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Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 02-26-2012, 07:03 PM

(Yays! Who's starting?)

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is online now
Old 02-27-2012, 02:50 AM

((I can, since it's just an intro post so I have to nabb Mel for this))
It was 3 years after Kaimiri was defeated. Ashleigh and Yugi's third child Helen was now 2 years old. The woman, was now the head of the magic sector of the Omega Federation, where her dead aunt used to be the head. Her boss, Seto Kaiba was now the head, Selena Kuro as his Excet. Melhana Ryo (nee Ankh) was second in command in the magic sect and on this paticualr time, she was expecting her first child and was allowed to have time off. As we start the this story, we find the trio in the lounge of the game shop.

"Ok, I'm going to head off now" Ashleigh said, kissing her husband.
"Right. I see you when you get back tonight" Yugi replied.
"Bye Helen."
"Bye mummy" Helen replied. Melhana just nodded. As she saw the woman go, she turned back to Yugi.
"I can't believe that 3 years ago, that woman saved the world, gone under angel training AND become Queen" the woman said.
"I know. I mean, after all that, plus Helen's coming, she's still going strong" Yugi agreed, "It's a shame that we're not going to be there to help Selena."
"Acctually.....there is something that I meant to tell you Yugi" Melhana said, "Atem and myself had gone to the future to do exactly that."
"Yep" and the woman made sure that no-one else was in the house. "I guess I can tell you what happened, as long as you don't tell anyone about it."
"You know me, I won't do that" Yugi replied.

Thus Melhana began to tell the story about what Selena, as Kamikaze Sakura had to face, when Kaimiri was released from his sentance and resuming to pursit his dream of combinding Earth and Duel Monsters Spirit World as one world by the power of the Shards........

Last edited by musasgal; 02-27-2012 at 05:49 PM..

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 02-27-2012, 07:36 PM

Selena activated her Duel Disk. She turned, light glinting off of Red Moon--her her Duel Disk. "Who's there?" She demanded. No answer. I was sure I'd sensed Kamiri...must've been my imagination is all. She thought.

Either way, she had to find the four quartets. And she knew where she could find the first....

"And I win again." Haine Kaiba said, gathering up her cards. She smiled a bit at the duelists' glared. It had been three-on-one, and the tall girl had still managed to clobber all three.

Haine was nearly six feet tall, with brown shoulder-length hair, clear blue eyes, and a confident stance. She had a Duel Disk that was styled after the old Battle City disks, designed by Seto Kaiba himself. Oddly enough, Haine was his descendant. She was wearing a navy blue coat embroidered with gold thread along the sleeves, collar, and bottom, and it billowed out behind her. She deactivated her D-gazer and stowed it in an inner pocket. "Hey! Takano! Yuzaki! Rei!" She called to her three best friends.

Sakura walked off the arena to applause. Even though she was still in college, Sakura Marufuji was the best-known Virtual Reality gamer. She had long, blue-green hair, pale skin, and silvery-gray eyes that had given her the nickname "Quicksilver". She tapped on the armband she was wearing, changing the glowing bodysuit back to her preferred appearance; black heeled boots, dark jeans with black strips down the sides, a black-and white striped turtleneck underneath a zippered purple tube top, and a men's-style Duel Academy coat, long, black, with light-blue bordering instead of the traditional white with blue bordering.

She wasn't listening to the announcer as she stepped onto the circular panel, that would take her back to her body and into reality. Sometimes I wish Duel Monsters would come back. She thought as her body and mind were reunited.

Yurine Fudo grumbled at the alarm clock. I don't wanna get up.... She thought, flipping it off before shutting it off. Ugh...I hate mornings....

The-Black_King is offline
Old 02-28-2012, 01:50 AM

Luke was walking through the town he pulled out his other deck the one that he still has to complete
"I'm so close just two more card's then I will beable to bring you back sister"
Luke stopped out side of a duel that just started one looked to be using a warrior deck and the other one didn't seem to have any cards out so he could not tell.

Takano smirked as he held his finger out "Now Black lustier go in for the finishing Blow"
Takano yawned as another duel to pass the time went by when he realized that a man in a thick black coat was watching him duel he looked for a bitbefor leaving having to go get some lunch.

Baken was sleeping when he heard the sound of someone calling his name he didn't know who it was but he had really no saying he though him self up "uhhh why do I have to get up"

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is online now
Old 02-28-2012, 03:11 AM

Yuzaki grumbled. Besides of the clothing he wore which includes a green jacket, black shirt and a pair of jeans, his appearence he dispised. Reason: he was easily mistaken of the Legendary Duel King (who around this time, was the current King of Eternity). He look nearly alot like him, especially the hair aspect. Plus his last name too: Motou. Unlike his famous ansistor, he was average at everything.
"It's not your fault that you inhearted your ansistor's duelling ability" he replied, "At least you can live up to your family name, unlike me."

