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Old 03-11-2010, 04:31 AM

Jay raised a brow at his blinking computer and strode over to his seat to see what was wrong. His fingers seemed a blur as they typed rapidly on his keyboard. He was silent a moment, engrossed in his work. It wasn't until he realized Sakyda was still looking unsure in his direction that he spoke up. "Apparently someone decided to try and hack into my system." He was silent again as a few windows opened and closed on his screen. His eyes moved with the words that came up and he continued to type as he spoke once more. "Guess they underestimated my firewalls. Everything on here is hand built by me." He gave a small smile. "No one can get in without my lets see who it is." Jay blinked slightly as and tapped a few more keys to confirm what he found. "It's...our bosses? Why in the world would they be trying to get into my system?" He looked back at Sakyda fully now, a look of puzzlement on his face. "You have any ideas?"

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Old 03-11-2010, 04:44 AM

Sakyda qucikly got her clothes on and ran to Jay's side, "They don't trust you." She looked to the screen, not knowing what to look at, and sat next to him. "I'm thinking they didn't want you to finish this mission alive. And will probably go after me as well." She gave him a small smirk and began putting on her shoes. "Think you can find out where they are?" She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the check, "I think I need to put him back in his place, no one messes with me." She walked over to the bed, where her bag laid, and looked for her weapons. She took out her katana and knife and looked to him, "Have you ever used a weapon before? I have a gun you could use." She reached into a side pocket of her duffel bag and took out a small pistol.

Last edited by Sakyda; 03-11-2010 at 04:47 AM..

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Old 03-11-2010, 05:06 AM

"Wait...what?" It took a moment for what Sakyda said to sink in. He should have figured there was a reason why he was given this job. It seemed his bad luck was continuing to hold true. However, he wasn't about to let the bastards of the satisfaction of getting into his system or taking his life. As he looked up at her question he nodded and went to work on his computer once more. "That shouldn't be hard at all." When he went back to work, he almost didn't hear her next question. When he glanced up she looked like she was ready for war. "A gun? Closest thing to a weapon I've ever used was a baseball bat." He laughed lightly as he faced his screen. "Looks like the signal isn't far from here. A few blocks north, I think, but are you really going after them now? I mean, there's no telling what you might find, ya know?"

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Old 03-11-2010, 05:19 AM

"Would you rather wait for them to come to us and maybe kill you while we are sleeping?" She said sarcastically with a smile. She walked over to him and put the small pistol on the table next to him and sat in the chair. "I mean, if you think we will be alright here, that's fine. But I want to have some kind of advantage on them. So if we go now then we would catch them by surprise, since they are to busy looking for us and what we have found out about the target. He might be thinking that I wont do it. Which means...." She want off in thought and looked to him with a smile so he wouldn't be too concerned. "Well, what do you wanna do? I think we could also relocate. Though you may have to get a new computer."

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Old 03-12-2010, 12:29 AM

Though she spoke sarcastically, Jay gave a nervous laugh at her words. Dieing definitely wasn't on his to do list. "Unfortunately...I don't think we'll be alright here either. I agree with your plan, it's just..." He eyed the gun once more before looking to her with a small sigh. "I'm sure it's obvious, but I've never actually killed anyone before. Unless you count games, then I guess I've killed a lot of things." He took the gun in his hand and examined it before standing. "Don't worry about the computer. My programs are what make the computer...though I guess this one was real nice, I prefer my own rig back home." He typed a few buttons on the keyboard and grabbed one of his smaller bags after tucking the gun away in his jacket. "Well, looks like I'm at your mercy. After you fearless leader." He said with a small smile and bow as he started to walk to the door.

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Old 03-13-2010, 11:59 PM

Sakyda fallowed him to the door before leaning him to give him a hug. "I know you'll do fine with a gun, just remember I wont let anything happen to you." She kissed his cheek and walked out the door to the elevator and pushed the button. "Where would you like to go, you never answered me. Are we relocating or going straight for them?" As she finished her question the elevator door open, the same old couple they bumped into on the way to their room when they fist got there was in it. Sakyda smiled to them, "Hello again. How is you guys day going for ya?" She grabbed Jays arm and held it, remembering that they told them they were newly weds.

