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ValkyrieSkyes is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 04:21 PM

NOTE: This is built off of this roleplay here: Carry me to Avaon. I have gotten permission from the creator of this rp, Strawberry Kitkat, to create this rp.

Prologue: Fair Avalon and her child Allona.

Avalon: the Island Paradise where King Arthur was taken after his death. Merely a myth? Not in the world of Allona.

The world of Allona itself was once a paradise, where the faeries really did roam the hills and the mermaids sang sweet songs to those who would listen. It was said that Allona was the place you went to before you went to Avalon, where things were ten times greater then in Allona.

And then, the darkness came.

The land began to whither away, and with it the creatures that lived there. The faeries all began to die as they're flowers withered away to nothing; the mermaids all died when the waters became dark and rough and forbidden.

King Destry the Third called war on the dark forces of King Firel, who himself was banished from his world along with his troops.

The war had been waging for several years. Many had died, and many more would die until one side won- or until everyone was dead.

Many creatures were in hiding- either because they were not strong enough to fight with the army, or because they wanted nothing to do with the accursed war; the Centaurs, for example, had all disappeared, the rumor being that they had hiddden themselves away until the war was over and scholars are needed once more.

Those who fought for King Destry were under the command of the infamous twin elf generals Dante and Echo Fioreta. They led their forces against General Phoenix, a dark entity whose cruelty knew no bounds.

But even they tired of the wars. After a bloody, messy battle, it was revealed that Echo and Phoenix, who was the heir apparent to the dark throne, had, at one time, been engaged to each other. The flame was rekindled, and the two were scheduled to be married to one another- but not long after Echo's beloved twin Dante was murdered at the hands of a cruel assassin.

This brought along a change in the Great War. There was no light and dark anymore- there were those who wanted order and peace, lead by the newly wedded Phoenix and Echo, and those who could not live in such a world, lead by the assassin Mirage.

The new war was the bloodiest yet- and the most dangerous. Everything was at stake, and if Echo and Phoenix could not lead their people to victory, all would be lost, and Allona would crumble to nothing.

And for a while, it seemed like they would not win. But at their darkest hour, their troops pulled through, and the war was ended. Mirage was locked away in a dungeon built just for him, deep within the woods of Allona, with his beloved Selenium as his keeper.

Allona has known peace for several decades. At the passing of Kind Destry, Prince Phoenix became the good King of Allona, with Echo at his side as Queen. They even have a daughter, a symbol of their love and all the trials they had faced.

But now, Queen Echo has fallen ill, and there is something dark in the air. A new danger, a new darkness, threatens Allona once more. Will you join the fight?

~Carry Me to Avalon: The Road that Follows~

-Follow Mene ToS, please.
-Next to any mods that pop in and out, I am god here. What I say goes. (I'll be fair, I promicse C: )
-Please keep things pg-13. Romance and (especially) fighting are encouraged, but please spare us the gory details of your conquest. Oh, and we don't need to know exactly how you killed someone, either.
-I would like any vulgarity, cursing, etc. to be kept to a minimum. Not to say you can't curse or anything, but dropping the f-bomb every other word is a big no-no. And please, ladies and gentlemen, the Black Language of Mordor is expressly forbidden.
-Please be respectful of your fellow rp-ers. Don't make things personal, don't take things personally. Follow this moto and yes, you'll survive C:
-This is a semi-lit to (ideally) literte roleplay. That means chat/text/l337 speak will not be tolerated here. Also, please keep one liners to a bare minimum; ideally, one to three paragraphs filled with detail would be best. I don't expect perfect grammar and spelling (You will see that I'm not even perfect) but please make sure tha everyone can understand what you're saying. (Remember, kids, punctuation saves lives.)
-NO KILLING PEOPLE without clearing it with me and the person who owns that character. If you kill someone without permission, you will immediately be blacklisted.
-No godmoding, auto-hitting, auto-moving, or puppateering without permission allowed. This should be pretty obvious.
-Please don't commit to this rp if you can't post at least twice a week. Don't leave your fellow roleplayers hanging!
-I've probably forgotten something here, so in case I remember it I reserve the right to add more rules. No worries, I'll let you know if/when I do :)

Last edited by ValkyrieSkyes; 12-12-2010 at 05:26 PM..

