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Saiytanya is offline
Old 08-14-2009, 07:59 PM

OOC: If you would like to join or have any questions please go to the OOC thread, here. All OOC things will be kept on the OOC post.

The Story:

The planet was dying; pollution, radiation, war…they were killing her. The Human race did everything they could to save their planet, but in the end, it was too late. In the end…she died, and without her life giving bounties, so were her children. So the human race had to leave as the survivors filled ship after ship and sent them into space, in hopes of finding a new home for the Human race.

Asleep in cryo-stasis, the U.S.S. Genesis was struck by a meteor, destroying her navigational systems and setting her adrift in space. As the decade’s passed, her crew and passenger’s slept, with no awareness of the passage of time. But as she plummeted into the atmosphere of a quiet planet, her systems stirred the crew from their sleep.

Where had they landed? What was this planet? What creatures and beings lived in the lush forests of this M-class planet? And why had they woken with these strange and unnatural abilities?

Genre: Sci-fi and Fantasy

Setting: A lush green planet. This RP will involve fantasy and science fiction elements. Races can be made up by the players as long as they are approved and fit into the world well. Magic and other mystical things are welcome.

Last edited by Saiytanya; 08-22-2009 at 01:02 AM..

Saiytanya is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 12:01 AM

The soft beeping surrounded his mind, slowly growing louder and louder until it bore into his thoughts like a drill. His eyes opened to the bright light that shone above him and the gentle female voice of the computer speaking to him in a staticy voice.

“Captain James Murdock. Captain. Captain. Captain. Captain.”

“I’m awake already, shut up please!” He hollered at the voice as he slowly pushed himself from the erect cryo-tube. “Status report computer.” He leaned back on the edge of the tube as he slowly let his eyes adjust to his surrounding. Brief blindness was a side effect of long term rest in a cryo-tube, he was pretty much used to it.

“Main crew is being extracted, now Captain.” The voice began as ordered. “Navigational systems are offline, engines are damaged 90 percent, emergency supplies are at half capacity, hull breeches on deck 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. 254 Passengers dead, 246 passengers still alive in cryo-stasis. 25 crew members dead, 58 crew members still alive in cryo-stasis. Medic lab offline…”

“Okay, stop,” He grumbled as his eyes finally came into focus. “What exactly happened while we were in stasis? And how long have we been in stasis?”

“Archives incomplete, unable to determine source of damage. We have crash landed on an M-class planet. Amount of time in cryo-stasis, 4823 Earth years.”

“Wait, what? 4,823 years!?” He moved toward the panel by the door, pressing the button to open the stasis room door.


The hall way was a mess, debris was strewn about everywhere. He had to shove quite a few things aside to get across the hall to his first officer’s stasis room. He pressed a few buttons and the room opened. The chamber that held his officer was slowly draining, and the female inside it was wearing the same skin tight uniform that he was. The uniform was required for cryo-stasis, kept the body nourished. But he had to admit, she looked much better in a skin tight outfit than he did.

As it finished the draining process and opened he leaned back against the wall to wait for her to come to.

Last edited by Saiytanya; 08-15-2009 at 01:04 AM..

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 01:00 AM

November was quite comfortable sleeping in her stasis pod...she was one that loved to snooze in on her days off. She never liked waking up, she always felt cold, especially from a pod. So of course the first thing she did when she woke up was to deliver a massive sneeze.

The spray was impressive, it flew in all directions a good 3 feet filling the air and anything in it's path with a wet snotty, thankfully clear, mess.

She blinked and rubbed at her eyes wearily. It was then that she noticed a shape in front of her.
"Huh, oh, Sorry captain...OH! Captain!" She saluted, coming to with a jerk.

((well wanted to leave an impression on my first post...MWAhahahaaa))

\ (•◡•) /
Shmougie is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 01:14 AM


Man that was a good nap.

But of course it was! Her baby was perfect, impeccable. No matter how long she and the crew had been sleeping, it would keep them comfy and healthy....


Pop pop~

"Oooh man." She groaned as she stretched, cracking her neck and back.

Okay, comfy aside from stiff bones...

She yawned and scratched her head. "Cecil." Her own computer lit up on her desk.

"Status report on the ship."

She got on her knees, looking around as she listened to her computer.

“Navigational systems are offline, engines are damaged 90 percent, emergency supplies are at half capacity, hull breeches on deck 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. 254 Passengers dead, 246 passengers still alive in cryo-stasis. 25 crew members dead, 58 crew members still alive in cryo-stasis. Medic lab offline…”

"Ah-hah!" She found her goggles and set them atop her head. Her eyes welled up with tears as the computer continued.

"Are you kidding me?! My poor baby!" She got up, oblivious to the fact she was in her skin tight suit and not her normal loose clothes and ran out of her quarters like a bat out of hell down the hall.

"Cap'n!! CAP'N!" She called for her captain like a little girl would call for her father after someone picked on her.

Saiytanya is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 03:50 AM

Murdock was caught off guard as snot suddenly flew into his face. Eyes clenched shut he reached up to wipe the snot form his, face. “Thanks...that was…lovely.” He reached forward a quickly smeared the snot on his hands off on his first officer's cheek. “There, that’s better.”

"Cap'n!! CAP'N!"

The voice of his Chief Engineer caused him to turn, still wipping the snot from his suit. “In here Simmons! But beware the spraying pipeline.” He shook his head and began looking about for something to wipe off with. He moved to the lockar that was situated against the wall, it was his second in command’s belonging in the locker, but she had sneezed on him, she owed him. He grabbed the first towel he spotted and began wiping himself off properly. He’d have to go back to his locker eventually and get into his proper uniform.