The old man bowed to Saky, "We are just fine. Hope you guys had a good couple of days here. Are you guys leaving today?" As he finished the question the elevator start to move to the ground floor.

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Old 03-15-2010, 01:07 AM

Jay smiled as she hugged him, embracing her back lightly before letting her slip away. He was glad she at least had faith in him, the only problem was that he didn't have much in himself. He had the feeling he would have to rely on her more than anything else, but that was something he did have confidence in. "Don't worry, I know you won't let me down." He said, his cheeks slightly reddening after feeling her gentle kiss.

At her question he thought a moment before replying. "Just relocating probably won't be enough. It's better if we take the fight to them, I'm just not looking forward to it." He gave a light shrug as he looked to the opening elevator doors. He was surprised to see the elderly couple they'd spoken to before and he'd almost forgotten the newlywed lie until Sakyda grabbed onto his shoulder.

"Oh, yea. We have to split, but we've had a blast." As if his words had materialized into something horrible, the elevator shook violently as it continued its decent. A look of dread washed over his face as he glanced at Saky then to the couple. "I'm sure that wasn't anything....right, uh, sweetheart?..."

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Old 03-15-2010, 01:40 AM

Saky held on to him a little tighter as the elevator shook, "I'm sure it was nothing." She began thinking to herself quickly. She knew that some of the guys had to be there looking for them. Sakyda quickly looked over to the elderly couple, and smiled. She could hear some noises coming from the outside, "Listen," She began as she looking at the couple, "I have a feeling somethings going on and I need to ask you guys for a favor." She bowed to them and smiled.

The woman looked to Saky a little confused, "Yes, Dear?" Sakyda could tell that she was a bit scared and holding on to her husband.

"I need you to forget you saw us tonight. There are some bad people after us and we need to get away." She finally let go of Jay and whispered in his ear, "I need you to give me a boost." She gave him and looked and then looked straight up.

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Old 03-15-2010, 01:53 AM

All the possibilities went through Jay's mind. Was there a bomb in their room? Had there been agents in the hotel? To what lengths would they go to get the two of them? Would they injure innocents? When he got to this question, he listened to her speaking with the couple. He nodded slowly and bowed to them when she did. "We're sorry for causing you nice folks trouble." He said before nodding to her about the boost. He wasn't very physically able, but he was sure Sakyda couldn't weight much more than himself so he should at least be able to support her weight enough for a boost. He glanced up at the roof of the elevator and positioned himself where he knew she'd be able to open the top. If the explosion had been an indication, there would probably be people waiting for their elevator, but that was okay. He had a feeling Sakyda already had a plan.

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Old 03-15-2010, 02:00 AM

As Jay gave her a boost, she threw the roof of the elevator door up and gave a slight push to get herself up there. She looked down to the couple, "I assure you, we have done nothing wrong. I promise." She smiled and leaned down for Jay. She looked Jay in the eyes, "I got you. I wont let go, just jump and I'll pull."

The old man came up behind Jay, "I believe you guys have done nothing. If you have you wouldn't be this nice. I'll give you a boost, and don't worry, I'm stronger then you think." The man got to his knees and cupped his hands for Jay.

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Old 03-15-2010, 02:24 AM

Surprised by the old man's kindness, he gave another nod of thanks before placing his foot in the man's cupped hands and reaching up for Sakyda. Jay grabbed her hand easily and between the two of them and his own strength, had no problems getting on top of the elevator with Saky. "Thank you kindly. If we're ever around again, I promise to return the favor." He said as he replaced the top to the elevator and looked his partner in crime. "Well, now we don't have to worry about getting caught when the elevator opens...You do have a way to get out of here though, right? I mean, I'm still new to this whole spy, assassin thing. I'm only good with gadgets." He said with a slight shrug, a questioning look on his face.

