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  1. Captain Howdy
    03-31-2014 11:24 PM
    Captain Howdy
    Happy Birthday!
  2. Lexadis
    03-31-2014 04:09 PM
    Happy Birthday! =)
  3. hummy
    03-31-2014 01:33 PM

    happy birthday!

  4. Cardinal Biggles
    04-01-2013 04:55 AM
    Cardinal Biggles
    Hello and Happy Birthday :)
  5. Q U E E N
    03-31-2013 01:11 PM
    Q U E E N
    happeh birthday!
  6. hummy
    03-31-2013 04:12 AM

    happy birthday!

  7. DragonQueen08
    10-20-2012 08:59 PM
    hey whats up???
  8. ~Black Petals~
    04-12-2012 12:56 AM
    ~Black Petals~
    Hi there ! was just passing by and wanted to mention that I liked your avi ! it reminds me of a little red riding hood theme ^____^ anyway, its cute !
  9. Captain Howdy
    03-31-2012 10:42 AM
    Captain Howdy
    Happy Birthday. :)
  10. Linnea
    09-07-2011 11:51 PM
    stripper bunny!

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  • About Rusalka
    About me? Well I'm not as imposing as I may seem. I'm actually very friendly, I love to chat with anyone and I'm very open to anything and everyone.

    I aspire to be an author and though I'm shy when you get me offline I'm quite the opposite on here. I have little to no attitude unless there's a reason, and even then I try not to get pissy. xD

    Hm.. I'm not sure what else to say.. Ask if you want to learn more. (With the questions of what you want to know)
    Winnipeg, MB - Canada
    Yaoi, RP, Chatting, Harry Potter, Fanfics, writing, reading, fantasy
    Chapters Book Shelver
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Posted 04-25-2009 at 11:09 PM by Rusalka Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Name: Atreiyu
Age: Looks to be 17 in human years
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Fallen/Lost Angel - isn't completely known to him

Voice: Often outspoken, his voice is very quite and lacks tone to be able to differentiate gender. Often mistaken for a girl's voice though. When reciting prophecy-like knowledge though his voice is clearly defined as a male voice but still with the sweet tone of power and femininity underlying such a demanding tone. When he speaks his words often sound like he's questioning what he's saying as if asking as if it's alright to speak, often words are hidden under trembles or uncontrollable stuttering scared that he would say something that was not permitted. Often does not speak because he fears he's not allowed and communicates more in grunts and body language. When he's injured or extremely scared usually acts like an animal speaking in whimpers, though when angry it seems his personality changes and he speaks clearly with a power to his voice that sends chills down the bones of anyone who hears it.

Body Type: A delicate figure, tall and slender. Obviously malnourished with bones clearly visible under the skin. Still he stood at 6'7 That a common human would never reach as tall underfed as he is. His figure is very feminine though as well as his facial features.
Skin: Almost white due to what would seem to little sun exposure but his skin neither burns nor tans in the sunlight. Faint scars litter his body often unseen by clothing but very little of his body is untouched by a scar or wound.
Hair: Often described as a white-blonde his hair is more white than blonde. He has it cut so short it seems to naturally spike itself though in the way that it seems each hair was plucked upward by careful hands and a lot of gel, but no hair product has ever touched his hair.
Eyes: His eyes are large and very feminine. They are a bright blue but within that deep blue there are flecks of crimson red that turn brighter and brighter as his anger rises to the point no blue can be seen. The red also appears when he speaks in prophecy and when he's extremely scared - which could be often.

Wings/Chains: Atreiyu has wings that are painfully locked away in his back and held in place by chains that cross his back and chest above his clothing. When released they spring forth slicing through his skin in a spray of blood. They are an outstanding white but so soon after being released they look the same color as his blood for a time as the blood drips off the feathers.

Common Attire (1): His usual outfit consists of a tight white tank top that was almost the same color as his skin, and aside from the lack of nipples would at first be mistaken that he is wearing no shirt. Bound to his arms in a bruising grip of chain-like belts are grey sleeve-gloves, the ends are extra long and drag on the floor, only hand width holes that are barely seen as there give him access and use to his hands. His black jeans are much too large to fit his form and would fall down to his ankles if he didn't know how to walk so that the waist stays upon his hips so they don't fall, but still from time to time he'll have to pause and adjust them so they do stay up, he fails at wearing any underwear and them falling to his ankles is not an embarrassment he would enjoy. His shoes were once bright white sneakers with black stripes but due to dust and dirt and failed washings they've turned to an off grey to match the sleeve-gloves.

