Jack MacGaven's Profile

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Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 1765
  1. Star Valo
    08-30-2013 05:39 PM
    Star Valo
    Lol she was the special Guest at Kitacon last year, she signed my Portal Game too ^^ bwahaha :P
    I'm sure you can guess it lol. It's Star-Valo.tumblr.com
    My Pony one is Ask-miamore-cadenza.tumblr.com if you wanna look at that too ^^

    It really is, i'm so excited for the anniversary thing, a group of us over here are planning a big cinema visit to watch it in 3D and all that cool stuff lol
    Daleks are best villains.

    Really? there are quite a few over here i believe...
    My friend Chez is from the Netherlands and he's a convention DJ, Kitacon especially he DJs at, and they pay for his flights and everything apparently :3
    Tim drives me most of the time so free convention transport! lol

    Sometimes a viewpoint that's not your own can be all the help you need :3
    lol if i ever manage to get an Applejack like that done, and rope someone into being Big Mac, i'll be sure to send you the photos lol
  2. Star Valo
    08-29-2013 07:51 PM
    Star Valo
    I shared an elevator with Ellen McLain last year ~flails~ it was awesome, facebooked the shit outta that one xD
    Yus, I tumbl. Not very well, I must admit xD but I tumbl, mostly Cosplay stuff and the like xD I'm also a Tumblrpon. coming off my hiatus soon actually :3 I run an Ask Cadence Tumblr ^^
    Oh yea, but well... Tim hasn't really got the right sort of... "presence" for Cap'n Jack xD He's determined to do him show accurate though so it could be fun watching him try to do his wrist thinggy of which i have forgotten the name...
    The possibilities for Doctor Who themed stuff is endless! a life sized Dalek would be awesome. After seeing them at the DW Experience last weekend, it looks like they'd be pretty easy to make, structurally anyway. it's the details on the outside that'll be difficult.

    That, right there, is one big reason why I prefer the 18+ cons. not because of the porn, though i am told the Hentai panels are hilarious. but because it stops most of the "Otaku otaku kawaii desu!! ~sparkle, peace sign, hello kitty~" 16 year olds, i'm-here-because-it's-cool people.
    not to mention i tend to just cock around between panels, normally in the bar xD

    They are nice drunks, until it gets overbearing and annoying and you're just like "Gods sake leave me alone!" I'm not fond of the party party drunks either... they're scary

    Yes, yes you did. if I ever don't know what to do, I'm coming to you for ideas, it's decided lol.
    I think I will, Amecon, next year, outdoor university convention, I will be applejack to sell my badges! just... No singing at the Gala stuff xD

    I think everyone hates themselves talking, it's like a built in response to hearing your own voice xD
    Woohoo! Yay :D Can't wait :D Thank you
  3. Star Valo
    08-29-2013 05:39 PM
    Star Valo
    I used to love Greek Mythology too! And I love portal so how I didn't know that I have no idea! lol
    Urgh, what a dick. The stuff you were saying about him when i was at uni didn't sit right with me either. I'm just glad you managed to get out of it safely.

    Ah! Supernatural, I knew I'd seen it on my Tumblr feed at some point or another lol
    I've sketched out a design and i love my Gender Bent Ten :D A friend of mine is doig a Gender bent Eleven, Tim's doing Jack Harkness (how he's gonna pull it off, i have no idea...) and Eleven's friend is looking into doing Idris :D
    I've not heard of the DW convention... I went to the Experience last weekend, but not a convention... might have to look in to that.
    That's one reason why I have a personal love of conventions, though they're classed as "anime" conventions, it covers just about all geekery possible! Ponies, Doctors, Avengers, Homestucks, Sailor Scouts! Eee :D Even my Monster High cosplays! lol
    Drunk tim is a very... Motherly touchy feely drunk... every other things is "Are you ok? You alright, yea? Just checking you're ok" ended up welting him with a mega glowstick last year when he wouldn't leave me alone. Still have that glow stick... good times...