Strawberry Kitkat
Go Google It :3
Strawberry Kitkat is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 04:29 PM

A Note from the Creator: Strawberry Kitkat

Hey guys, I'm Strawberry Kitkat. For anyone who knows Avalon (I think there are very few of us left, if any), I was the creator who started the madness. I've given permission to Valkyrie Skyes to go ahead and create this offshoot of my beloved brainchild. I trust she'll take care of things, if only you'll help her.

I, for personal reasons, won't be able to take part in this. But I trust that you guys can and will do great things with this, if you try.

Remember the magic, and most importantly of all have fun with this.

-Strawberry Kitkat

ValkyrieSkyes is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by Strawberry Kitkat View Post

Allona is home to all sorts of beings, from the tiniest Faerie to the largest troll. Half-breeds are also no strangers to this land.
Red means they are a dark race, blue means they are light, and grey means neutral (Or it is a race that refuses to fight). Purple means they can be either side.
(note: these are the "smart" creatures; "dumb" beasts like Dragons and tigers are not included in this list, dumb simply meaning they do not have the ability to learn human speech)

Elves: No, not Keebler elves, those would fall under the Dwarf classification. The Elves are known as some of the most graceful and influential creatures in Allona. King Destry is half-elf. They are reknown for their skill with archery and tracking.
Faeries: These winged creatures come in a variety of sizes and usually specialize in a certain element. The most common element is earth. They have become rare now, since most of the land has died away, but the occasional Faerie or Faerie half-breed has been seen. While they are a peaceful race, some have been known to fight in the war.
Pixies and Sprites: The smaller, more mischievous cousins of the Faeries. They are valuable for their skills in espionage and sabotage.
Drover: The evil cousin of Pixies and Sprites; created when some Pixies and Sprites joined the dark side.
Vampires: With blood-red eyes and an affinity for dark powers, vampires are definitely a majority. General Phoenix is a vampire. Sunlight doesn't affect them too much, but it does hurt their eyes. Garlic and crosses have no affect.
Dwarfs: These earthly creatures are short, squat, and are extremely talented with weapon forgery. The Dwarf colony was split in two when the war started- those who fought for King Destry, and those who fought for King Firell.
Mermaids: These creatures are becoming scarce in Allona; they are waging their own underwater war against Ghillies. Mermaids are reknown for their healing powers and their beautiful songs, which can be used to soothe or, alternatively, can be used as a weapon against their enemies. Contrary to popular belief, mermaids can change their tails to legs and back. Males can do this whenever they please, but females can only do this every full and new moon.
Ghillies: Evil little creatures that have infested the waterways; they fight the mermaids as well as the light forces. They poison the waters that the forces drink from; while the dark side is immune to the poisons, the light army is not, and once the poison is in the system there is a slim two-hour window for it to be removed before the poisoned person dies.
Ghouls: Evil ghosts that torture and torment the soul, they can also manifests themselves into a physical form. They are mostly used for spying and as a secret weapon- there have been stories told of ghouls sneaking into camps and torturing people in their sleep, making them mentally unfit for battle.
Spirits: Spirits are known for their ability to soothe those who have been tortured, but even they cannot fully undo the effects of Ghouls. They are the only ones who can fight the ghouls; they are also used as spies, although most serve as "guardians" of the camps.
Griffons: These creatures, a mix between an eagle and a lion, are fierce and dedicated warriors. While most are about the size of a small pony, a few are larger and are used by the generals and a few officers as mounts over the battlefield. They are well-known for their kamikaze attacks and their cleverness.
Minotaurs: Half-man, half-bull abominations, they are the "tanks" within the dark army. They are fearless and reckless, often sacraficing their own lives for the kill.
Talking Beasts: While only one is known to exist, there is a rumor that there is a small colony of them somewhere in the mountains. The one existing is a giant White Wolf, the faithful companion of General Echo.
Reanimated Corpses: These creatures have been raised by necromancers and usually have one purpose implanted in them- the need to kill. They feel no pain and can continue to move even if body parts have been blown off. It is said they fight because they have been promised to have their bodies restored when the war is over.
Aeons: Beautiful, human-like creatures characterized by long hair and spiral eyes, Aeons are known for their skills in healing and summoning. It is rumored that they can restore life to one who has been killed, but since it is against their lifestyle it has never been attempted.
Necromancers: The dark equivalent of an Aeon, these are some of the most revered creatures in the dark armies. They are known to create ghouls from souls captured on the battlefield, which shows immense control over the spirits.
Trolls: Large, humanoid creatures that reside in the mountains. Contrary to popular belief, trolls are rather smart creatures, and fiercely loyal to those they serve.
Centaurs: Scholarly, wise creatures, most of the centaurs have retreated to the mountains, where war cannot touch them. A few have stayed behind to lend their skills as archers and to lend their wise words to the generals (can be either light or dark). Those who stay behind are generally the younger Centaurs.
Hybrids: Hybrids are more common nowadays in the kingdom; the Princess is an example of a Hybrid.