Last edited by Saiytanya; 08-15-2009 at 03:53 AM..

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 04:13 AM

"Danggit.. I'm sorry Cap'n...It's just..." she started to inhale, and sneezed again. This time the flow was turned away and diverted by a hand. She climbed out of the pod, shivering a little.
"Gah... Can you get a cold in stasis? Gotta be the skimpy tight jumpers." She grinned and gave her captain a wink and went to grab the towel from him and use it as well.

"And what were you doing in front of my pod hmmm? Wanted a good morning kiss? Serves you right to get hit by something else then eh?" She teased the man and then turned to look at where a voice was coming from.

"Hey morning sparky!" She gave the little mechanic a snappy salute in greeting.

Some kind of pixie-thing
Kierys is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 05:14 AM

It was cold, the kind of feeling you have after stepping out of a warm bath into the frigid December air. She could feel her skin raising goosebumps all over. She was damp too, and this disoriented her. She opened her eyes and blinked. Once, twice, and nothing. Fear and unease were starting to set in.

It took a moment, but her brain finally caught up to the rest of her body. She had been in cryo. The dampness was from the tube flushing out. The cold was an effect of the stasis. Her body just needed time to adapt to the temperature of the room. The blindness would go away soon. She let her breathing slow down and focused on the pumping of her blood through her limbs. It felt like she hadn't moved in decades. Slowly, she attempted to step out of the tube, and nearly collapsed on the spot. Easy on then, she would need to stretch her muscles a bit more before they would cooperate, it seemed. She took a few moments to work the blood back into her limbs, and then eased herself out of the tube. Her eyes, having adjusted, took in the room.

It looked like it had gotten rocked, hard. Maybe they had hit something. The drawers of her desk had fallen out, papers and her typical office supplies were all over the floor. Her coat, usually hung up on the door, was across the room. The door to her closet was still tightly shut, however, so she suspected the dresser drawers might be intact. Carefully opening the door, she braced the teetering wardrobe and eased it back into place, then opened the top drawer and pulled out her uniform. She didn't bother showering or fixing her hair, there was no time. She quickly dressed, grabbed her bag, which contained all her valuable tools and trinkets, and was out the door into the hallway.

Pushing open the door against the resistance of a buildup of random trash, she saw that it was worse than her room. Debris was strewn all over and she suspected it would be quite a job for maintenance to square it all away again. Picking her way down the hall with the grace of a feline, she made her way to the Medical Wing.

Until she had further orders, she would have to get started on setting everything up and surveying the damage. If things were as bad as she suspected, then there could very well already be wounded and, in a worst case scenario, dead. She hoped more of the crew had been brought out of stasis to assist the rest and assess the situation while she prepared things until the Chief Doctor arrived.

Last edited by Kierys; 08-15-2009 at 05:23 AM..

Demon Overlord
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Sinspiration is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 05:23 AM

"Warning. Officer Cryo-Stasis Pod Malfunction. Label: Zero-Zero-Three, Inhabitant: Security Chief Caulfield, Ashriel repeat, Cryo-Stasis Malf-M-M-MalfnkStkkzzt-" The warning stopped dead, accompanied by the sound of a heavy object crashing to the ground followed by a cry of outrage,
"Goddamn machines and their goddamn computers...!!" Ashriel hollered. Yes, after the cryo-freeze receeded and woke her up, the door had jammed, literally putting her in a momentary jeapohordy because these damnable tanks didnt have oxygen breathers in them, this resulted in a very annoyed Security Chief forcing the door off manually in what little time she had and throwing it to the ground.

There was a warm feeling in her hands, but she supposed it was from the momentary effort of relieving herself from the damaged pod. It really didnt help that Ashriel was a walking bad temperament, or that her low blood pressure (as joked frequently behind her back) made her wake up extremely cranky. Her eyes adjusted to the room as she listened, people talking, the loud shouting of that depresively irritating engineer and what appeared to be the voice of the captain,
"LEILA!!! Your damn piece-of-shit machine broke down!! AGAIN!!" She yelled from her stasis room.

The Security chief lumbered forward a moment, feeling an odd rush of dizziness as she placed a hand to her head, though at the same time looked to the side. her long blond hair had lost its bobble and the braid now breaking apart, typical, she'd have to spend a good while fixing that up. But back to that dizzy feeling, cheers to that damnable cryo-freeze she'd suffer side effects, which made her cranky. This meant problems, especially for the one most directly responsible, Leila. Oh if only one could see the dark thoughts running around in her mind they'd scream in agony at the very thought. She'd exact revenge later.

Her own suit fitted her quite nicely and due to her androgynous or, as some girls liked to mock, flatty body, she could almost pass off as male, she certainly has the musculature for it. Though she honestly preferred her own clothes, she didnt mind these suits all that much.
Again she moved forward, eyesight much better, her form reaching forward and having to manually push apart the doors to her stasis room, what a hell of a wake up call.
Even before she stepped out she knew something was terribly wrong, and she had a feeling she would find out relatively soon, especially as she stared at the debrise along the hall. This was bad.. Definitely very very bad....

[The demon has awoken... Fear her.]

Last edited by Sinspiration; 08-15-2009 at 05:26 AM..

\ (•◡•) /
Shmougie is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 05:28 PM

"CAP- Oh..." Aftere seeing the sight of her captain and second in commant in a bedroom. Alone together. While captain was...wiping himself off?