    I have been told I would be awesome at pulling off the "sexy librarian" look...
    but then I'd have to resist the urge to put on a Twilight Sparkle cosplay and drag a toy Spike around after me xD

    Awesome! :D can't wait to see what you manage to create. Do you post it to your dA at all?

    Oh my god that'd work so well! I CAN BE APPLEJACK! With a Sign! and one of those boxes you see people at baseball games in america wearing when they sell hotdogs in the crowds!
    Then I can linedance to "Raise this barn" too lol
    I made 228 badges, so i have tons left! lol but selling 47 was amazing :D I did so many background ponies to keep just about everyone happy :D I almost sold out of Vinyl Scratch, I only have one of her left.

    lol oh no, you really don't want to hear me talk. I make fun of my accent and shizz but i really sound dreadful, even when I go super posh.
    Oooh, yeah :D That sounds awesome :D
    Especially as my computer's a dick and won't let me play my own games ¬¬ I can watch you play yours! :D
  4. Star Valo
    08-29-2013 04:36 PM
    Star Valo
    Ooh, ouch, reminds me a bit of that old greek myth where the guy gets his liver pecked out by Eagles...
    Abusive relationship? D: Like Physically or just mental and emotional abuse?
    Virtual hugs for you!

    Dean Winchester? That rings a vague bell but my brain is mush I can't place it ><
    I'm doing a GenderBent Tenth Doctor for March :3 I'msoexcitedforthatone! We've got a Doctor Who group and everything :D I've fallen into the pit of Ponies and Doll cosplays lately so it'll be nice to cosplay something that isn't a child's toy (though with Doctor Who, that's a bit debatable lol)
    He gave me the kicked puppy look and I was like "No, sleep on the floor, you steal the covers, fart on me and almost pee'd in my suitcase. You sleep on the floor" so he did :3

    A library would be a good place to start, wouldn't it? and I might be able to carry on doing my art stuff too, draw at quiet times in the library and what not... I'll look into it :3 and hopefully no telephone calls too! :D Thanks for the idea :D
    see, loads of emotes 'cos i'm happy xD

    Awh :( I hate it when that happens to me, I'm sure it's frustrating for you too.
    Oh, wow, tattoo kit. you got practice dummies lined up? lol
    it sounds like a good move for you to be honest :3 I'm sure you'll be able to do it :D

    £1 a pony badge, con folk like things to hang off their con badge lol it was just getting people to see them and things that was hard, but selling 47 was good :D paid for my ticket to the con anyway :P

    I really dislike the Irish accent, bad associations that just annoy me ><
    Welsh... I can't really describe, but it's really weird to my ears ><
    Stay away from me when I'm nervous on stage then! lol I go default posh brit when i'm on stage and nervous. Operetta in cosplay chess is supposed to be a Rockabilly from New Orleans. I got so nervous I ended up making her a posh british Opera singer ><

    ~beats down her use of smileys~
  5. Star Valo
    08-29-2013 03:55 PM
    Star Valo
    Ouch, what a way to go... but it's probably fitting for him...
    Happy being Single? :3
    Yeah, I've got a Boyfriend at the moment, About a year and a half. though to be honest, he's doing my head in at the moment ><

    Lol Mothers, the closet perverts. Except mine... I don't think she's ever been in the closet about being a pervert lol

    I always feel free-er in costume :3 Especially when people like my costume, like they did with my Rainbow Dash :3 ~points at Avi~ I tend to hide behind her a lot, her or Kulta, my fursona, depends on who i'd like to be ^^
    Very hectic, kinda ruined the last night of the con to be honest.
    the second he went to puke, I was off like a shot. thankfully a kindly (read, "drunk") Tony Stark cosplayer looked After Tim whilst he puked. and I then made him sleep on the floor in case he puked again, I got the higher ground.