The different warrior classes among the armies.
(NOTE: If there are too many of one class, I will close that class until the other classes are filled)

Berserker: The life and blood of the armies; the creatures under this classification are skilled and resilient. Most berserkers carry swords and heavier equivalents.
Tank: The battering rams of the armies; they charge through obstacles and are characterized by large, heavy weapons such as claymores and battle axes. While most trolls fall under this classification, dwarves and other creatures have been known to act as tanks.
Healer: While they are usually weaker fighters, healers are valuable to both sides. More commonly, Aeons, Necromancers and Fae-like creatures fall under this classification. A healer can be distinguished by the medical pack tied around their waists.
Archer: The Archers are finely trained marksmen- the worst of them can hit the center of a target from 500 paces. Some of the most famous archers are Elves, but Aeons and the likes have been known shoot with the best.
Beastmaster: The equivalent to a modern horseman, beatmasters charge into battle on creatures that can fight along with their master, making the Beastmasters pack a double punch. Light beastmasters ride two-legged, Raptor-like creatures called Synths, while Dark beastmasters ride four-legged, lizard-like creatures called Ebyths. The commanding Beastmasters ride large dragons the size of giant horses. (dragons nowadays are generally very small).
Spy: Cunning and stealthy, spies are valuable for the information they bring in. While Spirits, ghouls, pixies and sprites are the most common spies, smaller elves have been known to act as spies.
Mage: The magic-casting class, Mages are generally very strong within their respective magics. While most only specialize in one type of spells, some mages are skilled enough to specialize in two or three spell types. Many elves, necromancers, and Aeons are mages.
Assassin: Assassin's are the shadows of the armies. Stealthy, cunning, and deadly, they have trained themselves in the art of silent killing.

(More will be added if anyone asks for one to be added or if I think of a new one)

~Profile Skeletons~

[IMGLEFT]Picture here, anime preffered[/IMGLEF T]
[LEFT][FONT="Gabriola"][SIZE="5"][Name here][/SIZE ][/FONT ]
[SIZE="1"][B]I pledge Allegiance to:[/B ] (the light side or the dark side.)
[B]Age[/B ] (be reasonable, please)
[B]Gender:[/B ]
[B]Sexuality:[/B ] (optional)
[B]Race:[/B ] (Check out the races above)
[B]Class Type:[/B ] (Check out classes above)

[B]Personality:[/B ] (Please, something small here about your personality. None of this "you'll find out" mess.)
[B]Biography:[/B ] (as in-depth (or not) as you want it)

[B]Weapons:[/B ] (Up to four allowed)
[B]Powers:[/B ] (up to two allowed. Powers must fit with race [i.e. mermaids shouldn't be able to create fireballs or use fire magic -.-])

[B]Played by:[/B ] (username here)[/SIZE ][/LEFT ]

Last edited by ValkyrieSkyes; 12-12-2010 at 05:05 PM..

ValkyrieSkyes is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 04:53 PM

The Royal Lists:
Those who have been accepted into the armies.