Sparky smirked and gave a salute back to her silver haired comrade, then her captain. She must've looked like a complete weirdo, what with her tight jumper on, but her hair in disarray with goggles atop them as usual. She could get used to the suit...

"What're you two doing in here together?" She wiggled her eyebrows. The look in her eyes just screamed 'Bow-chicka-bow-bow!'

"Just had to see her in her skin-tight suit, huh cap'n? Have you no control? We just woke up!" She teased, then whistled.

"But Damn, you two do look fine. Do a little spin around so I can get a good look at ya, 'kay? Hey Cap'n, that's a nice package there, is it being sent to me?"

"LEILA!!! Your damn piece-of-shit machine broke down!! AGAIN!!"

Leila's patented perverted grin slipped from her face and her eyes went wide. She slipped into there room and poked her head out, as if waiting for the blonde devil to pop out and beat her to death. Then again, beating doesn't seem her style. Something more graceful....Yeah, deffinitely.

"D-did you hear that?" She mumbled. "It was the sound of my death."

Wait. Malfunctioning Cryo-stasis machine? Ashriel could be dying! It'd figure the last thing she said was something degrading towards her...

And oh my gosh! She never got to see her in her cryo-stasis tight suit either! That was a crime!

"I'll save you Ashy-baby!" the engineer cried, running a few doors over, ignoring the crunch of things she stepped on.

Oh, her poor ship...


That was the sound of her death. Right there.


She had tripped on a piece of scrap on the ground and stumbled forward hands out in front of her to catch her fall. Said fall didn't come. Instead her hands felt something surprisingly squishy.

Yessiree. It seemed even Ashriel's chest definitely wasn't as well endowed as most, it was still quite nice to feel...

Hm. Maybe she shouldn't have voiced that fact out loud? But it had come out without thinking!

...Yes. She was a dead woman.

Last edited by Shmougie; 08-16-2009 at 03:15 AM..

Saiytanya is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 07:34 PM

Murdock shook his head, a smirk pasted on his face, “Well, you know a woman in a tight jumper really gets me. And no it’s not for you Simmons,” He sighed and looked at his second in command, “Actually though, I was just coming to make sure you were alive. The ship said we have a lot of deaths on board. Wouldn’t do me much good if my second in command was one of them would it?”

He grabbed a small metal device from her locker and pressed the button, “To any crew now awake.” He paused, he could hear his voice echoing back to him from his room across the hall and a few rooms down the hall. At least they still worked. “This is Captain James Murdock. Please get your normal Uniform’s on, grab your gear and meet outside my Cryo-room. Any who can not get out of their rooms due to debris, please wait there, we will get you out as soon as possible.”

He tossed the comm to his first officer and headed out of the room then, climbing over debris and stopping at his door to glance down the hall at his chief engineer. “That goes for you too Simmons. Get your clothes on and grab you’re gear and meet here, we need to make an organized plan. I wanna have this place somewhat livable before we wake up the passengers.”

That said he went into his room to follow his own orders. Getting out of the ridiculous cryo-suit, which also happened to have a built in Catheter that was excruciatingly painful to remove. He did his best not to scream as he removed it, but no doubt his crew had heard him anyway.

“Shit, whoever invented these things needs to die!” He moved to the small toilet to one side of the room to get anything out that may have been stuck. It hurt like hell at first, but eventually it actually stopped, and he felt so much better for it.

Eventually though, he was in uniform, A black and silver outfit that was not only stylish but bulletproof and weather adjustable. He was certain that if it had really been as long as the computer has said it had been, they wouldn’t be wearing these thing very long, unless for special operations. He didn’t care about uniform, and if the years they’d been asleep had left them entirely alone, as the chief commander, he wouldn’t make people wear uniforms.

He grabbed his gear and his comm unit before stepping out into the hall. A few people were already gathered and he leaned back against the doorframe to allow a bit more time for any laggers to get over here. He didn’t want to have to repeat himself, he hated doing that.

Last edited by Saiytanya; 08-15-2009 at 11:37 PM..

Firemare is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 08:11 PM

Arij reached out to brace herself on the sides of the cryo chamber as the fluid drained. "At last, we're here."

"Doctor Arij. Your presence is required on floors three through seventeen, floors twenty through twenty six and floors thirty and thirty two."

Arij blinked with still blind eyes as she squeaked "What?"

"Doctor Arij. Your presence is required on floors three through seventeen, floors twenty through twenty six and floors thirty and thirty two."

Arij stumbled forward, arms outstretched as she blinked heavily to try and restore her sight faster. She shivered at the feel of the cold air on her still damp form. "Why is my presence required? What's happening?" She could now see a light blur around the lights as her vision slowly returned. Over the com came the crackling voice of her captain "To any crew now awake. This is Captain James Murdock. Please get your normal Uniform’s on, grab your gear and meet outside my Cryo-room. Any who can not get out of their rooms due to debris, please wait there, we will get you out as soon as possible.” Arij blinked and rubbed at her eyes again. "Debris?" She muttered "Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no." Her vision began to clear and she looked around the remains of her room, shivering again. A few quick movements removed her suit. She had helped most of the people here into it, so she certainly knew how to remove it. She winced as it came off and rubbed her body thouroughly to get everything flowing naturally again. When she started shivering again she clambered over some debris to get to her locker, toweling herself dry and slipping into her uniform, which relaxed her slightly. She always felt so much better in uniform, like the world was orderly again. This illusion was quickly shattered as the computer repeated it's call. She winced and grabbed her bag, quickly moving out of her cabin, a labor in and of itself as the door was set partly open and at an odd angle. Picking her way carefully down the hallway she made her way toward's the captain's room. Hopefully he would have some answers.