"Sakura, it's just me" said a voice. Sakura turned around and saw a girl with brown hair with yellow tips. Her bangs was black with gold tips. The girl that Sakura suppose to protect because of her heart.
"Sorry about the scare, but we have two new members coming soon to help us to bring this Kaimiri guy down" she continued, "when I don't know."

"And here we are!" Said a blond chick. Following her was a stong built man. His long black hair was tied up with a blue hairtie. He was wearing a pair of black leather pants and a white singlette. This man's appearence was not as it seems to most people but if you know. The woman had her hair tied up, with the hair colours of the man's true identiy. Her yellow bangs were straightened.
"Ok, I gave you the basics on what happening. Selena is expecting some help. But she doesn't know who it is. If you keep in mind what is happened in your time, you be fine. But remember, Kaimiri just finished his sentace of 5000 years, so he will be seeking revenge. Both Yugi and myself are counting on you" the girl replied.
"There is a catch to this right?" the man asked.
"Yeah, there is Atem (since that was his name). You see, this is my first assignment before the wedding, so you be working with my younger self, freshly graduated as a full Arch Angel. I can't say how I will react to you, but it will be worth it. Yugi will pop in now and again for a report. We are counting on you both" the woman replied.
"Thank you Laria, we will take it from here" Atem replied.
"Thank you. Your name will be on the list with something relating to time travelling to come and help them. For now, I must go. Papa wants an urgent meeting that I have to attend. Something relating to an apprentice. Good luck." And with that, the woman jumped, turning to an Arch Angel with a red colour scheme.
"So, she ends up with red hair in her angel form" Atem said, as he turned towards the woman next to him.
"So, should we head to where we are heading Melhana?" he asked.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 02-28-2012, 07:33 PM

"Don't be hard on yourself, 'Zaki." Haine said. "You think I got this good because of DNA?"

Melhana nodded. "I can pick up her aura even from here." She replied. She turned to Atem with a cockeyed smile, pushing her glasses up on her nose. "Shall we?" She nodded towards the black Ducati motorcycle.

"I lost AGAIN!!!"

Yuma Tsukumo flopped down on the floor. He'd just gotten done with his third duel with his best friend, Tetsuo Takeda, and he'd lost. Again. "Why do I keep losing?!"

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is online now
Old 02-29-2012, 01:59 AM

((I can play Kotori for now))
"If you want" Atem sighed. This was not a good idea....well, in Atem's head anyway. He followed the woman.

"No, but still.....Seto Kaiba was one of the best duelists in his time" Yuzaki replied, "there is no way I can live up to my family name."

Kotori sighed and facepalmed.
"Come on Yuma" she said, "Ever since there has been a lack of No. Hunters, you have gone back to being slack."

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 02-29-2012, 08:26 PM

Melhana got on her motorcycle and tossed Atem the helmet. "Hang on," She said as she started up the bike.

Haine frowned at Yuzaki. "Zaki...." She said with a sigh. "You do realize that al lthe famous duelists of that time--especialy the Legends--had to work at it to get to their skill level. You'll get there, I know you will." She smiled a bit. "Hey, want to track down Takano and get some lunch?"

"She has a point, Yuma." Astral commented.

"Will you shut up! You were nagging me to find numbers the entire tournament!" Yuma snapped at Astral.

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is online now
Old 03-01-2012, 01:42 AM

"I can't believe that your motobike is still here in this time" Atem said, "And I suggest this time to follow the speed limit this time."

"I guess so" Yuzaki replied as he made sure his duelling gear was packed up. Then he joined Haine.

"I didn't mean that. I mean, there has been a fewer No. Hunters lately, more few than normal. I wonder what's going on?" Kotori asked.

The-Black_King is offline
Old 03-01-2012, 02:03 AM

(so every one is being collected and sorry Ipod)

Luke walked away when the duellist walked away he found him self a bench and sat down "hmm what to do now"

Takono was walking around his school "I wonder where every one is haven't seen them in a bit" Takono made his way up stairs "hmm"

baken still didn't want to get up "uhh"

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is online now
Old 03-01-2012, 07:01 AM

((keep in mind that you can do [line]silver[/ line] [without the space] to seperate which scene is which...)
Haine and Yuzaki walked to the local high school. Even though it looks pretty cool, it still has a school roof, where the 4 friends hanged out.
"There he is" Yuzaki said, pointed to the figure on the roof, "but why is he there when school is over?"

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 03-01-2012, 08:43 PM

"I have no idea." Haine replied. "Considering how Takano's not really the person to study...c'mon, let's go up there and see what's up."

Melhana smiled as Atem got on. "Oh, I'll follow them," She said, having seen a few of the signs. She headed off, feeling with her aura their first destination.

Meet up with Selena Kuro.

