RkdancechickI7I's Profile

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 85
  1. Melody
    02-08-2009 12:33 PM
  2. Melody
    02-07-2009 08:27 PM
    Jade (:
  3. Trinitydoll♥
    02-06-2009 08:00 PM
  4. _~Link~_
    02-03-2009 09:59 PM
    I was wondering if you still wanted a present set, so I'm leaving a comment and I'll wait for a reply I guess. o-o;
  5. Peanut
    01-31-2009 07:56 PM
    -cuts way out with sword-
  6. Peanut
    01-31-2009 07:51 PM
    I AM. >:B
  7. Peanut
    01-31-2009 04:15 PM
  8. Peanut
    01-31-2009 03:48 PM
  9. Peanut
    01-31-2009 03:45 PM
    -doesn't crack-
  10. Peanut
    01-31-2009 03:32 PM
    I'm tired.


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  • Join Date: 01-16-2009


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 28


Latest Blog Entry

Posted 01-23-2009 at 10:12 PM by RkdancechickI7I Comments 0
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Holy Crap. I swear to god, this whole blogging thing is crap. My life is too epic for words now. Let me tell you some stuff about my cruise: I met my new BFF whose name is Jen, we texted each-other from my sister’s phone and her phone (made my parents pay like…100 dollars! xD) and everybody in the teen club were bitches. I was seasick on the first 3 days (23rd, 24th, + 25th of December) and they completely ignored me. Dude, why does everyone have to be so…UGH! And there was this guy named Simon there. He was 14, and cute. But, he was mentally…ill…XD And..He would like pick me up and like…UGH! AND…My first room, 2508, smelled like smoke and shit, so I moved into room 2539! AND…There was this 20 year-old guy who was my room steward(cleaned my room?, Ye!), and he would call my room and then hang up, and like…Knock on the door and run away! And then he stalked me and when I was giving my number and e-mail to Jen, he memorized it! And he called a while ago at like…1am, and was all like…Hey babe. And I was like; WTF! I repeat…UGH! DX The food was good and such though! cc: Some school shit, I have out with Jessica and Kelly now, and we’re doing a Science Fair project with Erin, Jessica, and Johanna. AND….I’m getting pretty good grades and I still love my teacher…Obama; FTW! And ye…RITALIN SHIT TIME NOW! Ye: Ritalin is the shit meds they give the crazies in the nuthouse that can’t control their emotions! AND GUESS WHAT? (chicken butt? Ye/no!) I get to get some psychiatrist who can’t speak shit of English do tests on me and give me a ton of medications. D<>////<>

• Ritalin User
• Cat-obsessed Person
• Has a 20-year-old Stalker
• Has a new BFF who can’t stop talking about Titanic
• Obsessed with Titanic
• Still Boobles(didn’t get my Christmas gift? Ye. )
• 4ft 10in now! YIPPE! 2 INCHES! >///<
• Menewsha and Caecus lovers
• Goody-Two-Shoo-Gets-All-As-Smart-Ass student in school

And yet I still have an uninterestingly boring life? It should be…Erm…TheLifeOfALoserWithNoLife! Yah, really. Oh; and has a 20-year-old stalker? Erm…Yah. >////<

EDIT: Forgot to talk about my newest accessories and activities! I’M LEARNING HOW TO CODE! 8D And…The book fair is this week and I’m taking $100 cash! 8D And…I got these folders that have kitties on them and such and because the dog is sleeping and the cat is on top of the dog, everybody says they’re ‘PlayKitties’ as in…Ye…PlayKitty. >///<>

EDIT2: Oh, Ye, I dun have internet during the week anymore, so expect 4 and a half day’s worth of rants and crap. Also, Science fair is this weekend! We’re doing blood and blood types and such! Expect more on that soon!

EDIT3: For those who care/were wondering: I’m going to try blogging again, but if you don’t hear from me from a long time; It’s cause I’m uberly pissed or I don’t have internet or I don’t have the time, or I have too much hw or…BLOGS ARE STUPID AND YE! D<>

Reanna/jade. <3

Posted 01-23-2009 at 10:11 PM by RkdancechickI7I Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Hello there world of the interwebz! x3 It is currently 4:16am and I am ready to leave for my cruse at 4:30, And I just wanted to say: SEE YOU ON JANUARY 6TH! :P And Merry Christmas to all of you! <33

Posted 01-23-2009 at 10:11 PM by RkdancechickI7I Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
I just took my little kitten, Kiwie, to the PetSmart Kitten & Dog Hotel...I feel like a bitch: 1) She's terrified of people and other 'things'. 2) I'm leaving her there for a week which is like a month in cat days, and when you're sitting in the corner shaking waiting for somebody to come and get you, it goes by like 2months. 3) I told her that if she died, I'd kill myself because she is my only real friend that isn't like...blood related, and I'm not sure if she'll make it. I don't care about the cruise anymore. I want my cat back. I want my life back. Fuck it all.