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Old 03-16-2010, 12:20 AM

Saky just look to Jay and smiled. She really didn't have a plan or anything, she was taking it in as they went along. She just figured that they would be better off if the guys didn't find them. She quickly examined the elevator shaft as she was hanging on. Felling the cart slow down as they reached ground level we went towards the ladder in the middle of both of the carts. "I think it's best if we walk from here. We'll just wait for this one to go back up. I'm pretty sure there's an emergency door on that wall." She grabbed the ladder carefully and quietly to get to the floor, as she did she could hear the muffled voices asking the elderly couple if they had seen us. Saky only slightly smiled as she heard the man tell them they have never seen such a young couple in a hotel like this. She waited a few moments for Jay to get to the floor and held him close. "I know your not use to this, but when these things go up they can be quiet scary. Just hold me tight and don't make a sound." She heard the couple get off and say their goodbyes to the guys that were looking for them. She could hear whispers, not knowing what they were saying, she took a guess and figured they wouldn't know which floor to try first. Once the doors started to close, she tightened her grip on Jay and gave him a kiss on his neck.

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Old 03-16-2010, 01:45 AM

If she was flying by the seat of her pants, Jay had no real way of knowing. She looked and sounded so confident as she spoke, that it gave him courage he never thought he had. He nodded as she explained her plan and also listened to the voices of the couple and the men tracking them. He was thankful even more now than before for the elderly couple. As Sakyda got real close, a hint of blush spread to his cheeks as they were practically nose to nose. He had no doubt about the speed of the elevator, but he had more things to worry about than that. With them being so close it was getting hard to concentrate on much of...anything. He slowly wrapped his arms around her and was indeed surprised as the elevator jerked to life. He closed his eyes and was surprised to feel her lips on his neck. His eyes tightened as a bit of pleasure surged through him, erasing the fear that had taken him momentarily.

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Old 03-16-2010, 04:29 AM

As the cart moved up, Saky looked around and saw the door. Without thinking, she pulled Jay to the side and pushed him up against the wall next to the door. She looked to him, "Alright, now I'm going to peak out the door and if there's guys there be ready to run, we may have to fight." Saky whispered this into his and ear waited for a response before she decided to make her move. She took her bag off her bag and laid it at her side. Her one bag that had her katana and knife, she opened it and got it ready for battle. She would only hope that she didn't need to use it so soon

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Old 03-17-2010, 06:08 AM

All Jay could hear was the pounding of his own heart in his ears as the elevator began its accent. He could feel her breath against his skin and her body against his. A single bead of sweat started inching down his face when she suddenly pinned him up against the wall. He blinked at the sudden movement, but quickly realized why she'd made such a violent gesture. He let out a small sigh of relief as he nodded to her in understanding. However, the truth was, he wasn't really ready to fight. Even watching her pull out her weapons he could only eye the gun he now clutched in his hand. Would he really be able to use it, even for self-defense. Looking to Sakyda for a moment he felt something inside that gave him a bit more confidence. 'If not for me...then for her.' He thought silently as he awaited her signal for them to get going.

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Old 03-17-2010, 10:19 PM

Saky cracked the door and took a peak. She two guards next to the front door. She thought about it and looked to him, "They know what you look like right?" She began to put her weapons back up as she asked. "I just thought.... They don't know what I look like so I can walk out like nothing. Did you work for them? Do they know what you look like?" She straightened herself up and gave him a hug, "Don't worry your doing fine." She could tell he was getting worried, mainly because this was all new to him. Jay had never held a gun, nor been in a fight before. Saky had to try and do everything as safely and non-violently as possible. "I sorry things had to send up this way, Jay. I know you wanted things to go smoothly."

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Old 03-18-2010, 12:50 AM

Jay nodded slightly at her question. He'd spoken to the men more than once and they knew pretty much all about him. "Unfortunately, they know exactly what I look like, but I'm hey couldn't even give me an accurate description to find you that first day." He couldn't help, but chuckle a bit to himself. That day already seemed so far away. A small smile played on his face. As she hugged him, he looked to her a bit confused. Why was she apologizing now? She was the one that was supposed to be strong, right? It seemed that even though she was an assassin, Sakyda's heart was always in the right place. "Hey...don't worry about me. Knowing you're looking out for me is enough. If we work together, I know we'll get through this. I mean, yea, I hoped we could just do this and everything would go our way, but that was wishful thinking. We're here now, so lets focus on that okay?" He smiled reassuringly to her as he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a gently squeeze. When Jay pulled away from her, something caught behind his foot and his eyes widen as he felt himself begin to loose his balance. Unable to stop himself, he slammed back first into the emergency door and tumbled out into the hall. The men looking for them looked confused at first and then quickly made a realization as Jay rose to his feet.