Common Attire (2): Though he prefers the previous outfit his is also seen in a black turtle neck with sleeves as long as the sleeve-gloves mentioned in the previous outfit and with the same method of using his hands. The hem of the sweater flows to mid thigh and it appears he is not wearing pants at all for his pants are tights almost the same white of his skin. His sneakers are replaced by knee high boots with silver studs in two parallel lines on the front of each boot, they are a bit too large for him though and very clunky making it awkward for him to walk normally.


Collar: He is never seen without a tight black collar that takes up most of his neck in a bruising grip, the first color of skin appears under the edges of the collar to seem as if the normal color of human skin. This is because the collar is so tight and rubs and chafes his neck constantly. He will never take it off though as a pledge to his Master. No one knows who this Master is though and Atreiyu truthfully doesn't know either, just that he cannot take off that painful collar for fear of death.

Piercings: Like the collar Atreiyu is never seen without the same earings in his lobes and cartilage. These are not for his Master, but for himself. He has three piercings per ear, two in each earlobe and one in each cartilage. A set of bloody red crosses stained that color from soaking in Atreiyu's own blood stuck through each lobe. In the next holes of each lobe was a regular black circular earing suck through and looped down, to a blood drop like danglie and a chain led from these to the last and final piercing of each ear's cartilage and there was only a regular silver hoop no different from any other hoop earing.

Bandages: Never seen without bandages over some part of his body to cover bloody wounds. Presumably from his clumsiness tripping over his own sleeves, which is part of it but most are from his drunk father and others are self inflicted.

Shoulderbag: A black shoulderbag is something Atreiyu is also never seen without holding all his personal possessions which include, a bound black book filled with man-made paper scrawled with innermost feelings that was his diary. A little black kitten plushy was also something that was in there, it's head sticking out always and a self conscious Atreiyu would pet it for comfort. Many more books that you would not find in a library also sat in this bag and many more notebooks filled with notes from what he learned from the books.

Daggers: His favorite weapon and are always on his person hidden from everyone in the lining of the sleeves in neat rows that would be easy for him to reach in a hurry. They are small enough and set in such a patter that the imprint of daggers in the sleeves are only noticeable to the trained eye.

Personality: Quiet and meek boy, the very definition of a submissive who'll follow anyone's commands so as not to cause conflict. If it's someone he dislikes though he'll do what he's told slowly and as a very bad job. If it's someone he hates he'd ignore the person completely. Otherwise he's not very trustworthy and it takes time for people to learn what he's trying to communicate to them without having to speak. The kitten plushy is the only thing he'd truly speak to and only in private, when he's anxious in public he'd merely pat it's head that sticks out from his bag. The kitten has no name but this is because Atreiyu's last name being unknown as well and the kitten is a tribute to his forgotten past. He rarely smiles and seems almost melancholy as he watches the people around him studying their behavior under circumstances and jots notes on it down in a notebook for human behavior.

Temperament: Atreiyu is never one who'd start a fight or go looking for a fight but he's not one to back down from a challenge. He gets scared easily when the fights around him are nothing to do with him and he generally tries to find a place to hide out the fight without getting injured. Untrained yet a master in the fighting arts and expertly uses daggers with forgotten knowledge of how to use them Atreiyu astounds himself with each fight he wins when he does fight and each time he gets confused and scared. He'd be scared he'd get in trouble for hurting someone, scared at how good a fighter he was and scared his Master would come and take his life away. After fights he's often hiding in some dark corner curled in a fetal position and shaking uncontrollably.

Physical Strength: His size and undernourishment does not give testimony to how strong Atreiyu truly is. He forgets his strength and gives off the attitude that he's a weakling and he truly becomes surprised and scared after his strength reveals itself to him and often he apologizes after realizing he's stronger than he seems. A little while later though he'd forget all over again about how strong he is.

Prophecy-like Ability: From time to time Atreiyu will go into a sleep-like state and speak of matters that were never known to him and speak of knowledge that is outside his own ability of learning. If no one is around to hear these prophecies they are lost for Atreiyu does not remember anything he says in these states and often doesn't realize he has this ability. Many times the prophecies deal with knowledge rather than the future or point out things they should have learned in the past, but when it's to do with the past they're in indistinguishable riddles that can sometimes never be solved outside of Atreiyu's prophecy-like state - for he can sometimes stay in the state for a while to answer questions from the people that are around him at the time.

History: As a child he'd been found in the woods by a couple who raised him as their own, with the Mother there Atreiyu was always safe from his 'father' who always reminded him he was not theirs and not welcome because he was not human. After his Mother died though that was when the beatings started and they never stopped as he grew up. He had been found with the collar of his Master on and had no way to remove it. No one knew who his Master was but just that Atreiyu feared his/her wrath and have his life sucked away from him. He doesn't remember anything before these Parents took him in, he didn't know what he truly was and didn't know why he had wings. His life was full of suffering and pain that led to him not trusting anyone easily.