Some kind of pixie-thing
Kierys is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 08:42 PM

Anansii was in the middle of sweeping up broken glass from the glass cabinets that had been smashed open from flying debris. Containers, varying in size and shape, of medicine and pain killers were scattered across the stone counters where she had set them for organization. Small pills of all colors and sizes mixed with the jagged shards of broken glass where some containers had broken open. The ship must have taken quite a vicious tumble, but otherwise the damage seemed, thankfully, minimal in this room. She had no idea how the other rooms were faring and tried to keep her mind concentrated on the task at hand. She began making a mental tally of what resources they had available to them. They kept stores of medicine and tools in locked wooden cabinets, thankfully, and only kept a couple containers of the most frequently used stuff up in the glass cabinets, for easy access. She knew this room, top to bottom, better than anyone else, except perhaps for Chief Doctor Arij.

When she heard the captain's voice come over the intercom, her stomach did a small flip and she sighed relief. She hadn't dared to go looking for any of the crew yet until she had the space usable because she was afraid of what she might find. If the rooms she had seen were any indication, the ship had suffered great damage, most likely outside as well as in. And nobody was more vulnerable than those sleeping in their Cryo-tubes. Which meant everyone on the ship, and that was quite a lot of people. Her stomach clenched at the thought of how many casualties there may have been. Images of broken tubes, their helpless inhabitants, sleeping forever, flashed across her mind. The idea of passing out of the world of the living, completely unaware, scared her, but the thought of them being conscious for such an experience, well, that terrified her. She had to bite her lip to focus once more at the matters at hand. She forced herself to remember the positives.

At least the captain was alive. And she had survived, which meant that many others may also be unharmed. Most of their inventory had been undamaged, safely protected by the thick wooden doors of the cabinets, so they had enough to work with in helping others, when the time came. And surely the Captain had a better idea of what was going on. She would just have to follow orders and see what came of it. Sweeping the debris into a corner of the room, she set the broom aside and briskly left the room, heading towards his Cryo-room as ordered, trying hard to arrange her face to one of calm. Ahead, she could hear the voices of others and she felt her stomach unclench. So some had survived. Thank goodness.

Demon Overlord
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Sinspiration is offline
Old 08-16-2009, 07:12 AM

Prewarning:[Ash is gonna do a liiiittle bit of Godmoding.. Er you'll see, I hope it isn't offensive Shmougie]

Ashriel barely reacted as a pair of hands went to her breasts, instead she stared at Leila in a dark manner, if she wasn't still feeling disorientated she would have smacked Leila hard, instead taking a deep breath and sighing,
"Are you quite finished..?" She uttered, pushing Leila's hands off and gripping them both by the wrist, the smaller female's wrists wer easy to grip in her much larger hands, she lifted Leila's arms, not too forcibly but sos he could look at the engineer face to face, golden eyes seemingly blurry, but at this range it was easier to focus,
"This is hardly the time or place for your little sexual fantasies. When we have a better idea of whats going on and where we are, we'll continue this little activity in private, but until then; hands off." She instructed with a rather malicious grin decorating her face, her voice didnt drip with poison, or even venom, it was more like boiling acid, and when one wasn't used to her regular bad attitude, they probably could feel the burn almost immediately. Luckily Leila had fallen prey to it enough to know Ashriel wasn't one to enact the sinister ideas and actions she often talked about in regards to those who annoyed her. And most everyone did annoy her.

Ashriel let go of Leila's hands and looked at her more properly, a brow raised,
"I didnt realize you were actually so small under all those baggy clothes... What was it the Captain said just now? Change into uniform and meet him in his room?" She sighed again, moving back into her stasis room and opened up the first of her two lockers, there in a full uniform stood in sight on a mahogony modeller, though on several shelves below were several copies of it, all perfectly preserved by the airtight conditions,
"Honestly Leila, you know getting frisky during a crisis inappropriate, if you wanted some so bad you could've atleast come to me before we were turned into human ice cubes. Then it'd atleast still be fresh after you woke up" She grumbled continuously, not even protesting to the perversion that Leila often applied, because she too was used to Leila, not to mention Leila was one of few people to know of Ashriel's standing when it came to relationships.
Without a thought or a care as to Leila's presence she unstrapped the cryo-suit, ripping out the catheter with a visible snarl and practially ripping the suit off, though the durable mesh stayed in tact as she tossed it into her cryo-tube.
It didnt take her long to pull on her uniform, she'd done this so many times before they went to cryosleep, this would be no different. Ashriel grabbed her gear last, the suit already had her medals and command level band across the top left portion of the chest. After all, she was a Security Chief and it gave her command level authority underneath the Captain and his Second.
She would have to worry about her hair later as she walked into the hall and stepped over random pieces of trash on her way to the captains room while adjusting stray strands of hair that had been caught inside her suit while she was putting it on.

Upon nearing the captain she was pulling on her gloves and in his presence saluted immediately,
"Captain." She stated simply, placing her gear down and standing at attention as a soldier would do, in the end her uniform had to be fitted for a male with some adjustments, it suited her nicely but it ended up making her look like a grown tomboy, her major saving grace of being a female was probably her hair, which, at the moment, hung casually behind her,
"It is good to see you alive, sir. What are your orders?"

