal lives...but there will be something that makes them different. A little thing that makes them stand out in the crowd. Maybe they are very creative and/or imaginative, or they do a lot of thinking. Maybe they are particularly nasty, or a little bit twisted. It's completely up to you, but make them unique. And yes, I will be taking one of the five.

The dragons that rule are open for applications ((all other species and races are pretty much up to you.)), but keep in mind that they're not going to be around a lot, though they'll probably have some pretty huge parts. So it would probably be best (if you take a dragon spot) To make another character along the side. Also, these dragons are not particularly ancient or really even old for a dragon's age...they're just the best for the job of ruling their part.

There are nine regions ((and thus nine Dragons)). Each one is a certain direction. North (mountains / metal), Northeast (Hills / stone), East (Plains / air), Southeast (Prairies / Fire), South (Desert / Sand), Southwest (Ocean / water), West (Jungles / nature) and Northwest (Forest / wood). There will also be one I am making up ((just to give it a name)) which is Absolute North. This is the center, and also the region of Ether.

Sindarin are no longer 'evil', seeing as they have no idea of what happened in the past. At this point, I think it's safe to simply call them ignorant ((Though they can learn)).

I will not be accepting Neko's, Kitsunes or anything of the like, though anthros are O.K. The difference being that anthros ((to me)) are more like animals with human stature and features rather than humans with ears and a tail. This means that most or all of the anthros in this thread will have a full body of fur, though it can be short and skin-like or even scales. But it will not be pure skin. That is too human for me.

Elves will be an option. They do know magic, but they are a very docile people and will only use said magic as a weapon when it is absolutely necessary.

I will also NOT be accepting vampires or werewolves. We can have animals that change shape, but their 'other' form will be the more human one and will be used only for disguise while among Sindarin. I don't care what the character's personality is...their preferred and most common form will be their animal one.

All creatures will have the option of a "Sindarin" form. That is up to you. But if it gets to be too many, I'll stop accepting them. The same rules apply as above.

Elves and Anthros may have colonies, and they may stay in small villages, but they will be small, they will be few, and they will be very 'Natural', meaning the elves may use their magic to get water or light, but it will not be like any form of technology. Anthros will have more basic villages. Wood stoves, natural lighting, taking water from rivers or wells...those sorts of things.

Everything else is up to you. I've told you the basics, the rest will be up to your imagination.

XForever_EnchantedX is offline
Old 08-10-2009, 05:37 PM


The Profile Setup

As I said, this will be very simple and basic...just to 'break the ice' a little.

Character Name: Self Explanatory
Gender: Self Explanatory
Race/Species: For now, all characters are being accepted, but...if you make a Creature ((A character who will be above ground)) then you will not be able to use them until the five Sindarin are in the 'Aboveland'
Position: Sindarin will have jobs that should deal with the underground. You can have things like artificial food growth ((since they don't have the resources to grow real food)), librarian, miner, guard / law enforcement, other jobs are mainly things you would see in medieval times such as blacksmith or the like.
Personality 'Preview': Just a listing of some major parts of the personality. Don't go in depth here, I'm looking for character development within the thread.
Additional Information: Anything else you feel the need to put in the profile instead of letting us know during the roleplay goes here.

[imgleft] Insert Character Picture Here ((Optional. Please crop it to a picture that is 300*300 or smaller, or use a link))[/imgleft]
Character Name: 
Personality 'Preview':
Additional Information:[/size]

Last edited by XForever_EnchantedX; 08-10-2009 at 06:01 PM..

XForever_EnchantedX is offline
Old 08-10-2009, 05:40 PM


Open Positions


The "Finders"
Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
Position 4
Position 5

The Council
The Council is a group of Creatures of all types who are the most fit to speak for their people. They keep the dragons in check if anything should go wrong.

Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
Position 4
Position 5
Position 6
Position 7
Position 8

Last edited by XForever_EnchantedX; 08-10-2009 at 06:02 PM..

