Divine Seduction's Profile

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Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 1020
  1. dragonjake
    09-26-2013 05:15 AM
    I have missed you too! D: And nothing much, just this and that. :3

    How have you been!?
  2. dragonjake
    09-24-2013 06:01 PM
    Heya. O:
  3. Gothika_Knight
    08-05-2013 05:55 AM
    *salutes* Yesh ma'am XDDD *runs to post*
  4. Gothika_Knight
    08-05-2013 01:57 AM
    Are you sure?
  5. Gothika_Knight
    08-05-2013 01:03 AM
    Aww I'm sorry.
  6. Gothika_Knight
    08-05-2013 12:26 AM
    I know that feeling ^^ and congratz on the BF part -Steal ALL the food - and once a week is good enough for me ^^ at least its better then none. Right?
  7. Arc Angel
    08-02-2013 05:33 AM
    Arc Angel
    Boo! I disappeared earlier v.v sorry about that. I'm back-ish...
  8. Gothika_Knight
    06-29-2013 06:13 PM
    I'm good, I'm out of school so that is good and I was going to ask you about that. I was wondering it you wanted to start it back us since we didn't get far. The only since wasn't able to post that must was because of blocking.
  9. Gothika_Knight
    06-29-2013 02:26 AM
    XD how ish you?
  10. Gothika_Knight
    06-27-2013 10:06 PM
    hi buddy ^^

About Me

  • About Divine Seduction
    I'm just a down to earth girl, with a lot of opinions. I'm random, crazy, calm, funny, weird and just out there. Can't think of what else to say....... but what else is there?

    Oh yeah, currently an engaged graduating Sr to my senpai and will be marrying at 18. Also, I happen to be a previous Jr. Olympian for track...

    I'm always looking for an RP please if you think you can match me, come see me! XD
    Exploring the edges of my mind
    Reading, writing, games, Track, Volley Ball, Soccer, street fighting,
    Assassin, Spy, Writer, Wife
  • Signature
    YAY! Life as I know it has returned! Which is to say that crazy is on the rampant again and that I plan to live my life the way I want! VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!!! XD


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Blog - A Dark and Twisted View of An Innocent
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  • Last Activity: 09-13-2015 07:17 PM
  • Join Date: 05-27-2009


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Posted 11-11-2013 at 06:24 AM by Divine Seduction Comments 0
Posted in Other things
I have decided to list and give my OOC's basic profiles to use and tweak later on. It's easier than just giving them some made up things every time. The first

Name:[FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="Teal"]Anarith[/COLOR][/FONT]
Age:[FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="Teal"]17[/COLOR][/FONT]
Height:[FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="Teal"]5'3[/COLOR][/FONT]
Weight:[FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="Teal"]110lbs[/COLOR][/FONT]
Eye Color:[FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="Teal"]Dark Brown[/COLOR][/FONT]
Hair Color:[FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="Teal"]Light Brown[/COLOR][/FONT]
Skin Color:[FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="Teal"]Caramel[/COLOR][/FONT]
Preference:[FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="Teal"]Males[/COLOR][/FONT]
Likes:[FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="Teal"]Teddy bears, cute things, animals, the sky, nice people, books, dancing, music, gaming, writing, kids, nice things, clothes[/COLOR][/FONT]
Dislikes:[FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="Teal"]mean people, bugs, studying, school, mother, bullies[/COLOR][/FONT]

Personality: [FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="Teal"]Anarith tends to be very ditzy and naive, she believes most anything that her friend tell her. She likes to be alone sometimes, but in most cases is found with her group of friends from school. Her dislike of her mother stems from years of neglect and tends to affect her interactions with people when confronted about it. She stays quiet for the most part but likes to speak when something truly interests her. She's crazy about fairytale love and will stop at nothing to get hers.[/COLOR][/FONT]

Bio:[FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="Teal"]Having grown up in an unstable family Anarith views of the world can be a bit skewed. She watched her family fall apart before her very eyes. Living with her grandmother, sister, mother, nephew and niece afforded her no privacy, and sometimes as a teen will, she wished they would all just go away. But she got her wish all too soon, her sweet kindly grandmother who instructed her on how to be a lady from a young age died of a stroke when she was 14. Her sister and mother soon began to fight about small things in the house which normally escalated to violence. As she watched the kids, things around her went unnoticed. Then one day, her sister says she's moving out, packs up her things and moves out to live with her husband. Now left alone in the house with a mother who only loves her when she does something she can brag about, the girl is becoming slowly twisted and sometimes just a bit crazy it seems. Her 'out there' personality as her friends would put it has become more pronounced and independent.[/COLOR][/FONT]