[INSTANT REVELATION! Take it any way you wish.. xD]

Firemare is offline
Old 08-16-2009, 07:47 AM

Arij finished picking her way through the debris to come face to face with captain Murdock at about the same time as Ashriel. Mimicking her salute, Arij kept tight hold of her bag. She was SO not happy. She was worried and desperate to go tend to the rest of the ship, if the ship said she was needed, well it was almost never wrong, and just from her first glances the damage had been horrific. "Doctor Arij reporting for duty sir." Her nervousness began to show through slightly as she shivered "Captain, what's going on? The computer is telling me I'm needed all over the ship and the entire place seems to be in ruins!" Her left arm gripped her right in an almost spasmodic twitch as she resisted the urge to go into shock "With all due respect sir, even with Anansii I can't possibly get everyone from almost half the floors into the med bay!" The whites of her eyes were fully visible around her iris's as she glanced around nervously. Torn between duty, common sense, panic and her nurturing nature.

Martel Irasia
Martel Irasia is offline
Old 08-16-2009, 05:25 PM

Something seemed wrong, it wasn't the cold, it was the lack of motivation to wake up. Xander moved momentarily and his hand thumped into the door of the cryo-stasis chamber. There was a light grunt as he struggled to wake himself. He felt a momentary weakness in his legs, causing his shoulder to bang into the door, slamming it open.

Xander fell to the ground and his eyes shot open as his head hit the floor. "Gah!" He closed his eyes tight as he lifted his head enough to rub the back of his head with the heel of his right hand. "Ugh, how long have I been in there?" He mumbled lightly to himself. He rolled over onto his stomach and tried to lift himself from the floor.

As his vision came into focus he jumped up and screamed at the mess in his room. Anyone who wasn't already awake, or was awake, would have heard him. "Oh dear god, no!" He yelled as he looked at it. "Please tell me my equipment is ok." He ran to one corner of his room, ripping open a locker door to find his equipment generally intact.

Xander sighed and sank to the ground, relieved that his equipment was ok, but his room. His room was trashed. He got up and began trying to clean up, but he could hear something going on. "Maybe I should save this for later." He said looking rather upset at the thought.

He turned his eyes to the locker that contained his uniform in it. He looked at the suit and took it off with some difficulty. He tried to ignore everything as he grabbed his uniform and put it on. He wiped a stray tear from the corner of his left eye and left his room, heading towards the Captain's chambers. He would have to see about what had happened. As he walked into the hall he almost screamed again, but controlled the urge.

"How in the world did this place get so trashed?" Xander asked quietly, even though there was no one around for him to talk to. He walked down the halls, avoiding all the trash as he walked into the captains chambers.

"Good day Captain. Might I inquire as to what's going on?" Xander asked noticing Ashriel and Arij already there in the room. He was really beginning to wonder exactly what had happened.

\ (•◡•) /
Shmougie is offline
Old 08-16-2009, 07:18 PM

(( I don't mind. ^_^~ You mean they already.... ._. Leila and Ashriel~ omfg~ XD))
Leila could only pout and grin embarassedly as the other woman threatened her. She blushed a little about her comment about being tiny.

"It's better to deceive people when they think you're tiny and fragile, of course. So you can grope them and they'll think it was the other person!"
of course, she didn't state that fact outside of her brain.

"And I have to say you're lookin' quite yummy with yours on! Yeah. We're gonna have a meeting most likely...I'll have to ask him to get my team out of cryo-stasis...I really wanna start fixing up the ship." In her heart she wasn't sure that she could fix it all up, but she just kept those thoughts to herself.

When she mentioned her lewd attempt at copping a feel during a crisis Leila crossed her arms and tapped her foot.

"Hey! It was an accident! Really!" She pouted, she probably didn't believe her. Heck, if she were Ashriel, she wouldn't believe herself either.

She leaned against the doorway, not watching as she changed. Normally she would try, but the catheter really freaked her out. She really dreaded pulling out her own.

After making sure that her blonde comrade was alright she skipped down the hall to her room. She didn't like uniforms, so when she pulled open her closet, it was full of all different types of clothes.

Really, it was all about what attracted her attention, just like people. She had everything from dungarees, camo-pants, bycicle shorts all the way to lolita or chinese dresses. Not like she really wore them after she bought them but....

She slipped off the cryo suit and decided to rip out the catheter like one would a bandaid.

Extremely fast.

Several curses flew from her mouth and her eyes filled with tears. She hated the feeling. Eeek. She could take being electrocuted, burnt or even dropping heavy things on her foot, but this...

After her whimpers were done and there was no chance anyone would know she'd cried, she slipped onto her normal attire; Tube-top, bomber jacket(Which belonged to her papa) baggy pants with lots of pockets (For tools and other things) and her boots.

"Don't forget me~" came the british voice of her computer.

"Ah! Sorry Cecil." She picked up the computer. "We'll talk later, for now we gotta go the the captain." She put the little computer in the pocket at her right hip and pat it gently before jogging to her captains quarters, happy to see that several people she knew and liked were still alive. Her stomach lurched with worry for a second, but she kept her bright appearance and attitude.

She said nothing. Everyone seemed to be in a mold state of panic (Except for her ice queen, of course) so she didn't want to say anything to upset them. She'd ask questions when the captain was done placating his nerve-wracked crew.

Last edited by Shmougie; 06-11-2010 at 12:03 AM..