Light Army:
Under the Command of: King Phoenix and Queen Echo
1. Harmony "Shadow" Fioretta- ValkyrieSkyes
2. Gabriella Maleen- TheJupiterAlien
3. Asher "Nightshade" Dlacken- White Squirrel Girl

Dark Army:
Under the Command of:

Neutral Beings:

[More spots will be added as needed]

The Light ArmyX

Harmony "Shadow" Fioretta
I pledge Allegiance to: The Light Side
Age 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Hetero
Race: Vampire/Elf hybrid
Class Type: Beserker

Personality: Shadow is as headstrong and reckless as her mother, and as cunning as her father. She believes in the good in all people, but won't let that stop her from cutting you in two. Her temper is somewhat famous in Allona; She's got an extremely short fuse. Luckily, it blows over quickly, and she's back to sunny, cheerful Shadow. She's as polite as her father taught her to be, and as independent as her mother raised her. She's not used to the word no and is extremely stubborn. Shadow is caring, strong and compassionate, and she'd rather die then see Allona fall.
Biography: Shadow is the only child of the King and Queen of Allona, and as such is heir apparent to the throne. Her parents gave Shadow a wonderful life, and spoiled her beyond belief. A happy, carefree child, she was taught the finer points of court ettiquette by the court officials, who loved the child to death- as well as the finer points of war, by both of her parents.

Now a young woman, Shadow is prepared to defend her country and her people under the careful leadership of her parents.

Weapons: She carries a bow and arrows with her at all times, as well as her mother's sword and a variety of daggers hidden on her person.
Powers: Shadow is gifted with extreme agility, and can blend into shadows at will (hence her nickname)

Played by:ValkyrieSkyes

Originally Posted by TheJupiterAlien
[imgleft][/imgleft][Gabriella Maleen]
I pledge Allegiance to: Light Side
Age Eighteen
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi-curious
Race: Air Fae
Class Type: Archer/Healer
Personality: Sweet, hopeful, and caring, but quick to get defensive if she feels threatened in any way. She has a good head on her shoulders, and isn't as naive or gullible as her innocent looks give off. She uses her looks to her advantage if she feels it's necessary.
Biography: She's the spitting image of her parents - her father's hair and her mother's eyes and smile. She grew up in a small village with other fae, and was the apprentice of a retired archer. She learned healing from her parents mutually - her mother leaned more towards using herbs, while her father insisted on fae magic. Being of age, she's decided she wants to travel the world and explore new places.
Weapons: Two clear daggers which she keeps in the hilt of her boots.
Powers: Fae healing, power to conjure and cease storms (anything from tornadoes to chilly winds, etc).
Played by: TheJupiterAlien
Originally Posted by White Squirrel Girl
Asher "NightShade" Dlacken
I pledge Allegiance to: The Light Side
Age 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetro
Race: Hybrid (Elf/Necromancer)
Class Type: Spy

Personality: Asher is a fairly laid back young man, though he isn't carefree. He can be a little childish at times, though knows when he needs to be serious. Asher's mind will wander from time to time if he runs out of thing to think about or say.

Biography: Asher has lived outside of Allona for all of his life. With his ambitious uncle planning to overthrow the Allona thrown Asher origonally joined what would be considered the Dark Army. Though on his second spying mission he's had a change of heart and has decided to align himself with the Light Army as a spy.

Weapons: He has a long sword tucked under his cloak. Along with a few throwing daggers tucked into a secret compartment in his left boot heel. (His right boot heel holds a pocket sized atlas.)

Powers: He has skills in magic that he's inherated from his uncel's Necromancer line but he's unaware of these at the moment. He just knows he can heal light wounds on others, not himself.

Played by: White Squrrel Girl

The Dark ArmyX


Neutral BeingsX


Last edited by ValkyrieSkyes; 12-20-2010 at 05:15 PM..

ValkyrieSkyes is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 04:57 PM

News and Such
+Open and Accepting! [12-12-10]
+OOC created! Go here!

Last edited by ValkyrieSkyes; 12-20-2010 at 04:29 PM..

ValkyrieSkyes is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 06:22 PM

"This could very well mean war."

King Phoenix nodded absently, his hands clasped in front of his mouth as his dark red eyes scanned the map in front of him. The men sitting around the table waited expactantly, some grasping the table. He looked up at them, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Our scouts have not yet returned, my Lord," one of the generals said. "That can only be warning sign. We most mobilize troops now."

"But we have no idea what's out there," one of the delegates said, a nervous man by the name of Aregard. "What if they just got caught in a storm going through the pass? Then we'll have worried out people for nothing."

"And if not, our people will perish!"

Arguments broke out all along the table, voices ringing off the dark chamber walls. Phoenix rubbed his forehead warily, closing his eyes for a moment.