    Funnily enough, I used to work in the school Library. Spent a lot of time there actually, I might see if the local library has any jobs going... I quite liked it. Perfectionist mind organising the books alphabetically by author xD
    Finding work is a pain, I agree, but atleast you're getting experience :3 That's valuable stuff by the looks of things.
    What I've done, dunno if you might consider doing the same, is I've set up a facebook page for my artwork. my friends liked the page, and I posted about it on the Convention's site, and i've got a few likes. I advertise my artwork and things. I took a load of MLP badges I made to the convention and sold a load of them :3 some other sellers there liked them so much they put my badges on display with their pony soap ^^ it's a start, maybe you might be able to do something too, if you wanted to that is, I know you like drawing and making and things ^^
    I can appreciate that. I went to Wales last weekend, that spun me out 'cos it's not the accent i'm used to hearing, and I've never been there before. it must be even harder when it's a different language to your own too!

    I'm happy to talk to you again too you know? :3 I really have missed talking to you, but I'm glad we did have that gap sort of thing, it's done us both some good :3
    I just get concious lol, every other sentence ends with a :3
  6. Star Valo
    08-28-2013 11:16 PM
    Star Valo
    Aah, I heard things went south with that, HIM commented or something..? I don't remember, but i heard about it somehow.
    Awesome :D What's your license plate? I'm not a fan of Sherlock so I'm not sure I'll get it, but I'm curious now lol

    I'm trying, I'm certainly trying <3! Using Cosplay as an outlet to try things, yanno, hide behind a character to begin with and work on doing it in every day situations :3 I'm starting to try selling my artwork and things too through Conventions :3 I've done rather well so far :D I've always loved acting but i've been too shy to, so getting on stage again was awesome :D

    Honesty is the best policy. if they don't like what you say, it's more fool them really, isn't it? Hugs, Time and a bit of chocolate/ice cream and things are normally all smoothed out lol of course, not always, but most of the time for the little things lol

    Oh god, tell me about it. Kerri and Rosie had had a falling out, so they were in opposite areas, Grant was crying with Kerri, Sophie's medication was wearing off so she was going slightly psychopathic, and Tim was stressing out about all his friends getting into a state and not being allowed in to help any of them, and I was running between everyone trying to smooth it all over. I don't think i've ran about so much before! lol then Tim threw up and Kerri stormed off and everything was fine in the morning ><

    Stupid jobs... because of my communication problems, people didn't trust me and believe i could do the work they needed... so I got fired, :/
    lol, do you have a proper English phone voice too? lol
    Exactly, Baby steps. Smaller, easier bits to deal with. Anyone who tries to take away our baby steps will get a smack, or a panic attack, either or. :P

    It's no problem :3 I've grown up and matured a fair bit since we last spoke, and I'm sure you probably have too :3 So of course, I'm now capable of being grown up about the whole thing lol. cos, yanno, combination of medicine, socialness, friends and the like made me see things differently. I've missed talking to you like this too. We used to have nice conversations ^^

    Also, I use emoticons too much >>
  7. Star Valo
    08-28-2013 07:11 PM
    Star Valo
    You managed to get your licence all right then? Last I heard you were having problems affording it. I can understand why you would like it. My dad used to drive all over the place for his job and it was the only part of the job he liked lol

    Yeah, 15 years in the making and it's finally being sorted lol, I'm so happy to feel more like an ordinary person :3 not one that can't walk into buildings, or can't get on buses, or that stuff. I've had my ears pierced, and I got on stage at Ayacon in front of loads of people, two things i would never have done a few months ago :3 I'm really proud of my progress.