XForever_EnchantedX is offline
Old 08-10-2009, 05:44 PM

Well, before we start, I would just like to say Hello! Yes, I know I just joined here today and I'm already making this thread, but don't let that discourage you. I came over from Gaia, and have been roleplaying there for almost six years. I joined here looking for a fresh start. I want to make new friends and find new roleplaying partners. So...just because I'm new here doesn't mean I'm new to the roleplaying join me?

This thread is now officially open!

XForever_EnchantedX is offline
Old 08-10-2009, 05:54 PM


[imgleft][/imgleft]The day dragged on forever, it seemed. Dust hung in the air, the light from the tunnel crystals barely even touching the dark depths of this musty old library. The hands of the wind-up clock on the front desk ticked by so incredibly slowly that it would cause an almost aching feeling to those who were near enough to hear it, which was anyone in the library, actually. The quiet was deafening, suffocating, and stifling...but still Rea worked diligently. Each page she turned crinkled with age, but her slender fingers were gentle, and barely touched the yellowing paper as she read over each and every word. She was a Book keeper, and she loved her job with all of her heart. It was what she lived for. Her passion, her love. Some thought she was strange for loving such a profession: Sitting in this stuffy old room with dust floating about, silence filling every inch and nothing but old books to keep you occupied. But to her, each book had a secret and each page was a clue. It captivated her. It sent her on a journey into the depths of the past, showing her everything that once was and some things that never should be again. She leaned in close as she placed her pen on the paper. Some words were blurry and worn on this page, and so she would fix them. That was another part of her job, after all. Restoration. She smiled at the one last stroke fell upon the page, sprinkled sand on the top to help it dry, and finally closed the book. She sighed softly, almost lovingly, stoked the binding, then replaced the book on the shelf and stood.

"Another days work completed."

The words were whispered, but in this empty and silent library they echoed, shattering the thick and heavy air. It was usually at this time when Rea felt the sting. The times when the only other voice she could hear was the echo of her own. And, it was usually at this time that she went down to the 'Gardens' to let her mind rest after all the mental stress. Today would be no different.

Kaurea reached down into a large canvas bag beside her desk. The light sandy purse holding her entire life inside of it. It wasn't long before her copper-colored eyes found the small clip she was searching for. With slender fingers, she pressed her hair behind her ear, clipping it back to keep it out of her eyes. During her work, she would always let the earthen hair fall forward as a sort-of wall. It kept all distractions away, and helped her focus more clearly on her task. But now she wasn't so concentrated, and she wanted to see everything fully.

Pulling the bag onto her shoulder, Kaurea headed out of the archway that served as a door, covered only by a thick burgundy colored velvet curtain. Wood, after all, could not be spared for it gave them precious oxygen. Her feet, wrapped in soft leather slippers as shoes, padded down the dirt corridors, seeking out the one place besides the library that could offer her true comfort from the darkness of their world. It was a splash of green light in the darkness; a burst of color, where the rest of the beauty had faded. Their life source, their entire hope for the future was a garden that almost everyone took for granted. She, on the other hand, knew the importance of such fragile beauty, as fleeting as it was.

She could smell the clean air as she approached the garden and it filled her heart with long-needed peace. And with just a turn of the corner, she was home. She entered, closed her eyes and took a long, deep breath of air, letting it fill her completely. There were few others in the gardens with her, and all seemed to be doing their own thing. This suited her just wonderfully. Finding her favorite stone bench, Rea once again reached into the canvas, this time pulling free something much different. A book, from deep within the library. Sure, she had just come from her job of reading...but this was for recreation...and this particular book had caught her attention something fierce.

It was a journal. A think journal without a title. So, it would seem as if it was nothing special. But there was something about it that just made her so incredibly curious. It was old. Thousands of years old perhaps. It had a certain air of mystery about it as it held a deep dark secret. Now, to her all books held secrets....but this one seemed bigger than any she'd ever known before. And she couldn't quite figure out why. She flipped the journal over in her hands a few times, the leather binding still soft despite it's age. After full examination, finally...she opened it.

Last edited by XForever_EnchantedX; 08-10-2009 at 06:03 PM..


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