"Alright, gentleman," he said, opening an eye to look at all of them. They instantly fell silent, leaning forward to hear what he had to say. "You've all made valid points. Aregard is right, we cannot send out troops blindly charging into war if there is nothing to fight. General, increase the defenses, get some men ready, but do not prepare them to mobilize just yet. We need time to understand what's attacking us."

"Sir, I fear we will not have time," the general said irately. Phoenix raised an eyebrow at the man, then stood up, bracing his hands against the table.

"I will not risk our men," he said, his voice soft and smooth, as if he were talking to an infant. "I learned a very long time ago never to charge into battle blindly." He sat back down, nodding to them all. "You are dismissed. We will meet again tomorrow." The men all filed out, leaving the King alone to stare at the map laid out in front of him. Although his calm demeanor betrayed nothing, he was worried. He had never hoped to see war in his long, long lifetime, and yet now, only fifty years later, Allona was threatened once again. And this time, there was no hope of diminishing the threat through old ties. Even Phoenix had to admit, he knew nothing of what was coming at them.

He looked into the shadows across from him, a small smirk tugging at his lips. "You can come out now, Shadow," he said. Seconds later, a young, black-haired woman stepped out of the shadows, a guilty smile on her face.

"How did you know I was there," she asked, coming around the table. She kneeled, her head bowed respectfully. "Not even the Duke knew I was there, and he almost tripped over me."

"It's called being your father," he said, ruffling her dark hair. She made a face and got to her feet, standing next to him. "You're mother would be furious if she knew you were here."

"Only because she couldn't be here, too," she countered with a victorious grin. Phoenix snorted, rolling his eyes affectionately. "Is there really going to be war, dad?"

"Not if I can help it," he said, but even he doubted his words. He watched his young daughter carefully, observing trivial things about her- how she had her mother's soft, delicate face structure, her eyes the same deep, dark red as his. He dreaded the thought of war breaking out with his child in this world. "How is your mother feeling?" Shadow shrugged, biting her lip.

"She's only getting worse," she said softly. "Her cough is bad, daddy." Phoenix made a face, then got to his feet. He towered over his daughter's 5'6" stature; why she was so short was beyond him. Even her mother stood at a decent 5'10".

"I'll go check on her, then I think I'll take a nap," he said, stepping away from the table. Shadow nodded, watching as her father left. As soon as the door closed, she turned to look back at the map, her eyes wandering over the detailed piece of parchment. She sighed, then turned and left the room as well, closing the doors carefully behind her.

Last edited by ValkyrieSkyes; 12-15-2010 at 02:02 AM..

ValkyrieSkyes is offline
Old 12-15-2010, 01:57 AM


White Squirrel Girl
The Spazatic little cookie
White Squirrel Girl is offline
Old 12-16-2010, 12:55 PM

Asher stepped out from under one of the low hanging tapestries after Shadow left the room. He smiled and stepped inside. He immedietly looked over the map. He sighed and shook his head. His uncle's army had caught the scouts on the father side of the pass. They'd sent him to invstigate if the king and queen had any plans for attack. The map was a simple map, no war plans.
Well, that seems... odd Asher though examining the map further in detail. Ye, no war plans were vsible.

Asher ran a hand through his hair and pushed the map closed lightly. He crouched and opened the heel of his right boot, a handsized book popped out and Asher turned through the pages to a map of the pass. He paused and looked at th markings he had copied from his uncle's map. It was different regiments and makeshift forts built into the sides of the pass. He flipped the atlas oveer so the book wouldn't close on the table. He paused to attempt at remembering what he was forgetting.

Asher immedietly puled up a rope tied to a series of belts from his bag. If one noticed they were the belts of the scouts. Asher hung the belts over the back of the chair and nodded to himself.
Well Asher you've done good. But you've probably started a war. Asher chucled at his own thoughs. Now, he just needed to finish what he'd come here for, his spy mission. He was partially done, find out of the king and queen were onto his uncle. Asher grimiced at the thought of sneaking through the castle at night like he'd been trained to.

Opening the door Asher walked down the hall. He acted as if he belonged there until he found a low window. Hopping onto the window cill he pulled himself up onto the shelf above the window that would be lit with candles at night. It was wide enough for him to lay on one side, which he did.

