Glammy's Profile

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Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 55
  1. Lumi
    10-12-2008 04:18 AM
    Haha...emphasis on 'it's working' .. >__> Well, I just wanted to comment because I have the same name there and I remember you fed my dragons in my Level Up thread. ^^ And thought you were nice so thank you. :]
  2. Lumi
    10-12-2008 02:16 AM
    Hi~ pretty profile! ^^

    Hmm I was wondering... do you hang out in the Valenth forums? And if so, is your name Glammy there too? ^^
  3. Lilithia
    09-14-2008 11:53 AM
    Glammy!! What have I missed?
  4. St Branny
    09-02-2008 05:25 PM
    St Branny
    Oh...Thats too bad..
    Well I never paid you so I suppose its fine. ^^;
  5. shosho
    09-02-2008 02:23 PM
    h'o mai yes! i got ur lovin~ BURN BEBE BURN!
  6. shosho
    08-31-2008 10:47 AM
    lolz. ilu, glamz-baybe <3
  7. St Branny
    08-08-2008 05:51 AM
    St Branny
    Guess I'll never get that art...
  8. Insane Cricket
    07-16-2008 08:36 AM
    Insane Cricket
    I like your profile background and your color scheme. Very nice.
  9. shosho
    06-13-2008 05:47 PM
    glammy~ <333 hope you're doing well~ if you're able, whenever you're not busy, i got a birthday event thing lolol finally up and running since a week ago XD; anyway~ just drop by sometimes, ya? [i actually have been busy this past week, so wasn't too sure if you did or not D;] it's over here <333 and have fun!
  10. Donna
    05-22-2008 04:30 AM
    Aww thanks.
    Yours is twice as awesome! ^0^ <3

About Me

  • About Glammy
    Generally, I'm a boring, self involved child.
    NSW. AUST.
    character design, day dreams and occational rofls
    Student/ Scanner (no, seriosuly)
  • Signature



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  • Last Activity: 02-23-2011 06:26 AM
  • Join Date: 04-01-2007


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Posted 11-17-2008 at 01:03 AM by Glammy Comments 0
Posted in Art, Menewsha
[FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="2"]Just posting this here so people know I haven't forgotten them:[/size][COLOR="DimGray"][size=5]
TO DO LIST OF COMMISSIONY THINGS:[/B][/size][/COLOR][LIST][*] Swannie - Auction winnings: Waist up + Chibi[*]Event HeadShots (they be freebies now, no payment required)[*] ///[*] ///[/LIST][size=2]
& I have a [URL=""]twitter[/URL]. It's good for the lols.[/SIZE][/FONT]

Posted 09-22-2008 at 06:16 AM by Glammy Comments 0
Posted in Life, School
I have some kind of fluff in my eyeball and I can't get it out. This is proving to be VERY annoying, yo.

(3 hours later)
I've finally gotten said fluff out of my eyeball. It may have taken a military-like operation, but it is removed and I can see properly now.

Anyway, not that that's cleared up, I've just had a pretty spiffy weekend. ([URL=""]more details+photos[/URL])
Was in a music festival of sorts. Met lots of people (including a guy, from whom I forgot to get a number). and didn't win anything (again) in the art show/competition they run.

++++ I've got four days left of school EVA (except university). [/SIZE]


Posted 09-15-2008 at 06:41 AM by Glammy Comments 0
Posted in Life, School, Menewsha


It has prizes and awesome. It's like, +100K prizes I think. I dunno. I don't look at market value often. I think I might need to.


As it appears I'm back sooner then I planned. I blame the obscene idocy of my school and my distinct lack of teachers (which I just spoke to one who was all "shouldn't you be at school now" and I'm all "I study better at home, and all my teachers are away" and she's all "hmmm").

I feel like crap actually. So it actually is a reasonable excuse.
I plan to go all day tomorrow.
or at least for first session >__>;
I haven't spent a whole day at school for three months.
I really suck at this.

I need to finish my portfolio and university applications.



Oh my flying gold fish.
can my local post office not deliver a package without fucking it up?

Today, I was home and near the front door. I don't they didn't even knock. They just left the packing pick up note in my mail box.
I walk over over to the post office and "OH sorry, the guys haven't come back from their mail run..."


"Oh, sorry, they're not back yet. Check tomrrow maybe?"



... I also just burnt my caramel slice...[/CENTER]


Posted 08-03-2008 at 01:07 AM by Glammy Comments 2
Posted in Uncategorized
[CENTER][SIZE="1"]First of all...

I'm so sorry.
Particularly if you've already payed.
I'm a >insert your own adjective here< witch.


[B]If I owe you art, it's probably not going to be done. [/B]
Unplanned events in life + the oncoming planned events just mean if it's not school related, it wont happen.


[B]If I owe you golds from art that hasn't been done, reply here, and I'll refund[/B].
I know you may have sent me PM's or whatever.
I don't have much time at the moment, so I'm not checking them. (yeah I know, "I'm a <instert and adjective here<")



[B]I wont be back on (other then to refund) until the end of October.[/B]

Posted 06-14-2008 at 04:19 AM by Glammy Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
you know those days when you get so amazingly angry you just can't do anything.

that's me now.

Let's find out why....

[LIST][*]my 150g hard drive is dead. I had recently spent four hours organising, scanning and transporting art stuff over to it in order to put together a book/collection on my work. I know have to do this all over again.[*]i have to make four corsets for no reason other then my dumb design and technology teacher wants me to. To make it worse, I have to make three in a way I know wont work, just to prove that it wont work. $50 and at least ten hours down the drain[*]I lost the first three pages of my graphic novel 'Bone' to my harddrive. 6+ hours work[*]I have a headache[/LIST]
I know they're trivial things to be angry about, but seriously, I'm pressed for time.
I need to get my major works done by the end of next month, and everything keeps breaking on me.[/color][/size]
Recent Comments
I think you ordered two chibi's or something.
I'll send you some gold over in a sec.
Posted 08-03-2008 at 10:47 PM by Glammy Glammy is offline
that's too bad but I understand! I don't mind not getting refund back since I don't remember how much I paid you (it's probably not much anyway) :'3

wish you luck with everything!
Posted 08-03-2008 at 01:07 PM by mai mai is offline
[COLOR=darkorchid]Yuck Spiders. * shivers *[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorchid]Ooo I really like your art.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorchid]It really holds my attention. :3[/COLOR]
Posted 07-29-2008 at 01:10 PM by SilentBeauty SilentBeauty is offline
nice, i agree to thAT THEY SHOULD GET NOSES
Posted 07-03-2008 at 03:54 PM by spoonful of jelly spoonful of jelly is offline
That art's awesome! Perhaps even a little [i]too[/i] awesome... xD

Posted 05-21-2008 at 03:28 PM by CrepsleyKabob CrepsleyKabob is offline