Eye Color:[FONT="papyrus"][COLOR="purple"]Dark Brown[/COLOR][/FONT]
Hair Color:[FONT="papyrus"][COLOR="purple"]Dark Brown[/COLOR][/FONT]
Skin Color:[FONT="papyrus"][COLOR="purple"]Caramel[/COLOR][/FONT]
Preference:[FONT="papyrus"][COLOR="Purple"]Males, curious about females[/COLOR][/FONT]
Likes:[FONT="papyrus"][COLOR="Purple"]sweets, purple and black things, jewelry, shoes, clothes, guys, friends, strength, love[/COLOR][/FONT]
Dislikes:[FONT="papyrus"][COLOR="Purple"]idiots, arrogance, dirty things, nasty people, conformism[/COLOR][/FONT]
Personality:[FONT="papyrus"][COLOR="Purple"]A big man hunter, she loves to get guys and let them know she's using them. She doesn't stay with one person and is very open with people. She needs the honesty that she gives, but can never find it. Making it her mission to never be seen with the same guy, nor a guy who only wants her looks, she stays low key. Commonly found in a quiet internet hub for some alone time.[/COLOR][/FONT]
Bio:[FONT="papyrus"][COLOR="Purple"]Divine was always the misfit of her small family. Her older brother Judgment went through a hell of a time trying to keep her antics from their parents. She was raised in a morally correct Christian home, they didn't believe in harsh punishment and most times would overlook her misdeeds. They loved their daughter but could not understand her and instead sent her to a therapist (16 at the time), this did not end well. There were events that traumatized her and made her withdraw from her family, making them worry even more. Knowing that they cared about her did not stop her from moving out, her parents were not happy but accepted her decision and gave her their blessing. They often come to visit her at her place of residence to check up on her. Since growing up she has become a very calculating woman, and people like that about her. She's only looking for the right one[/COLOR][/FONT]

Name:[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Red"]Iyzebel[/COLOR][/FONT]
Age: [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Red"]19[/COLOR][/FONT]
Height: [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Red"]5'4[/COLOR][/FONT]
Weight: [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Red"]115lbs[/COLOR][/FONT]
Eye Color:[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Red"]Dark Brown[/COLOR][/FONT]
Hair Color:[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Red"]Red[/COLOR][/FONT]
Skin Color:[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Red"]Caramel[/COLOR][/FONT]
Preference:[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Red"]Males[/COLOR][/FONT]
Likes:[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Red"]Rock, hard core, pretty stones, hair colors, weird people, dogs, her twin, cute but scary things, dark colors, poetry, Foamy, making people cry, sitting in the dark, being out at night, techno music, weird things, studying things that interest her[/COLOR][/FONT]
Dislikes:[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][color=red]anything stupid, idiots, cruelty, high school, obeying blindly, conformism, preppy people, jocks, arrogant people, fake people, most people, the world, the ideas of the human race, religion, bullies[/FONT][/color]
Personality:[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Red"]Not afraid to speak her mind and let things be known, Iyz isn’t quite one to take crap from anyone. She is an identical twin, Jezebel is her younger sister. These two are quite inseparable and besides her boyfriend and friends, that’s the only person she shows affection to. She’s cold and very hard to figure out; things that go through her mind at an alarming rate cannot even be understood by her herself most of the time. She’s a pretty good person but a bit withdrawn and shy unlike her sister. A bit shy until you get to know her, then she blossoms into a beautiful flower before your very eyes. She tends to only be around her twin sister Jezebel but has a few close friends of her own. She tends to get lost easy in conversations and happens to like being stealthy enough for people not to notice her.[/COLOR][/FONT]
Bio:[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Red"]Having grown up with her younger more outgoing sister who looked exactly like her, it was really hard to see how her parents mixed them up until she decided to change. She dyed her hair flaming red to avoid looking exactly like her sister for the rest of her life. She loved her sister dearly but could not stand people confusing them. She also could not stand the fact that because she was not her sister, others merely found her extra baggage. Jezebel has always tried to bring her sister into her circle of friends and brooks no argument or bad mouthing of her. They are extremely close and still love each other very much. Iyzebel would not dream of ever hurting her sister knowingly, and always tends to be by herself rather than around others.[/COLOR][/FONT]

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Skin Color:
Preference: Females

Name:[FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="Navy"]Lilianith[/COLOR][/FONT]
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Skin Color:
Preference: Both

Posted 09-27-2012 at 12:52 AM by Divine Seduction Comments 0
Posted in Other things
[COLOR="DarkRed"][font=black rose]Well it's funny... I'm 17 right now, in exactly 17 days I shall be 18. For the last 3 1/2 years spent in high scool, life felt like [B]HELL[/B]! Now, I know most if not all of high school students feel like that, and that others have felt like that.