TheJupiterAlien is offline
Old 12-16-2010, 04:24 PM

Gabriella wiped a few stray tears from her eyes. She'd been crying because of her parting with her life - her friends and family, she was leaving it all behind. Part of her wanted to turn around and run back into the comfort of her life; but her curiosity ended up getting the better of her. As she walked, she listened to the soft plodding of her leather shoes against the well-worn road.

Pulling a basic map of the land around and a compass, she went in search of the nearest town. At one point a few hours later, she took a break. Sitting on a fallen tree, she opened her bag, pulling out some bread she had made yesterday, as well as a bit of dried cheese. She had enough food to hopefully last her at least a week if she rationed it.

Continuing on her journey, she came to the town alas. Walking up to a local merchant, she haggled, buying a few herbs she hadn't brought along, then packed them in her bag after paying the man. Asking a local, she was given directions to the nearest inn, a large wooden building, with a hanging sign showing the name of the tavern. She entered and sat down at one of the stools, ordering a drink. It had been quite a day, even though only half of the day was done. Who knows what adventures will be in store for me, she thought to herself with a smile, drinking her water.

ValkyrieSkyes is offline
Old 12-20-2010, 12:31 AM

Shadow slipped through the hallways silently, sticking to the shadows so as not to be stopped. She needed to go somewhere, and she didn't feel like being bothered with court formalities and whatnot.

She snuck out of the castle and into a brilliant setting sun, her eyes narrowing slightly as they got used to the sudden influx of orange and gold sunlight. She headed straight for the stables, puling open the ornately carved doors and stepping into the dimly lit building. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply- she had always loved the smell of horses and hay and darkness. She slowly traveled through the cool stable, hay crunching under her boots.

A soft, low whistle escaped from between her lips; seconds later, a horse nickered softly, and a silver mare tossed her head over the door of the stall. "Moon," she said with a smile, greeting the horse. "How've you been, girl?" The little mare snorted and tossed her mane, pawing the ground almost impatiently. "I know, I know," she murmured, petting the mare's face. Her father had forbidden the young woman from going out riding ever since the people had started disappearing; she knew it was because he loved her, but she felt so cooped up, and it was making her restless.

"Do you wanna go for a ride," she asked softly, stroking the mare's face lovingly.

White Squirrel Girl
The Spazatic little cookie
White Squirrel Girl is offline
Old 12-20-2010, 02:16 AM

Shadow may not have noticed it but a black stallion was watching her curiously. It was Asher's horse by the name of Snake. Snake was behind Shadow at the time she had been with Moon so he'd nipped at Shadow's hair. It was as if the horse was trying to get Shadow to look back at him for a moment or two.

If she did look back at him she'd see that he had an expression that was like he was begging her to take him with since he knew Asher's spy mission would keep him at the castel until some time the next day. So if Snake went out wth the princess and Moon then he'd still have enough energy to get back home with Asher the next day.

ValkyrieSkyes is offline
Old 12-20-2010, 03:07 AM

Shadow yelped as she felt something tug her hair; she turned, ready to give a sharp reprimand, but softened as soon as she saw it was a horse. "Well, hello there," she said, reaching up to pet the stallion's nose. "And who're you?" She looked around for any sort of identification, anything that might connect him to one of the nobles, but there was no sort of clue in plain sight.

"You don't like being cooped up in here, huh," she asked, looking up at the horse. "I don't think you're master would like it if I took you for a ride, though. Not to mention Moon might get jealous," she said, giving the mare behind her a wry look. "But... it should be okay if I take you out into the paddock."

She disappeared into the storeroom, and moments later emerged with two halters and lead ropes. She slipped the first onto Moon and opened her stall, then did the same for the black stallion, leading the two out into the grassy, enclosed meadow. She closed the gate behind her, then slipped the halters and ropes off of the horses and let them free.

Shadow backed up and took a seat on the fence, leaning forward as the breeze rustled her dark, fine hair. Her mind was away from the meadow, high up in the castle where her mother lay. Echo Fioretta, the esteemed general of the Great War, was what Shadow feared might be her death bed. There was nothing Shadow could do about it; she was no great healer like others of her race. Or, part of her race. Because of course, she was only half an elf, the other half of her belonging to creatures of the night.

She sighed and shook her head, closing her eyes for a moment.

ValkyrieSkyes is offline
Old 12-20-2010, 04:33 PM

[[OOC: Hey guys, I created the OOC! *lulz* Check out the front page for the link]]


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