Iori Vytenson
Iori Vytenson is offline
Old 08-16-2009, 10:23 PM

Jon O'Rourke felt himself falling. Falling upward, into the sky, faster and faster, until with what seemed like a flash, he fell downward. With a thump, he struck the floor of the passenger stasis chamber, coughing up the thin, clear fluid that filled the cryo chambers. He couldn't see very well, his vision was milky and dim. He lay there for awhile, dragging fresh air in through his burning throat. He looked to the side as his vision returned, his brain finally beginning to process the facts; where he was, why he was there, what had gone wrong. He stood shakily, and noticed that several others were out of their chambers too, though there were several that were disturbingly motionless.
"The hell...." he bent over and puked on the floor, the tiles already slick from the cryo fluids. "What happened here?" The room was a mess, some of the cryo chambers were busted, and his had a hairline crack on it, not large enough to leak fluid. But it could have been. What luck. I better go to the command deck and find out what's going on. He stopped to help some of the other passengers before heading off to the command deck, still dripping with cryo fluid.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 08-17-2009, 02:36 AM

November laughed with Sparky and pretended to shoot her with her finger gun..

"Get lost ya pervie varmit! pow pow!" she winked at her and gave a knowing smile when the girl rushed off to help thier cranky Securtiy cheif.

"Righto cap'n! You want me to wear the red or the black dress?" She teased him again before pretending to shove him out her door.

When he was gone, all joking aside she began to bite at her lip and tear through her closet. There were many a hint about the seriousness of the situation. Now that she was alone she allowed her self to worry and fret. She had a younger brother in one of those tubes as a passenger, was he still alright? As much as she wanted to race down the halls and look in on his tube, she had her duties as first officer. She quickly shed her jumper and began to pull on, yes another jumper. This one had a gun and ammo belt and a jacket. Finally she snapped at the computer.

"Computer, what's the stasis of cryo unit C 3-416?"

"Stasis system down on level 41..."

She bit off a long phrase of curse words and tightened her belt. It seemed she had lost some weight, or more likely muscle when in stasis. She grabbed her favorite guns from her secure locker and belted them on, making sure they were on safety. She took a deep breath, and put her fear in a box until she could let it out freely.

Opening the door she walked to the where the others waited for orders.

Saiytanya is offline
Old 08-17-2009, 06:50 PM

Murdock leaned back on the door frame to his room as he waited for his Chief staff members to arrive. One by one they all appeared, many asking questions, most looking worried. But he didn’t say a word, only looked at each of them in turn until they had all shown up.

He closed his eyes with a heavy sigh before pushing himself away from the door frame and facing his crew. “Alright ladies and gentle…man.” He looked at the one male member of his senior staff and smirked slightly, “Here’s the deal. First off, we’ve crash landed on an M class planet, according to the computer, which seems to have some issues right now, and the computer has no idea where we are because the Nav systems are down. Second, a lot of people on the ship are dead, that includes crew and passengers, the med-lab is offline and our supplies are down to half capacity. Third, there are various hull breaches, engines are shot, and the computer is in need of a serious makeover.”

He sighed once more and tried to prepare for the last bit of information he was about to give. “Lastly, if the computer is right and not just crazy, we’ve been in cryo-stasis for about 4,823 Earth years.”

He waited briefly for people to react before raising his hands to shush them, his usual casual and rogish attitude dissapeared instantly, leaving a very profesional Captain facing them. “But for now, that is the least of our concerns. Here are your orders.“

He turned toward the two healers, “Medics, you girls need to get the med bay in the best condition you can, salvage what supplies you can and be prepared for incoming people.”

Murdock then directed his attention to the short Chief Engineer. “Simmons, go wake up your engineering crew from stasis, assuming they’re still alive. Your first priority is getting the Medical machines and computers online. Preservation of people is of utmost importance. Second priority is getting navigational systems online so we can figure out where the heck we are. Oh, and lastly, try to find out if the computer is right about how long we’ve been in stasis.”

He sighed and looked at the remaining people, “As for the rest of us. First priority is getting the crew up and about. Those injured and any medics you wake up go straight the med lab. Any engineering people go straight to work with Simmons.“

He pointed to Ashriel, “Once all living Security people are up, get them trolling the halls and assessing the ship for danger. DON’T leave the ship, focus on getting the interior of the ship secure and safe from possible outside threats.”

“All other crew woken up, are to be put on "clean-up duty", focusing on getting the halls to and from the stasis chambers and the med lab and to the engine room, cleared. Once all crew is up and the halls are clear, then we’ll focus on getting the passengers woken up and to any needed healing.”

He sighed once more, “Alright. Any questions?” Before people had the chance he said, “If you do, you’ll have to follow me. Get to work.” And he began down the hall to more cryo rooms and pushed open the first door.

Last edited by Saiytanya; 08-17-2009 at 07:07 PM..

Martel Irasia
Martel Irasia is offline
Old 08-17-2009, 07:12 PM

Th-the N-nav systems... d-down? Xander could feel his head getting dizzy. H-how many y-years? No. no. no. no. no. He stared at the captain wide-eyed, hoping none of this was true. Damnit, I told those idiots to build the Nav system to my specifications. If they had, this wouldn't have happened!! He was screaming on the inside, while he remained overly calm in outward appearance.

Xander tried to keep himself from passing out. He followed the captain out of the room, immediately, but he asked no questions. He ran into a room opposite of the one the captain had entered. There were more Cryo-stasis pods in here. More crew members. He cringed at the sight of one of the pods, it was broken and pieces of the shattered glass had completely impaled the person inside. He nearly puked as he turned his eyes away from the pod, covering his mouth with his hand.

He walked to another pod that was fogged up. He couldn't tell whether the person inside was alive or not. He took a deep breath and moved forward, opening the door. Xander screamed as the dead body fell to the floor at his feet. He landed on his ass, staring blankly at the body and the now empty pod. He muttered a string of curse words as he tried to get back up. He moved away to the last Cryo pod in the room, this one looked promising.