Allister poked his head into Baken's room. "Hey, James! Found him!" He called down the hall. He stepped in the room and shook his friend. "Hey, Baken, it's nearly noon. Get up!"

(I'll play some of the characters as-needed until we get more people)

The-Black_King is offline
Old 03-01-2012, 10:03 PM

Baken Jumped up "it's what!" Baken jumped up throwing on clothes "why didn't you wake me i'm late" Baken stopped moving befor he continued "is there any food left".

__________________________________________________ _______________________________________

Takano made his way up to the top of the building when he saw a couple of his friends "hey guy's what's up" Takono said walking up to them.

__________________________________________________ _______________________________________

(luke's just going to wait)

__________________________________________________ _______________________________________

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 03-01-2012, 10:41 PM

"There won't be if you don't hurry up and get down to the caf." Allister said. He looked out the window absently, seeing the starscape outside the drifting university. "Oh, and be forewarned; the turbolifts are broken."

"Not much. Just got done beating the crud out of a few boneheads. You?" Haine asked.

The-Black_King is offline
Old 03-02-2012, 12:19 AM

Baken sprinted out the dorm door grabbing Allister and running dragging him behind him Baken didn't here the last part but no madder Baken got to the caff and was still dragging allister.

__________________________________________________ ____________________

"Just won another duel man every one is so weak"

Last edited by The-Black_King; 03-02-2012 at 08:23 PM..

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is online now
Old 03-02-2012, 02:45 AM

Yuzaki sighed.
"I duelled some pretty good duelists and won, but, that's me. An average joe" he replied.

"You sure you are going the right way?" Atem asked as the pair was getting closer to Selena.

The-Black_King is offline
Old 03-02-2012, 07:06 PM

Takano sighed "you arnt average joe you are Yuzaki and soon you will get better I swear"

__________________________________________________ _______________________

Baken stopped to the girl asking where he was going "there is food this waay is there not"

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is online now
Old 03-02-2012, 07:42 PM

Yukazi sighed as he walked to the balconey.
I wished I can believe that he thought, then spotted a motorbike comming into view. can't be!

They learnt about the mages in history, as a fun project. And one mage in paticutar has a black Ducati motorbike. But how can be possible.

"Guys. Come and have a look, there is something familiar about that motorbike!" he exclaimed.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 03-02-2012, 08:14 PM

(Uh, King, Baken CAN'T jump out the window...they're in SPACE. As in OUTER SPACE. They'd suffocate.
In case you didn't see it before, READ THIS! And when you do, PLEASE change the post where Baken jumps out the window. You can have him run out the room, but not out the window! Once your post is edited, I'll put in my reply to Baken.)

Haine nodded in agreement with Takano. "He's right, Zaki." She said. She looked over the balcony as well, at Yuzaki's comment. "A black Ducati...." She muttered. "And it's not a Runner...." She sent out her aura, using it to enhance her senses. "No way...that's Melhana Ankh. But she's supposed to have died 5,000 years ago."

"Of course I know where I'm going." Melhana said. "We may be in a different time frame, but I can feel three auras up ahead on a building." She pointed. "Up there."

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is online now
Old 03-02-2012, 08:23 PM

"That's what I figured out.....wait, can you remember this fairy who has the power to open time portals?" Yuzaki asked, then noticed one of then turned their heads.
"Guys, we have been spotted."

"Do you want to check it out or what?" Atem asked, curiously, "or wait till later on?"

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 03-02-2012, 08:46 PM

"Yeah. Think we should get out of here?" Haine asked.

"Let's check it out," Melhana said. "Considering how we still need to track down Selena. Who knows, those kids might know where she is on this rock. Or even if this is a rock at all."

Yuma crossed his arms. "That is weird." He said. "We should've at least seen Kaito by now...."

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is online now
Old 03-02-2012, 08:50 PM

"I don't know" Yuzaki said, then noticed the pair pulling up, "change that, RUN!"

Atem looked up at the trio, running away.
"And we wait for them to come through the door" he sighed, "typical."

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 03-02-2012, 08:58 PM

"Don't need to tell me twice," Haine said, the three of them dashing off the roof through the open door.

"I know it," Melhana sighed. "This is gonna be interesting..."

The-Black_King is offline
Old 03-02-2012, 09:20 PM

Takano ran with out even having to look at who was coming there way "let's get out of here"

__________________________________________________ _________________________

(there fixed :) )

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 03-02-2012, 09:33 PM

(Okies ^^ Now it's not quite so confusing, seeing as they're in space...)

Melhana looked up to where the three used to be. "Hey weren't there supposed to be four of them?" She asked.

"Yeaugh! Baken!" Allister shouted as he was pulled out of the room. He sighed as Baken asked the girl which way the caf was. "No, Baken, it's the other way. And in case you haven't noticed, you're still in your pajamas."


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