    Oh, god, I can understand that too! I can't handle that all that well either, but i'm too nice a person that I can't not try to help >< At Ayacon I was running between 4 groups of people who were all in tears, trying to help them all because I couldn't not help ><
    I'm so happy to hear you're getting better and you're managing to sort your life out the way you want it :3

    Urh, calling people, answering the phone, they're both a nightmare for me, always have been, i'm always very concious of making a fool of myself. that's where my problems come from, fear of making a fool of myself and being bullied for it. it's stupid, but it's what's wrong, and I know it. I get very similar to you then actually, heart racing and stuff. I had to cover phones at my last job, I always prayed I'd get the quiet lunch shift, you know the one where no one calls because they figure everyone's on lunch? several times i accidentally hung up on people >> That's the reason they fired me, because my communication skills are poor :/
  8. Star Valo
    08-28-2013 04:59 PM
    Star Valo
    Oooh nice :3 sounds right up your street :D
    Better pay is always good

    Naah, Dropped out of Uni a few years ago now, been job searching ever since :/ had 2 jobs in that time, only lasted a month at them both ¬¬
    I'm currently signed off sick and unable to work so my Doctor can help me get my anxiety and things under control. Been doing that for about 4 months now and I'm making great progress :D
    I should be able to go back to job searching soon. it's just using the telephone that's my biggest obstacle at the moment
    ~ramble ramble~
  9. Star Valo
    08-28-2013 03:52 PM
    Star Valo
    So am I, lol
    That's good then, were are you working now? Last I knew, you were in that shop you didn't like, with the heavy lifting and things.
    Good, Psychological health is always a good thing
  10. Star Valo
    08-28-2013 03:10 PM
    Star Valo
    I'm pretty good thanks :3 recovering from a pretty nasty cough, but otherwise all fine and dandy :D
    How about you? How are you? :3

About Me

  • About Jack MacGaven

    I am Jack Edward MacGaven, call me Jack.
    I am a vampire at the age of 623.

    Come and talk to me, I don't bite.... No really I don't, what the heck do you think?
    -points at the bloodbank-
    Right here


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Blog - The Journal of a Traveler.
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  • Last Activity: 01-05-2023 06:31 AM
  • Join Date: 04-03-2007


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 54


Latest Blog Entry

Posted 03-19-2010 at 03:36 PM by Jack MacGaven Comments 1
Hello my dear, dear friends!

I hope things are good on your side! My side certainly has brightened up by a lot!
I'm feeling good and healthy again and I'm out of the snow!

It took me a little while before I got from the horrid mountain, but here I am, on the other side, a live and well!

Some curious things occurred though. Lucky me it was nothing bad or anything like that, no.
My ankle was and still is a bit swollen, so I just bind it with some good bandages and went to hike to find water and herbs to make a good compress. However, I got a bit lost and side tracked one evening. I put up camp and just went to sleep. I did hear some things rustling and brushing about, but I didn't think much of it, since it sounded like a rabbit or a squirrel.

The next morning however, my fire was lit again, which I had put out before I went to sleep and the herbs that I would need lay right beside my head!

I was happy though, but it sure was creepy. Ever since that happened I kept my eyes and ears open. But I still can't find anything that would do such a sweet thing!

I've also been finding that the campfire I make is always lit again when I wake up, which is good for making breakfast, but still...It kinda creeps me out as well.
I'm going to set a trap and see if I can catch the culprit.


Jack Edward MacGaven

The Menewshan Vampire.

Posted 03-12-2010 at 02:08 PM by Jack MacGaven Comments 2
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]To my dear friends,

I sure hope that things are okay down town! Or rather better than I am doing at the moment.

Right now I'm sheltering in a cave in the mountain, the weather is horrible. Not only that but my health isn't the best as well.
I'm running a fever and I can barely go out to hunt or anything like that.
I think this mountain is cursed or rather the people who climb it. In the week that I've been climbing this oversized hill, I fell more than five times, sank into mud plenty of times and got stuck in a blizzard near the summit.

My arm is sore and I had several open wounds due my falls. I think one of them got infected, but I'm already too late to treat it properly and there aren't any herbs around here. The only thing I can do is try to rest as much as possible and move out once the fever is down a bit.
I am going to take the long way back, around the mountain. I don't want to go through this again...

The best thing I see now is the fire that I managed to start. And that I had some food saved, so I won't starve. I really need to move on though and I think I will tomorrow or the day after. The sooner I get away from this snow, the better.