Well it was a very trying experience, from fist fights, to back stabbing, to crime, and more...

And from all that, I finally came out stronger... I am a young woman who researches Wiccanism, so that I may put it into practice. Have you ever been teased for being a Witch, for worshiping the Devil? You can say whatever you want to these people but they have a mob mentality.

Coming from a mainly African-America and Spanish school... you see a lot of good looking people, there was maybe about 10 Caucasian kids in the whole school the whole time I was there... 3 Asians, and like 10 Africans... But really it was one of the most ghetto places you'd ever go to school.

A couple years back, before they changed the laws, you could go into the Freshman Only building safely, without repercussion; you get arrested for getting caught in there without a pass or without a class in that building.

Something else, like every other school Jocks and Cheerleaders on top, DJs, Fashionistas/Dancers, Athletes, Outcasts...

I was both Athlete and Outcast. This was alright, but you know Jocks and Cheerleaders, always gotta be up in someone's Kool-Aid. But I managed to stay out of many confrontations. This last years, God I couldn't wait to be out of there... The things that had happened, most of the bad some good, I was happy to be released into the real world.

Then gosh darn it, I fell into procrastination heavy as heck! It was hard, to deal with everything coming at me. Having more responsibility than usual, actually having fun! See my mother depraved me of slumber parties and just plain hanging with my friends. High school girls take that for granted, the ability to spend time with their friends and have fun...

So then I got into, 'some things' since Mene is PG-13 I don't wanna elaborate but you could probably guess it. I've been living in a haze since June 25, 2012... I can't even remember my life I partied so hard. But there was a deep rooted pain there. Issues left over from childhood, so many scars never fully healed, lies and hopes.

It was all becoming too much, but then I had an epiphany! I can make my life whatever I want, if I'm in so much pain I have to change what does that to me. People aren't going to disrespect me and I just lay down and take it. I am a woman now, I know what the world is about, I let go of the pain and embraced life.

I'm happy, I'm healthy and I'm living life, now my focus is on my Massage Therapy career to be and my fashion sketches, I won't let anyone deter me from what I want, the man I love will help me through it all and I'm truly thankful that I have him. Life is worth living, all that darkness and death is for those who don't have what us Fortunate have.

We are the Fortunate to have resources and people at our sides, but not those of the Darkness, I hope that one day they shall find the light.

Thank you for reading! <3[/font][/COLOR]

Posted 02-02-2011 at 11:04 PM by Divine Seduction Comments 0
Posted in Other things
[size="5"][COLOR="darkorchid"][font="papyrus"]To any and to all who had a pritave rp going on with meh I'm sorry, to mah friends too... With no Internet in the house and a phone with absolutely no real capabilities needed to post on Mene, I have taken to coming back every once in a while to check up on things....

By all means if you started an RP with meh please, send meh a visitor message letting meh know you'd like to continue...

My deepest and most sincere apologies...


Posted 09-02-2010 at 12:38 AM by Divine Seduction Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Purple"][FONT="Vivaldi"]God summer break is ending and my school break is just beginning! ARGH!!! Only about a week til school starts and then I'll only be on maybe twice everyday if I can... T-T God this sucks...

So my boyfriend is leaving me till about the 9th of this month, and mind you this sucks because he'll be gone while I deal with fools here at home and sulkily await his return.

I'm finally a a Junior in High School this rocks! But also sucks since this is my last year here officially and next year I move to North Carolina, not that I have a problem with the state, I'm leaving my best friend of 14 yrs, so that's what really sucks, not to mention my siblings and my beloved boyfriend...

I actually want to go back to school and start drivers ed and stuff, finally turn 16 so I can officially work... Jerseys Child Labor laws suck too!!! Well that's all for now... So goodbye my friends see you during December, or maybe the weekends when I have home work, and no Track Meets.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]

Posted 07-14-2010 at 04:34 AM by Divine Seduction Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
[COLOR="Purple"][font=Viner Hand ITC]:rawrmayor: :shock: :o :sarcasm: :angry: :-x :cry: :talk2hand: :no: :stare: :illgetu: :? :gonk: :drool:

I just had some T.V bull happen to me... My girlfriend is a guy... It was weird after dating for about 6 months I find out she is indeed a he, always has been and was just stupid for not noticing. I mean first relationship with a girl so I want to take it slow, and easy. She'd said she didn't mind, and now I know why... I knew my life was weird, but this is some bull.

Not that I mind her being a him at all, I still love him, but I mean. Really I'm not that scary of a person and I'm very nice. I don't turn you away over something that small. I just wish he had've told me the truth from the beginning. I now have to juggle this and that again in an attempt to figure "him" out.

*sighs* My head hurts... :cry:[/font][/COLOR]