"That's the kid! Get him!"

Jay could feel his heart racing and adrenaline had already began fueling him with a power he'd never felt before. The only thing his mind screamed was RUN! Without hesitation, he sprinted down the hallway, gun still in hand. He heard gunshots behind him, but they were muffled by the sound of his beating heart and his own breathing. Everything happened so quickly, he wasn't really sure what he should do. What he did know though was that he needed to keep running if he planned on surviving. 'Damn...I really messed up. Sorry Saky...' He said in his mind as he felt a bullet graze his left shoulder. Jay didn't falter or acknowledge the pain though, as he looked frantically for some sort of escape route.

Last edited by JayKaruma; 03-21-2010 at 10:31 AM..

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Old 03-21-2010, 08:46 PM

Skay smiled at him, when suddenly Jay fell. Saky quickly grabbed her katana and turned to Jay. Before she knew it he was on his feet running. Saky turn to the guys as they shot off rounds to Jay. "Hello boys." She said with a smile and ran toward the bigger on. She jumped into the air and came down on the guys chest. "Now before anything happens, do you cherish your life?" She asked as she flipped back and stared at the two. Both guys laughed, "Look here, we have the guns, what makes you think you can do any damage with that." The smaller on laughed as he pointed to her katana, and without noticing, the bigger on shot at her arm. "Now you can't do anything!" Saky smiled as she felt the pain run through her body. "You have NO IDEA WHAT YOUR DEALING WITH!" She yelled as she launched herself at him and quickly ended his life. She was so fast and graceful no one could tell what she did. Saky stood over him, hair in her face and stared over her should. "You shall live" She said under her breathe, "This here is a gift to you boss, stay away from or this will happen to you." She put her katana in it's sheath on her back and quickly ran around the corner to look for Jay.

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Old 03-21-2010, 10:34 PM

It wouldn't take long for Saky to find Jay. As she rounded the corner, he latched onto her shoulders form behind and jerked her into a room, slamming the door behind him. He was breathing a bit heavily, the adrenaline in him still flowing, but refusing to numb the pain that now ran the length of his left arm. The sleeve of his shirt was ripped and fresh blood slid easily down his arm as he looked to her. He winced a bit, but somehow still managed to smile to her. "I managed to make a 'master keycard' that can unlock any of the rooms...nifty, huh?" He started to chuckle, but closed his eyes as he winced feeling the pain surge in his shoulder again. He clutched at it, but the burning sensation he felt wouldn't go away. He had the feeling it wouldn't until he got it he got it checked out. "I don't think any of them saw us get in here, but we can't stay in this building. We gotta get out of here..."

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Old 03-23-2010, 05:48 PM

Saky stared at his arm and began to rip the bottom of her shirt off. Though her arm hurt when she moved it, she knew she was more use to it then Jay. She quickly grabbed him as he talked and tied the shirt piece around the wound, "That should help for a bit. It'll at least stop the bleeding." As she said this she grabbed her arm and squeezed hard. Hoping that the pressure would stop the bleeding for a bit, knowing that is wouldn't she tore another piece for herself. "I agree with you." She tied her arm and looked up. "Think you could be really quite? Or shall we try and run for it?" She did have a plan, but she also had to think about Jay. All this was new to him and usually it's just her running away from danger. Jay was hurt and had to take that in to count. Could he move around to vents quiet enough or should they just run. Right now the only thing that seemed best was to wait it out and run for it later that night.

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Old 03-25-2010, 08:33 PM

Jay winced as Sakyda tied the piece of her shirt around his arm. He watched her silently as she worked, thankful she had a level head. He probably would have bled out before dealing with the wound himself. "Thanks..." He said softly as he glanced at the door. He could hear voices, but knew they were far off. It would be a little while before they'd begin checking the rooms. His thoughts were interrupted by her question and he turned back to her. After a moment of thinking, he scratched his head. Truthfully, the pain in his arm was still searing, but he was sure he could be quiet. As far as moving quickly went, he would probably only be a burden. There was no way he could match her speed, especially with his arm in such pain. "Quiet I have no problem with, but running?...I might of been able to before I got shot." He chuckled a bit, but winced as pain struck his arm once more. To keep his mind off of it, he focused on Sakada's injury. "Here..." He took the cloth she wrapped her arm in tightened it a bit more to make sure the blood didn't flow through. "There, that's better." He gave her a small smile to reassure her that he would be just fine, even though he wasn't really sure if he would be or not. "You don't mind if we rest a bit first, do you? I'm sure you have a plan to get us out, but...I..." Jay was suddenly overtaken by a bad headache and he could feel the world spinning. He tried to speak again, but no words came out. Instead, darkness greeted him, throwing his world into a black void before he lost consciousness.

