My Cup Of Chai's Profile

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 65
  1. Jennifer
    02-05-2009 04:27 AM
  2. ~~xXEl3KtRaXx~~
    02-04-2009 01:55 AM
    mine *clings to formal attire*
  3. Jennifer
    02-03-2009 08:17 PM
    Sorry, this isn't Jen. It's her evil twin sister. :D
  4. Jennifer
    02-02-2009 07:33 PM
    You're silly. XD
  5. Jennifer
    02-02-2009 07:30 PM
    GET TO BED MISSY! :illgetu:
  6. Jennifer
    02-01-2009 02:30 AM
  7. Lathrine
    01-30-2009 02:23 AM
    Thank you for the staff. :D *huggles*
  8. Cyndel
    01-27-2009 01:36 AM
    lol thanks. ^^; I'm kinda stuck on this one. >.>
  9. Jennifer
    01-15-2009 04:30 PM
    CHAI. Stomp on me and tell me to go to bed. Kay? D:
  10. ARGY
    01-11-2009 01:04 AM
    trade accepted.

About Me

  • About My Cup Of Chai
    Under Your Bed
    Anime, Movies, Video Games, Art, Crafts, Cooking, Photography, Reading
    Catching butterflies.


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Blog - Your Daily Cup Of Chai
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  • Last Activity: 04-13-2013 04:47 PM
  • Join Date: 10-15-2007


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Posted 05-30-2008 at 09:57 AM by My Cup Of Chai Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Well it’s me again. It’s been about two and a half weeks since my first blog….and nothing has happened. However, I have been thinking a bit about different things lately…. So here is Chai’s little rant about her current life wants and goals and such….

As of now I am twenty-two years old, unemployed, college dropout, and unattached. Things suck, but unfortunately I still have very little motivation to change things.

I think my college life is pretty much over. I graduated high school in May 2004, now it’s May 2008…so that’s four years of my “college years”. I should have graduated by now, but instead I’m only lucky enough to have a handful of credits and a sophomore standing. It wasn’t all my fault…in fact probably about 90% of it was due to my social anxiety which led to being stressed all the time which in the end led to me being very sick and unable to attend class…. I guess it’s kind of a pity it took four years for me to actually be diagnosed and prescribed medication to help me get through “normal life”. Ah, but like I said, it’s over and done with…. Unfortunately I stand at a point in my life where I have no college or professional education, which could better my job class. Which moves me onto my current unemployment….

Right now I’m looking at getting paid just over minimum wage for a job. Even though I have prior work experience the kind of jobs offered to me just don’t pay well. After several years of working and being screwed over by the large, retail corporations I’m a little hesitant to dive back in. Honestly I’m a little burned and a bit afraid of how I might handle being back in that kind of environment. I’ve always been placed in the customer service category, and while I have a mild and sweet personality, I just don’t like interacting with people. And after a forty hour plus work week of such service I’m incredibly stressed, exhausted, and not wanting to go back to work. And sadly it doesn’t have to do with the kind of department I’m in or the people I work with…. For example the last place I worked was in the electronics department of Walmart. Now I love electronics and know quite a bit about them… so I really enjoyed being around that kind of merchandise. But when I had ten people hounding me to help them and my managers pressing me to make sells…. It was just a little over my head. For a normal person I’m sure it’s fine, but for someone who has a chronic case of social anxiety it’s surprising that I didn’t have a heart attack by the end of the first week. So basically what it all comes down to is that I want an office job away from screaming customers and the chang of the cash register. Sadly I have been looking all month for an office job and have not found one that I meet the requirements for. It’s depressing and frustrating.

Another thing on my mind is finding somewhere other than my parent’s house to live. Of course this kind of goes hand and hand with the low paying job as to what I can afford. I’ve also gotten really fed up with renting from people. I’m ready to be in a place when I can pretty much do what ever I want and not worry about what my landlord will say. Which brings up the idea of saving up to make payments on a house. Now this idea sounds perfect to me….small house to decorate and paint as I please, small yard to plant in, and a place that belongs to me. But if I do buy a house, that means staying in one place for about three years. That would make me 25, almost 26 before I would move out… well what the heck am I going to be doing when I’m 25/26? It really is a big decision. And also a scary one. I mean if I did buy a house, planned to stay here for three or four years, then is this where I’m going to settle down? Am I finally making an “adult” decision that will serve as the base of my future? Can I make a future here?

The future is a very, very, very scary thing to me. Most of my friends have a path they’re living down…. But me, I’m just kind of winging it because I don’t have a clue what I want to do. I know I’d like to have some sort of office job and also have a small home studio I can sell my art work from…. And to find someone to settle down with…have a kid or two… And travel. But all of those thing seem to get further and further away as I continue to live my life. I don’t have a degree, don’t have a stable and well paying job, I don’t have a way of meeting new people and finding someone to share my life with, and I don’t have enough money to even support a family, much less travel.

I guess all in all I just want to find someone to be with…and hopefully that will motivate me to get back on the right course. Now if I can only find someone who would be interested in someone like me… someone broken, and needs fixing before she can live a happy and fulfilled life.

Posted 05-13-2008 at 01:30 PM by My Cup Of Chai Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized

[color=#4d4135]Hello and welcome to my blog. Hopefully I'll actually get some use out of this though I have been known to start up journal-things and then forget about them. So let's just say you have been warned.

On to an actual "blog post"....

Right now I'm kind of in limbo as far as my life goes. I'm currently looking for a job and also deciding where I want to live. While I'm figuring these two things out I'm staying with my parents in Edmond (that's in Oklahoma in case you were wondering).

Basically it's down to that I have to get a job up in Edmond, at least for now, but then I can either choose to stay here or move down to Norman where all of my friends are living. I've lived in Norman before so it wouldn't be a major change for me.

The big decision comes to whether I want to save up enough money to make payments on a small house or not. If I do that it means staying in one place for at least three years, and with my nomadic personality that might be a bit hard. And if I do that it most likely means me staying in Edmond because I like the overall city better and all of my family is up here. But then I wouldn't get to see my friends as much and I might become lonely....but will all of my friends still be in Norman over the next few years? Decisions, decisions.

Moving on to non-real life occurances.....

I think I'm going to keep a running tab of my mene quest here. I have a thread but I hardly ever use it.

Originally I was questing for all the CIs and EIs that I didn't have, but I've put that off until I can purchase monthly CIs to barter with. So now I am working on high-end commons, basically going from most expensive downwards. I've already created a list of each store's items. However I still need to add the "female only" items. : X As of now the list takes up about twenty pages on Word. I'm gonna have lots of fun. xP ♥♥♥[/color][/B][/SIZE]