He opened it up, and the young machanic inside began to stir. Xander sighed and shook the person a little. "Wake up." Xander said softly. "Time to help repair the ship, or at least repair what can be salvaged." He said and the mechanic woke up, staring at him like he was crazy. Xander made a face and walked away to find more people to wake up. He sighed and as he walked out into the hall, he tripped over his own feet and fell, face first into the floor. "GODDAMMIT ALL!!" He shouted.

Demon Overlord
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Sinspiration is offline
Old 08-17-2009, 07:23 PM

"Almost five thousand years...?" The security chief responded, her left eye twitched, the way it sometimes did when she was severely annoyed, or just plain horrified. Not that many things presented horror to her. But still, the concept was insane. They were almost five whole millenia displaced from their own time! How had their ship even survived that long? It was insane.

Once she was given orders she saluted once again and turned on her heel, immediately proceeding to where her secuity taskforce were located. This would be one hell of a task, not to mention she could see some-ome people calling on the futility of it all. They didnt even know what had happened to the other colony ships, how far away they were, hell if the rest of the human race was even alive.
She stopped still in a hallway a while, lowering her head a little, none of her family had boarded the Genesis as passengers. They were probably all long dead. It was then that the dizzy feeling occurred again and she placed a hand to her head, steadying herself against the wall.

She looked up for a moment, suddenly seeing perhaps the most bizarre thing she'd seen in some time. She was looking at herself, walking backwards to her quarters, accompanied by Leila. They vanished into her quarters and so Ashriel followed suddenly, looking into her room as if expecting to see something there.
Nothing.. Was she hallucinating? Was this side effects of the malfunctioned cryo-freeze? She knew she had to see the medics but she really had her duties ot tend to. So she shook her head, taking a deep breath and carried on toward the security forces.

It took a small while, the security team were stationed next to the Security offices which held itself a prominent location closer to the center of the ship, this way they could reach all locations with some efficieny and speed whenever a security breach occurred or trouble started.
Thankfully, most of the security team had survived, though some of their pods appeared to have malfunctioned. She hit her fist into the All Release pad that would simultaneously awaken all the security force. Their awakening was a groggy one, but sharp, barked orders from their security chief quickly straightened them up.
She explained the situation and almost immediately there were a few protests and questions but again Ashriel rallied them with her sharp tongue,
"This is no time for panic or confusion. We have alot to do, we still have people to protect and if we're going to survive we need to remain rocksteady. The people who survive will be counting on us to be the strongest of us all. As the security force we're an idol, not a rabble of scared humans, as much as we are frightened, we're not allowed to be! Now you have your orders! Follow them thoroughly, we'll have plenty of time to honor and bury the dead afterwards. Suit up and move out!" She pulled a salute, her slightly diminished force doing the same and rushing to follow her commands. It didnt take them long to get dressed in security gear and grab their military issue rescue tools, there was bound to be debris that needed cutting through or otherwise moving, thats where the tools came in.

As for Ashriel, she stayed in the security offices with the deskbound officers, beginning to clean up the mess and attempting to get things more orderly.

Firemare is offline
Old 08-17-2009, 10:04 PM

Arij twiched again at the information and gripped her arm so tightly that she knew she would have bruises later. She felt herself start to panic when she slowly inhaled. There were people hurt, and work to be done. There was no time to panic now. Straightening her shoulders there was a steely glint in her eyes as she turned and made her way towards the med bay, picking her way through the debris, all the while muttering an internal mantra to herself "Get through it, get through it, get through it..."
When she reached the med bay she scanned it with a nod. Anansii had already been here. Setting her personal kit on a nearby table she opened it and scanned the contents. Luckily this had been so safely secured that nothing was broken or damaged. She pulled out some of the more fragile components that the med bay had lost to damage and replaced them before moving her kit to the side. As she did so she heard a noise and turned. Standing at the door, leaning against the side was one of the crew members.
"Ma'am...?" he slurred and Arij swallowed down the bile that had started to rise. She wasn't sure what had happened, but part of his face and almost the entire left side of his body was covered in horrific burns. Stepping to his healthy side she helped get him over to the closest bed, where he lay almost completely nonresponsive, except for talking continuously in a half delerious voice.
"Dunno wha happened, woke up pressed to the pod, not floatin, hurt, very hot. Somen' got me out pointed me here... 'Cause you's the medic..."
Arij comforted him as best she could while trying desperately to get the mechanics built into the bed to work properly. By now he should have been cocooned in bandages and pain killers, but the panel sputtered under her fingers. She twitched again before her eyes filled with tears. Would she not be able to save this one? She hesitantly reached out to lay a hand on his uninjured forehead. "It's going to be ok, just rest." Bizzarely, his eyes closed, his muttering trailing off into silence. She blinked at him. It seemed for a moment that his skin took on an almost greenish tinge. She bit her bottom lip, had he caught something as well? Yet, almost as soon as she thought it it dissapeared, being replaced with a much more healthy color. Removing her hand she looked down at him in puzzlement, he actually seemed a little better. Maybe he needed rest more then she thought. But there was no time for further introspection, more people were arriving, and she was needed. She lost herself in her duties, bandaging, medicating, fighting the half broken machines...

Some kind of pixie-thing
Kierys is offline
Old 08-17-2009, 10:12 PM

Anansii clenched her jaw and focused on keeping her gaze steady on the captain as he explained the situation, but she could feel her legs trembling beneath her. She had known it was bad, but this was so much. She winced as her fears about casualties on the ship were confirmed. But nothing could have prepared her for his last statement.