The feeling that something is watching me still lingers as well. It's really bugging me, especially because I don't sense a human or something that is out of place....
Perhaps my mind is playing tricks on me, I guess that is what loneliness does to a being.


Jack Edward MacGaven

The Menewshan Vampire[/FONT]

Posted 03-05-2010 at 01:29 PM by Jack MacGaven Comments 1
Hello my dear friends!

My second week is almost over. Lucky me. Things had been a bit more dramatic. The weather wasn’t all that great and that wasn’t really comfortable. The ground was very slippery and it was rather hard to find a dry place to sleep. I was lucky to find a small cave, which was occupied by a family of bats, something I didn’t mind at all.

I’ve been more at ease in the wilderness now. Knowing that there aren’t much predators around is quite nice, but I do get the feeling that something is following me and watching me closely. I’ve tried to see what it is, but I came back empty handed. I’m guessing that it’s just my imagination that wants me to freak out.
I hope you all liked my previous letter, by the way.
I’m quite well, I’m getting used to hunting and fishing, but I also started to recognize plants and herbs more quickly, which is quite useful.
Sadly I had to cut my hair though. A big part of it got stuck in some branches when I was setting traps. It was so knotted that it was faster and easier just to take my knife and cut it all off. It’s a big difference, but I do not dislike it. Perhaps I’ll keep my hair this way.

I hope that you all are well and that you are playing nice.

Jack Edward MacGaven
The Menewshan Vampire

Posted 02-26-2010 at 02:13 PM by Jack MacGaven Comments 5
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Hello dear friends!

The first week of my journey was rather calm. I expect more trouble from now on, because right now I have no living soul to help me if I'm in trouble.

I've been in the forest for a few days now, And instead of taking the easy route, I decided to go off road.
I really got the hang of it again. It's been so long since I've been on my own without anyone around to talk to. I believe my last expedition was 400 years ago.
I must admit, I feel lonelier than ever at the moment.

Other than that I've been well for the past week. The weather wasn't too dreadful, only a bit of rain. Which caught me off guard.
I had forgotten how slippery the forest grounds can be after a good day of rain...
Let's just say that my clothes aren't their original colour anymore and a bit muddy brown greyish.

I bet you guys want to know what happened...So, I'll just put my shame aside.
It was already starting to get dark, while I was still trying to catch me some food. The hare in question lead me to some bushes, thinking to be smart I leaped after it, causing me to slide down a slope, face first...
I was glad that there were a few bushes that broke my fall...
However, there is a sunny side to it as well. I foud a rather interesting coin, that piqued my interest and curiousity. [IMGright]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x63/emo-ticon/coin.png[/IMGright]

I think that this is it for my adventure for now. I hope you all are well. And that there isn't much trouble.

Jack Edward MacGaven
The Menewshan Vampire[/FONT]

Posted 02-19-2010 at 09:24 AM by Jack MacGaven Comments 1
Recent Comments
Ooh, that sounds a bit creepy.
Posted 03-21-2010 at 07:41 PM by Tipping Top Hats Tipping Top Hats is offline
[color=#5F497A] [font=calibri] Don't let your guard down Jack. =3 [/font] [/color]
Posted 03-14-2010 at 09:45 PM by Jeanie Jeanie is offline
[COLOR="Purple"]make sure you check all bushes around you[/COLOR]
Posted 03-14-2010 at 12:05 AM by Naoto-chan22 Naoto-chan22 is offline
[color="#BC003F"][size="3"][font="Maiandra GD"][I]*Giggles* [/I]
Ah silly Jack, you of all people should know... If it feels like someone is following you, someone probably is following you. To downplay it will be your downfall...[/font][/size][/color]
Posted 03-05-2010 at 07:41 PM by Kasene Teto Kasene Teto is offline
*is a vegetarian* >.> Im glad you found the coin though ^-^
Posted 02-28-2010 at 11:08 AM by diamondt diamondt is offline