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Old 09-21-2011, 07:24 AM

Saky smiled back at Jay as he tightened her wound, but once Jay fell she rushed to catch, just barely catching him before he could do any other damage to himself. "Well this is a bit of an issue." She said to herself as she laid him on the floor. Saky quickly moved things around and made her way to the vents. If she could get somewhere and make the guys chase her a bit she would get them to forget about Jay. Of course she would come back after she got things settled at another place. After all this is new to the guy and she figured he would be out for a while.

Her planned worked, though she had to run about 5 blocks a way from Jay, but this gave her the opportunity to check out the surroundings and figure out where she was going to take Jay. Once the men lost sight of her and she was confident that they weren't following she moved in to action with moving all the stuff around. Only problem was that she hoped she wouldn't ruin some of Jay's stuff.

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Old 09-21-2011, 08:09 AM

"Hey, be careful with that..." As if her thoughts had somehow called out to him, Jay opened his slowly eyes and began to rise to his feet slowly. "Sorry for passing out on ya. Guess all the excitement was just too much for me." Though he had been resting, he had also been listening out for her return and the departure of their assailants. He leaned against the wall a bit for support, but he seemed to be doing much better than when she'd left. "I must of looked pretty lame, huh?" He chuckled lightly as he walked to her and lifted his own bag, placing it over his good shoulder. "By the time this is all over, I'm gonna owe you more than I could ever repay." Since things seemed quiet outside now, he assumed it would be safe for them to get back out, but there was still one thing that bothered him. "Cops will be here in a few. While I was sitting here someone must have called about the explosion. We'll have to be quick and quiet." When he spoke of his 'scanner' he motioned toward the watch he wore on his left hand. Not only did it tell time, it served many other nifty functions, but that was for another time. "I shouldn't slow you down now, but you'll still have to lead the way."

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Old 09-22-2011, 03:55 AM

Skay expected Jay to be out a lot longer then hr=e was, and jumped when he said something. She looked toward him and smiled. " you scared me a bit there Jay, thought you were out cold. I figured we could hangout here until things died and I found a nice place we can hangout at after this." She gently put the last of the stuff on the floor. "I at least moved all your stuff down. Though I hope I didn't ruin it or mess with anything." technology wasn't her strong point and to tell the truth she didn't know how it all worked anyway. She just unplugged the stuff and moved it. Saky moved to the bed and opened her bag. "Well I can at least tend to your wound better then I did earlier." Before heading to the bathroom she undressed her bloody clothes, more like her shirt but she knew Jay would like the view and took her pants off to, and took out her first aid kit and a pair of clean clothes. "Follow me, and if you don't mind,I'm going to get the shower ready."

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Old 09-22-2011, 07:27 AM

Jay nodded lightly to her plan. As long as the cops weren't also on the payroll, it was unlikely that the goons after them would come back looking for them at the moment. That would give them both time to recover and relax until they could move everything to the new location. He couldn't help, but smile at the equipment she'd brought down from their old room. Like he'd said before, it was really nice stuff. He tapped the tower lightly and looked to Saky as she spoke again. "Yea, I'd appreciate it. I promise not to pass out this time. He laughed lightly, but he soon stopped as she started getting undressed infront of him. His tanned cheeks showed a hint of blush as he quickly turned away from her. It wasn't anything he hadn't seen before, but he couldn't help, but feel a bit embarrassed with her being so open. He nodded lightly when she told him to follow and waited for her to disappear into the bathroom before letting out the breath he'd been holding in. This certainly something else. "I'm coming..." With that, he followed her to the restroom, taking his own shirt off as he went. Not to show off, but to make it easier for her to redress his wound. Though he would hav ebeen lying if he said that was what he was thinking about at that moment.


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