"Four thousand....eight hundred...."she whispered weakly. Hearing herself saying the words felt like the knife was being driven even deeper into her, making the pain impossible to ignore. Nearly five thousand years. Five thousand. She leaned heavily against the wall and put a hand to the side of her face.

'Daniel...Daniel was on this ship. He was a passenger. And I had promised him it would be okay. I was the one who made him come in the first place!'

Her fist clenched at the side of her face, digging into her temple, but it didn't push the thoughts away.

'He's my mentor, my friend! He's practically a father to me! He took me in, and now what? He could be dead in a broken cryo tube somewhere, and it would be my fault. Oh, why had I insisted he be on this ship?! If he was anywhere else, anywhere, he might have been fine. The other ships might not have crashed. But then...are all the other ships still in cryo, floating out in space somewhere? Have they found a new home? Would he have been long dead by now? Is that any better?'

She clenched her jaw, lowering her hand and trying to calm herself.

'Yes...yes, it would be better...he could have lived a long, healthy life somewhere. Better than this. Better than this, now. Now, not even knowing where we are or if we can survive on this planet...It would have been better...'

Her brow furrowed and she tried not to think of him being dead somewhere. But regardless of how hard she concentrated, thoughts and images kept flashing across her mind, making that impossible. But she couldn't fall apart. Not now. She knew they would be needing her; Arij couldn't possibly hope to do it alone. They needed all the help they could get. So with a deep breath, she pushed her hair out of her face, straightened up, and nodded as she was given her orders.

Saluting him briskly, she turned on her heel and headed back to the med bay and was quietly thankful that she had gotten a head start on the tasks at hand. It would take a lot of work, but with more of the crew being woken up, hopefully they would have it in running condition soon. Goodness knows, they would need it. Her eyes searched until she caught sight of Chief Doctor Arij. She walked over and saluted, then immediately got to work. There was no time for questions, no time for worried thoughts. It was already so busy, with people all over, sporting varieties of wounds. She set her face to one of calm and focus. She needed to keep her level head. Help the people. That was all that mattered.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 08-18-2009, 02:44 AM

"Righto!" she followed her captain, Certain he would want to make plans and prehaps orders for his number one....If not she had questions....

She quickly caught up to him falling in step besides him. she took a quick glance and tried to read how her captain was really doing. Not just on the outside but in. This was a crazy situation, and it would probably get a lot worse before it got better. when they had gone a few steps a vent broke free and smoke hissed out, filling the air with a steamy hot fog. She coughed and padded at it with her hands while trying to hole her breath. Strangely the fog seemed to dissipate at her touch. It thinned out and the hissing grew softer. She pumped her hands more furiously in the air and it stopped all together.

"Geeze, the ship is falling apart. I think that was a Carbon dioxide and air filter tank. Do you want me to run relay on all the major stations? I could check on the chief offices...." Having someone to go back and forth to the main systems, engineering, medical, security... would be good to have a real pair of eyes to asses the situation.

"Or I could go back up one of them that you think needs it most...." she suggested.

\ (•◡•) /
Shmougie is offline
Old 08-18-2009, 04:25 AM

Leila couldn't see anything.

Well, that wasn't true. She could see, just not out of her peripheral vision. It was as if her mind was so set as she ran down the hall that all she could see was where she had to walk and the door to get into it.

Set. Focused. Determined.

She'd ponder on the fact they were asleep 4-thousand-and-something-effin-years later.

"No time to get pervy on the job, sorry ashy-baby. I wish it weren't true~" filtered through her mind for a second. She fervently wished for those pre-cryo times again.

Without thinking about it she stepped right over Xander, her voice turning on its normal teasing tone.

"No sleepin' on the job~ That goes for everyone, Xander."

As she got to the door beside the one Xander was in she stiffened. It was already halfway open so she just slipped through, staring in horror at her mechanics.

Half. Nearly half were gone. Accidentally slaughtered as they slept in their tubes. Her eyes flittered across the few that died, something about each of them rising to her mind.

"He had a brother."

"A child."

"That one always looked at the picture of his wife when on break..."

But they all picked this place. They knew the risk. They knew this ship just as well as she did. She shook her head and pressed the button on the pad, looking away for a second she collected herself and let out a sigh.

Murmured questions and groans hit the room. Along with a few 'Squishes' from the corpses, which stayed surprisingly fresh in the tubes.

"Chief!" One of them addressed her, his eyes imploring. She sighed. Only in dire situations was she chief, normally she was just 'Sparky' to these people.

She took out Cecil from her pocket and had him replay the message she had heard when she had awoken. A heavy silence grew in the room.

Even though her papa, the only person in her family had long since passed away, she knew what was on everyones minds. They were hurting right now. Aching with worry for their family. As she spoke, it held a confident, serious tone that she'd never really heard. Maybe from spending time with such serious people?

"Everyone is working on opening the cryo chambers. It's our job to fix up the ship, more specifically the technology for our medical facilities to lessen the amount of people hurt. I know you're worried for your families, but think of everyone else as a whole. We're saving lives here people, lives of other peoples families and God willing your own are fine."

When she was sure everyone had disspersed to their own duties, she slumped down against the wall to her knees and sniffled. It was just her and the corpses of her friends. A few tears slipping down her cheeks.

She wasn't strong when it comes to these kinda things. She just wasn't. It was her fathers death all over again. Crap, she didn't even believe in religion. What could she say? She got up after she was sure the tears were gone and cleared her throat, slipping on her goggles to hide her puffy eyes.

"You were....good people." She whispered to the air before she left the room. She'd sent her best men to the job of helping the medic crew, but of course she was going over too.


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