Posted 01-23-2009 at 10:11 PM by RkdancechickI7I Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Hey there guys! :] I'm coming to you a day late, meaning I'm talking to you about the 19th, even though it's the 20th, heheh. That day was uberly hectic. Dx Kay, so we went to school, yes? We had our little ornament exchange thing, and yah. Then after that, on the way to church, this guy named Nick was talking to another guy named Dakotra(Parent's are dead b/c they were drug addicts. IDK how he stays hapy. I'd be like, histarical every day.), and then Nick was all like, "CHECK YOUR PHONE, DAKOTA, CHECK IT!!!" and then Dakota was like, "No! D<", because phones aren't allowed there. And Nick was acting all pouty and shit, and when Dakota was looking the other way, he stole his phone and started playing with it. And then when he saw a teacher, he just shoved it back to Dakota and got BUSTED!!! And then the lady teacher looked at the phone, and it said, "3 new messages from C.J Romano" (another guy in our class), but it didn't say the time...but it was before school...But the teacher didn't know that, and it got the two of them in trouble, even though it was all Nick's fault. And he started laughing. I was like. WTFXORS, NICK! IT'S NOT FUNNY! YOU'RE LUCKY YOU EVEN HAVE FRIENDS BECAUSE NOBODY IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD BE YOUR FRIEND! * rolls eyes and walks away * and yes, I did do that. >,> AND THEN...After church, we had this whole brunch thing and there was tons of food! And my mom brought in the waffles and everything waffle-ish. And the the lady who cordinated it all was like, "And a huge thanks to Mrs. Bonnie(MY MOM), who put together the waffle table! <3">,> Anyway, the rest of the day was normal. My dad coming home, beating me, telling me he hates me, and pulling the itenert cable, and making me go back up there to plug it back in and having him beat me more and hearing him tell me how he wants me in an orphanage...And it's like, and you wonder why I don't love you? But it wasn't my fault he was drunk and didn't get more than 1 hour of sleep because of work...

Other Entry:

Nothing new though anyway. Except for the fact that I spent 12 hours here: [url]http://www.caecus.uni.cc/forum/index.php[/url] and I reached 500 posts even though I just joined last night. Clearly, I have no life. Anyway, I lost track of time. It's 11:01 now, lost track of time! Night all! 1 more day until my cruise(in 1 hour, anyway). <33 EDIT FROM THE NExT DAY: Joy, My cat is all moppie now because she knows that she's getting taken to the pet hotel place where she's put in a small cage thing today. Dx

Posted 01-23-2009 at 10:10 PM by RkdancechickI7I Comments 0
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HeyHey there guys! ;DD It's December 18th!! School is almost out, and it's almost the 22nd! What's so special about the 22nd? Ox Well I'll tell you!!! --- It's my cruise!!! So liek, on the 22nd, we gotta get up at 3am to catch a flight at 5am to get to san-diego, and then we're flying to Hawaii and then we're 'cruising' around all of the islands on a boat! Let me tell you how fancy the dinning room is: It's so fancy, that you can't have your hair in any sort of 'up fashion'. No T-shirts, jeans, tennies, or flip-flops. I was liek....lolwut? XD ANYWAY, I won't be on from the 22nd to the 6th because that's well, when the cruise is. XD ANYWAY. So about my day! So my school has all these great hot lunch programs where they cook them all themselves. And I was like, hmm...What's today's, mom? And she's like, I dunno, look online! So then I turn on my computer, and go on the school website which is uberly secretly secret, and here are the hot-lunch schedule months: October, November, January. I was like...Uhhh...December? x_____x;; And then the website was like: WAZZ DECEMMBEERRR? LAWLWUT? I'm like: x_________x I had to wait 5minutes for my computer to start up, and it isn't even here!!!!11 WTFXORS. D< BUT ANywAY, school was good. We have a science fair project due on the 25th of January, and yahhh. ;DD SO LIEK...IDK...School was great, they have the christmas play tomorrow. ^^ ANYWAY 3more days 'till 3am!! Dx
