Slide's Profile

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 316
  1. Lady Angel Konan
    12-13-2010 04:09 AM
    Lady Angel Konan
    i know im just waiting for other people to post
  2. Lady Angel Konan
    12-12-2010 05:17 PM
    Lady Angel Konan
    i just join deadangels lol
  3. Lady Angel Konan
    12-12-2010 04:11 PM
    Lady Angel Konan
    not much lol just checking up on everything trying to get back in to RPs
  4. Mehrana
    12-06-2010 06:39 PM
    By the way... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 8D
  5. Mehrana
    12-06-2010 05:44 PM
    2: (because I feel that one's more urgent)

    ...Opps. I totally knew that. xD Happy REALLY belated Canadian Turkey Slaughter Daaaay!
    I know. xD And Simba's voice strangely fits Orochimaru. o_0

    OH I love his Japanese voice. 8D And all I can hear is Naruto when I listen to that (I've been watching the Japanese version with Naruto's awesome voice, so that's how I picture him in my head now)

    DARN YOU. >( I don't even have an XBox, you lucky bugger! TT.TT

    Your nickname is "Kumquat"? xD

    Lol, I know. xD

    Naruto: ...o_o *pokes where sneeze came from really hard*

    Speaking of which, mine has cleared up drastically. 8D Hydrocortizone, I LUV CHOO.

    And I heard she was on drugs, but Iunno.

    Oh, so you changed his hair color and stuff? Cool. owo What's it look like now?
    ...Lawl. xD I don't suppose you're a yaoi fan (And you probably know where I'm going with this question)?

    Ahh, that makes sense. owo Although your trio is starting to sound a little bit like Team seven, if a little tweaked and lacking an angsty teenager. o 3o But still, pretty awesome.

    Lazy is fine; so am I. xD

    CHAH. >3

    Lol- I've just started to pick back up on most of my RPs- 'cept a few, namely the ones with the partners who, instead of asking me nicely to post, go "WAH GO POST ON THE RP", which bugs me to no end. >( But, I digress. Try taking a break from RPing for now, if you're having Writers Block problems or are feeling a little too lazy to post. ^^ Try fanfiction or drabbles or something; that's what I do and it seems to work, most of the time.
  6. Mehrana
    11-26-2010 04:15 PM
    PS: Happy belated Turkey Slaughter Day!
    YouTube - Naruto - can you feel the love tonight
    I think I just died a little. xD
  7. Mehrana
    11-26-2010 03:59 PM
    It's a game, though... xD

    Lawl, I can't help but think "BLEACH" every time I hear the name Ichigo. xD
    Oooh, I hear that's really good. :drool:

    Oh dear, I may have to watch that now. xD That's hillarious! "OJAPEE!" "O-ojape?"

    Naruto: I hope they don't come back... :gonk:

    Konohamaru: *knocks*

    Naruto: I'll get it... *answers door* Umn... Hello?

    Yeah, I know. xD


    And then I end up tearing my eczema open, and it hurts, and then I can't lotion it because it's like pouring alcohol on a burn, and it SUCKS. D8

    Indeed she is! owo But did you hear what happened? She's in rehab now. D8

    Yeah, I guess so!

    Yeah, that makes sense, I think. xD Wants to, but isn't quite as crazy?
    Oh, thank heavens. xD 'Cause I like Hiro nice and pretty. ;D ...But why does that make him less of an option for Tsumi...?
    If by "cooking" you mean "Easy-Bake Oven", I will die laughing right here. xD Butyeah- pretty interesting. owo

    Aren't the teams always 2 boys, one girl anyhow? o_0 Like, when they get out of the Academy? Or did these three join up later on?
    Not to offend, but that still sounds like Sakura and Ino- at least they're not both fighting over Naruto. xD
    So Hiro's your new main OC? Awesomesauce! 8D You know how I love my Hiro.

    Pigtail braids? Interesting... But I liked her old hairstyle! 8(

    YES YOU DO. Although, so do I, so. xD
  8. Mehrana
    11-19-2010 05:00 PM
    Oh, dear Jashin we talk a lot. xD
  9. Mehrana
    11-19-2010 04:59 PM
    Yeah... Learning the fandom takes a lot of work. xD The story doesn't make any sense; it's full o plotholes and will be until they put KH3 out. D8 And it won't be out till, like, 2015. D8

    Naruto: D8 I'd appreciate a little help! *steps on cockroach*

    Konohamaru: Alright!

    Moegi: *climbs on Udon while Konohamaru climbs on her*

    Konohamaru: *throws on jacket and diguise-glasses* Let's go!


    No one wants another "Beleive it!", so that sounds good. xD

    It's not too bad; it just itches. >.<

    I'm not a huge Demi Lovato person, but I do love "Don't Forget".

    Oh, I like those. :drool: Is it me, or is it all the songs that aren't big are the best?

    Catch me, definetely. 8D Sounds like Tsumi. ^^

    But Tsumi should have options! Nobody wants another Sakura, if you don't mind me saying so. But does this mean Hiro's unnatractive now? D8 *is sad*
    How old is Hitoshi?
    Natsu? I'm confuzzled. D8
  10. Mehrana
    11-14-2010 09:52 PM
    Third name change! xD
    Does this mean you get to be a Kingdom hearts fan now? xD

    Naruto: *looks down* AGH! Those are new! Those are definetley new! Umn, ahh- what to do, what to do-!

    Konohamaru: I like that idea! But... aren't we a little short?

    Moegi: I can sit on Udon's shoulders, and you can sit on mine. (Lawl, poor Udon. xD)


    Oh, that's awesome. xD The closest thing I have to a catchphrase is "Awesomesauce/Made of Awesome". D8 JEALOUS.

    Little kind of raised bumps, and they're red and they itch really bad. D8 AND THEY REFUSE TO AY-WAAAAYYYY. ANd the hydrocortozone isn't working as well as I'd like it to. TT^TT

About Me

  • About Slide
    Hi! My name is Kinkan-sama or you may know me as my codename 'Slide". As you may NOt know, I'm an artist in a world known as "Artist Paradise". A place were my fellow artists work on their drawings. We all created this place. Every little thing was made and drawn by us, so if you DARE erase anything, we will erase YOu from our world. :) in each house, they own little puppets known as OC's, just a light whack on the head makes then come to life to join our RPs that we send them to. Its just another day in the life of a ARtist ~ <3
    Imagination/CandyLand :D ((Canada))
    DRAWINGGGGGGGGGGG, Reading Manga, Watching Anime, Roleplaying, (Ya know, average Otaku stuff = 3=;) LOOL, watching Chowder.
    Student :3
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  • Last Activity: 10-23-2012 01:59 AM
  • Join Date: 10-17-2009


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